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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 114

by Theodore Daniels

  At this point I came the archangel and peace took a step toward him, held his hand over his armor, knowing that he, too, must say goodbye to the partners. Moreover, that is soon to come Aria.

  - We will fight. - Said turian Fifth Race. - The war has just begun, John. And we are now all in their war. Each. Because we will need to fight. - He held out his hand. - I know that people tend to call our hands paws. And you - one of the few who always called our hands turian is hands, not feet. Hand in hand, we will be united and conquer, John. In any case, I believe it. - Slightly clenched hand Shepard, he opened his fingers. - See you later, Captain.

  - See you, Archangel. - Shepard said, watching the retiring tall Turian.

  Aria if counted in advance the time of their arrival. This time it seemed desperately that the next meeting may not be the enemy was too strong. Now Shepard and his team covered the station. Soon squad will leave the route, take up his regular tasks and them omegovtsam, will have to fight the Reapers and their henchmen in isolation. Yes, perhaps Shepard, Streltsov and Titov with Anderson, too, understands this. But they do their best to make it look as if they are united. To end. Kratkozhivuschaya race of people. Yes, they have a long history of several hundred years, filled with different events, but what is the history kratkozhivuschey race compared with the history of the long-lived race. Such, for example, the asari. After all, they know the generations of people who knows separately taken Asari, who lives a thousand years. A Shepard ... Sometimes Aria seemed Captain knows in any case not less than the average asari. Of course, not as asari, but as a person. Perhaps because the fate of the marks of those who are particularly valuable, who must fulfill a certain role. Not to play, namely to perform. This time she was silent. Silent, staring at Shepard and occasionally glancing briefly at Svetlana.

  Shepard remembered for a long time it's goodbye. Skipping forward Svetlana, wait until she sits down in a chair by the window, Shepard looked around at the empty platform. He turned and climbed aboard, the captain allowed the driver to close the hatch. The shuttle was launched. The customary procedure, the usual negotiations, familiar lines on the cabin wall screens.

  He sat down next to his wife, John noticed that Svetlana wary looks out the window. Tracing its opinion, Shepard knew - she looks at "Omega-fourth." He himself had long been thought sufficient to contemplate stopped ring. If the ring is only stopped, they can at any time to come into motion again. And then the Reapers will have additional opportunities to strike. Yes, they did not always use repeaters. They already have enough opportunities.

  "Omega" was dangerously close to the "Omega-fourth." Reapers came quickly, much faster than the approaching "Normandie", when returning from there, from zaretranslyatornogo space. Now that the first attempt to place the siege station, "Omega" is not turned into a civil, and military, a military station. I had to get used to the fact that the Reapers will not leave the station alone, will go to the end, trying to take her under his control. For them, the only alternative is to control only its destruction. Reapers obviously not the first to resort to destruction. For them, if we recognize their machines with artificial intelligence, it was one of the possible options. More than possible. The most viable options that will not fail to take advantage of the Reapers, if so will develop the circumstances. Now to the "Omega"

  Shuttles "Normandy" and "Volga" went to the station, bristling with gun barrels and missile launchers rails, radiators laser systems antiaircraft protection and impulse control systems missile launchers.

  - Do you know where it goes civil court, John? - Svetlana asked about it without looking and without taking his eyes off the repeater. - Those are the civil court, which were the last departed from the station. Those same.

  - No, but ...

  - You're right. Recent civil passazhirniki and transporters went to the detachment. For our two ships, John. Because we were the closest to the boundary of the system. Almost unarmed civilian vessels have chosen us, our ships as protection. And then ... Then they went further, deeper, to safer areas.

  Having said that, Svetlana stopped. And silent all the way to the place of the drift Troop ships. While it was possible, she looked out the window at the station was removed. In her eyes there were tears, but to read the voltage. Shepard felt and even seen that it is not one looked at the first station in the shuttle portholes, and then - on the screens.

