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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 102

by Theodore Daniels

  - Captain. - Cabin XO entered Olivia. - I am sure - "Cerberus" will try to bring down Miralem. And do it as soon as possible. I warned the Council on coded channels stations, they will try to protect the asari, but make it difficult - peace for the stations are constantly moving on the "Omega", often in hazardous and problematic areas, where fully protect it - is difficult. The threat of her life is quite high, Captain. You have decided to disembark at the station?

  - We can not leave in the lurch Station Troop. Note Olivia, I did not insist on such a status of "Omega". None of us, otryadovtsev not ever say that "Omega" must assume that status. It's - the civil station, it was full of civilians, who either do not own a weapon, or possess an extremely underutilized. To protect themselves they can not effectively .... And landing team must provide all possible assistance omegovtsam, especially if tserberovtsam be able to bring down Miralem. They intend us to weaken, divide and destroy. We can not allow them to capture the "Omega". Because we go to the "Omega", leaving the ships near the Navy's Rapid Response Empire and set down on the shuttle to the station. Risk ships - will not. I guess, Reapers that will not slash station main emitters. And I think that we will have to help cope with omegovtsam adjutant. Several groups of them were leaked to the station in areas controlled henchmen "Cerberus". Now they are ready to strike. As soon as it will attempt to remove Miralem - they will try to hit. And we need to get to the station before they try to strike a blow. Garrus rights - need to protect the plant in the first place. And there to protect the "Omega" we can not, without our presence. as soon as the attempt is made to remove Miralem - they will try to hit. And we need to get to the station before they try to strike a blow. Garrus rights - need to protect the plant in the first place. And there to protect the "Omega" we can not, without our presence. as soon as the attempt is made to remove Miralem - they will try to hit. And we need to get to the station before they try to strike a blow. Garrus rights - need to protect the plant in the first place. And there to protect the "Omega" we can not, without our presence.

  - How to deal with "Averno", commander? - Olivia remained standing at the door of the cabin. Her position did not feel stress and anxiety.

  - I hope that we will not have to parachute into this jack, Olivia. But if you have to - we will do it, and clean up the station. - Shepard said. - How many of us to the borders before the star system?

  - Eighteen hours commander. By the end of the nineteenth hour we will be on site and ready to run shuttles. - Olivia did not check with instrumentronom.

  - Good. Notify all members of the landing party in a "conventional structure". Legion will go with us. - I ordered Shepard.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Kiborgessa left the cabin, covering the door.

  - Captain, I do not know but we are again asked to look into passing one of the star systems, recently included in the registers. - The relationship with Shepard, going to the Star Map, left Moreau. - It's on the way, but then take a few days.

  - Timestamp? - Shepard opened instrumentron, read a message from the headquarters of the Alliance of videoconferencing systems.

  - The outcome of the nineteenth hour. As commissioned podgadali captain.

  - Undo willingness landing party. - He ordered Shepard, coming in touch with the watch frigate, cruiser. - Let's go deal with this star system and its contents. I hope that by this point in the "Omega" will not happen anything irreversible.

  "Omega". Heavy injured Miralem. Archangel

  Combined attack Cerberus and Reapers on Omega station forces lasted for several days. Patriarch of the archangel, and did everything to have sided with the Reapers andCerberus mercenary groups were unable to take full control of the station, despite the seizure and retention of under control of several giant station sectors.

  Archangel in a nightmare could not imagine that the mercenaries will go on like that. As a result, undermine the suicide bomber was badly injured in the world. Archangel at the time of the explosion was too far away, but immediately felt that with Miralem was something terrible. As soon as he was able to get rid of the most urgent matters, he left the Post Control Station and, without waiting for the guard ran to the clinic, where the world has been delivered. He could not stop the Rangers, his Nayrin could not stop, it can be stopped only by the Patriarch, who gets up on the threshold of the House of resuscitation.

