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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 130

by Theodore Daniels

  Gryunt wrote shorter and more precise. He reported that took command of a detachment of "Arallah" all day rides his colleagues in the obstacle course and polygons, regularly performs tasks in a variety of areas Tuchanka. I had, as he put it, to break the jaws of a pair of particularly recalcitrant Special Forces, but now everything is included in the scope of his authority and position no one dares to question or challenge.

  Putting reader Shepard embraced dozed off girlfriend. She clung to him, leaned her head on his shoulder, calming breath. Citadel plunged into the night. The next night the military.

  The next morning, Shepard and Streltsov appeared again in the Hall of operational planning. Work continued with a very short break for lunch and dinner. Returning with his wife in the apartment, the captain thought that the next day, still need to devote a small but relaxing. And Svetlana will need to unwind a bit, understand that is not about the fight and not fight, but quite peaceful and very civil station.

  After reviewing the list and to instrumentrone characteristics closest to the headquarters of the catering and entertainment, Shepard said three of them and sent to instrumentron Svetlana - she went to arrived at the headquarters of Karin on medkontrol and regular gatherings. Soon came the answer - Svetlana did not like to force her husband to wait and make your choice quickly and reasonably.

  The next morning John and Svetlana sat in the surf to the headquarters of the double wage flyer and went to the cafe. Wife seated at a table, Shepherd conferred with the waiter, made an order and, looking around the room, making sure that everything here is legal and safe.

  When the waiter brought the order and placed the plates and filled with food on the table, Shepard once paid - he did not know how soon he will need to headquarters and did not want to linger in cafes longer than usual.

  First he ate slowly, enjoying the taste and aroma of freshly prepared meat. And when he started the second, a bright flash plunged cafe in "Milk."

  Citadel. Ambush saboteurs on Shepard. Attempting to copy?

  Eyes captain refused to adapt to such a bright glow. Through suddenly manifested in the ears roar Shepard heard frightened screams and cries of visitors shrieking waitresses, knocking sharply in panic pushes tables. He felt that he was somewhere bear, somewhere to put, then lost consciousness, somewhere in the back of a bad perception heard a voice saying to him in an unknown language. Then came darkness.

  When he awoke, Shepard just listened to him, without opening his eyes. The subconscious is reported to have passed at least five hours from the moment the cafe lit up that flash. Around a short distance from the body felt solid metal, the feelings came out that this kind of tank. Light nowhere no no. Opening his eyes, Shepard was able to see - or rather, feel the only wall to which leaned left side purely instinctively. Carefully getting to his feet, he walked around the tank captain, felt how it was at all possible, the wall.

  Highlighting currently weak LED instrumentrona Shepard convinced of the correctness of their worst fears - he was one of the thousands of tanks Archives Citadel. As he recalled, the air in it was as much as he could remain at the time of sealing the internal volume, which meant - a maximum of four hours, he will begin to experience choking, and then have to fully save, maybe even dive into a special state to consume at It can be less oxygen. Four o'clock.

  Communication was not. The walls of the tank was shielded any signals - a common requirement for such a perfect storage of wealth. As Shepard remembered the tank is more than half have been sunk into the wall of the holder, so that it was necessary to pay special attention to the lid and the mechanism of its opening. It is fortunate that the cover there was only one, or have long to find out which of them leads to the outside, and which - rests on the bottom of the cylinder-holder. Trying to as little as possible and breathe quietly, Shepard started the survey covers.

  Svetlana woke up again - a habit inculcated months training in the intelligence center. Around bedlam reigned - a reasonable tried to understand what it was, most of the furniture was broken. Strel'tsova miraculously managed to stay on the chair, she avoided endangering himself fall to the floor, at her none of the visitors do not flown, so that one could assume that she got off easy.

  Shepard was nowhere. Svetlana clearly remembered that he did not get up and did not go anywhere. Mind rezanula unpleasant thought: John kidnapped. All this phantasmagoria flash was set up only to relatively easily capture Shepard. How remembered Streltsov, these technologies were very expensive, so act is clearly not amateurs. Who attacked the cafe did not kill anyone, did not destroy itself before the foundation of the cafe and its interior decoration. They just did everything that they do not prevent you from completing the main task and probably already gone far.

