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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 113

by Theodore Daniels

  - Six hours, twelve minutes, Commander. - Said Moro.

  - Welcome. Get ready to go, John. Whatever it was, our first task - a reorganization of the Migrant Fleet. Hitting the Rannoch and liquidation Reaper - is the second problem.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard stood up, turning to the door of the cabin.

  - And further. You need to sleep, John. At least five hours. This is - a personal request to you from Chakwas. Do not strain your Karin.

  - I'll try, Captain. - Shepard crossed the threshold, covering the cabin door.

  Going to her, Shepard remembered how they went from the "Omega". It was more than half a day ago.

  Probably, after he and Svetlana had to go in a crisis control center when he's asleep, and she was sitting next to something very changed in him. The Academy, in numerous special courses they talked about this. They said that in the crucial moments, such as war or famine in people waking their second or what the other "I". At such moments, even the high-end special forces are changing dramatically and now Shepard felt that this is what happened with him, became commander of the "Normandy" man. He did not know then, a crisis center or now how he will cope with this new awakened his "I". I did not know, but really wanted to know, because too much depended on this knowledge. Too much to let the situation in the will of the accident. Too many to count it insignificant.

  Then, when the next three days devoted to the coordination of efforts to rearm "Omega", when they were only a night to ourselves, and then not entirely, just a few hours, Shepard knew that Svetlana has changed too. It is an effort to balance between the state and the impatiens and rocks of the Earth's woman wearing a heart of two children. These two contradictory state was added, and the third - the state or perhaps the position of commander of the imperial intelligence ship, senior officer aboard a single battle cruiser. Svetlana became a land, detached, sharply. Maybe it could well be, it so protect themselves from nervous and mental overload. May be.

  For three days they - he and Svetlana worked. For three days they performed the tasks and functions performed, and as always at such moments particularly acute their other desires - to be together, to be close. And reality does not allow them this. There were too many cases, there was too much to do. As the captain, it was clear that all omegovtsy, normandovtsy and volgovtsy these three days worked with no less efficiency and intensity. The war was really just hard work and quite like a holiday or doing nothing. The question was - or harvest will be successful, or the harvest cycle will never again be repeated in the future.

  As a soldier, Shepard admitted that humanity and all other sentient races now known of organic Milky Way can be destroyed, in other words - to lose the battle. The one battle that they have only just begun, and which had all the chances to take years. The fact that this battle could drag on for decades and centuries ... Shepard was afraid to think about it. Too different potentials were races of the Milky Way and the Reapers. Hardest it was aware that the enemies were, and among the inhabitants of the galaxy.

  In this case, it does not matter whether the Reapers need Galactica itself, as a territory or place. It is important to understand that the Galaxy will be without the other organic life. Too long. In fifty thousand years or twenty-five thousand years or seventy-five thousand years. Or a hundred thousand years. Or a hundred and fifty thousand years.

  Then new intelligent organic appear imminent, and then these will inevitably create a reasonable organic synthetic currently helpers which will come into binding competition. This competition eventually grow into a fight, and then - in the war. And this war did not mean automatically established between Synthetic organics and trusting relationship. Maybe cold confrontation, and maybe the victory of one side over the other. The final victory. This, when the revival of the second, the losing party can not be considered. The problem was that it would not stop the development of the problem. The main problem, which is the name of the "failure". Ironically evolution of emptiness can not be. Therefore, one way or another, there were only two options, and the most likely real. Or - total victory or total defeat.

  And while the second option seemed the most likely. So far, the "Omega" narrowly escaped destruction: if three ships Reapers fired at stations - "Omega" would be destroyed in a few seconds. No casualties omegovtsev and can not speak to the public: after hitting the "shrimp" on the station would be no one who was able to provide at least some resistance landing "Cerberus". Shepard knew, he knew perfectly well that a coordinated attack three "shrimp", "Omega" could not oppose anything. Despite the fact that the Patriarch and the Archangel drove his subordinates on the endless drills, despite the fact that the world could absolve themselves of any constraints and hit the control center for the mentally Reapers.

  Shepard still acutely aware that in fact all of them - and Reapers, and organics, and Synthetic - only pawns on a giant cosmic chessboard pieces on which transposes evolution. For evolution have no meaning units, tens, hundreds, thousands. What can I say about such small quantities - for the evolution dazhi billions are not critical. Against this background they have, and otryadovtsev omegovtsev remain only two choices: either - victory, or - death in the delivery of the desperate, and at the same time a skilful resistance. Third did not even want to believe. For the third Shepard could not be in principle. For him, the third meant only one thing - a betrayal. While on the other hand, it was the usual third option. If you think in terms of evolution - it was the usual third option. Neither worse nor better than the other two.

  Communication with four Synthetic - just what so afraid Leviathans - given the expected result had to think with a truly superhuman, inorganic, you can even say - the irrational logic. And these thoughts might not be familiar. Maybe - at first. Perhaps it was necessary to win the generation of Leviathan, which primarily with the same success again and again destroying all organic life and reasonable subjugated synthetic sentient life in the galaxy. And maybe - not only in this galaxy. Milliion years, a billion years.

