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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 101

by Theodore Daniels

  World who are striving to take place at the station, from where it could control a large area, saw, heard, and felt, and felt acutely certainty and the growing pressure of negativity. And I understand that the rest of it ended a long time if not forever.

  The captured sided with the "Cerberus" near the station chaos reigned. Miral felt the growing number of people killed and seriously injured, raped and beaten, as a growing number of assaults and robberies. She felt that the rangers are trying to recapture many areas, but they do not always succeed.

  She felt, as she is seen with his own eyes gave the Archangel. He forbade her to approach these areas. Miral knew - it is not invulnerable. And Archangel understands this more than anyone. Because, and forbids her to take risks. But do not take risks, if next to these areas, and sometimes - a few meters from the point at which it is best to feel the atmosphere in the station. And this should be it.

  And - not only to it. Because without accurate information, the Board will not be able to keep control of the station, and hopes for the technique was no - could not be considered mercenaries blockheads and fools - they they were not. And as long as mercenaries sided with the Cerberus could pay huge fees specialists, could steal them and make them work for themselves - they were ready to oppose the Council in its efforts to keep the situation at the "Omega" under control. So, peace remained a factor that was not subject to tserberovtsam. While was not subservient. Because - it was necessary to risk.

  Looking from the outside - Patriarch

  The Commander of the Defence Forces heavy Sector Patriarch station is in the Command Center "Omega", although he most wanted to be personally in the near captured henchmen "Cerberus" area, and personally kill and maim those who have gone over to the side of the three-headed dog servants. Krogan yet prepared to ensure that the shelling from heavy guns and rocket launchers to the appropriate station ships "Cerberus" - over and over again to come more and more reports that are installed and alerted the new "means of defense." Yes, often I had to put a gun in the former apartments, evicting the inhabitants from there. Yes, very much now on the station had to be content with a fine litter - for more now do not have enough resources. While there were hours, separating the station from taking ships into the ring "

  It is the adjutant Heavy sector pay particular attention to. Patriarch again read from the reader a brief summary of these creatures. The code name of the biological weapon created by the "Cerberus" at a secret base for the relay, "Omega-fourth." Being created with Reaper technology, we have the ability to quickly and efficiently infect all other sentient of organic any known race in the galaxy, creating more and more new adjutant. Thus, if the station will get at least five of these creatures - one minute there may be fifty - station is densely populated, and on the days when it was considered less crime - it was reasonable enough, seldom who took the hands of military weapons. The materials produced intelligence, argued that aides - deadly Husky schooling predators. First, they try to stay in the shelter, hiding, estimating the power of the victim and distracting her quiet whisper. Choosing a goal, aides use missile weapons, creating an unstable field, mass effect, disorienting the victim and making her helpless. Powerful muscle tissue adjutant allowed to jump from place to long distances, rapidly approaching the target and infect it.

  Reading this, Patriarch doubt that in the aisles and corridors of the station will be able to jump freely adjutant. But in the halls and lobbies, which are lacking at the station, they may well your jumps, gathering in flocks multiply the number of their accomplices hurricane pace. I had to think about how to keep this space empty, to prevent accumulation of locals there. I had to understand that there are risks and armed somehow trained units that will be losses. Because it was necessary to do everything possible to prevent many, many landings at the station. And those captured sided with the "Cerberus" mercenaries areas "Omega" became black holes, the gate through which the adjutant will enter the station. So, I had to do everything, to cover the possibility for the crews of the landing boats approaching the station. And if you remember that around the "Omega" still rotate hundreds of stone blocks ... To shoot under these conditions should be extremely accurate. Patriarch hoped that the development of actual combat practice firing will go not so much time and so much ammunition. Now, every shot should be the target.

  Yes, before krogan afflicted and destroyed all the other races Space Citadel. Now krogan have to fight an external enemy, no longer fearing that they hit in the back, make them responsible for all the problems and failures. Now almost all the inhabitants of the "Omega" saw an external enemy that threatens not only the krogan - all the inhabitants of the galaxy. And krogan caught because of the circumstances at the "Omega", there was a real enemy. With that it was possible and necessary to fight at full strength.