  Gently rising to his feet, Svetlana took a few steps out of the cafe, Skip Login medics and firefighters.

  - Svetlana. It Garrus. - Manifested in the speaker's voice director BRP. - What's happened? Witnesses say the strong flash.

  - Shepard stole. - Svetlana said, crossing the threshold of the cafe and out into the street, where already gathered onlookers. Flyers flew two C-Sec, poured policemen who started to drive away the crowd away from the scene. doctor salarian past brushed past on Strel'tsova eyes, convinced that she did not need help and went to the cafe. Svetlana married cordon line. She recognized, saluted and passed without problems and without delay. Staying around the corner, she looked around. - Flash, Gard, was necessary to prevent the kidnappers nobody. Everything was done very quickly.

  - I have already raised their own. Checking the most likely place. Nothing. - Garrus said sheepishly. - Employees have reported - were killed in a cafe there.

  - Gently worked. They wanted John. - Svetlana said, seeing the approaching shuttle commander. - For me, I had already arrived, my guards, Gard. I get to the headquarters ...

  - Svetlana, be there and do not fly, ask. We ourselves shall understand. You have children, think of them. - Vakarian said.

  - Think about it. But I do not want them to grow up without a father. Because I will not only think, but to act. Sorry, Gard, I'm in a different way and do not know can not. I can only say one thing. There is a place that you probably will not be a check.

  - Let us all checked, Svetlana. Everything from top to bottom and on both sides - from the nose to the engine. - Garrus said. - I've already ordered. So what place?

  - Archives Citadel. I do not think anyone seriously stop the ban on their visit. The place is quiet, especially - storage facilities.

  - Hmm. But true Svetlan. There are capsules - a feast for the eyes, the highest level of isolation.

  - They are there thousands, Gard.

  - How much would they anyway, we will check everything. - Garrus clearly wanted to end the conversation, and Svetlana had seen her was in a hurry to five of its paratroopers group protection.

  - I hope so. If that - I'm always in touch. And, most of all, I will soon arrive at the storage facilities.

  - Svetlana ... - a little reproachfully said Garrus.

  - This is my husband and my friend, Gard. I'm different - I can not do. - Svetlana nodded senior protection group and headed to the shuttle. - All I have guarded, Gard. Do not worry.

  - I can not promise, Svetlana. Before connection. - Garrus switched channels. Streltsov got on board the shuttle.

  - At the headquarters. - She said vyglyanuvshemu from the cockpit to the driver. - And quickly.

  - Yes, commander. - Sergeant disappeared into the cabin, the shuttle soared into the sky Citadel and took the right course. - Six minutes.

  - Welcome. - Streltsov umostilas in his chair, threw on the shoulders of seatbelts, catching pleading look older group protection, closed her eyes, trying to calm down, knowing that it will take a few minutes and a wave of concern for John will cover her head.

  At Headquarters, the business recovery prevailed. The Flyers hired arrived loaded cops paratroopers, both kiborgessy refined Mark left on the "Normandy", the latest news Squad and coordinated
plan of action.

  - Svetlana, you stay. - I came to Strel'tsova Chakwas. - They will understand. Once the find - and then I will tell you without further ado let go. Nothing you do there is go to the search.

  - Karin. - Reproachfully said Streltsov. - You know ...

  - And you do not know the Light. You - a mother, you have children. And you there in the Archives yet do nothing. I know you'll go from corner to corner, nervous. Do you think it will be helpful for your son and daughter?

  - I know that is not useful, but they are - a son and daughter of military officers, not tyuhli-ofisnika. - With some irritation in his voice said Svetlana. - And I do not want them to feel my weakness. And if I stay here, they feel this weakness. - I nodded Streltsov came up senior group protection. - Soon will fly to the entrance to the Citadel Vault Archives. Wait.

  - Yes, commander. - Marine saluted and walked away to the shuttle.

  - Svetlana. - Demanding the doctor look frigate, cruiser stuck into kaperanga eyes.

  - Do not, Karin. You have to understand my own. This is - my friend, my husband and the father of my children. I will not allow him to suffer, and not let it gone. And even more so will not allow him to die. Those who stole it will answer. Here are their Garrus should be sought with all diligence. Punishing criminals - it's part of it.

  - Okay. - Chakwas surrendered. - Only ...

