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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 107

by Theodore Daniels

  The desired console found quickly again organizing a dense cover Aria, plunged into a set of commands on the keyboard. On the screen of his instrumentrona Shepard saw the troops "Cerberus" are trying to go beyond the areas of concentration, dropping forward their local henchmen. Raiders and special forces, "Omega" is that in most cases held back the onslaught, but in some places tserberovtsam could leak and, if not for the order to the total destruction of both tserberovtsev and their supporters, "Omega" advocates would have lost a lot of time filtering. And tserberovtsy could win, though not everywhere, and due to the onslaught of firepower. In all other respects they lost - the local station knew better and could move through it much more confidently and quickly. Tserberovtsy-Husky require precise guidance on the purpose, themselves were enough malosamostoyatelny. In general, turned a long and costly positional battles. Some wanted to get out and walk, others do not want them to start up and pass.

  - We've got three dozen heavily armed soldiers "Cerberus". - Aria said. - They sent Petrovsky to stop us for long. Elevator stopped and have to move on the technical ladder. I additionally switched off the power supply, but this lock will not last long. - Aria closed her console. - We'll have to decide how to act.

  - Aria, what about the massive explosion? - Shepard looked at his instrumentrone neighboring floor plan, which had to climb before the lift, and now - walking down a narrow vertical ladder.

  - "Mushroom"? - With interest I asked Asari.

  - No, "hemisphere". We need to make a "masher". - Shepard said. - And for that we have to climb three of the first. I Alenko you'll cover the flanks, and you of mine arrange this same "hemispherical nightmare."

  - I'll try, although for a long time did not. - Aria did not even mention aloud, he doubted his ability to correctly orient the biotic pressure on the vector tserberovtsev greatest resistance. She just looked at podtyanuvshegosya Alenko and suddenly believed - with Shepard and this lieutenant she can get it, they will cover it from imminent fire, and it will be able to orient and direct the vector wrong. The main thing - to have a few seconds. And something inside prompted Arias that these few seconds she will.

  A minute later, Aria carefully put feet on another technical ladder bar, wondering how Shepard and Alenko their heavy bronesekafandrah manage content with only the very edges of the ladder rungs. The captain and the lieutenant gently removed with door stoppers, almost pushed the cloth flaps and immediately opened fire on tserberovtsam who was in the room. They replied, gunfire. Aria, crouching, all this time, the accumulated charge biotics. Finally, sharply straightened, Asari appeared in the doorway of the elevator door and kick biotic wave tserberovtsev nailed all the walls.

  - Success. - Briefly breathed asari. - It looks like everything here. This detachment can be written off for scrap. - Aria supported Shepard, passes through the edge of the mine, got to her feet, she looked around, shot journeyed foot stormtrooper. - Be monitored.

  - Making. - Shepard stood next to Aria. - Alenka, implement control is present ghouls.

  - Yes, sir. - Lieutenant punch helmet nearest Hasco-infantryman shot in the head. - The first ready.

  - You can no marks. How long will celebrate, Kai. - Shepard said without a smile.

  - Yes, sir. - Alenko nodded. - Just a good thing that us Aria. We have long knocked these warriors here.

  - We work together. - Azarov said, walking up to the console. - Behind this door - a nod to the left - a small garage for three shuttle. It evidently has three infantry-tserberovtsev. Something like an ambush or reserve. It is necessary to clean up. Then - to crack the inner gate, cleanse the adjacent room. And there will continue to be an open platform. - Saying all this, Aria worked on the keyboard, driving more and more teams. - Well, I manage to stay ahead of this is Petrovsky. He obviously slows. And his calculation that the henchmen will escape en masse outside the station areas captured by them - was not justified. I feel he has prepared us some nasty ahead. And not just one.

  Reviewing the received files on your instrumentrone, Shepard saw that Aria in the right ways - Rangers and Special Forces "Omega" reliably blocked tserberovtsev and their accomplices within the captured areas. If the three-headed dog and the servants managed to move forward, it is not more than a quarter, and then drove them back to the previously identified limits of the occupied territories. Positional fighting continued. And yet tserberovtsy not scored coveted for their top.

