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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 108

by Theodore Daniels

  The engineer was found at the end of the next corridor. It was guarded by three marines "Cerberus" and two "Bastion". By eliminating frisky technician, artist Shepard and Aria, Nayrin warned about the undesirability of its intervention in the situation dealt with its protection, not allowing them to report on the failure of the mission of an engineer. So a few more tens of minutes, Peter would know that its cool special Edge moved for forcibly.

  View from the outside. Svetlana Streltsov. The board of the cruiser "Volga"

  There is nothing worse than uncertainty. For Svetlana it was especially clear and sharp full. She only went to the military intelligence to first overcome this uncertainty. It gnaws way up to the commanding heights of the imperial astrorazvedki precisely because it hated the uncertainty of all its guts. And now, when she fell in love for the first time really, deeply and completely, when they believed without looking man, not even belonged to the citizens of the Empire, the uncertainty about its path and destiny burned Svetlana inner fire, causing worry almost constantly think about where now John and what is happening with him.

  Scraps of information extracted Synthetic Troop some semi-fantastic ways that do not meet Svetlana. She has not filed the form, trying to be calm and indifferent somewhere, knowing that if it is too nervous - Alla upryachet her in sickbay under strict bed rest, mockingly called "persistence". The fact that the station "Omega" under attack by forces of "Cerberus" and under siege "shrimp" Reapers she knew for a long time. And I understand that Cerberus - a serious opponent, he has great potential and it is already aware of what had come to the station Shepard with his landing party. Legion is connected to the network stations and now Goths Community detachment supplied the information about what is happening to the "Omega". But that's about Shepard news special was not. As always - seen here and there. Make sure the path is not possible, let alone to predict exactly where it will be in the next few minutes - even more so. Svetlana knew that Shepard accompanies with his normandovtsami not someone else, but the matriarch asari Aria, knew that Aria, if they do not like Shepard, a man who loves him as a person, as a person and really, really respect him. And from respect to this all-consuming love, no matter how sorry, only one step. Somewhere small and fast, and somewhere - big and long. no matter how sorry, only one step. Somewhere small and fast, and somewhere - big and long. no matter how sorry, only one step. Somewhere small and fast, and somewhere - big and long.

  Svetlana believed John. I believed that his love, his human love will be enough not only to her, his wife and a girlfriend and her children, but also on many other sentient organics. She knew that Shepard will not cross a certain facet of their own in relation to other organics reasonable that he would not make a harem, will not mnogozhёntsem or lover. He loves, loves, Svetlana, and in this she was absolutely, tysyacheprotsentno sure. Yes, asari are able to fall in love with any earthly man - a feature race. Yes, Shepard - also absolutely earthly man, but for the matriarch Aria - a very special man, the same man who, together with Yavikom tore her aria from the clutches of almost certain death, returned it because of Facets in the maloustroenny, but only the usual for adult asari Aria world. The world in which Aria was everything - love, child, power, influence, a private station, great authority and no less huge vosmivekovoy experience. Fortunately, for the past thirty years, the asari have been unable to fully explore humanity, so this Earthman, how was the Shepard was too incomprehensible and too, unfortunately, is attractive to Aria. Arius believed him and his men, she went with Shepard on this long, complex route to try to strengthen the station further, to achieve a real, rather than theoretical advantage over tserberovtsami and maybe try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack. great authority and no less huge vosmivekovoy experience. Fortunately, for the past thirty years, the asari have been unable to fully explore humanity, so this Earthman, how was the Shepard was too incomprehensible and too, unfortunately, is attractive to Aria. Arius believed him and his men, she went with Shepard on this long, complex route to try to strengthen the station further, to achieve a real, rather than theoretical advantage over tserberovtsami and maybe try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack. great authority and no less huge vosmivekovoy experience. Fortunately, for the past thirty years, the asari have been unable to fully explore humanity, so this Earthman, how was the Shepard was too incomprehensible and too, unfortunately, is attractive to Aria. Arius believed him and his men, she went with Shepard on this long, complex route to try to strengthen the station further, to achieve a real, rather than theoretical advantage over tserberovtsami and maybe try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack. What is Shepard, for Aria was too incomprehensible and too, unfortunately, is attractive. Arius believed him and his men, she went with Shepard on this long, complex route to try to strengthen the station further, to achieve a real, rather than theoretical advantage over tserberovtsami and maybe try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack. What is Shepard, for Aria was too incomprehensible and too, unfortunately, is attractive. Arius believed him and his men, she went with Shepard on this long, complex route to try to strengthen the station further, to achieve a real, rather than theoretical advantage over tserberovtsami and maybe try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack. try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack. try to prepare the station to attack the Reapers. The fact that such an attack can be, no doubt, Svetlana. A Shepard, John it is already there, and then he and his teammate - under the threat of attack. A threat can be a real attack.

