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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 124

by Theodore Daniels

  Yavik. Sitting, looking at the vastness of the cosmos. What he had seen in hundreds of years of his life. He probably never thought about what would be perhaps the most significant of Protheans, managed to revive after fifty thousand years of hibernation. In recognition of the enormity of the numbers - fifty thousand years Tali wade poorly concealed shudder and proteanin immediately looked up at her a piercing look to the depths. Four eyes - it is definitely a great force. Predator, hunter, warrior. Next to it - no big deal. Next to him is terrible to those who receive it - the enemy. And Tali wants to be his friend and, probably, it is more than a friend to him. Hardly one. Maybe just a good friend and Yavik refers to her legal only because she believes Shepard. Who knows who knows.

  Two Turian. Spectra. Talking quietly among themselves. In your own language. Switched off while the translators. They know that many people understand their language, but does not seek to isolate and distance. Professional soldiers. Predators. But once they have almost become the gravediggers of the human race.

  Alenko. Gentleman. Man-biotic. Officer. Lieutenant. At five minutes, as expressed by the people, the commander of amphibious group with joy and satisfaction subordinate Shepard, who ex officio, as the XO, it is not necessary to go to the landing and take part in the ground station and clashes. Shepard saved her from quarian that ... for which she was just a female. As he quickly released her on the severity of the collapsed ceiling boards ... Tali then was unconscious, but experienced, certainly experienced a great relief. And Kaidan ... He helped Yaviku, supported him with her biotics, when he revived the Tali to life, to normal, no, not just to normal, and to a new life. While still a teenager, he killed Turian, protecting his girlfriend-dugout. Not frightened. I do not retreat. And he killed. Now he is married and he, too, will soon have two children. And Tali feels - Kaidan and Ashley loves his boy and a girl. He likes more unborn. Is this not evidence of integrity and the height of his nature?

  Legion. Unique AI has received at their disposal a self-propelled platform. Scout Sniper. Equipped with software for which some Navy admirals quarian willing to sell the soul to anyone who can get them and bring them up. Capable of very many getam give new life to give life to this new, higher meaning. Warrior firmly spelled out on board a warship earthlings who became a permanent member of the landing party.

  Alix. AI, born on the lunar military training ground and became the daughter of the other AI - Olivia. Now, if it were possible, Tali would not have refused to communicate with both kiborgessami. For her, it was a valuable and important. Such dialogue would help younger Zor answer many critical questions with all certainty. Perhaps the mere fact of staying on a single ship of four artificial intelligence, which is located self-propelled platforms, totally independent and, nevertheless, successfully and effectively work in a team with organic matter, was able to convince anyone of the skeptics, that the union of the Goths and quarians possible without fusion. Geta may well become partners quarians.

  Cops have become paratroopers. And not only the Marines. One of the cops now a full co-pilot of the frigate, cruiser and did not protest against the fact that a number of, in their pilot's chairs sit two Synthet two AI. A lot of cops are now successfully and confidently operate in the combat information center "Normandy", contributing to the success of the next mission frigate, cruiser. One of the cops was the assistant warden and a professional procurement officer, to whom everything is not just pray without exception normandovtsy - thanks to his foresight and meticulous, none of the inhabitants of the frigate, cruiser does not experience any difficulties with the provision of all necessary. TO ORDER - and you can be sure that you get the desired time. Because it's necessary.

  So quarians and will finally lose its status as outcasts and refugees to become truly equal race allied races of the Milky Way. Union, which is now in its infancy, and is formed by passing its robust verification by the war with a strong external enemy. The enemy aimed at the destruction of any - organic or synthetic - intelligent life in the galaxy, called the Milky Way people.