  Garage cops paratroopers smoothed without Aria, that Shepard kept almost force from the next turn biotics.

  - Ari, watch out energy. And strengthened. - Sideways watching teammate composted helmets husks tserberovtsev-control shots, Shepard asari reached the open warmed tile. - You - not a weapon, but a sentient being. Do not turn into a blade. The war is long, you still have to do some fighting and compete. Is not consumed immediately.

  - Ugum. Thank you. - Aria took a bite from the tiles, chewed, smiled somewhat embarrassed smile. - How do you manage, John, do not pay attention to my, ahem, age?

  - We, the people decided not to speak with a woman about her age. I personally believe that a woman as old as it is at any given point of time itself perceives and feels. Passport calendar age - a thing very, I would say - even too unreliable. - Adopting the report of Lieutenant Alenko the end of the garage stripping Shepard allow Aria closer to the gate. - Now, Ari, to the side and buried out of the thick-walled containers. And we are here a little shooting. - Gestures policemen dispersed the paratroopers to the opposite gate leaf, Shepard bounced for another container, raised his rifle, prepare to fire from behind cover. - Are opened and immediately open fire. The valves are durable, withstand.

  The gates were open for a few seconds, and in another two or three seconds normandovtsy fired on not had time to prepare tserberovtsam. A few minutes - and Jenkins stepped forward, as usual weighing the servants defeated three-headed skunk shot in the head. In Centurion, commander of the group, three thousand loans have been seized. Rarely was the amount at the disposal of even a high-ranking officer tserberovskogo. Weighing the centurion in charge of the control head, Shepard pointed out as gently and at the same time, with obvious relief Aria comes out into the open area, with views of the "Horizons" station.

  When the captain came to the asari, she was not so relaxed. The reason for discontent Arias was found immediately:

  - Look, Shepard. - Aria gestured to the right and slightly upward. - I thought so. Peter did not sleep, and "Cerberus" ... "Cerberus" has developed some new force fields blocking of entire regions station. They are trying to seek by all means to expand conquered footholds, and if not, as long as we hold them - they are trying to create new ones. And these fields will help them. I walked part of the route, all the way suggesting something. Because I'm not too surprised. Peter - a powerful enemy, and I will be pleased to destroy it. I know that he would like to kill me. That is to say, of reciprocal hatred. - Matriarch smiled wryly. - For a long time I was not here and now, finally, was honored to return. We must move on, John, we have been, unfortunately, only part of the route.

  - Commander. - Alenka called, as always, with three cops who went airborne a little forward. - There batarians corpse. Around - a technique in reader - and a half thousand of loans, or bribe, or something else. Occasionally when a simple hard workers with them is so much money. Yes, even a special thick-walled barrel of the gun. Ahem. - Alenko coughed. - Sorry. Dusty here. Batar something installed, some device. - Heard a hiss. - Interesting. VI "Propaganda Cerberus." Broadcasts - the Führer from the pulpit. That is, from the podium, of course. - A few seconds Alenko gave listen agitation "Cerberus". - Enable the knock doldonihu? - To the commander instrumentrona screen was visible,

  - Cut down. Take a sample of the recording in its entirety. Then undermine this "statue".

  - Yes, commander. - Alenko broke the connection, starting to fulfill the order received.

  - Captain, I heard gunshots at the sensitivity limit instrumentrona locators. - Jenkins reported, hiding behind a container and
activating the device. - On all leaves, that is - are our supporters exchanged fire with the troops "Cerberus". The situation is not in their favor ...

  - Throw - forward! - Shepard raises his rifle and the first strikes in a narrow passage that separates the room from the next corridor. Passing through the corridor, Shepard rolled the metal stairs, dives for some ruins, it flattens on his face and starts firing at the turrets, "closing" the passage. - Attack!

