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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 66

by Theodore Daniels

  Leaning over the Star Card Captain Anderson sensed voltage officers and specialists gathered at CIC. Looking up, he saw in the CIC includes engineer Adams, Olivia and almost indistinguishable from her second kiborgessa.

  According posts CIC swept whisper:

  - It's Olivia's daughter ... What a beauty!

  - Commander, sir. - Olivia stopped a few steps from the pedestal. - Let me introduce you to my daughter - Alix.

  The second gave the commander of the frigate kiborgessa cruiser ceremonious bow. Anderson bowed.

  - Alix came here to take part in the battle with the "Cerberus" ships. I prepared it as a warrior, commander! - Explained Olivia.

  - Defender of mankind? - Anderson asked.

  - Yes, sir. - Said second kiborgessa. - You're right. This is the meaning of my name. I was born on the moon, near the cradle of the human race and must protect my parents.

  - Good. - Anderson nodded, exchanging glances with the engineer Adams. - Proceed, Alix.

  - Yes, commander. - Kiborgessa stood next to the commander of the frigate, cruiser on a pedestal at the Star Maps. - I'm taking over the management of automatic and automatic weapons vehicle fleet protection and defense of the Citadel. Weapons with manual mode, I do not obey Me, but ... I can.

  Among experts there was a small CIC confusion. Few of them believed that the young kiborgessa be able to cope with the load and with such a task.

  Meanwhile, Alix including its instrumentrony, settling down in her both hands and all the commanders of the fleet of ships of Defense Citadel heard ringing and confident young woman's voice:

  - Attention! I - Alix, the fourth AI Squad! I take over the management of automatic ship weapons systems Fleets defense of the Citadel!

  The next moment the crews and teams of all ships and vessels surrounding the plant protection cocoon, could see for themselves that their arms get accurate targeting and was promptly extremely accurately and fully adapted to the real conditions of the battle with the advancing fleet "Cerberus".

  Stood motionless at the Star Maps kiborgessa was young, it seemed everywhere. She saw, felt, felt every ship, every transmitter, each stem, each charge. And fleet defense weapon Citadel earned a surprisingly effective and precise mode. Attackers frigates and cruisers "Cerberus" came upon unexpectedly effective coordinated resistance.

  More recently, Alix had seen it all in training, virtual mode, reclining in a special chair in the hall, which she held with her mother. Then she studied intensely for hours, breaking more and more difficulties and complexities formed randomly and mode. And now under its control were the real system of weapons of real warships defense and protection of the fleets of the Citadel and kiborgessa glad that she finally be able to bring not virtual but real, tangible benefit, including those who had saved her from nothingness there , on the moon.

  Alix has not limited crews warships Fleets protection and defense of the Citadel of the right to combat the manual mode. And many intelligent understand this desire Fourth Squad AI correctly. Gradually joined to an automatic fire manually, driven by the efforts and intelligence of organic.

  Efforts Synthet connected with the efforts of organic and servants Reaper - tserberovtsy feel the strength and power of this association to the fullest extent. Where there was not enough capacity and ability of organic - Alix acted, and where she could not function optimally - worked reasonable organics.

  - Captain ... - Gryunt by shooting last haskotserberovtsa-attack aircraft from the group attacked them on the avenue, listened to talks in speaker. - I do not understand. Listen. Channel fifteen. - Croghan sat down, hiding behind a cupboard with flowers and waiting until the next shuttle "Cerberus" shall not come into range assured destruction.

  - Fourth AI ?! Alix ?! Well, Olivia gives! - Shepard gasped with admiration, listened to several reports. - Looks like the Citadel got skilful and powerful defender. A pressure vessels "Cerberus" to the station ... weakens ?! Similarly, weakens! Well done, Alix! Worthy daughter Olivia!

  - Confirm the captain. - Jennifer listened to the discordance ether, tightly clutching the speaker to your ear. - Commanders vehicle fleet defense Citadel officially and actually gave Alix right of full direct control automatic weapons. And now help to destroy the aggressors Alix, concentrating on manual control ships and the remaining weapons that do not have fully automatic and semi-automatic modes.

  - Moving to the Bureau. - Shepard said, reloaded the rifle. - Whatever it was, and Divers-group and landing "Cerberus" is already on the Citadel. And we need to solve the main problem. On the other sort out the army and the police station department. Forward!