  - Patras ... I did not expect this from you. - By the Speaker said quietly Archangel, frozen before krogan, blocking its entrance into the carcass resuscitation room.

  - Vzvolnuesh her, Arch. - Croghan did not release the pass. - Do not put this, your appearance here.

  - A business. I could not protect her. - Archangel in no hurry to include external speakers, so that the part of their communication was unnoticed. Patriarch closed his helmet, as soon received reports of injured Miralem, anticipating that one of the first medical unit primchitsya turian and it will have to stop.

  - Who is next to it - the best doctors station. Aria did everything to come here only to professionals. And now it is better not to disturb them. - Said the Patriarch dull rumbling bass.

  - Patr ...

  - Do not, Arch. She was too badly injured. Unconscious. Psychosphere - lukewarm.

  - How...

  - Kibmen.

  - What? - Archangel in the first second thought misheard. - Repeat.

  - Kibmen. Nothing emits no thought, no emotion. Empty place. In the heat of the confrontation was able to get closer to Miralem, which, as you noticed, always chose the best place to keep under control the maximum possible area. He passed by and blew himself up. The explosion blew three compartments, killing twenty rangers. It is - if briefly.

  - I know. Mowed the whole level of the station artillery. Details are known to me. - Archangel tried not to look in the visor krogan.

  - That, Arch. Explosives - experts still do not understand how this could be. The size of my finger blochok, and three-level compartment iskorёzheny after the daily shelling from heavy guns.

  - Although it is unearthed. Patr ...

  - Look, I can not miss you. There are doctors, too much damage, and you ...

  - I know that I - big, Patras. But without it ... I have no life ... Nowhere, Patras.

  - You pushed Nayrin, Arch. Strongly pushed, I saw.

  - I hope she will understand. She is healthy, and the world ...

  - But still. It is better to go and apologize to Nayrin, Arch. It is you, if you want, say more. I can not.

  - I see. - Archangel looked over his shoulder krogan, saw a crowd of doctors around the resuscitation of the cocoon. - Okay. - He turned slowly and walked away from the door sickbay.

  This time he did not go to him. It does not have the strength to look at a familiar environment. Up to the last detail familiar. He returned to the Coordination Center and plunged into work. Governance, management, coordination of experiences forced to drive on the furthest reaches of consciousness. But before the eyes of the Archangel standing in the world. In her ever-centered, even harsh face, sometimes resembling a terrible mask, shining smile ... timid, light, very warm. And Archangel it seemed that from that smile ... blows cold grave.

  Speaker Signal Archangel made to look away from the cards.

  - Patras ... - Turian said.

  - I, Arch. Doctors ... finished. What we could - have done. World ... sleeping. Darn it capitally. Drug-filled - varren drown alive as possible. I anesthesiologist said that peace and half delirious tried to activate tracking Psychosphere station. You understand, you can not allow that .... I had to turn off the force. So ... she sleeps. I saw it myself, on the threshold of the House was not allowed, but I've seen. Sleeps. I explained the situation to doctors ... They said ...

  - Got it, Patras. I'll be right. Hold it ... doctors at a distance from me.

  - Thanks to you them, Arch. Twelve hours worked.

  - Thank you. That wake up the world, go on the mend - thank. Recent money is spent, but thank you. And now ... I'm sorry.

  - I se
e. Hold. - Patriarch broke the connection.

  Archangel badly remember how he found himself next to the resuscitation cocoon. Time lost meaning for him.

  Looking from the side - board "Normandy"

  - Commander. - I watch listen, including additional screens. - In the "Omega" seriously wounded world. Without consciousness taken to the medical unit of one of the next level. Doctors operated on twelve o'clock, often thought I had lost her. She is now in intensive care cocoon. Archangel aware of what happened. He is trying to organize the resistance of the inhabitants of stations without the use of Miralem potential. I convey additional information. - By pressing a few sensors officer threw the files on instrumentron commander. - According to the latest must pass dozens of hours before there is a crisis, and it will become clear, this world will survive. Planted kibmena ... - officer, seeing logged in CIC Shepard realized

  - Accepted. We carry out our task in this system, and I hope that the World will get out. If there archangel - she will return to him. I want to believe in it. - Shepard sat in the command chair in front of the star chart. - Let's start working. Give the card scheme this star system, decide where to go first.