  As you continue shooting, the situation is leveled and is now creating a direct threat to tserberovtsev, the situation becomes clear. Commandos "Cerberus" managed by ventshahtam and technical passages come out here, in the area that controlled the militia only. Those, of course, could be resisted tserberovtsam warriors-but not for long and not fully guaranteeing total supremacy. While normandovtsy shot, Aria tried to find out details of the voice communication with the commanders of militia groups, patrols and coordinating their efforts to contain tserberovtsev. Caught between two fires, tserberovtsy realized that the surprise was covered and had tried to get away, but time has brought down Alenko biotics and several ventshaht tehprohodov so that heavy space suits to crawl on them is no longer possible.

  - All right, Kai. Now - fire. Only the defeat. And we will provide suppression. - Shepard said, assessing the situation on instrumentronu.

  - Yes, commander. - Lieutenant switch modes of fire on the assault rifle and became economical to shoot bursts of the strongest and most active tserberovtsev.

  Deprived of the possibility of an orderly retreat, tserberovtsy had tried to attack the few militia, but among them were three policemen, commandos, who managed to organize a strong defense. So irretrievable victims were not among militias and the wounded had time.

  - Scratch. - Aria stood barely sounded last control shots. - These "claws".

  - Tear had them tear rather than scratching. - Kaidan said, coming from the opposite edges of the room and not paying much attention to control shots that sounded from all sides.

  - For the "tear", Kai, they have - too few forces. - Azarov said. - In all other respects - they learn.

  - This Study - too expensive. - Growled one of the militia men. - I'm just a pharmacist, and then they set the field that if you touch them render a handful of ashes. For a second, I note.

  - So, it is necessary to determine the location of generators and beat on them. - Said the lieutenant. - All space fields they still will not be able to block.

  - Yes, if it's only been fields. They hiked up here some new robots, they pass through the field like a knife through butter, as if no field something completely not. And we run up against these fields to escape the fire of these robots. How do they call that? It heard. A memory no ... I do not know how I did not remember the medical and pharmaceutical information.

  - "Bastion". - Said the girl dugout with a badge on the sleeve shirts militia. - So they called their new robots. The dangerous thing. I saw them at work. We militias will be difficult to cope with them. Their little, but they are terribly powerful.

  - We will understand. - Shepard nodded.

  - In the next room with the room - the corpses of eight tserberovtsev-attack aircraft and another scrawled on the wall sign "Claws". There is clearly resistance and militia worked closely, and these were to punish them, so we slowed down their time. Forever, I hope. - I said returning Alenko. - It is safe, you can go.

  - Then - go. Especially because there - we are clearly on the route. We will not deviate from the course. This - the main thing. Let's go. - Shepard caught a nod Arias. - Forward.

  From a break in the wall was seen as one of the militia tried to pass through the field and actually showered a handful of ashes. Appeared immediately two robots - black "bastions" of any Shepard nor Arius nor other normandovtsy group landing another "Omega" is not seen, they marched through the field back and forth, the reason their heads from side to side, then otshagnuli of the field on the side occupied tserberovtsami, disappeared behind the containers. As Shepard realized robots were armed with shotguns, trying to move closer to the opponents as much as possible to inflict the greatest damage.

  - We'll have to shoot in the head and used ammunition piercing and flammable as a breastplate, and synthetics. - Handed the captain at the conference group. - Also suggests that being close to the ultimate strength, the robot explodes, thereby causing damage to all enemies, were close. Because, as usual - a close range this thing do not allow synthetic. Try to need them to explode, being with other robots.

  - We should go down there. - Aria said by consulting with his instrumentronom. - There begins an indoor passage.

  - Good. - Shepard thought, agreed. - At the same time we explore the field and try to practice the generator is turned off. Grenades in which case use more active. While we were here - we have plenty of them scored. - Where the captain is not cunning - have fallen enemies grenades were seized in the first place, so that everyone had their normandovets several dozen and could on occasion bring a lot of trouble to the enemy, taking advantage of "pocket artillery". In the limited space of the station blast even one grenade led to the destruction and victims, and if such explosions will be several, the enemies will be very hard and to fight and survive under a discontinuity.