  By the time the order already the first reports of the deaths of many military and civil stations Space Milky Way were obtained. Reapers do not make exceptions for anyone. Destroyed station colony infrastructure. On the ground, there were only swarms of debris. Very rarely rescuers managed to detect the signals of individual beacons and time to arrive before the end of oxygen in survivors. Reapers destroyed everything that could be the basis for a strong focus intrusion resistance. Any fire. And because otryadovtsy looked at "Omega", knowing that the next time you can not get her to this point.

  - Request permission to board, Commander. - Shepard saluted the newcomer to the hangar Anderson.

  - Permission granted. - Anderson retaliatory saluted. - Welcome back.

  - Commander. - On the platform ladder from the race came, Svetlana. - Request permission to discuss a number of issues in your cabin.

  - A quarter of an hour. - Anderson briefly glanced at his watch. - I'm waiting for you at home.

  - Yes, commander. - Svetlana gave laying Shepard. - Come is for you.

  - Come on. - Captain intercepted pilings handle. - Come on.

  Upon entering the cabin, Svetlana sat down in a chair, leaned her head on the headrest and tried to relax.

  - I do not know, John. Always thought that the ship, the more military ship, should always be only one commander. Two commander in the same boat - it is a kind of split personality.

  - Svetlana. - Shepard turned. - I understand everything, of course, as much as are generally able to understand what I understand is available. And now I see that you are honest with herself. Yes, I agree, it was always assumed that the commander has to be one. And as has always been assumed that the team, the crew must be united. Regardless of who is at the head - one or two or all of the crew commander. Each of us, people, parents and relatives are taught above all independence and at the same time - the ability to work and act in a team. So what's the difference, how many commanders on the ship, if we have only one goal: to defeat the Reapers and their minions, inflict maximum damage and the damage they inflict a maximum defeat? If we are united in the way we understand our purpose, what is the difference if we commanders, Svetlana? Maybe someone and thought, Anderson sat out on board the frigate. But where was supposed to be the captain? Only on the ship. Even more so - during the war. From what Anderson - Spectrum something changed? Nothing changed. He did not run, not deserted, did not sit in inactivity in his cabin. He acted. In our Galaxy abound all work and someone has to do this job. Even the paper even bureaucratic. So if you going to agree with Anderson that the question of him to stay on as commander of "Normandy" - I will support you. - Shepard looked at his watch. - Time is running out. Anderson waits. I did not sit in inactivity in his cabin. He acted. In our Galaxy abound all work and someone has to do this job. Even the paper even bureaucratic. So if you going to agree with Anderson that the question of him to stay on as commander of "Normandy" - I will support you. - Shepard looked at his watch. - Time is running out. Anderson waits. I did not sit in inactivity in his cabin. He acted. In our Galaxy abound all work and someone has to do this job. Even the paper even bureaucratic. So if you going to agree with Anderson that the question of him to stay on as commander of "Normandy" - I will support you. - Shepard looked at his watch. - Time is running out. Anderson waits.

  As they walked out of the cabin in starpomovskoy commander, the captain had thought that the frigate, cruiser on any conceivable alignment of will continue to go first and board really should be two commanders. At least, simply because for a long time, two commanders were "Volga". Maybe Imperials and was accepted. May be. For t
he British this was new Shepard, but in every country had its own rules and its own characteristics. Yes, regulations have to fulfill a certain bureaucratic process, but now, with the start of invasions all this bureaucracy was too insignificant to spend on it in the first place while the main current resource.

  Habitually missing wife forward, Shepard held the door leaf commander cabins and nodded slightly when he caught her questioning look. Although, if you look, if you look deeper, Svetlana certainly look at John optional - it feels and it feels without any views.

  Saluted Anderson, who was sitting at his desk, Shepard took place said the commander of the ship.

  A short exchange of views, the signing of the three plastics. And from that moment on the frigate HMS "Normandy" had two commander. Now, I believe, one of otryadovtsev of organic or even reasonably within reach distant scanners do not will call David Anderson Spectrum is not involved in combat operations. Because since the beginning of the invasion spectra were no different from all the other inhabitants of the Milky Way. Now every sensible organic must fight. The title, status, age, gender no longer be critical. Now there were only two choices: either victory or death. Resistance was mandatory. And not even been discussed as a third choice.