  Svetlana felt about what John thinks. It was enough to feel the general background of his thinking. She could understand more, but in those three days she did not want to engage in-depth digging. Trite was not enough time, and to make such haste she did not want. Maybe too much respect, perhaps - too fond of John, or maybe she just wanted to keep itself within itself a tiny, very little hope that she would be able to survive, will be able to bear children and be able to give birth to them and save their lives. And all this time she will fight the Reapers and their henchmen. Because it was a straight fight meaning, and act. This meaning has been imprisoned in her children and in understanding what it is - their mother. Another mother they will never in their lives, which must be long and even a little happy.

  She always felt that there may come a time when there is no difference - man, woman, boy, girl. After birth, there are only two possible and realistic choice - to live on or die. And the person and any other reasonable organic being increasingly oriented towards the living. Do not survive, but to live. Although life always includes death. In its natural or not natural or even artificial finals. The proximity of the death of Svetlana felt just fine. Probably better than many other women. And certainly better than many men.

  Thrills proximity caused her death, Svetlana Streltsov eventually move closer to the border, for which death was sovereign mistress. This boundary for Svetlana began work for intelligence Astroflota Empire. A Scout is always doomed to feel the danger is much sharper than those who stand behind it. To some extent it is on the border between safety and danger. And sometimes I have to be ready to cross the border, entering the territory of Death. It is difficult to invest in a verbal form, it is very difficult. It is necessary to feel, feel, and only then comes understanding.

  The paradox - if the "shrimp" Reapers, so-called core ships were really the only thing that remained of the destroyed all races, then the very destruction of these ships during the confrontation flatly denies race-heiress opportunity to understand what it was know
n that races predecessor. On the other hand, whether or not they understand it, depriving themselves of the rights and opportunities to pass their own unique, individual way of development? Have the happier and smarter than the current race, is now aware of the Reapers enough, and now they are forced to confront the reality of the present, rather than the illusory nature of a possible future? No. they are likely to remain the same. A little happy, a little unhappy, a little no, waiting for your choice. Lighthouses Protheans even being found and activated a little that could change. The sages of mankind asserted over and over again, that man gets used to everything - and to what holds good, and the fact that he considers bad. But - only within the corridor set by evolution. Assuming only one option in each time unit. Only one. And so you want to make multiple equilibrium elections.

  Svetlana remembered working on information and quarians getam. I remembered, because this information was already known for her John. In preparing it, she most wanted to keep this information helped John to avoid mistakes and miscalculations in the difficult task of solving the underlying problem. Problems of coexistence quarians and Geth. Not geth heretics, namely pure, natural Geth. And not those walkers, who will be in abundance in the Rannoch confront them on other planets quarian sector. Although ... What's the sector. Now the main thing - Rannoch. The second stage confrontation. Before the Migrant Fleet finally split into two parts - one will cover Rannoch and the other - to fight in the fleet Ras Space Milky Way.

  Reapers had to strain so that they were forced to constantly spray force. Then they are not powerful enough resources - whatever they were strong, they might have a finite value. They wanted to wear down the residents of the Milky Way, but they themselves were deprived of immortality, and a bottomless resource. So the struggle even looked fair and equilibrium: each of the parties could only die or just win. Or fall into a prolonged confrontation. The one that in the end and could not lead to the final race Protheans death.

  Last thought a little cheer up Svetlana. In any case Protheans survived, they are the current race, and can survive. And not just survive but to win. Losses among residents of the Milky Way will, of course, enormous. Strel'tsova remembered that in the literature of each of the races known today, there is one phrase: "there is only one representative of the race - the race is not lost." From this point of view, the ability of the asari mate with any other representative of the now existing races in the Milky Way did not seem something reprehensible and worthy of restraint. And especially not looked something criminal desire of several asari win the love and the location of John.

  Svetlana is now difficult to accurately determine even for itself the level of access to the heart and soul of each Shepard known her asari. And then there's ... Tali quarian, yet doomed to wear a suit, unable to give birth to a child from anyone except Turian or quarian. But, of course, indifferent to Shepard. So indifferent, that the level of friendship seemed long since passed. Typically, the saved from those troubles reasonable organics did his rescuers named brothers and sisters ... Tali went on - apparently, it is not initially satisfied. This dissatisfaction can be considered a kind of counterbalance to the popularity of John among the asari. And one could find something more.

  Shepard was certainly the best in many ways and who does not like Asari feel it with the utmost certainty. Who would not consider anyone asari, in the mind and reason they can not refuse. And Tali ... As a wholly woman, she always has to look better. Maybe it is even in the Fleet will not find anyone who has ever walked on the strength and level of Shepard. May be. And while Tali as keenly felt Svetlana, Shepard continued to love. It was difficult to explain in words, it could only feel and grasp. Without words.

  Streltsov knew that in spite of all attempts, the final choice does not exist. If it existed - it would have been different. And now there was only the opportunity to repeatedly confirm the loyalty and the correctness of his own choice. For she herself had only one choice: to do everything to become a history of the Reapers. Forever. An alternative could only be death. Not only her personal destruction and the deaths of many other sentient, almost all. What happened was that - and all in general.