  Patriarch looked at the map of the station. Yes, the world of action, risks, approaching the point where the station was still possible to control better. It ends the time needed to approach the ships "Cerberus" to the station. Soon, very soon the ships "Cerberus" will stand around the station and begin to fire at her. Then speak and guns and rocket launchers "Omega". Start mutual attacks. Will the destruction will be the victim. There will be opposition to the external sectors of the station will be landing opposition groups. Very soon come to the aide frigates. Maybe adjutant submissive tserberovtsam-people, and can be "Averno" and people do not remain - one Husky.

  Before the arrival of cruisers and frigates "Cerberus" from other parts of the galaxy had less time and Patriarch acutely aware - "Cerberus" will do everything to capture the station "Omega", to make it their own base. And he was not interested in the fate of the inhabitants of the "Omega". They prepared for only one event - either to die or to become a Husky. With hardly resist, not to bang his fist on the table top, Patriarch hurried to the plate map station in the center of Hall. We had to lead antilanding units. We had to think about how to organize the approaching cruisers shelling "Cerberus".

  View from the outside. Archangel

  Turian Fifth Race also read information about adjutant, all the more acute understanding - they will try to land on the station in those areas that have hitherto been ruled by mercenaries, sided with the "Cerberus". At the base of the genetic code, adjutant, samples of which were produced by the scouts in the early stages of working with these creatures, no matches were found with the code of any known species. Military xenobiology many races Space Citadel believed that the Reapers could create a kind of virus gene in a few more cycles before extinction Protheans believed that it will be possible to find traces of the so-called "primitive" media. If this proves true, the adjutants, like deleted, I believe, forever, collectors were "shadow" once existed a reasonable or unreasonable kind, the existence of which, as well as his fight against the Reapers, did not survive any sufficiently complete information. The materials of the investigation indicated that for this reason adjutant will attack all sentient beings and all animals in an effort to maximize their own strength, to create critical mass and to win. Recent survey data contain assumptions that aide is gradually taking on the rule of "Averno", becoming a key striking force of the Reapers, who managed to convert human-tserberovtsev in husks. When and where were the people, only a few ships on the sides - there, too, many people became gradually Huskies - these are now the station from remote areas of the galaxy. It used to be that "Cerberus"

  In one of the latest intelligence reports from "Averno" pointed out: it is necessary to destroy the adjutant to shoot in a bag, located on the back and on the head of the establishment. If we can get exactly the thing get serious damage, howl and stepped back. This short time will certainly be used for finishing.

  The information has been communicated to all militias, Rangers and Special Forces "Omega". Theoretically, everyone knew how to fight with the adjutant. But almost ...

  Going from the plate card to the complex wallboards Archangel thought about Miralem. He provided her protection, but is this enough, when she tries t
o come more often in the most dangerous areas of the station when it is constantly in motion, constantly among the people, constantly communicates with many reasonable. Yes, it is important to know about everything that is happening at the station. For her, it is important to understand, to feel, to realize what is happening to the fullest extent. It risks. It runs the risk so that the archangel could not help but fear for Miralem. It was not an empty reassurance - turian fifth race did not believe that the Reapers do not know anything about it and Miralem opportunities. Archangel was forced to realize that the impact of the Reapers, sooner or later will be sent to Miralem. Who will carry out this attack - a formal "Cerberus" or the actual Reaper - to the Archangel had no fundamental significance. Reapers or who is behind them, in any case will try to eliminate Miralem.

  Rangers guarded Miralem. We protect and checked as far as possible all those with whom she was in contact. Prevent attempts to take it into the ring, surrounded by a crowd. Who let the long stay in unsafe neighborhoods and districts. Miral angry, indignant, protested, saying that such a guardianship and care for her in the way, deprived of necessary completeness of perception. And the Rangers were forced to continue to work, because the order was one: to protect and preserve.