  Shepard. Again Tali thoughts back to the captain. Also a married man, father of two children. Sincerely, gentle, full of loving his wife, the dugout and the commander of the cruiser exploration. Perhaps it is best helped Tali realize that it is free in his choice of a life partner and is not required to bind their fate was with Shepard. Stefan regularly went ahead in importance and proximity, but it was a standard and understandable. Tali was sure that Shepard would neither protest nor make of this nascent Union Jacks family and Stefan any problem. He will always support and help young. For help, because it would weaken the Geth Dreadnought elimination of heretics and strengthen quarians. Then quarians will try to reclaim their home planet. Kila Se'Lay. By birthplace, which I hope to see with my own eyes. See free.

  Priority - Geth Dreadnought heretical. The attack on the Dreadnought from quarian fleet

  - Geth Dreadnought included engines. - I reported to the audio-speaker Alenko captain. - He moves toward the combat order quarian Navy.

  Report of Lieutenant until the second shuttle passengers except "Normandy" only heard Shepard. None of the inhabitants of the interior of the commander of the shuttle did not hear a word Kaidan. Geth heretics have made another step. Step into confrontation. The power of such a ship allowed for a short time opolovinit quarian entire fleet. No weapons originally civilian ships were not able to effectively resist the military fighting the monster. Reapers sent Geth Dreadnought on the massacre of the Navy - that Shepard had no doubts. Just as there was no doubt that the Navy also received this frightening information. And preparing for the meeting, preparing to organize resistance to the resistance organization. Whatever it was, but at least some resistance will be provided. "Volga" it was clearly shown in the plan-map on the screen instrumentrona already hosted orientation for the flight to a point between the Navy and dreadnoughts. Cruiser could fill Dreadnought and alone, except that now the Shepard did not want to give Svetlana and Stanislav such a possibility. He knew that he had already ordered Anderson to introduce the "Normandy" in the number one ready for battle mode. Surely briefly snapped main siren frigate, cruiser, indicating that the upcoming fight is not a training frigate and now in a hurry to take a position at the front and the side of the cruiser. Two terrestrial combat warships fleet dissected by rushing toward quarian monster ships. Squad took Synthetic watch combat support. Legion stands still - he must have included multi-encrypted communication, I connect with Alix Olivia and Mark to the network and connected to the community the true geth. In this conjunction could easily compete with the synthetic brain dreadnought control systems. Now the stage was to get out organics. To make dreadnought broadcast station broadcasting on the billions of kilometers around the subordinates and the control signal Reapers silence. Forever silence. And the Dreadnought to wipe out the universe. Forever deprive the geth heretics able to use this heavy duty ship-leader. And the Dreadnought to wipe out the universe. Forever deprive the geth heretics able to use this heavy duty ship-leader. And the Dreadnought to wipe out the universe. Forever deprive the geth heretics able to use this heavy duty ship-leader.

  Shepard knew that the landing party members are ready. They know that the land is necessary in an unfinished docking gateway monster. Geta obviously in a hurry. It is not they want to use the life-support systems, required for ships which flew reasonable organics. It is not needed and many other systems. By all accounts it appeared that dreadnought almost devoid of windows. Not because geta incurious, but because it is enough data from the sensors and other instrumentation systems. A windows only weaken the hull. Forced assignment of organic pre-programmed reasonable that the geth heretics safely bypassed, creating a vehicle for their own, exclusively under their car needs.

  The helmet lights flickered - held a regular automatic check spacesuit systems, to report on their full working order and ready for use. On the small screen instrumentrona lit green LEDs - members of the landing party reported on the passage predvysadochnoy
test equipment, suits and weapons.

  Including masking system. Now, both the shuttle were hidden "swaddling clothes" - constantly perfected system of "blind". Slowly and gradually boats approached the unfinished tube connection gateway.