  - Yes, commander. - Watch switched sensory contacts. Star map virtual image changed.

  - Arch, nine in the morning. - In the speaker's voice Patriarch. - It will be a very long sleep. Highly. You, Arch, waiting for the Coordination.

  - Patr ...

  - Everything I understand, Arch. Sam would do everything the same way. But ... it must rest. I am sure that it is all the time felt your presence, Arch. So how can it only. Give it a rest, please.

  - As you say, Patras. - Archangel departed from the cocoon, which has hastened to physicians. - As you say.

  During this time he worked on full automatic. His soul is not interested in routine, routine, ordinary life. All solved cold mind and soul ... straining to Miralem. Only now, the archangel knew how much he a fool. Only now, as the world continues to balance between life and death in the critical Grani, he realized that he loves her, and Nayrin. He loves both of them fervently, infinitely deep and full. Not sharing the asari and turianku without sharing, without giving any one of them two priority. He loved and loves to as long as they both raised in the Concert Hall to the ceiling of the hall.

  They are the only ones who knew what he looked like without a spacesuit. Even Aria all the details are not known. Even the Patriarch of all the details are not known even Vera did not know and did not understand, with its hypersensitivity. And they Nayrin and peace - both known and seen him without reservation. Twelve hours in the Coordinating Center seemed like an eternity to Archangel.

  Resuscitation cocoon rustled drives. Flashing light intensified longing. The ward was dim. Archangel stood at the head and not coming off the most gentle eyes looked at the face of Miralem. The face of the one who captured his heart and soul, who knew him, the Archangel, as anybody.

  He knew it different. Before him she was hiding in the shell psihozaschity and tried to turn into a statue. Thoughtful, laconic, prone to rigor and secrecy, unfolded in front of him ... how she bud like a flower.

  The Archangel looked at her face and saw her eyes open, although now they were relaxed and closed eyelids. I saw, because I knew - for reasonable organic eyes - a mirror of the soul. And Miralem soul was special. The soul of the first asari-telepath. asari soul who knew the mental ocean, like the five fingers and knew how to do many things in the ocean. Archangel was sorry that he could not with his own hands to strangle this kibmena breaking his synthetic flesh. Zhalel so that sverbeli nerve endings in the wings, quiver responds to any memory of the incident.

  He liked the world, thinking, touching a finger dimple under the lower lip. Her eyes then froze, twitching light languishing body acquired immobility, and on the chin and cheeks began to play a whitish color.

  The right arm, bent at the elbow at a right angle, easily touching the feet, toes, hidden in soft, fabric gloves, did not reach the knee. So the world can sit for hours and hours Archangel could look at her.

  Turian Fifth Race liked it when the world does not know, but maybe guessed that he was at that moment looking at her. I guess and allow him this little, very little freedom. For Arch - so she always called it, so gently, "Ar-r-hee", it was always gentle and strictly respected her right to be what she wants.

  Archangel remembered it, and the other, a little to the left slope of the head and looked at him with her big blue eyes. For him there was no problem in the fact that golubokozhaya asari has blue eye color - he found it perfect. And the opinion of other organic him, naturally, was not interested. Especially because the world makes big eyes only when left alone with him. Only when they can somehow retire. Its clearly defined lips relaxed, but do not become large and plump. It could change the complexion as she wanted - from clear blue to a clear whitish-blue hue, with strictly defined on the ground. And Archangel loved it.

  It was pleasant, and the fact that she always listens to him with all the attention and likes to talk on the case, although it can talk for hours about nothing, making it so that he was not not that hurt, even uncomfortable was not. She was able to understand the Archangel, without using power mentalistiki and telepathy.

