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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 122

by Theodore Daniels

  - Okay. - Summed up the intermediate Anderson. - Now - working on a plan for up to three hours. Then a group of landing a part in a reduced crashes at "Raju" and starts to work there. Legion, you fly too. Without you will not do. I'm in?

  - I also fly. This is a direct need. - Prostrekotal proteanin. - I am fully ready and I want to take part in this action. We, Protheans, there was no hope of victory. Now, here and now, that there is hope and it is not simply there, it works and it influences. Influences positively. In very many things. Lose and weaken it in any case impossible.

  - Then - work. - Anderson said.

  As defined frigate commander-cruiser, the officers' work group "Normandy" lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon. The group then Shepard in a reduced composition gathered in the hangar. Upcoming departures at "Raju" - quarian flagship of the fleet. For Shepard it meant meeting with Tali. How does it take place - he himself was afraid to identify - were too many unknowns. Tali continued to love him, but, as he was convinced Shepard, she did not get hung up on it, a male earthling and it was able to fall in love with fellow become him quarians, wife and mother of his children. Maybe Tali will then foster children not only quarians - there's up to her and her future husband. A Shepard ... What then, love is all-powerful. And will help you find the right way out of this difficult situation.

  View from the outside. Tali Zora

  The news that the squad evacuated from Rannoch Admiral Koris reached Migrant Fleet ships quarian lightning. The mere fact that the admiral himself and completely free to talk on video straight from the sickbay frigate, cruiser "Normandy" with his son, testified thus, that he is no longer on Rannoch and stored, as well as its accompanying, in complete safety, led many, quarians so many different way to look at many things.

  Tali Zora looked all sent to the fleet of the newest materials on the force. Now she has been assistant and assistants who independently conducted numerous lectures and practical classes, and she played the role of the supreme guide and provides overall direction, occasionally taking on the conduct of particularly complex lectures and classes. Today she has such lectures and training was not planned, so breakfast, Tali settled at the desk - had to work with documents. A few hours of "silence" allowed her to see with all the attention the contents of more than a dozen readers.

  Briefly slammed the front door kayutki.

  - Stefan. - Zora turned. Young quarian, covering leaf, sheepishly looked down - he was again without an invitation. - Come, sit down. I heard about Coris?

  - Who has not heard about it, Tali? - Quarian sat down on a stool and stared at Zora. - I think he will soon return to the fleet, and rise again at the head of the Civil Fleet. And your Shepard ...

  - According to the materials that I have seen, it is clear that he will arrive at the "Raju". With him back, and the admiral. - Zora postponed reader. - What are you sulk again, Steph?

  - Tali, well you yourself know, I do not know how such a loud voice. I really want to, but I can not. Do not get me this smoothly.

  - I understand, because once again explain that you did not have illusions. Shepard for me - a sample in many ways, but he never pressed, no pressure and will not be sure to put pressure on my career. It does not tie me to him tightly, I am free in their choice and in their lives. Yes, Stefan, I still love him and I know that he loves me too. Such as it is, it is impossible not to fall in love - you soon will see for yourself in this. But his love for me and my love for him ... I love you in a different way, being free in their feelings and preferences. So do not be satisfied with it warfare. He, I know, will not use force and weapons, but already ... it's too professional and you with it better not to interfere. Try it with him just to talk. I'm sure there will have a lot of topics for the long and interesting conversations. If you ask, it will show you some exercises to develop the skills of martial arts, just remember that it does not focus on the fact that the tightening battle to infinity, and then to destroy the opponents. I know, "liquidation" and methods of it you do not show, but the mild to moderate severity - may well show and teach you. Now, during the war, it may very well be useful.

  - Zora, you seriously saying that your love for him another? - Quarian tensed.

  - Stephen, I ever told you anything is not serious? - Tali knowingly looked at her almost fiance, is not surprised by his male dullness. - I love you. And Shepard - love, too. But our love - is different. He - does not own me forcibly. I am free. And the fact that I continue to love him, only means that I have a person I trust is boundless, knowing that he will never hurt me. And very proud and happy that he trusts me. Trust these people, these intelligent - too valuable to ignore it, Stefan. If he agreed, I would become his sister called. But I think that until this time had not yet come. So while we're just - a very good and close friends.