  Docking is not planned. Silently opened the door saloon and the first commander of the shuttle over the side stepped the captain. Its task was to reach the gateway connection and access to input gateway hatch. Magnetic boots gently touched the metal tube, bent his knees as usual, taking the weight of the falling of the human body. Shepard sat down, stopped, looked around and listened. Everything was quiet. It is likely that the geth do not confer on the appearance on the docking station extraneous organic special significance. Dreadnought quietly but very confidently and aggressively meet pёr quarian fleet. Somewhere in the distance were waiting for him, pulling the trunks of the main tools in the firing position, "Volga" and "Normandy". They were lined up in order of battle a few cruisers and frigates quarian heavy fleet. Three lines of defense.

  Gently shifting magnetic boots from one sheet to another, choosing the path so as to avoid gaps and failures, Shepard slowly moved forward, freeing up space for the remaining landing teammate. Weightlessness was palpable. Behind the two already tested weapons Turian behind them accompanied Yavika landed on a platform hoists. The last set foot on board the Dreadnought Legion. As soon as the first shuttle crew in full force left the area of the unfinished gateway to her colleagues began to disembark Alenko and Jenkins. Drivers shuttle boats were taken away in the shadow of the nearest planet, included additional masking system.

  Slowly, trying not to rattle very nearly attached to the frame with sheets of plastic and iron, landing the group proceeded to cover the emergency gateway. Dreadnought continued to move, not in the least interested in that in a few minutes on board will certainly uninvited and unexpected guests.

  Barely audibly clicked constipation hatch. The way was opened into the dreadnought. Shepard crossed the threshold, went to the left to figure it does not become an easy target on the background of cosmic blackness and gloss parts polupostroennogo docking station. One after the other into the dreadnought penetrated landing party members. The last entered the Legion, closed the door and locks restored to its original position. Around reigned desolation - apparently, this part of the ship, even for themselves geth not finished equip.

  Going round the pile of iron on the right side, Shepard withdrew stops assault rifle, fitted out her shop armor-piercing incendiary ammunition, stopped, listening to the hum of machinery and hiss of air. Ahead was a ladder, which means that, according to the passive scanning, the door was located in the internal compartments of a huge ship. Opening it, Shepard without stopping, went to the right, again not wanting to become a target, sat down, prepare to fire and listening. Teammate flowed from a small room, took a comfortable position for opening fire on hiding under the cloak of invisibility field getam-hunters. The remaining geth usually invisible fields are not used, although things could change very quickly, and other geth heretics were also armed with the appropriate equipment. The background is not changed.

  The second the door opened as quietly as the first. The corridor behind it led up and back the other way clearly was not. On the plan-map on this small screen instrumentrona locator passive scanning, has highlighted the control panel icon unfinished docking station.

  Teammate observe complete silence, communicating only with gestures. Alenko ordered the Tali permanently retained in the next remote, encountered along the way, covered the three paratroopers-cops. Turians and Yavik followed Shepard, ready to open fire immediately. Enemy territory. Friends here.

  Stop at the controls unfinished docking station Tali barely kept indignant cry. But even he tried to prevent one of the troopers, policemen, painfully constricted her shoulder. On the table next to remote control lying derringer "Arc" - the invention of one of the quarian admirals. This meant that kto-to quarians senior - who was, had yet to find out, because such small details as the weapons officer quarian fleet is not particularly monitored because of the banal lack of resources - managed to lose the latest weapons. Lose - to say the least, details also had to be clarified.

  Self control is not impressed - naked functionality. Thinking Tali took a gun with him. According to the preliminary plan of the operation it was necessary to find a way to the command center of the ship. He walked in front of the officer-paratrooper quarian sign showed that the front - the bridge, and behind it is already poised to fire Geth soldiers, led by one geth a rocket. Two quiet clicking snayperok rocketeer forced to lie down on metalloplitku and Marines killed in short bursts from assault rifles and Yavik Shepard. Proteanin looked closer and signaled that the geth were placed throughout stretch. For staircase descends steeply down, crouched a few more marines with one a rocket. Not having to open fire, they perished from accurate shots normandovtsev.