  - Attention on the ship. - Ordered Anderson. - Weapons frigate, cruiser - to fight for the full circuit! Attack Frigates! - He turned to the star map display mode only the siting of stations and the surrounding areas. - Embossing All frigates!

  Frigate cruiser swung, going from a position of the outer road, which was once listed him controllers stations. "Taniksy" tower bases already groping their trunks goal howled compressor cooling systems, battery locks skrezhetnuli energy storage chambers.

  - Six "Taniksov" - three goals assured destruction. - Said the expert-vooruzhenets. - To battle!

  - Attack! - Anderson slashed by checking received data on the screens of the Star Maps.

  Three frigates "Cerberus" turned into clumps of bright fire. Remain idle until this point four "Taniksa" frigate, cruiser has already held in the sights the next two frigates. Volley covered both goals from the first time and two more tserberovskih ship ceased to exist.

  While ten "Taniksov" frigate, cruiser recharged, the remaining two "Taniksa" accompanied by one of tserberovskih frigates, trying to get closer to the Citadel. As soon as he took the position, agreed volley covered the ship, turning it into a pile of rubble.

  - Mark, please ensure anti-sabotage and antilanding work at the station. - Olivia in a low voice ordered. - Here, I'll manage. Along with Alix.

  - Yes, ma'am. - Cyborg switched channels. - Shepard, Jenny Gryunt. - Connected - Mark. Send image, and target route. Legion should be to you on the shuttle. It will be in your area in twenty-six minutes.

  - Attention on the ship. - Titov sat in the command chair of the commander in the remote central station. - Exit from the area of the outer road. Attack and destroy the cruiser "Cerberus". Do not give them to plant additional landing modules to the station!

  - Accepted katrerang! - Responded almost simultaneously commanders of combat units razvedkreysera weapons systems. - Target designation Alix accepted for execution! We act!

  - Welcome. - Titov included additional screens and immersed himself in the work. - Ships - free battle mode!

  With Citadel raids - external and internal - one by one standing out there fighting ships of almost all the major races Space Citadel. An example of "Normandy" and "Volga" was quite convincing and ship commanders realized - from them is now too much depends. A lot of things. Gradually activated weapons on these ships, artillery and hands groping purpose navigators indicate the desired location of the point, and the steering and engine specialists have tried to bring back the ships as soon as possible so as to avoid destruction of the majority of threats and damage. Fight with fleets "Cerberus" entered the substantive stage.

  Legion parachuted on the avenue, destroyed accurate shots from a rifle - sniper rifle, he is reserved for more complex goals - three stormtroopers and a centurion "Cerberus", the driver having to pass an order to proceed to the headquarters of the Corps. Not seeing flies shuttle het disappeared among the ruins of the store, apparently got hit by a heavy rocket Ymir and hurried through the lanes and passages to connect with a group of Shepard.

  The streets were very few inhabitants of the station: the majority hidden in houses, apartments or leave the dangerous areas. Safe areas on the Citadel also had a little - Divers group "Cerberus" its pinpoint strikes spread panic, but eventually destroyed by police and military units of the Defence Forces of the Citadel. Often hear shooting, explosi
ons boomed in many areas chadili fires.

  Shepard and Gryunt shot five tserberovskih engineers trying once again to arrange from the turrets fire barrier and prevent the breakout station defense forces to the area of the Presidium. Jennifer flattened biotics eight infantrymen "Cerberus", survived the explosions damaged turrets.

  - Jenny, to the shelter! AND PEACE! - Shepard grenade tore off stops. - Gryunt, grenades. Beat in the legs.

  - Yes, Captain. - Croghan grinned, got up for a moment from behind cover, and one after another threw in the unfolding manned robot five grenades. - Ready, sir. Destroyed.

  - Moving on. - Shepard through the dilapidated mall ran to a nearby street, ignoring the flash of short circuits and small pockets of fire, already flooded with foam and water from the automatic fire extinguishing systems. - Legion is on the way, we also need to hurry.

  - Damn, Shepard, I would have this very heavy music "made". - Jenny said, when they again sat down for a container with a flower bed. - He was the one!

  - When the time comes - "make" itself and one. - Shepard said, not even looking at her. - It's time has not come yet. Do not rush things, Jenny.