  And now it is on the verge of .... And he ... he's healthy, vigorous, but his soul is clearly not in place. He thought over and over again as she ran to meet him, almost chetyrёhsotletnyaya asari Councilor and Senior Partner ... How she hugged his figure and clung to him, trying to dissolve in it. As looked up and her eyes were not of humiliation and resentment, only delight and satisfaction, burning satisfaction that he finally - next to her and they - together. And she was absolutely still, who looks at her in this moment of strangers or of organic Synthetic. For her, it was important that it looks Archangel. She read in his eyes all she is his soul, and he read it almost only is allowed.

  Everyone knew about their relationship, and none of these past decades have not given a hint that this, in general, can ... can damage the case. For it was not in their relations problem here - he was not going to command it, and she was not going to press him. It turned out, knew about their relationship, not only friends but also enemies. They knew enough to neutralize it, even if only temporarily, and to deprive him of peace of mind. Only the Patriarch remained in the ranks. Only he and Nayrin.

  - Arch. - I heard a quiet voice Nayrin. Turian did not notice as she walked over and stood beside him. - I spoke with the doctors. Two more days. Then ... the crisis. ... They hope Arch. And we also have to hope. It is our hope ... She needed.

  - Nai ...

  - Believe me, it would be better, Arch. - Turianka gently pulled him away from the cocoon. And Archangel obeyed her wishes. At that time it was quite likely the only one to whom he obeyed. Nayrin led him out of sickbay, he sat on the bench and eat rations and forced to drink enough water with herbal infusion.

  - Nai ...

  - I know, Arch. Believe me, I know. So - do not say a lot. ... She'll pull through, at least, no matter how trite it sounds, simply because you expect it here. And it is necessary first of all to you. You, Arch. And she will come back to you. Of the one hundred and twentieth circle of hell. Again, get up close.

  - No, Nai. - Archangel said dully. - Not near. Just behind me. I more...

  - Arch ...

  - I'm a fool, Nai ... I have been so stupid ...

  - Arch, believe anything you're not a fool. It's just ... it's hard to do just like this clean ... Yes, and society can not accept polygamy, but if it is possible, it will still take place. And here it does not matter how much one of the partners, as well as anyone who does not apply the body - the heart and soul. That's the main thing. Here, architect, you're not a fool. You're cautious, Arch. You do not want to put pressure on those who are dear to you, you do not want to do for them their choice, do not want to influence that choice by force. Believe me, I know the world ... love you, Arch. He likes the way probably is not loved anyone in my life. She knows the reason why you
have done so, because it is able to love fervently, not only you, Arch ...

  - Shepard and Yavik ...

  - Yes, Arch. They. Both. Their world loves. As well as Saren with Nihlus. All of them became her fathers. She loves them as fathers. And they love it ... like a daughter. And you Miral loves differently, other than them, Arch. More or less - these concepts are applicable here, just believe, that's different. This is - the exact definition. So Miral understand your hesitancy, which you think is stupid. Here, in her opinion there is nothing to forgive, Arch. It is not your fault. That's life ... and we, sentient organics, it has never been easy and simple. We - not cyber Arch.

  - Border beings. And it is now - on the brink. Where I was supposed to be.

  - Do not beat yourself up, Arch. She will be back. I will return to you, because you love her and she loves you. Give it ... to understand what you expect it to return, the full return. That she needed. Do it ... the heart and soul, Arch. It would be enough. You ... always and everywhere nearby.

  - A...

  - It's not about me, Arch. About Miralem. And I have yet to fully form. And also forward Miralem return to a life full, colorful, capacious. I - her friend, Arch. And just as I'm afraid for her. And I want her to come back. And to you and to me. And to all of us.

  - And ...

  - No competition, Arch. There is no basis for competition for the competition. We just live. Near and together. Let's not talk about me ...


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