  Svetlana was afraid of John. Not for himself - for he was afraid. I was afraid, because she loved. She loved fiercely, frenetic, very complete. It has long been accustomed to the idea that John for her - the only one. The only person to whom she trusts as anyone else. She felt, sensed and knew that he - the best. For her the most - the best. And this will not be another. Now ... when approached Reapers, when she saw the three polutorakilometrovy shrimp in a deadly drift around the station, where the shuttle was able to break John ...

  It is particularly acute now understand the other side of the meaning of the phrase "is not". If John and something happens, it is this and could not stand. No, of course she will do everything to make the children were born, but she also knew that in fact it will be a hole that can not be mended, not fill even the great healer, how the Imperials have always been inclined to take the time. Yes, it will be next to him, and her children, the only thing left of him is really tangible, really material. They will be his and its continuation, but if there is not it ... At least she did not have as many of her friends to save children from unnecessary, completely unbearable for them to experience, very adult feelings, to tell them the truth. It will be able to tell the truth at once. The truth about ...

  No. It certainly will tell the children, no matter how small they may be the truth, but now ... Now such thoughts - it's like burying alive is quite lively and healthy person. It is wrong with John, you can not. He believed her, and so he yielded to it, its age-old female desire to have a child from a decent man.
I yield, because he believed that she will cope. Right, despite all the difficulties and challenges.

  Approaching the closed porthole bronezaslonkoy commander's cabin, Svetlana ran her hand, with all five fingers on the cold glass. John - there, at the station, "Omega", a few kilometers - three Reaper. And full of warriors "Cerberus", husks. Plus adjutant able to turn their disputes any reasonable organic in its congener in seconds. The miracle hostile technology. Designed for submission to those who do not submit to the will of the Reapers. Their eternal Harvestime program. Not optimal program. The logic was truly superhuman. Otherwise it could not be - people logic is sometimes subject to the laws of human ethics and morality more than the laws of mathematics and common sense. It is easy to expect maybe - it is easy to hope, but when no hope, no hope remains when, and will ... It is much more difficult.

  Svetlana felt like it around the world, her personal world gradually painted in the colors of the war. These colors she'd learned from the thousands. The colors of a long and difficult war.

  Now I had to think about the next, the future tasks of the Troop. And Svetlana knew that the next task can only be quarians. Their fleet and their planet. Their eternal vnutrikvarianskie and quarian-getskogo contradictions. While there, John, on the "Omega", overcoming this route, it is also obliged to work. Must calculate the situation with quarians that when John comes back, he had, on that you can rely on here right now. Not wasting time to lose, on vrabatyvanie. If so it was removed from the commanding watches and freed from many other commanders, where even routine duties and functions, at least, to think, to plan and anticipate, predict it is no Allah nor Stanislav not prohibited.

  With these thoughts Svetlana moved away from the window, went to the table and sat down gingerly in a chair, settling back and pushing yourself to the table instrumentron. Need to work. We can not dally. Need to work. It is possible, the following paragraph is Tuchanka plan. It is necessary to unite krogan clans into something common that when a sudden turn off repeaters race krogan could fight the Reapers when he was not disunity, and a single. Maybe even be able to negotiate with Kalros, the mother of all threshers. If Kalros help ... krogan will stand. This is - a race of warriors. They know how to fight and love. They are able to win.

  In the next bunker, to which the band had to stomp through the winding passages and stairs for half an hour, it was pretty crowded. Giving teammate yet to decide what to do, but ordered not to leave the bunker and be prepared for an immediate attack, Shepard noted that Aria Nayrin dissatisfied with the presence nearby and tries to once again play the role of "arch-friend" turianki. What to do, the relationship is not always reasonable undergo positive changes at once, often these changes occur too slowly, too slowly.

  Talking to the defenders of the bunker, the captain continued to size up the situation for himself in this part of the station, trying to link this knowledge with an understanding of the overall situation on the "Omega". Confrontation between tserberovtsami and omegovtsami continued positional battles were constantly disturbed hearing sluggish or fierce firefight, acted Divers group, were caught and destroyed by local inhabitants in different parts of the "Omega". Reapers drifted around the station without showing their particular activity and does not include their main emitters.

  Nayrin quietly disappeared from the bunker, apparently went to his militia, who also had a base somewhere in the vicinity of the station. Aria the disappearance of "arch-friend" rather sluggishly responded, arguing that if turianka gone, she is able to decide what and how it should be done - in custody Nayrin definitely not needed.

  Half an hour later, and Shepard's group gathered under the leadership of Aria, apparently tired of waiting Nayrin in the bunker, napravailas down the corridor. After going through the next break, normandovtsam and Aria had to climb a vertical ladder, where he found a hidden terminal, activating the subnet "Omega".

  Alenko after working on his keyboard, reported that the subnet is enabled and now it will be harder tserberovtsam quietly put a new shield generators. After rising to a freight elevator on two levels up, the band had to go through the duct exiting the territory, most recently occupied by militias Nayrin largest unit. There Shepard via Jenkins revived generator and opened the air lock, through which normandovtsy and Aria went on, having to help a group of militias to deal with a small group tserberovtsev Divers.

  - Ahead - hall, we descend to the level to where the old industrial enterprises. - Aria said when normandovtsy descended down the vertical ladder and appeared on the original landing.

