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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 123

by Theodore Daniels

  Tali Zora for the first time did not know how to do it - I wanted to talk to all normandovtsami and give each of them their full attention. Everyone, and, of course, first and foremost, Alenko, Yaviku and Shepard. Especially - Shepard. Hardly waiting when normandovtsy equip them in a dedicated in almost monopolistic enjoyment of the old keel block, Tali came back and, as they say, is stuck. She clearly felt that she could not, Admiral, not the head, but simply a reasonable organic with which they often identify informal and deep for normandovtsev.

  Normandovtsy brought several boxes made ships Troop quarian quarian food and drinks. Past strict medical supervision, they were recognized Chakwas and her helpers safe for quarians now Zora sat surrounded normandovtsev a large table laden with vessels and containers with food, talked incessantly and with relish tasted more new samples, by sharing their experiences. Most liked it, some - not very. There, that was not liked or revolted - was not.

  - You do obkormite. And I get fat. - Completely earthly said Zora, when she felt a little more - and she burst from the glut. - I want to still many, many hours to talk with you all.

  - Communicate, Tali. - Said the captain. - We're not in a hurry to leave. Although not particularly plan to linger. We still have things to do that it is necessary to do.

  - I see. - Tali brushed sharp tender look on the face of Shepard smiled, which was clearly visible through the fully transparent visor. - And happy about it. Tom, you do not hurry to leave. - Clarified quarian, sipping a sip from the glass through a straw. - Tell me now, John, as you walked in the virt-reality server. And be sure - you saved Zaal.

  - Okay, Tali. Since correspondents and reporters tell us that we do not, we'll tell you. Knowing that on you it will not go away. However, colleagues?

  Catching consonants nods normandovtsev, Shepard began to tell in detail. Stay inside the server had to describe yourself, a little added Legion, but the salvation of Coris Admiral describe almost all present in normandovtsy keel block, because they all took in this most directly involved. Tali was happy to know that many months will be securely hidden under a veil of strict military secrecy. She considered this story as another manifestation of the highest credibility, quarian, surviving on Ferose in the confrontation with the geth through the efforts of many residents are becoming every day more and more legendary frigate.

  - John. Can you ask? - Tali said, when the story of the rescue of Admiral Koris on Rannoch came to an end. - I'd like you to meet my fiance, Stephen. You and Yavika course. If you agree Nihlus Saren and I'll be very happy.

  - I'm not against. - Yavik quarian nodded, calling on her face a happy smile.

  - We, too. - Saren said, exchanging glances with Nihlus. - Then, Tali, let's do it quickly. An hour later, we have a meeting with the captains and admirals. Then it can not be transferred.

  - In kayutku I invite everyone can not, there is too little Places for such a large company, but I have a friend of the bartender. He's here at the "Rice" is holding a small bar and I think he will refuse to close his restaurant for a few hours. As compensation, you allow him to be present at our conversation. - Half-questioningly-poluutverditelno Zora said, standing up. - If you agree, then let's go.

  All normandovtsy agreed. A quarter of an hour the path taken by a keel block to a small bar. Quarian middle-aged to see included, smiled, quickly closed the door of the castle by posting an ad on the glass of a technical break for a few hours. Suggesting Tali an easy snack and drinks, the bartender took the understanding that normandovtsy got and began to unpack their rations on the table.

  Stefan all eyes watched the guests. Tali understands the secret of a contented smile. Let him see normandovtsev in an informal atmosphere, not at work, even understand what can understand. It is necessary to understand Tali better, deeper, fuller. To understand why and how it has become so.

  It is quietly at the table began to talk. There was no formal alternation of questions and answers, said here and all, and spoke quite freely without worrying about the specific literary statements. Stefan communicated with Yavikom until Tali spoke with turians and Shepard. Several hours passed completely unnoticed. Looking at the indicator, Shepard stood up. Behind him rose two Turian and Yavik.

  - I apologize. - Captain generously paid the bartender. - We need to arrive in time for a meeting with the admiral and the captain's communities. Yaw, Sar, Nai ...

