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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 129

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard, passing through the corridors and passages frigate, cruiser, felt that normandovtsy although considered decision Legion fair and correct, did not immediately accept the fact that they see geta sniper on board in the near future. Especially difficult was the captain to approach the Halls Information. He knew that, and Alix, and Olivia and Mark with difficulty, with great difficulty, get used to the absence of the fourth AI. On captive geta, still the off state and immobilized sitting in an insulated container, none of otryadovtsev did not pay any attention - the Goths VI, with all its power and all its perfection could not catch up with the Legion even approximately. For Anderson, in response to questioning look Shepard when commanders met for lunch as soon Rannoch left far behind, he said, that this geta on the Citadel specialists will disassemble for parts - in working condition it is not needed anywhere - neither on Rannoch or the Citadel. Nowhere. How I said the commander of the cruiser frigate is "nowhere", with all certainty Shepard showed that Anderson stung because of the absence of the Legion on board the frigate, cruiser.

  Alenka, which brought the afternoon to Shepard's cabin with the reader is already fully processed photographs, it was gloomy and grim.

  - I did not know, Commander. Did not know. - He said, putting the reader on the table in front of Shepard. - And now ... let once the ship was. He's a warrior, with it was to land safely. Everyone knew what he is a professional. But to Saren and Nihlus ... I do not believe I'm even afraid to approach. After all, he was in a band ... a third scorer. Quicker than he, none of the sniper could not wield otryadovtsev. And the intelligence ... Intelligence in general it was not equal. That understand somewhere and even accept that he was defending Tali and Stephen, to work for the benefit of Rannoch, the true command-geth - partners quarians ... And the soul ... the soul does not accept the fact of his absence from the board. - Kaidan bowed his head, hiding his eyes. - Unrest somehow. Reapers will not forgive the destruction of his fellow man. And quarians the geth undergo a coordinated attack ...

  - You voiced my thoughts, Kai. - Shepard said quietly. - I, too, will miss him. It is not to be missed. But it is better if it will protect Tali and Stephen, what will suffer here on board, knowing that nowhere else is such a need, even necessary, as Rannoch. He did everything so that we, otryadovtsy, not really suffered because of his absence. Pulled up to the last ad solutions do not want anyone to strain like that, once. I also can not go to the Halls of Information. I know that Olivia Alix and Mark say it, are with him in constant contact ... and they miss him like that, they would very much like to see him here, to feel alive. And he stayed there. Perhaps it would be better. - Shepard picked up the reader, turned and stared at the pictures, brought them to the wall screens, stood up, walked over, stared. - I do not want to speak now about the that Rannoch - our first win, win Squad. The decision of the Legion to stay there ... It is difficult to say this, but his decision - it is better than what he had to offer detachment. If left in the Galaxy geth heretics, then sooner or later they will become servants of the Reapers finally. And we know that there are other geth, the name of which - the Legion. For many of them, of the other, the true geth. - Shepard repaid screens, returned to the table, without looking at who was standing at the front door of Lieutenant. - We're about to fly to the Citadel, and I do not understand - it's vacation ... for a maximum of a few days? Or ... is it something else? Is it possible to stay at the Citadel assume any vacation? Or is this another job? Perhaps it would be easier to consider it all the same work. I somehow do not currently configured to rest. At the station is now a lot of work and we must help tsitadeltsam. Rest will ... after the victory. Thank you, Kai. Go. - Shepard did not make the familiar hand gesture, knowing that now it is too much.

  When the door closed behind Kaidan, Shepard instrumentron included. We had to determine for yourself what will the squad on the Citadel. It was already known that the station crammed with thousands of refugees fleeing from the Reapers attacked stellar systems. News releases Extranet were overwhelmed by the news of tens and hundreds of ships on which the civilians were leaving clusters and nebulae, barely there appeared fleets of the Reapers and their accomplices. It was impossible to judge civilians for wanting to survive, it was impossible to call their actions an act of cowardice. Among the refugees there were many of those who have lost loved ones. Citadel could not shelter everyone - the possibility of the station were limited, she has taken on board the additional military contingents, I stay around them warships and had to give accommodation and to ensure members of their crews and teams. Civilians caught in a station only after prolonged filtration process.