  - We'll have to trust me on this. - Stefan just relaxed.

  - To meet him, talk, talk. Satisfy himself, as solid and capacious people. If he loves, appreciates and respects the intelligence of a large crew of the frigate, built by turian and imperial projects, then it may not be an accident, Stefan. - Zora regretfully looked at the stack of readers. - I'm sorry, I need to prepare for a meeting with the admiral. War gives little time for relaxation and idleness.

  Quarian rose, walked to the door. Zora, Glusha sigh, leaned over the table. We had to see a lot of files, because this upcoming meeting will be special - it will be John and his conversation with the Admiral of the Fleet will not be simple and easy.

  Admiral Koris boarded the shuttle, sat in a chair, strapped himself. He was a little new to do so habitual movements - it is difficult to get used to the idea that it was pulled almost out of granite. Doctors sickbay frigate, cruiser done everything possible so that he not only recovered from his wounds, but recovered. Chakwas, head of the Medical Service "Normandy" simply enchanted. Yes, he had heard that she is in fact the bride frigate commander, Captain Anderson and Zaal Coris it was new. The Navy was taken to the admirals and captains of ships and their wives or husbands were part of the same crews. People could again surprise the admiral. And now, very soon, he set foot on board the flagship quarian Migrant Fleet - Ship-farm "Raya", which, to be honest, absolutely did not expect to return.

  The interior of the shuttle entered Captain Shepard. Koris stood up to greet him, Shepard nodded, and sat down in a chair, strapped himself. Coris professional said that Earthling Weapon keeps close in time to grab a second, almost instantly. For Shepard climbed into the cabin and proteanin Yavik het Legion.

  Het stood and proteanin sat in a chair, but tacked did not - Zaal understood that no straps are not able to cover its angular armor, and he himself proteanin belonging to the long-lived race and managed to wake up after fifty thousand years of sleep was experienced enough and a professional soldier to safely dispense with such a coverage. Not supposed to shuttle in the near future will have to break with the battle, so ignoring proteaninom chair tethered belts did not look violation of safety rules and regulations.

  Goeth did not even try to sit down and understand Zaal - robot usually does not take a seat in the cabin of the shuttle - it AI makes it easy to do without it. A long conversation with the Legion showed the Admiral that they could not show any other materials, including even the video: geta really were not uniform and the Legion was probably the best representative of that part of the Goths community that was ready to accept quarians both their partners and not as their enemies.

  Shepard nodded vyglyanuvshemu sergeant from the cab-driver. Coris already knew that on board the frigate military policemen a long time ago received the official qualification of paratroopers and the driver too had once been a military policeman, and now he was a paratrooper, constantly commanding piloted shuttles. According to the views exchanged between the captain and the sergeant, Coris understood that additional clarification and guidance to the driver did not have to - he has already received all the necessary information.

  Shuttle quietly and gently rose over the plates of the h
angar, staggered, taking orientation start and swam to siyavshemu yellowish barrage field hangar portal openings.

  A few minutes later Coris seen hanging cruiser near the "Volga". Grand Imperial razvedkorabl. Fleet Admiral quarian the first time so close saw the cruiser of the Russian Empire. He did not notice how Shepard briefly looked at the "Volga", and then opened instrumentron and plunged into work.

  Coris knew that cruiser commanded by Shepard's wife - the captain of the first rank Streltsov. On the relationship between Shepard and Strel'tsova on both ships went almost a legend, in which there was nothing reprehensible. On the contrary, these legends are constantly brought up all otryadovtsy. Captain VKS of the Alliance and the captain of the first rank Astros Russian intelligence were really, not ostentatious one. Coris knew that Shepard's wife is pregnant and does not resigns as commander fighting razvedkorablya.

  Gradually and imperceptibly both ships Troop left far behind. Passing the line up a few fighters quarian Navy nёsshie combat duty in the area of space, shuttle approached the Navy. The air rang usual negotiations shuttle drivers to the captain, "Raya". Coris eagerly looked at the flagship of its fleet. Only recently, he did not expect to escape from Rannoch. As still sounds strange - to escape from the home planet ... the planet's parent race ...