  Her whole essence of the protest against the universal death. And not just because she was a woman herself, designed to generate life. And because she wanted to be loved and to give love to those who were worthy of that love. Give those reasonable that surrounded her being alive. And such reasonable she had many. A cruiser and those who are waiting for her on Earth and in the solar system. And on the ships and stations owned by Empire. Not only, of course, the Empire.

  Three days of work have expired and now the time has come to say goodbye.

  - Svetlana. - John scanned the lists for a landing. - Are you kidding?

  - No, John. - Streltsov broke away from typing on the keyboard. - I just want us to be considered as a single. Not in words, but in deeds. I want to see if it turned out that the "Volga" is now actually two commanders, the same thing happened to the "Normandy". This, of course, depending on the situation in the extreme, but now it seems reasonable. Anyway - as long as we do not solve quarian crisis.

  - And you think that this is a crisis? - Shepard asked.

  - I'm sure John. This is - a crisis. And quarian systems, especially in the Rannoch, all of us, all orders have to take risks. Disagreements among the admirals of the Navy - is nothing compared to what we can expect on Rannoch. It sounds cliche, but I - a strange feeling. As if on Rannoch we are waiting for a meeting with the Grand Prix. What is the difference, how to call it? The crisis, the problem, question, problem, it is clear that this is - the danger. The great danger, John. For all of us. - Svetlana instrumentron closed, turned to John. - All this went on, John. First - Collectors, then - the Citadel, then - Omega. Everything is standard. And everything is very painful, because it is - a reality. Our common reality, John, you have to fix is now. And the key to correcting - at Rannoch.

  - How to think, be able to? - Shepard did not look at Svetlana, knowing that she was reading a subtext automatically.

  - Quarians and geta must unite. - Almost relegating her back made Svetlana a characteristic head movement. - Or we get a conflict that violates everything. Almost everything that we have created in this short time that I spent with you next to John. And you. - She looked at Shepard's long and soft look. - Or I will do everything to geth and quarians united ... Or I would be incredibly difficult to remain at the head of the crew and the team of "Volga", John.

  - I, too, will do everything for this light. - John did not come to his wife, knowing that no hugs today will not have undue influence. - Even if just because I want to, I want you to stay the commander. It is your life. And it should be just be what you yourself wish.

  - Thanks, John. I knew that you always will understand me. - Svetlana instrumentrona turn off the screen. - Let's just dispense basic positions, the more that our partners are now can not get us to spend the entire form and all over the ritual.

  And they did. Bypassed all the main posts. He walked four and invited to join only Alenko and Jenkins. For a variety of reasons. Shepard saw as a waiver of any solemn wires like their partners-omegovtsam, I felt like slipping a peaceful perception of reality.

  First, who I had to say goodbye, became a young asari Tatra. The voice of "Omega" did not hide feelings and emotions. She was very important to feel everything. Because then more or at least a part of it must be to convey to the listeners and viewers. "Omega" The station was and remained Squad Station and listened to the voice in the Traverse and Terminus. Stationary and portable repeaters overcome jamming work Reapers. Word Stations Corps believed. And Tatra wanted to keep this faith. Therefore I am trying to hold back. She is currently poorly managed. And she felt some relief only when the hall of departure came Vera.

  - John. - Asari dancer hugged Shepard. - You said that would like to organize a chamber concert. With military songs. Perhaps you will give us the opportunity to write it? We will try to write as fully as possible.
br />   - Vera, I owe you an apology. - Pause, Shepard said. - I thought that the situation will be easier, but I was wrong. And yet for a concert, whatever it was in scope, is not the right time has come. Because ... Concert will be.

  - I understand, John. - Vera looked at kivnuvshuyu Svetlana. - I guess something like that. Maybe you're right. One concert, conducted by the forces of humanity - this is normal. The second concert of the same - it's not all will be perceived correctly.

  - I am afraid that very much, Vera. - Said Svetlana. - Therefore, it would be better if each race will perform their songs of war when deemed necessary. We are all different and do not seek to depersonalization. Each race will be here and now appropriate his own concert. And because this war will be total - the concerts will also be shared. Chamber, group or universal - is another question. But the fact that we are united in their quest to confront the Reapers gives us strength. - Having said that, Svetlana moved, allowing John to say goodbye.

  Shepard silently embraced asari do without kissing. Simple, friendly kiss. Feeling like Vere want to get that kiss, John is still restrained.

  Vera, after a moment, gone. The room went Patriarch. Old Croghan tried to stay detached, even severely. Just bear-hug Shepard, hugged her. Let go, I looked into his eyes, nodded and walked away. Silently. Not a single word. No smiles.

  - John. - Shepard walked the world. - I ... I do not know what to say ... You saved station. And we will try to be strong ... I will try to be strong. - Asari embraced the captain, kissed him. - You know what you mean to me. You, Svetlana, normandovtsy, volgovtsy. Thank you. And I ... I really hope that I will see you all again. Alive. - She parted his arms, stepped back two steps, leaned. - See you.


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