  I had to spend time and energy on something to take under the protection and defense of warehouses and points of distribution of products and goods. Crowds reasonable, giant long queue of those wishing to receive regular rations. Limits on water, electricity, heat. Eviction from apartments seal resettlement. Overlapping gateways and passages leading to dangerous areas. Control of ventilation and technical silos. It was difficult to even list everything that had to do the Rangers. Well, there were at least some days, a few decades to prepare. At least - do not have to work from the ground up, from the very beginning. Archangel had no doubt - the attack on the station will be combined. It can only be combined. Only such an attack can overwhelm the defense system "Omega". It will be long, it will not last a few hours, a few days. Reapers understand that the inhabitants of stations will defend fiercely and persistently that they will not give up and retreat. So, it will be tasked to wear down the defenders and make them faint. And then - blow followed. Can be - no one can be - one. Strike will. Strike that allows completely broken, completely destroy the defense system stations. Beat the Reaper leads to victory over the "Omega", to capture it. And the presence of adjutant will reduce the time to bring them up to a huge number of the population. And here, with Omega adjutant step into other star systems. The Terminus and Travers, and in the first place - in the space of the Citadel. the task of wearing down the defenders, to force them to weaken will be delivered. And then - blow followed. Can be - no one can be - one. Strike will. Strike that allows completely broken, completely destroy the defense system stations. Beat the Reaper leads to victory over the "Omega", to capture it. And the presence of adjutant will reduce the time to bring them up to a huge number of the population. And here, with Omega adjutant step into other star systems. The Terminus and Travers, and in the first place - in the space of the Citadel. the task of wearing down the defenders, to force them to weaken will be delivered. And then - blow followed. Can be - no one can be - one. Strike will. Strike that allows completely broken, completely destroy the defense system stations. Beat the Reaper leads to victory over the "Omega", to capture it. And the presence of adjutant will reduce the time to bring them up to a huge number of the population. And here, with Omega adjutant step into other star systems. The Terminus and Travers, and in the first place - in the space of the Citadel. And the presence of adjutant will reduce the time to bring them up to a huge number of the population. And here, with Omega adjutant step into other star systems. The Terminus and Travers, and in the first place - in the space of the Citadel. And the presence of adjutant will reduce the time to bring them up to a huge number of the population. And here, with Omega adjutant step into other star systems. The Terminus and Travers, and in the first place - in the space of the Citadel.

  Looking from the outside - the Citadel. BRP. Garrus Vakarian

  - General. - In cabinet Vakarian entered adjutant. - With the "Omega" came the signal - station under attack. "Cerberus" pulls into the station frigates and cruisers. From the "Omega-fourth" Reaper went three-shrimp have "Omega" in the ring, but do not shoot. - Turian Garrus put in front of a stack of readers. - I suppose preparing for a combined attack in order to capture stations. There is information that the ships of the "Cerberus", especially those that came from the "Omega-fourth" with three Reapers - are called adjutant.

  - Correctly suspect. - Garrus nodded, pushing yourself to the readers. - Pass the information on board the ship "Troop". They have to decide whether they should intervene. I think that they are something they already know, and our information is just another confirmation. - Vakarian reader pulled out of the box. - Tell them the data packet.

  - Yes, General. - Adjutant took reader, saluted and left kabinet.e

  Vakarian heaved himself up from the table. Although the Citadel and was now living in a state of siege mode, yet too few pointed to the fact that the war could start at any moment. And for the "Omega" and its inhabitants war has already begun. Now it Garrus Vakarian, called a general. Status and so on. Primarch Palaven ordered to give it the title of an extraordinary reflection of Cerberus attack on the Citadel. Turian laughed bitterly. What is it, Garrus Vakarian, General? ... And that he alone can not of its employees? Not so much. But they, together, can be a lot. Even if, and under his leadership.