  - We understand. Do not you worry. - We will be glad to meet you, Captain. It was nice to talk with you, Stefan. - Spectra quarians exchanged a firm handshake. - See you next time. - They come out from the bar.

  While Zora walked to the counter to exchange a few words with her to your friend the bartender, Stephen looked at who was sitting in front of Shepard:

  - I'm sorry, John. I did not understand much, and perhaps belonged to you biased. But this conversation ... It's too much has changed in me. - Quarian said. - I learned a lot and now I believe that you and Tali really deeply and completely love each other. I was convinced of it. And please forgive me for the harshness and prejudice. - Stephen stood up and timidly held out his hand getting up to Shepard. - I understand that you and Tali have to be alone, and to come together to meet with the admirals and captains. - He felt in his palm three-toed hand Shepard and shook it, feeling the soft compression fingers palm captain. - Thank you. Until next time. - Lowering arm quarian quickly left the bar.

  Tali saw everything but did not talk about it, just silently hugged Shepard and the two of them went on transitions and ladders "Raya", heading to the hall, where were assembled captains and admirals of the Navy. Words were not needed.

  The hall Tali sat next to Shepard. On the left hand. To her left sat Yavik. Nihlus Saren and sat next to Yavikom and Shepard took all three of them in a kind of cocoon of safety. Alenka, Jenkins, Legion and other normandovtsy housed freely without trying to concentrate near the XO.

  The first part of the meeting was devoted to discussion of stay Captain Shepard inside the geth server. Here and Tali and quarian admirals and captains first heard the most complete version of what happened. For the first time could see very full that they quarians, suddenly became the parents of a highly intelligent synthetic race that has all the right to independence, autonomy and its own way of development and, nevertheless, does not has forgotten about who had created it. Additions to the story of Shepard, the Legion made - especially in those born again from oblivion quarian fragments of stories, impressed many admirals and captains of ships of the Navy. What geth not only did not destroy information quarians, but tried to keep it intact, forced to believe in the possibility of a different relationship with synthetic partners. And the fact that on the side of the Goths, the Patriots moved even prime-heretics convinced the ability to do without many military clashes and new losses.

  The second part of the meeting was devoted to discussion of the evacuation operation to rescue Admiral Koris and his followers. Shepard and his colleagues have not sat at the table, they came to the wall-mounted screens, laser and LED pointers moved the icons on the plans, diagrams and charts, options and explained the reasons which led them to take advantage of these very practiced variants. It went the usual discussion conducted by a paramilitary operation, which was attended by many Navy admirals and captains of his ships. Judgments Tali Zora were heard admirals and captains with all the attention and accepted normative.

  There was the third part of the meeting. Shepard specifically stayed at the largest wallboard on the other side of it stood the Legion, has prepared a laser pointer. On the screen surface arisen circuit getskogo dreadnought. Perhaps, in such detail admirals and captains of ships quarian Fleet flagship geth seen for the first time. And even more for the first time they saw Synthetic Corps. Those whose work had on the Dreadnought now know almost everything - on the side of small screens of any official images of Alix, Olivia, Mark. Fourth AI - Legion was present in the audience live, so its image is not displayed on the screen. Alix, Olivia, Marc by video told the admirals and captains quarian Fleet r
ecent data Geth Dreadnought. Their reports quarians impressed. Inflamed discussion. Shepard and the Legion of looked at each other - this they hoped. The main thing was to convince quarians that it ships its Navy have agreed to put on the Dreadnought concentrated strikes to destroy this ship, spreading across the galaxy for the deadly Reaper geth code.

  - On the fourth part of the report will have to forget, Leg. They too carried away and believed. - Shepard said quietly. - So now we engaged only dreadnoughts. Everything else, rannohskoe - then, after the victory over this flagship.

  - I agree, Commander Shepard. - Said het sniper. - Do not interrupt the line.

  - Did so, - said the captain, returning to the table and sitting down next to Tali, immediately put his hand on three-toed Shepard. - Admiral, your ready to participate in a pen big game?

  - Union of Young quarians ready, Captain. - Seriously and clearly said Tali Zora. - It will be important, valuable and interesting. Because - in the Union.