  Parking at the station was necessary detachment to prepare to participate in the union krogan. The next stop for the squadron became Tuchanka. Data transmitted Synthetic, as soon as the landing of the group was on board the frigate, cruiser, testified - Rex and Gryunt could do a lot to unite krogan clans, but suddenly emerged from the memory of the last confrontation between the krogan and turians. Once upon a time, long ago, turians placed on Tuchanka several heavy-duty charges, which could easily split the activation parent planet dinosaurs and make it unsuitable for organic life. Now, these charges are intended to use the "Cerberus".

  Send this information to the hierarchy meant to cause a new round of confrontation between the krogan and turians, so we had to limit ourselves to the forces of the ship's company officer amphibious group, including its constituent two-Turian Spectre. In that Nihlus and Saren would not act recklessly, all were confident otryadovtsy, but other turians warriors ...

  Alyx managed to unearth evidence that the primarch Palaven in the very near future plans to use to deactivate Tuchanka spetsvzvod charges. If Turian ships appear on Tuchanka - this will be the beginning of the war between the krogan and turians. It turians in antiquity insisted that krogan worlds were so derogatory name "Kroganskaya demilitarized zone" or, in abbreviated form - "Kroganskaya DMZ" as indicated on most maps. The past is always owned by the present, but even more so it possessed the future.

  Shepard got up, walked across the cabin. Shining Screen instrumentrona flooded the cabin a little unearthly blue-white light. The overhead light and wall sconce captain not included - he liked to work in the light of instrumentrona screen. Maybe it is called saving, but the exec is only considered a habit.

  He suddenly thought that, in principle, it was possible to go on Tuchanka right now, without going back to the Citadel. War gathered momentum, the Reapers appeared in more and more new systems, the number of armed clashes has long exceeded the capabilities of all existing in the Galaxy media at least briefly tell us about them.

  Probably otryadovtsam just wanted to see the main station of the galaxy again. To see and understand once again that all is not lost, though, of course, most normandovtsev volgovtsev and more concerned about what will stand whether the solar system in general and land in particular. A Citadel ... For thirty years, she has not been able to become earthlings as a valuable and important. The detachment returned to the Citadel for many reasons. Especially because I had to fit in with the corps headquarters of the spectrum. Agreed not communication, but personally.

  At the Citadel until you can restock, reload weapons cellar ships, dozens of names to replace worn-out parts, make an inventory of all kinds of stocks to remove the beads worn, dilapidated, exhausted, replace it with a new and whole. And then...

  Then he was to have to act by the "fan". At the Citadel can be found on the most important needs and the needs of organic reasonable variety of races and try to - or rather, to try to meet them. In many parts of the galaxy now not go civilian airliners ships - it was too dangerous. A few convoys rarely went only under tight security, but they also do not go everywhere and always, while of organic was enough reason to return to become inaccessible areas.

  It was difficult to list all of these reasons, but among them was no trivial or unimportant. Detachment and could meet these needs reasonable organics and simultaneously strike at the troops of the Reapers
and their accomplices, including the troops of "Cerberus".

  It is this "fan" and became the basis for the activities of the Troop in the coming months. With Citadel was convenient to go to the most remote areas of the space of the Milky Way, the Citadel was convenient to return. And it is from the Citadel as Anderson said, is to begin operation "Retribution", which sets a fat point in the history of cycles and harvest.

  Flight - work, Citadel - rest. This rhythm was familiar to the band of soldiers. Almost none of normandovtsev volgovtsev and not objected to its establishment as a service.

  Returning to the table, Shepard included instrumentron by removing a screen saver brilliant "starry sky". We had to read the summaries of the situation in the core of the galaxy systems.