  With a slight knock worked grips. Shuttle docked. Coris said first stood up from his chair Shepard. Behind him to the sash opening salon door came Yavik. Of course, not for the first time on proteanin "Rice", without him it would be impossible to hold that quarian traitor, who intended to blow up the flagship-farm. On this case, the Navy is still remembered, and the memory is not at all weakened over time. Near proteaninom stood Legion. Probably many quarians waiting for a bit of culture shock - walker-het - on board "Raya". Not as a captive, not as a guinea and as delegation member. In the mind and wisdom of the Legion Admiral Koris has had the full opportunity to make their own experience. Now see this and many other admirals.

  By the adjacent keel-block has a second shuttle docked. Coris knew - there Lieutenant-biotic and a corporal with his subordinates. Strange, but the word "subordinate" is almost never used on board ships Troop, replacing the word "colleague". People here have been able to surprise the admiral - they did not pay much attention to the ranks and positions. Maybe this was part of the preconditions for their successful, sometimes - a very successful operation. Who knows who knows. Coris felt that people were able to Troop surprise him more than once in the very near future. Not only it.

  It turned out that on board the shuttle on the second "Raju" arrived and two turian Spectrum - information about their stay in the "Rice" appears on the screen on the wall of the cabin of the first shuttle.

  Blinked banner announces that the yield arrived in the transition sleeve is allowed - set the normal parameters of the environment. Shepard suddenly stepped aside, stepped into another proteanin and Coris faced an aperture "sleeves". Now he had the first step on board the ship quarian. Thankfully nod to the captain, admiral descended to the platform, looked around, and touched a hand to the plastic plating, if still not believing that he is no longer on Rannoch and on board one of the main vehicles the Migrant Fleet.

  Remembering that it delays the output of the captain and the other passengers, Koris made a few not too hard steps toward the front door lock. Steering wheel and levers have taken the right position, left wing towards Coris and felt the familiar smell of entrails quarian ship. At some moment the elderly Admiral's eyes misted. It was the gateway quarian ship, mother ship quarian. The last doubt fell. Having crossed the high threshold, Koris through the window of the second door lock he saw the approaching Admiral Zora and her daughter. Of course, they came to meet him, Coris, but even more likely that they came to meet Shepard and his colleagues.

  Gateway door opened and Coris crossed the threshold, a familiar gesture welcoming the admiral Zora. He greeted Coris authorized quarian gesture is not similar to the received earthlings. Rael Koris beckoned to step aside and corner of his eye Zaal said that Tali took two quick steps toward proteaninu. Yavik gave Zor hug and kissed her hand, not in the least embarrassed that kissing has to skafandrovuyu shell. Admiral Zora said something Coris, but that it is clearly heard, watching as the younger Zora leaned into combat armor Prothean warrior, she is glad of this opportunity to embrace, thanks to whom remains alive and well, were seriously injured there on Ferose.

  He heard the surprised exclamations and goggles - it is art - quarians saw the entrance to the hall of arrival Legion. Geta surrounded, showered questions that Legion replied calmly and with dignity, causing Coris not just respect, but even an easy envy. The crowd was growing around the robot and the Legion has withdrawn its new fans away from the gateway.

  - John! - I heard the cry of the younger Coris Zora and saw Yavik gently holds Tali, allowing it to take a step towards Shepard. - John! - Quarian stopped in front of Shepard, the slope in front of her in a deep bow and sincere kissing her right hand. - Thank you arrived, John! I am very very happy! - Tali captain hugged and clung to him.

  What Tali loves Shepard is not a friendly love, Coris seen and felt in full. It is one thing - to hear about this talk and quite another - to see it and feel it. Doubt no more - Tali and Shepard were united. And at the same time that it is also clear to read, Tali remained free. Coris knew - at quarian is the bridegroom-tribesman and their relations are developing normally, has been ahead of the wedding. Shepard as seen Coris, not in the least embarrassed that Tali could not remove his helmet - it did not matter to him.