  - Then - we are discussing the details and proceed to the practical implementation of our plan. Warn, please everyone to do without unnecessary heroism. - Shepard said. Tali nodded, ozhёgshi Captain soft look.

  More half an hour with a small discussion continued. As a result, almost all the admirals and sea captains agreed to the application of a coherent attack on the Dreadnought.

  - I have a feeling, John - Zora said the youngest, leaving the room - what you set out to see the ship in person before his fleet destroy.

  - You're right. This - function Troop, Tali. We need to weaken the Dreadnought, but it can be done only from the inside. So it is necessary to break on its board. As you heard, the Navy task - to not let the dreadnought of star system, not to give it to activate boosters and at the same time - do not substitute a blow of his gun systems.

  - So, you're still losing prognoziruesh? - With a sigh, said Tali.

  - Losses are. It is important to bring them to a possible minimum. And for this we will need to quickly get on board this ship.

  - Will you take me with you? I'm an engineer, technician, and all this admiralstvo and leadership - so the app. I need the actual combat practice. Otherwise I will not be taken seriously. Please, John.

  - I think, Commander Shepard, I can protect Zora on landing. - He said approached the Legion, to break out of several dozen captains quarian ships. - She really will be interesting to see live on the inside of the ship before it will turn to dust. Yes, and beacons in areas of maximum destruction to place no one but she could not.

  - You see, John. Even Went to understand. - Pleading saw Zora, looking at the captain's eyes. - Oh please! I know that goes almost all the landing party. Even, perhaps, Yavik go.

  - You want to get unique information? - With a soft smile Shepard asked.

  - Yeah, I wish. And you know, John. - Tali said firmly.

  - Then - go and talk with her father and the groom. And get ready. Plan you know, so be on time in the departure hall.

  - I will, John. Thank you. - Younger Zora easily bowed with normandovtsami and ran for the transition are displayed in the residential sector of the flagship.

  - Tali. - Stefan was visibly excited. - You have firmly decided to participate?

  - Yes, Steph. - Tali collected from the cabinets and drawers in many little things laying, check the integrity and reliability of the armor plates fastening locks. - I am primarily an engineer, a technician. And I'm interested in this dreadnought from this side, and not because there is an opportunity to shoot geth heretics. And I do not go there alone, but as part of a powerful and professional military amphibious group.

  - I see. - Quarian came up, put his arm around her shoulders. - Be careful, Tali. Just because there will be yours, John and his colleagues, I let you go on this operation ...

  - Thank you, Steph, - Tali laid her head on the groom's shoulder and hugged him. - Thank you. I am glad that you are convinced and believe in the purity of thought John.

  - He's really a unique person ... I did not know much about the earthy, but even against ordinary people stands out too. He - special. And you're right, if you could love him remain free.

  - Thank you, Steph. - Tali opened her hug. - Help to don the armor.

  - With pleasure, Tal. - Quarian began to help a friend to fix the heavy plate to the suit. - Be careful, okay?

  - I will, Steph. I'll be back. I promise.

  - I believe. - Stefan spent hoists to move into the arrival hall. He would like to spend it and on to the gateway itself, but saw him talking to Admiral Rael Zora and I realized that for a few minutes to leave her friend, so she could say goodbye to his father. Because briefly saluted, Stephen stepped to the nearest stairway transition.

  - Tali. - Rael was excited.

  - Dad. - Zora youngest hugged him, pressed her to hide the excitement.

  - Sorry. I guess I did not notice how you've grown and matured. - Senior Zora did not hide his feelings. - This war ... It is not for women, it ...

  - You sound like an Earthman, Dad. As a person. - Said Tali.

  - Probably not the only earthlings tend to speak in such moments that way. - Admiral tightened his daughter to him. - Be careful out there, OK?

  - I will, Dad. I promise. - Zora looked his father in the face, stepped back, saluted, grabbed the weapon and paving. - Allow?

  - Let Stefan suitable and longer dichitsya, Tali. - Said a senior Zora, noting how the lights flashed satisfaction and joy in her daughter's eyes.

  - Of course, Dad. Steph, come!

  - Admiral. - Stefan approached politely and respectfully saluted.