  Reading numerous texts, study tables, diagrams, charts, graphs, absorbed account exec for several hours. The picture was bleak: the Reapers held sway in many areas, there were pockets of resistance, but not always able to hold out for a long time. Indoctrination worked, besides Reapers proceeded to transform the captured reasonable organics in unimaginable synthetic life forms - those husky, which had previously encountered, is now perceived as a lovely misunderstanding compared with the new creations of the evil genius of the Reapers. They also had to meet as soon as possible to land on the planet - that Shepard was now no doubt. The desire of organic Milky Way settle wherever possible,

  Sami ships where Reapers rarely appeared in numerous, mainly in each of the systems were subjected to attack one or two shrimp, is not always the biggest, but the landing and warships zhnetsovskih accomplices in the first wave of attack was always plenty. It was felt that the Reapers are prepared to harvest and hope, or rather almost assured of another success.

  Looking at the map, Shepard became convinced that now the movement speed Troop ships between systems will inevitably fall - everywhere small patrols scoured the Reapers and their accomplices, to arrange a race for any ship who dared to invade the seemingly conquered Reapers space.

  In the largest fleets of space races of the Milky Way was not enough ships, has a perfect camouflage systems or powerful, almost racing engines. A conventional ships became easy prey for the invaders, have to try on the status of the occupier.

  A few days Squad get to the main station of the Milky Way. Pilots frigate, cruiser mastered the hard science of piloting the ship in conditions of active counter enemy fleets and divisions. The fact that the kerf accelerators and with the same comfort and speed to shoot the first lighthouses Citadel had to forget. Just outside the station was a small space, even where the Reapers big ships - the biggest "prawns" - afraid to go. Standing there dreadnoughts, cruisers and frigates were strong enough to destroy them on the way to the Citadel. Assault "Cerberus" and work to improve the combat readiness of the Troop Fleets Guard of the Citadel were not in vain. Protection and defense of the galaxy's main station have been improved as much as it is generally possible. Three-shift work schedule of essential services for civilian and military sectors of the Citadel has become commonplace. Holidays, days off were completely abolished. The station eventually moved to a state of siege.

  Near the Citadel constantly appeared civilian ships - from transport and passazhirnikov to small boats and yachts. Most of the arrivals of ships bore the marks of the weapons the Reapers and their accomplices - not all the captains managed to avoid any clashes with the enemy units. In the air ducts on the civil discord prevailed.

  - Commander, ships parking is provided at the same locations. Citadel is ready to take our shuttle to the old quays. - I reported to the officer of the watch captain Anderson, who was standing at the Star card.

  - Welcome. The landing and unloading permission. To act according to the plan. - Ordered the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - John, you need to be at the headquarters of Detachment. Works to be there ... my permission to go ashore.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard Anderson saluted and walked to the hangar. The shuttle was waiting for him. Both turian Yavik and Olivia Alix settled in their seats, with interest and excitement apparent on examining the wall displays views of the Citadel. Nodding Greg Shepard took his seat, buckled up and the shuttle flew on board the frigate, cruiser. Troop ships were not to leave the inner roads - Anderson and Titov decided to put them in the outer roads, in case of need to maintain fleets of fire Guard of the Citadel.

  - Captain, shuttles came on board, "Volga". - Greg reported when the station less than a third of the way. - Everything is fine.

  - Good. Thank you. - Shepard pulled away from the station of contemplation, I looked at the small screen instrumentrona pressed several sensors. - Set down. Garrus has sent a passenger flyer. Flying with the comfort of ...

  On the quay the captain waited for his teammate will be placed in the passenger cabin flyers, I saw the Descending to land the shuttle commander's cruiser and a nod Nihlus, went to the boat arrived. Helping Svetlana get off at the dock plate, he looked into the eyes of his wife.

  - I'm all right, John. Alla checked, everything is fine. - Svetlana said soothingly. - Yes, a big belly, but I'm glad that everything is normal. - She put her arms around her husband, kissed him on both cheeks, parted hug. - Flights with yours. My will get a second passenger. Here he was landing. - She pointed hand to a bright blue passbus. - Georgia, colleagues. - She nodded to the commander of their fives protection. - I'll meet you at headquarters.