  - Captain. - Returned Alenko was calm, but it masked a calm alertness and tension. - Ahead - Another batch of the centurions, attack and combat engineers. - Alenko pointed to his instrumentrone approximate location. - They arrived on the landing shuttles, we have also seen the corpses kogtevtsev Minorities and other militias.

  - Heard a report on the liquidation barrier. - Confirmed the Aria, listen to the conversation of officers. - They could build up strength for a major diversion.

  - We'll have to destroy. To combat. - Ordered the captain, finished the study the data provided by the scouts. - The group must completely disappear. - Shepard said, realizing that such a unit in an industrial level can bloat a lot of unpleasant affairs, and militia there really is not enough for effective protection of vast spaces, baffled pipes, conveyors, vats and fans.

  - Yes, to fight. - Alenka received reports. - We are ready.

  - Then - attack. - Shepard said. - And then - moving on.

  The battle took more than forty minutes: engineers tried desperately to use their turrets, they had to pay attention and try to kill almost faster than the centurions and attack aircraft.

  - The next subnet terminal. - Aria opened an inconspicuous box on the wall. - Five minutes - and be able to pass on.

  - Good. - Shepard once again reloaded the rifle. - Kai, dispose of the exploration areas near.

  - Yes captain. - Lieutenant gave orders in a low voice, and three policemen paratroopers went forward. A few minutes later he passed on information received instrumentron Shepard. - These fields "Cerberus" has limited maneuverability militias in these regions.

  - I'm finished. You can go further. - Aria, slamming instrumentron, emerged from the cavern. - According to the subnet was information appears here "Bastion" division. We are near the outer skin of the station, so that you can and should expect attempts tserberovtsev send reinforcements to the shuttles.

  - We will understand. - Shepard said, discussing with Alenko Jenkins and plan future actions, viewing and drawing files instrumentronov combat interaction scheme. - Three minutes, Ari.

  - Readily wait. - Azarov said. - The very feel ahead zavarushka is still the same.

  - Remove this obsessive engineer eliminate turret. Then, without going into the room, Stormtroopers and fire back, "Bastion", holding in the doorway of the entrance portal. I guess that will come two of the shuttle, which broke after a face. In each - up to eight infantrymen, centurions, three, five guards and two "Bastion". - Alenko said. - In general, the battle will take an hour or more.

  - Because - distribute more precisely the role of Lieutenant. - Shepard closed instrumentron. - All weapons - check and recharge.

  - Yes, commander. - Lieutenant went to the basic composition of the group - to manage and check.

  Engineer, conveniently located across from the entrance and a secure group of five stormtroopers managed to destroy in the first seconds clashes. Later normandovtsev group acted in concert without going into the open space of the room and not allowing tserberovtsam grab burn advantage. Reinforcements arrived on the shuttle was partially destroyed more at landing, damaged shuttles themselves and move away from the station, undock, could not - damaged clamps is dead kept boats and drivers were shot and killed a lieutenant, again using his sniper rifle. Using the fact that in nearby rooms did not have any of the militia, and Aria normandovtsy not restrain himself in the use of weapons and biotics.

  - Commander, in the neighboring "
area of fifteen" appeared Divers group "Cerberus". - Jenkins reported. - I hear talks, apparently they have two prisoners militias. Man and Turian. Tserberovtsev interested Nayrin location. So far, the prisoners are silent, and I am inclined to believe that they themselves do not know the whereabouts turianki.

  - We're done here. - Shepard looked stuck shuttles. - Lower and block the gates, so that there is already tserberovtsy break into the station will not be able, as well as to remove their boats. Two minutes - and we go out to this diversion group. Needless to leave these seekers live.

  After overcoming a short flight of stairs, the group concentrated in a locked door.

  - Inputs. - Shepard convinced that all normandovtsy ready for battle. - To put all Tserberovtsev not zadente prisoners.

  In the next few minutes in the room flashed only half black lights of the charges and heard on broadcast ragged breath reasonable. Tserberovtsy had tried to resist, but they did not last more than a minute. Having control of corpses normandovtsy assisted by former prisoners - fortunately, the saboteurs did not seek to immediately cause them serious damage, although a few more minutes - and the questioning would be moved into a phase of "combat evisceration."

  - You go with us. We bring you to any place from which you will be able to return to their own. - He said with the tacit permission of Shepard Alenko both former prisoners. - Take the captured weapons and ammunition, first aid kits and refill supplies panatselina. In general - Equip.

  - Follow to the elevator. - Aria said, gesturing direction. - It is necessary to move to us here do not find the next Divers group. We're here for a while made a noise, and the disappearance of prisoners precisely further alert the husks-tserberovtsev.

  Freight elevator-platform group raised in a large room partitioned red force field. As soon succeeded in the rear normandovets-commando crossed the threshold of the room, out of the field came a few "Bastion", had tried to go to open fire on the intruders, but their appearance was to be expected - even tserberovtsy-Huskies did not venture to go back and forth across the field and the field itself most clearly indicated exactly that here in covering abandoned robots.


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