  - While we are not in the service, you can not drag and no trumps, Stefan. - Admiral nodded to the groom's daughter. - And call me by name.

  - Yes, of course, Admiral, that is Rael. - Stefan was obviously somewhat at a loss as a rapid rise in the level of access to the family Tali.

  - Let's spend together Tali. Before the shuttle "Normandy". - Senior Zora turned toward the transition, taking part in the hands of pilings. - Come on.

  When they got to the gateway where the shuttle was docked frigate commander of the cruiser, it was found that all normandovtsy already on board. At the gateway hatch stood Shepard. Seeing the approach Tali, he nodded and greeted the Admiral took his styling.

  - Well, Tali. Be careful out there. And come back. - Said a senior Zora. - I'm waiting for you and I love my daughter.

  - I love you too, Dad. - Tali hugged his father. - Whether there is calm.

  - I'll try. - Admiral went away, allowing her daughter to say goodbye to her fiance.

  Stefan somewhat timidly embraced Tali, seeing clearly that Shepard turned to lock the door and approached him, Admiral. Officers of something talked among themselves while young hugging.

  - I'm truly sorry that I can not kiss you, Tali. - Stephen said.

  - You could surprise me, Steph. - Thinking, said Tali. - If circumstances permit, I will give you the opportunity to kiss me. Later. You wait?

  - With joy and anticipation, Tal. - Stephen said.

  - I believe. - Tali farewell touched the visor of the helmet of the groom and took two steps back to the hatch lock.

  Shepard missed quarian forward, went on after the transition sleeve. A few minutes - and the shuttle launched, followed immediately fell in the second race.

  Tali sat in his chair and stared at the retreating "Raju". Once again, it leaves the flagship native ship. The ship, which saved Shepard attacks getskogo fighters. Quarians could heal the damage inflicted by shelling and several rams, but the memory of such a massive attack could not disappear very quickly. It will take several months, maybe - even years before impressions and memories will fade.

  Tali thought about how scared she is trembling sounds of shelling, he did not know whether to keep the cabin door closed or open. War broke into her life swiftly and terribly. And now she sees the top of the military naval power of the Goths - a Dreadnought against which half the fleet has no chance to survive. He alone is able to draw in the du
st quarian a quarter of the fleet for some half an hour. This realization was very annoying and scary. And the prospect of seeing the Dreadnought is not outside, but inside, forced Tali tremble in anticipation, because it was primarily an engineer and technician, and then quarian youth leader. And to see with their own eyes the ship created the geth, meant inside and understand something more: that the geth, who became partners and cease to be enemies, help quarians stand on Rannoch under the blows of the fleets of the Reapers. Yes, she heard something and not just that one Reaper broke and hid on Rannoch, but it simply refused to believe Tali - Do not mix the shrimp in her consciousness polutorakilometrovaya armed with a deadly weapon for any native quarian parent planet.

  Stephen. As he was afraid for her. Afraid because he wants to become her husband before quarian people to unite with it, to become the father of her children, even one child. Much has changed since then, as the fleet began to support BRP and spectra. Now quarians not afraid of overpopulation, not afraid to start a lot of children. Not afraid to work at full strength and were not afraid to fight. They were afraid of losing their native planet. They were afraid of losing the house. Present, planetary home. Still willing to take their children back on their shoulders. Stefan - technician, he is not an engineer, but is it fundamentally? He loves Tali loves truly, fully, do not hesitate to openly. For him the important Tali is what it is, and not what she Navy Admiral's daughter. For him, Stephen, this is - again. And certainly not of great importance.

  Shepard. Here they are flying to the Dreadnought, only two small ships, military shuttles simple and it works, though it is in his cabin. He surrounded himself with professionals who do not need to give a lot of petty orders and commands, but it is still at the forefront of the attack, at the forefront of the event line. Prone to instrumentrona screen, the average screen, something gaining reading incoming messages, replies. His face was inscrutable. The present commander. It is possible, it must be absolutely sure of success, even the upcoming event. Because it is - an example for his colleagues. And while commanding calm and confident, calm and sure there will be other normandovtsy. First of all - those who are part of the landing party.


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