  - Yes, commander. - Senior Airborne groups gesture and ordered the paratroopers headed to passbusu landed. Shepard picked up styling, pick them up at Svetlana and went to the flyer. Nihlus left, helped Svetlana climb aboard, secured the harness on his shoulders, nodded in response to a grateful glance and sat down on his seat.

  - Greg, flew. - Shepard looked around the pier through the glass window. - We are waiting for. Worthless late.

  A few tens of minutes, until the flyer by the usual route to civilian traffic was getting in the district headquarters, the cabin was quiet. Shepard and Streltsov worked on instrumentronah, turians Yavik and discussing something in a low voice, occasionally glancing in the windows salon.

  Housed in a former apartment, John and Svetlana rushed into the hall of operational planning, which already gathered normandovtsy arrived. Work has begun to clarify the role and place Squad in solving the problems of the station and its inhabitants.

  With the permission of Shepard flew to Kaidan, Ashley, handed over command unit landing Richard. Corporal happy opportunity to show everything what he had learned by this time and took the order of Lieutenant with great satisfaction. all the conditions for effective training and training paratroopers were created in the headquarters so that soldiers was where to draw the benefit of time in seemingly purely commercial environment. The off-duty time, they had the opportunity to visit any places of the Citadel, the benefit of C-Sec and spectra taken insides stations under its strict control in the war time.

  Came the first letters of Jennifer and Gryunt. Immediately the whole pack. Sitting on the couch next to Svetlana, John included instrumentron and got a grasp.

  Jennifer wrote for himself unusually long letter, in which it was clear that she still thinks Shepard extremely important and valuable for himself as a man:

  five students from twelve to sixteen, and only two - from ten to twelve. I must say that the two of them - something. At such a young age so biotics own - I know, not everyone can. They really are not ballast, otherwise they would not be accepted to the academy. On the contrary, they have become my good angel helpers. Older boys and girls are very positive about their role in this, for they are too - lower need of care and attention. I do not speak a great master, so the first lesson immediately explained that I would be better to show anxiety Sunday REKOD dvdchem tell. They definitely enjoyed it. Yes, I also read a lecture, but most likely it's - lectures, screenings, lectures, discussions. Guys forget everything - even to eat. We have almost no power to direct them to the dining room to eat and make a full serving. They just have a huge interest in the subtleties of applyi
ng biotics. Boys, of course, for the most part, naturally interested in the martial aspects biotics and girls - more peaceful, with an emphasis on beauty and entertainment. I had to explain to them that I am going to tell and show them and those other aspects, learning to use biotics in balance, without the impact of preference to one thing. They liked it. Especially they like what I laconic. While John, too early to talk about success - we have just started to work, despite the fact that the classes are almost around the clock. Barely forcing their students to sleep a full eight hours. You guessed right, John. I like this work. And I am happy. I embrace. Jenny." and girls - more peaceful, with an emphasis on beauty and entertainment. I had to explain to them that I am going to tell and show them and those other aspects, learning to use biotics in balance, without the impact of preference to one thing. They liked it. Especially they like what I laconic. While John, too early to talk about success - we have just started to work, despite the fact that the classes are almost around the clock. Barely forcing their students to sleep a full eight hours. You guessed right, John. I like this work. And I am happy. I embrace. Jenny." and girls - more peaceful, with an emphasis on beauty and entertainment. I had to explain to them that I am going to tell and show them and those other aspects, learning to use biotics in balance, without the impact of preference to one thing. They liked it. Especially they like what I laconic. While John, too early to talk about success - we have just started to work, despite the fact that the classes are almost around the clock. Barely forcing their students to sleep a full eight hours. You guessed right, John. I like this work. And I am happy. I embrace. Jenny." too early to talk about success - we have just started to work, despite the fact that the classes are almost around the clock. Barely forcing their students to sleep a full eight hours. You guessed right, John. I like this work. And I am happy. I embrace. Jenny." too early to talk about success - we have just started to work, despite the fact that the classes are almost around the clock. Barely forcing their students to sleep a full eight hours. You guessed right, John. I like this work. And I am happy. I embrace. Jenny."


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