  It was assumed in fact that it is of "Omega-fourth" Averno come with another threat. Reaper will come henchmen. This time it was not just tserberovtsy, became husky. Those were the adjutant. Approaching the table, Garrus read again the files that contained the most complete information at this stage about these creatures, these creatures. It is possible that this time was adjutant were the main striking force of the Reapers. This was followed by husky-tserberovtsy - Garrus too well remember that in the "Cerberus" almost no ordinary normal people. And now the third line were themselves the Reapers, polutorakilometrovy giant shrimp.

  - General, received video probes. - It sounded in the dynamics of the remote desktop voice adjutant. - I deduce the screens.

  The screen lit up. Wall-mounted big screen. Garrus stopped, turned to the plate, looked. This is to be expected. As long as there was enough distance between suitable to the external borders of the space station, and the station itself, but the minute it decreased. Reapers drifted around the station, while not showing any special interest or desire to open fire on it, and Garrus knew - they provide tserberovtsam right to get involved in the first fight. On their part it was a siege by tserberovtsev - attack.

  - Fleets of the Empire ready to enter the space stellar system, General. - I reported to the adjutant.

  - Where is the squad? - Garrus said. Instead of a verbal response adjutant included another screen with a large map of the galaxy. - Clear. - Vakarian saw a number of distances and the current speed. - They have yet to get a long time.

  - They are aware of the latest developments, General. - Said the adjutant. - In the range of their channels Corps notified. Captain Shepard in coordination with katrerangom Titov decided all orders to advance to the borders of the star system.

  - Clear. Good. - Garrus extinguished the screen with a map of the galaxy, leaving only the screen, broadcast probes with ships convergence "Cerberus" to "Omega".

  Bort "Normandy"

  - Commander. Message from the Staff of the Corps of the spectrum. - Cabin First Lieutenant Presley entered. - "Omega" under attack Reapers and "Cerberus". - Navigation filed reader sitting at the table Shepard. - Reapers already in position, keep the siege. Less than three hours before the approach to a distance of a confident shooting.

  - Clear. - Shepard postponed reader, stood up. - What is your opinion?

  - I do not think that will interfere with the Reapers. Tserberovtsy attempt a landing several times. Those ships that come with "Averno" - in any ca
se, because the on board - adjutant, other ships, "Cerberus" - in the circumstances. Tserberovtsev main task - to support those who have passed on their side, while remaining at the station. The shelling will attack will be landings. Storm ... It is unlikely the captain. The fleets of the Empire side, but it is unlikely they will intervene before the storm, or until a sharp weakening omegovtsev forces. What is our role?

  - Support omegovtsev course. - Shepard looked at the lighted wall screen showed a map of the galaxy. - It is a pity that we come rather late. I hope that will not be too late. Thank you for free. Cook and the crew of the ship for battle, Presley.

  - Yes, commander. - Senior assistant left the cabin Shepard. Closed the door behind him, the captain returned to the table, again read the reader with a message from the headquarters of the Corps of the spectrum.

  - Commander, it's a message from Headquarters videoconferencing Alliance. They are asked to look into one of the newly discovered systems. Carry out a control flight. - The relationship with Shepard left the watch. - Send data.

  - I Took. Jeff, follow the new coordinates. We'll have to spend two or three days on it, but at least we will not have tails. Perform. - I ordered Shepard.

  - Yes, commander. "Volga" took, it is ours.

  - Welcome.

  Check flight took more than two days. When the frigate countdown clock began the third day of the flight control, Shepard received another message from Spectra Staff Corps with full information about what is happening to the "Omega". The truncated form of this information was made available to all otryadovtsam. Reapers still keep the station under siege and attacked tserberovtsy continually changing pattern of attack and making omegovtsev wasting time and ammunition. Several waves of amphibious boats were destroyed - their debris littered the area around the station, preventing the shelling and creating problems for small ships and boats tserberovtsev trying to break through to the space station. According to the observations is that "Cerberus" could not ultimately strengthen sworn to him mercenary station groups, so that they got full control over the "Omega".


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