  - Kai! - Quarian saw incoming, accompanied by two Turian lieutenant and hurried to meet him. - Hi! Hold me now, Kai, do not worry, I will not bite, and to protest too! You're a gentleman! - Completely without stress and without an accent he uttered Tali, allowing Alenko themselves embrace and nodding, seeing as he kisses her right hand. - I'm glad you came, too!

  Kaidan few minutes and Tali could not disengage the arms. They clearly enjoyed each other's company. Coris saw it quite clearly. He knew that it was supported Alenko Yavika his biotics during resuscitation Tali and therefore had the right on here are by no means friendly hug. Perhaps, Pulley easier than ever to have made it Kaidan, Shepard instead called his brother, but perhaps he Kaidan was against it and Tali did not insist.

  - Sare, Nai! - New cheers forced Coris again look to the side, where there was a younger Zora. She hugged both Turian. She embraced also clearly more than friends. The spectra did not protest - it was a pleasure to meet here so familiar to them quarian.

  Shepard saluted Admiral Zor, he saluted quarian salute, between the two struck up a conversation and Coris could pass on to his chair. He suddenly wanted to sit down. The legs did not hold. Find a comfortable chair, Admiral sank into him, leaned back, put his head on the pillow headrest, closed his eyes, barely coping with the shaft of feelings and emotions. He becomes accustomed to the idea that he returned to his ship, quarian Navy, he returned not dead, but alive.

  - Father! - In the arrival hall of "Raya" I ran into a young man.

  Dorn'Hazt turned and walked toward his son.

  Men hugged each other, exchanged a firm handshake. They do not hide their feelings - it was clear that both resigned to the prospect of a final separation. And now they could not get enough of the fact that the meet again.

  By the technique hurried quarian included in the room - his wife and soon all three of them, arm in arm, went out into the interior of the flagship of the Navy.

  Looking at gomonyaschih quarians, surround Legion Koris grinned, trying to no one noticed his smile - it was something he knew very well that the Legion is able to speak. He is able to communicate. For the first time the admiral had to talk with such a highly organized geth, in no way resembles uzkozaprogrammirovannyh counterparts.

  Tali Zora spoke with Nihlus and Saren. She said a lot, quickly and clearly happy. Turians too happy - they present familiar quarian skewing the pre-programmed routines and stay on board the fleet of ships, allowed to relax.

  Yavik, scarcely I moved away from the gateway, also hit the quarians environment. Showered with questions, he heard cries vostorzhёnnye - see a live representative of the Elder Race was especially important for young people.

  Cops paratroopers led by Jenkins organized accommodation arrivals normandovtsev in a way familiar to the old keel block, routinely checking for security and integrity. So now no one quarians was not cramped and guests should not have to give them your home.

  - Zaal. I am sure? - By sitting in a chair Admiral Koris came Zora.

  - Too much, Rael. Too much. - Admiral said quietly, seeing as his colleague sits in a chair, stood side by side. - It is one thing - read more - see and feel. However, when you read, try to feel the same. As admirals and captains? Gathered?

  - Yes. We have gathered all the people you can. But before a few hours meeting can not take place - our guests very popular. - Senior Zora looked at her daughter, continue to communicate with turians. - If I did not know the history, I would have thought such a meeting a real miracle. Services heaven. Tali happy. A truly happy. And it is very valuable to know and understand, Zaal. It is after his mother's death did everything that I ... Well, if I did not care Tali, I would have sat down and would be forced to withdraw from the Admirals. And now we actually have another admiral. Which, by the way, did not need to bother passing the formal procedure the introduction of the title. This causes genuine respect. Just look, two-meter turians calmly and freely communicate with quarian that a little earlier would relentlessly chased by Citadel, making as soon as possible to leave the station and again to feel outcast and fugitive. They are also more and spectra sufficiently well-known and legendary.

  - I agree, Rael. - Koris looked at Tali. - Looks like admirals and captains meeting with all of them is really special.

  Samu meeting had to be postponed until the evening - admirals and captains, having received information on how to arrive normandovtsev took on board "Raya", have asked for more time to prepare. So Shepard and his colleagues were able to freely communicate with the inhabitants of "Raya" and those quarians that those hours were on board the flagship. Some channels are translated vnutriflotskie ships Navy short newscasts about the meetings and normandovtsev quarians, caused great interest.


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