  - John. I need to speak with the commander of Anderson alone. - Svetlana turned to get up to Shepard. - After that, I just go back to the "Volga".

  - Good. - Shepard stood up, pulled up a chair to the table top. - Let go, commander?

  - Allow the commander. - Anderson nodded. Shepard turned and left the cabin, the commander of the frigate, cruiser.

  Returning to her and realizing that Svetlana fly accompanied by his top five paratroopers, Shepard returned to thoughts about what is now a frigate, cruiser have to still go ahead, as befits a lighter vehicle. Yet the frigate-cruiser - this is not a cruiser. You could even say that it is not a cruiser, we can say - it's ersatz cruiser. Although, what's the difference? And frigate and cruiser cruiser now have to break into many star systems with fights. And there, in the battle, there is no difference at all, frigate, cruiser cruiser under fire or under fire. There will need to solve a completely different issues and problems. If you have time and the opportunity.

  It was necessary to see the readers. The same readers who Svetlana gave him. The ones that contain information on quarians.

  - Commander. - Watch manifested audio-only. - Kaperang Streltsov ubyla on the shuttle to the "Volga". Accompanied by guards.

  - Took, thank you. - Shepard released the sensor, looked down at the screen of another reader. A lot of information, but the time ... as always not enough.

  - Allow me, Commander. - On the threshold of the cabin stood starpomovskoy Croghan and earth girl. Gryunt and Jack.

  - Come, sit down. - Shepard did not get up. - I see that you are dissatisfied with something.

  - We are more than unhappy, Captain. - Jennifer said. - We are outraged, and one might even say, annoyed. Once again you have managed abbreviation composition of the landing party. Once again you have brought the people only. Those people who have been with you from the very start, Commander. And what are we forever doomed to be on the bench, to sit there in constant expectation?

  - Jenny. The war has only just begun ...

  - The war has just begun, and you have John on the first day pushes us away to behind him. And goes to the station itself. Station, surrounded by three "shrimp." - Said the girl-biotic. - You always want to rely solely on Alenko? He's commander of the amphibious group, and you, John, now the commander of the ship. Yes, quite a special commander of the ship, who loves to take part in the landings. However, you - the captain. A Alenko - Commander of Airborne groups. And he most needs support, Captain, my support. Yes, I admit, I - civil, I have never served in the army. And now it really matter? We all have to fight, John. All. And civil and military personnel. We will either win or perish together. Or ... Or we will resist with all his forces. Resist, hopefully, for a long time. And than, stayed in purely arithmetical minority win. Yes, maybe it is true that even one person can replace an entire race. But we should unite goal is not just to survive but to win. Win faster than the time will come when we will be too little, John. And for this we should be close to you. Yes, next to John. Not only in the squadron, but also on the landings.

  - I'm sorry, Jennifer. Gryunt waited longer and he has to learn it first. - Shepard pulled out of the drawer of the table reader. - Grew, get acquainted. - The captain handed the reader sit up krogan. He scanned the text, and then read it carefully.

  - You're kidding, Captain. I mean - John. - Gryunt was visibly excited. - How did you do it?

  - It's not for me to succeed, Gryunt. Now krogan race is fragmented into clans. A little more - and it will disintegrate into tribes. Can start mezhusobnaya, civil or religious war. You yourself know how dangerous it is. And in order to become a single krogan race right now, when the invasion began and has become a reality - we need extraordinary measures. You Gryunt, clean Croghan. Without any signs genophage. And you will become a great warrior of his race. To do this, you have to lead a detachment of special forces kroganskoy best race. He already has a name - "Arallah". While Reapers get to within the space you krogan, Gryunt, the only one of the disparate clans can create an army. Krogan army ready to fight not for the money but for something more. For the future. For the future of their race. Free from the threat of extinction.

  - And ... - Gryunt was obviously confused, that happened to him very often.