  Besides the two "bastions" in the premises of the station any more opponents was not found. Golf actually managed to turn off easily when it is the only mobile generator was attacked by a grenade. Though not able to throw the explosive fairing directly to the generator, but an explosion near the power plant led to sufficient results - field weakened and allowed not only to shoot through it, but also to throw grenades over the sighting. Aria examined her field instrumentronom, Alenko took from the safe on the table in the corner of the room to modify the documentation shotgun panatselina cleared by a medical station and checked its compliance with the standards and shelf life, contentedly chuckle, put the medicine in packing.

  - Everything is now going to and go further. - Shepard did not speak out loud about some secret passages. Aria nodded approvingly and went ahead. Alenko two cops-Asari commandos followed a taped.

  While the group followed by the asari half black carved into the rock narrow and winding passages, Shepard had time to read with instrumentrona novopostupivshie data. Positional fighting continued, suggesting that the action of the station several sabotage and terrorist group consisting of tserberovtsev, have solid special training. Most probably, the way it was.

  The half black room towards acted hooded figure.

  - Nayrin? - Aria learned vizitёrshu first stepped toward her.

  - Unfortunately, yes. Here, I wanted to inspect the area, collided with a group of five to "Bastion". Creatures destroyed the whole group followed me. If not for biotic - I would not have strayed. They are quite indifferent to the rifle warheads, apparently, only respect shotguns charges, but I do not use them for a long time. - Explained turianka.

  - That the news was not about you. Shepard can take it with you, you have to bring it. But to show its location, we will not. - Immediately clarified sovereign of "Omega". - Naira loves here such here hidden voyages and its militias are accustomed to the strangeness. And enemies need not know where she was and what she was doing there. Kai, check it, we are not anywhere in the light systems?

  - Yes. Checking. - Alenko engaged instrumentronom, reported in a minute. - No, never light, and none of us is not to be in pursuit mode, tracking or hunting.

  - Okay. - Asari hugged turianku something quietly telling her. From what has been said Shepard realized that Aria had once showed her one of the sections of the passage and now Nayrin able to hide here from tserberovtsev and their robots, trying to survive alone, and eventually break back to the main militia forces. All repeats.

  - Nayrin, I warned Aria and now I warn you. - Captain finished with instrumentronom, turned the screen. - Do not try to put up their biotic talents to the fullest. The war is long, plenty of time.

  - If you say so ... - Nayrin clearly thought, weighing said Shepard. -
Perhaps you're right. I will follow your advice. - Turianka exchanged glances with the asari. - So are we going?

  - Go see your impatience, Naira. - Either he sniffed, or snorted Aria. - In a hurry too.

  - How to start a war, and finish. And I must lead her. And so here I stay too long. These Divers group ... - turianka waved, apparently, to keep from sounding stronger expressions.

  Shepard did not say anything out loud, just waved his hand toward the closed door. According instrumentronu continued to receive new reports of fighting station with defenders who tried to go beyond the occupied regions tserberovtsami and adjutant.

  The tunnel group had to endure a fight with the infantry "Cerberus", of which there had accumulated up to two dozen, five robots "Bastion" and even two unmanned "Atlas". Following the second bestowed the same wave of enemies, which is also not achieved any success and was completely destroyed.

  After making sure that none of the teammate is not particularly hurt, and everyone can continue the way Shepard allowed five minutes of rest, and he dropped to the floor plate, privalivayas to the wall. At such moments he was concerned above all about so no one crept silently to the order and could not stab him in the back, so the rest had to be very, very complete.

  - Divers group "Cerberus" - Aria listened to the reports by its Speaker, - try to access the network stations to crack the protection of our management tools and rocket launchers. Our services say that a very advanced tserberovsky engineer goes to the station, which is specifically oriented exactly that. Last hacking committed by them, was somewhere in the area.

  - It is, of course, under the protection, so that to be the next fight. - Alenko said. Aria nodded in agreement, while reloading his rifle. - Eliminate it - will be a bit easier for the rest of the defenders. Well, we were in the area.


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