  - Okay, captain. I appreciate it. - Jennifer said, flattened another avenger, had tried to bring two hundred meters to them his sniper rifle. - Cerberus is desperately trying to modernize their forces. But it is too much complexity. And even more will in the near future. I'll take care of.

  Shepard is not to say anything, and silently emptied Gryunt store a quarter of each of the two heavy guns in sunuvshihsya was on the sidewalk five stormtroopers. Convinced that tserberovtsy dead Croghan with great satisfaction walked on them with their feet, in kroganski "controlled by" the defeated enemies and do not forget to fire intermittently from pistols to their heads. Jennifer, when they saw it, smiled.

  Cleaning the room by eight stormtroopers of a service center, Shepard and his teammate went to the alley, through which it was possible to go to the Presidium of the area.

  - Commander Shepard. I have two hundred meters away from you right twelve. - I joined the channel Legion. - Am Commander wounded near Bailey. Medical assistance was provided.

  - Wait there. We will be soon. Situation? - Shepard looked around, noting some signs of memory near Divers-group "Cerberus".

  - Six-three. Accepted. - Het said, interrupting the connection.

  - Clear. - Shepard realized that the Legion has noted the presence in the region Divers six groups, three of which were dangerously close. - Run. It is necessary to pull Bailey!

  Gryunt and Jenny did not even nod. Through breaks in the walls they entered the room of a grocery store and saw them aiming at the sniper barrel.

  - His, Leg. - Shepard looked around. - How are you got here before we did?

  - I Went on horseback, jumping. - Briefly told het, folding and hiding behind his back and pulling sniper assault rifle. - Bailey's almost right. Strong man.

  - Thank you, I lay down. - Armando, pressing a hand to his side, tried to sit up, but a strangled gasp, a donkey on the floor. - That's ... Thank You for your cooperation. Creatures.

  - Looks like you have seen Bailey, that people no longer there. - Jennifer said.

  - Yeah. - Through the power of the commander said. - Check. Well, what to do, I had to finish before the end of its role.

  - Connected - a platoon of five-hundred twenty-six. Space Corps VKS Systems Alliance. - I heard a man's voice in the speaker. - We see your mark on the screen.

  - That - Ashley and her people. And says - Deputy Ashley, Sergeant Olère flag. - Jennifer said, by consulting with his instrumentronom.

  - Confirm the five - hundred twenty-six. - Shepard said. - We also see you. You transport?

  - Confirm. - Said Olère. - We received a beacon danger Commander Bailey. Three minutes will be near you. Prepare to evacuate.

  - Accepted. We wait. - Shepard looked at Gryunt, wary listened to the cacophony of sounds coming from the street.

  Three kosmopehov ran into the room, slipped on the ropes with an armored flyer. Paramedic-kosmopeh examined the wound, and nodded to the commander instantly laid on a stretcher. A minute later, the three kosmopehov, behind the stretcher, lifted on board the machine first, and ascended to the board to move away from the store and perform standard flak evasive maneuver flyer.

  - Fast work. Deliver Bailey, will assist. At least now he will not disappear. - Shepard reloaded the rifle. - We need to move forward.

  Searching the rooms in the building of Presidium, Shepard convinced that tserberovtsy did not spare anyone. Living in these rooms is almost gone - some corpses bleed. Jennifer darkened, but apparently knew - saboteurs had no right to leave behind no survivors, fearing retribution for their actions, and even more - fear of unexpected stab in the back.

  - Hmm, lifts something work. A bad system. - Biotic said, opening the sash. - Clean, then the mine blows heavy weapons Divers groups not exposed. What is the solution, Captain? - Jennifer turned to Shepard.

  - Climb on foot. It is difficult but safe. Lifts are now at the moment can turn into a fire trap. - Shepard said, moving abruptly to the door, behind which usually underutilized fire escape. - Run up.

  Floor by floor, level by level remained prochёsannymi. Shepard Group is gradually approaching to the place where there was usually lobby areas Advisors.

  - Not so fast, Shepard. - Black figure leaped out of the broken window on the floor of the lobby. - Not so fast. - Leng reached behind his back, drew his sword. - Shall we dance?

  - It's funny. - Shepard stepped into the lobby. - It's funny. - Repeated XO.