  - As we near the "Omega", which already receives and sends civilian ships, we are able to send you to Tuchanka. A special flight of the frigate Corps spectrum. Smaller ship can not take the risk. Now it's too risky. So as soon as we can, we will call the shuttle from the nearest to our frigate. Their neighboring systems, yet few. You go to his home. At home, that is thanks to you, the better warrior, and will be free from genophage and the threat of enslavement of the Reapers.

  - You ...

  - You yourself, Gryunt already an adult. And I have to get used to the fact that many do without words. Do you have a worthy task and no less worthy goal. So - get ready.

  - Let go? - Gryunt stood. His movements felt uncertainty - or rather indecision. He wanted to leave as quickly as possible starpomovskuyu cabin and at the same time wanted to stay.

  - Go Gryunt. And ... Good luck to you. - Shepard stood up, indicating a final decision.

  When the door closed behind Gryunt, Jennifer stood up.

  - Thank you for this advanced Gryunt here?

  - It is interesting to express, Jenny. "I put forward". I gave him the mission with which I am sure he can do better than anyone else. I hope I do not have to tell you that he would do it for his race.

  - I know it well. And always remember that. Now, maybe you can tell me what wanted to talk to me? For me, you too pripasёn reader with a mission?

  - We all have these readers - plenty, Jenny. - Shepard said. - Much can be done only gradually. Small steps in the right direction.

  - As far as I could see ahead of us - an attempt to solve the problem quarian. - Jennifer walked through the cabin, looking not rich decoration.

  - It was an attempt. Frankly, it would be difficult. Due to biotic talents Aria we were able to avoid large losses of our group during a raid on the "Omega". I think that during the raid on Rannoch we will be no less a problem, and therefore we will need your power and strength, Jenny. And as a protection and as a weapon attack. Alas. We now have to not only defend but also to attack.

  - Why are you telling me this, John? I feel that you do not see me for a Tuchanka nor Rannoch. You are trying to send me to the rear again? Now, perhaps, in a very deep rear.

  - You're right, Jenny. And wrong. Simultaneously. I want to send you back to where your work will determine our future. Resistance future. The future of our fight against the Reapers. In what is a very large extent - the future of our human race. And I missed you Gryunt forward just because I like you, Jenny, man. He did not want to reveal many details
in the presence of non-human races. I, as you see, do not play with words and not try to hide the meaning of flowery statements. - Saying this, Shepard lifted the lid of one of the folder and pulled reader. - Your assignment, tutor.

  - Mentor ?! - Jennifer picked up the device, turn it on to get a grasp. - You're kidding, John ?! Which of my mentor youth ?! I received a biotic qualification under torture, under the bullying, in agony, sweat and blood! And you are asking me to work with children-biotics ?! What can I teach them ?!

  - And what do you know, know and understand, Jennie, and what you want them to convey. You will be allocated a specialized group. Small, up to twenty people. Maybe - not much more. Boys and girls. Yes, the children will be too. And adolescents - will be too. It is important not to miss this chance. And you can teach them. I am sure about that. They need to get a double degree: to become adults and become warriors. Agree, this is exactly what you like - a complex, multi-stage and important task. It is not communicating the mission "for show".

  - As once he said Svetlana ... - Jenny put the reader in its styling. - In Russia, children grow up early.

  - I do not argue. And now they have everywhere in the galaxy to grow up very early, Jenny. None of us know where and when will their baptism of fire. But you, Jenny - the best there is in the Troop for this mission.

  - I should think, John. But inwardly ... I say this only to you. - Jennifer Shepard looked closely at his eyes. - Internally, I agree. I will also wait for the shuttle?

  - A special flight of the frigate Corps spectrum. For you - a smaller ship, we did not agree. You know not as fluent sinner, but as a mentor. Mentor taskforce biotics. Professional.

  - Well. Think again ... You're right, John. - Jenny walked to the door, pressed the sensor flap started to slip away into the wall. - I will go. I really have to think about many things. And prepare.


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