  Tali collected from consoles getskogo data registered on instrumentron many details of interior decoration dreadnought and generally felt in the seventh heaven - the newest technology working Gaetic appeared before her in all its beauty and diversity.

  Two doors in the bulkheads could pass quietly - the Goths were not here. Open the third door, Shepard barely had time to duck - manifested het hunter raised his rifle and fired once again stepping into invisibility. At the same time, three-geth infantry stepped into the bay, holding their rifles at the ready. Sniper Turian sang them a brief funeral song. Going round a couple of extensions, normandovtsy passed a huge hall from end to end, stopped at the console in front of the closed door. Legion cracked the code and the door opened. Outwardly, nothing has changed, but some inner flair Shepard felt - now promoting every ten meters will be more and more complicated: Geth believe that aliens are a threat, at least for themselves. And once again a premonition had not deceived commando - at the entrance to the next room and the captain tried to attack both Turian Geth shimmering figure-hunters. After destroying them, landing the group moved on, down a vertical ladder at three levels lower and barely holding Tali, bursting explore each level as much as possible. Alenko gestured accompanied quarian cops paratroopers to allow it only to collect data from the geth consoles and zapechalevat on instrumentron details decoration space dreadnought. For more simply do not have enough time - quarian fleet went to the firing position dreadnought. bursting explore each level as much as possible. Alenko gestured accompanied quarian cops paratroopers to allow it only to collect data from the geth consoles and zapechalevat on instrumentron details decoration space dreadnought. For more simply do not have enough time - quarian fleet went to the firing position dreadnought. bursting explore each level as much as possible. Alenko gestured accompanied quarian cops paratroopers to allow it only to collect data from the geth consoles and zapechalevat on instrumentron details decoration space dreadnought. For more simply do not have enough time - quarian fleet went to the firing position dreadnought.

  According to the plan in front of the tunnel it was one of the main instruments of the railgun. Included in the standby mode, as evidenced by regular pulses bluish glow, zipping along the nearby walls. We had to pass through this tunnel about two hundred meters to go to the console deactivation guns and get a few minutes to advance to the command center without any interference or problems.

  Shepard otsignalil teammate that should beware of electrical waves moving through the tunnel from cover to cover. On the geth these waves somehow not seriously affected. Alenka, who was walking behind proteaninom, looked closer and signaled that here except not hide his presence geth-geth-missile and infantry there are geth-hunters, I love to use their camouflage system. Motioned to thwart any attempts to escape from Tali group to another console, Shepard prepared to rifle shooting. First het hunter managed to get close to a group within pistol shot - twenty meters, but was destroyed proteaninom.

  Then hell began. Geta seemed hidden behind each poluperegorodkoy, shot, without worrying about the integrity of the skin and the ship's hull, normand
ovtsev forced to constantly change position and in every way tried to encircle and then destroy the impudent aliens of organic. Several times Shepard sincerely glad that the group arrived at the dreadnought board at full strength - geth would quickly dealt with the less numerous landing team.

  Finally ahead shone off the console railgun. Legion hurried to her, wary rolling his sniper rifle. The law of war - the target always disguised ambush or the last guard. The attackers, or saboteurs, seeing the purpose of their mission, often relaxing, and the target of a nasty surprise awaits. This time the surprise was that around the Dreadnought flapped closures locks hatch covers - Ship partitioned and now way to the command center becomes much more complicated. No one - neither geth hunter or geta-infantryman from the remote was not. Only on a display light designation, which clearly indicated - protivoabordazhnaya protection program worked on five points and now pass as along the avenue to the central office dreadnought became impossible.

  After consulting gestures normandovtsy decided to go through a second tunnel guns - there were no partitions. After completing the deactivation of the first gun and laying explosives in case the geth try this deactivation remove the group hurried to go down the stairs to another room of the ship - the same tunnel, where he again had to hide from the electric waves and destroy the pursuing geth-infantry geth-hunters and geth -raketchikov.


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