  - Not funny. - Leng looked at Shepard approaches him, trying not to let out of sight of Jennifer and Gryunt. - Do not sme ..

  Shots silent sniper Leng, whose head was split up as a bud, is no longer heard. Body pet Ghost, one of the best-operatives specialists "Cerberus", who worked mainly on the organization of sophisticated kills, settled on the floor of the lobby. Perhaps he understood the need to comply with care and know how to plan and carry out complex and delicate operation. But life is never predictable and welcoming all the time. She loves to change, even if it is unpleasant.

  - Shepard. - To the captain, standing over the body Leung, Jenny approached. - Let me, I flatten it. He - Ghost servant, and you promised.

  - Gryunt.

  - Yes, John. - Croghan came closer.

  - Fix on the crystal everything here and the process - too. - Shepard saw jumps down from the ceiling of the Legion. - Accurate shot, lay down. Thank you.

  - Captain, I have bad news. - Legion opened instrumentron. - Advisors - held hostage by tserberovtsev. Salarianka adviser killed. Turian and asari - in chains to follow under guard of stormtroopers "Cerberus" to a place where they can pick up the shuttle. It looks like they are going to take a "Citadel". Data collected half a minute ago from Olivia. Mark confirmed. Confirmation of Alix received ten seconds ago. We have very little time, the captain, to an effective response. Udine Advisors accompanies it to the side of "Cerberus". We assume that he has decided to change a few hours ago, with the beginning of the attack on the station.

  - Jenny.

  - Yes captain. - She stepped back from the body Leung. - I'm ready.

  - Getting Started. We need to put forward more quickly. He lay down, give target designation, and the route.

  - Go, Captain. I'll catch up with you. I will take Gryunt. - Jenny said, sparking biotics and taking a step toward the corpse Leng.

  - We leave. - Legion Shepard nodded. - Gryunt, catch up with us.

  - Yes, John. - Croghan moved away from the blaze biotics Jenny. - Catch.

  Having dived into the portal, Shepard did not see how Jennifer threw the body in the direction of the favorite Ghost fire clots and blazed like a corpse. Croghan watched the dancing flames, do not forget that everything that happens in these moments in the lobby is recorded.

  - Come on, Gru. Here ... here alone dead. Capturing Advisors hostages, sabotage group "Cerberus" killed all the officials and al
l the staff. Salarianka fought long and hard, but it was shot. Her body was there, too, in the office. - Jenny walked all around the smoldering remains of the body Leung. - With Leng finished. Now Ghost no favorite chain mongrel. And he will have to think about their safety, the safety of its carcass. See, Ghost, I come to you and destroy you and your body. Be sure to destroy. Just as you destroyed the bodies of many children in Prague. - With these words, Jennifer repaid biotics and dived in transition portal. - Come on, Gru.

  - Tell me, Jenny. - Croghan tried to keep pace with the fast-paced Jennifer. - It's true ... about the shackles?

  - However, Grew. - Jenny said. - Alas, since "Cerberus" - anti-human organization engendered in the bosom of humanity, its staff can not think fully inhumanly. A shackles, chains, iron core ... It was all very common in our human history. Means deprivation of mobility, means of limiting the possibility of resistance to the jailers. Means depriving the state of comfort. Different irons are used. Tevosov - strong biotic and would not be surprised that she irons - with antibiotic inserts. Brutally. She ... spineless fish-like. - Jennifer overcome a flight of stairs. - Damn, Shepard drives a tea clipper. Faster Gryunt. There is still all around corpses. And tserberovtsev around there - they usually do not remain at the scene without a special need. A turian ... It could very well beat. He already was already far the regulations warrior, who once occupied this post. I put on weight, grown fat, snickering. The only pity is that the officer-aide. Advisor-Turikov me - not sorry. As counselor Tevosov. He taught her Yavik taught, to no avail. Two advisor instead of three - the same output. For the "Cerberus", not for us. Everything is standard, as is sometimes said Svetlana. - Jennifer looked around, carefully opened the door. - Next, Gru. We're close. sometimes Svetlana says. - Jennifer looked around, carefully opened the door. - Next, Gru. We're close. sometimes Svetlana says. - Jennifer looked around, carefully opened the door. - Next, Gru. We're close.


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