  - Yes Yes. I would be cautious, circumspect, considerate, and will diligently keep the rear. Not funny, Karin. - Svetlana nodded and headed to the shuttle, it has already risen above the ground.

  Even sitting in a chair, Svetlana instrumentrona read with that in the Extranet station got the first message - she entered the cafe with Shepard and left the cafe without him. None of the correspondents confirmed this message, did not pursue the topic further - Department "K" BRP has worked on five points. Speculation in the network is not allowed and it is happy. I did not want to read the trite assumption, that changed only the names and races.

  Entrance to the store found quickly unloaded, opened the flap, put the guard. Seeing the rows of tanks, Svetlana felt like she dropped his hands. Check a number of fully hermetic storage ... Airtight! But Shepard only ordinary stock in the suit, plus Chuck "last resort". We must hurry. But where to find it?

  He landed with a thud next wage flyer. From it emerged two kiborgessy and arrived with "Normandy" Mark. Olivia went to Svetlana:

  - Thought, Light, we'll leave you alone? Do not go. We have here something that was viewed as get here. It may work. Where is the nearest balcony? - Kiborgessa asked who approached the older group of local protection.

  - I'll take. - Turian kiborgesse bowed, clearly recognizing her. Nodding Alix and Mark, Olivia went after the departure of the guard. Synthetic hurried after her.

  More than an hour of them did not have news. Svetlana was nervous, but she knew - nothing can be done quickly here - too many stores that you should at least see a preview, they are too well-sealed and insulated.

  Another hour passed. Streltsov felt that a little more - and it really starts to go "pendulum" - power to sit still and portray absolutely tranquil statue no longer remained.

  - We found several containers with suspicious content. - Kaperangu came to Olivia. - Alix is now engaged in their test of profound. - I kiborgessa immediately realized how thrilled Streltsov. - It will take an hour, maybe two. I understand the Light, but ... Citadel Archives constructed as an insulator. It is a perfect and powerful insulator. With a swoop of his will not take even our combined efforts. - Apologetically said kiborgessa. - We really are working at full capacity.

  - I see. - Through the power squeezed Svetlana.

  Half an hour later came to communicate Anderson.

  - Svetlana, here is the deal. Shepard tried to clone.

  For a second hearing this, Streltsov froze. Then, having spent exactly one minute to stabilize his condition, he said:

  - David, I need details.

  - The man is very similar in all characteristics to Shepard tried to board a traveling shuttle frigate, cruiser. The identification system has issued a request for clarification. Came Chakwas, checked. I had to take this subject by force. He tried to commit suicide. It turned out - very exact clone. If not Chakwas with her talents, we would have a big problem. Now spelёnut clone lies in the insulating container.

  - Opinion Karin? - Streltsov visibly calmed down.

  - Shepard stole just to clarify the characteristics of extremely clone. And then isolated, so it does not prevent the clone to enter the ship. You understand, he told us nothing about the plans will not be talking. Let's make, of course, but most likely he was to act not according to plan, and according to circumstances. If he showed pre-programmed, it would inevitably have gone beyond the peculiar captain and then he would expect a complete failure. would be with him on the ship would certainly not stand on ceremony. to shoot at the slightest suspicion of a mismatch. And so ... Well that is immobilized and not allowed to enter the frigate. I passed the information Synthetic they ventilate it, in parallel with the search.

  - There are several suspicious places ... - Streltsov said.

  - Svetlana, we have done everything to the second or third vehicle does not clones slipped. Strengthen information protection. Introduced additional checks of all who return to the ship. Raising the crew at first were not ready - it has guarded puppeteers. - Anderson understanding reacted to statements kaperanga subtext.

  - Good. I realized. Thank you, David. - Streltsov switched channels.

  At first, Shepard thought he heard. But no, on the outside of the lid of the tank is clearly something scraped, with scrapers is not automatic, and in manual mode. Apparently, somewhere is loose insulation, allowing to hear the "outboard" sounds, and can be a metal or a cover material was inadvertently designers chosen so that the insides isolated from anything other than sounds.

  Glancing at the clock face barely flickers instrumentrona - just waking up, the captain immediately turned the whole suit electronics into power saving mode and turned off all non-critical systems - Shepard saw that took only two hours out of the four remaining "oxygen". Strange, but the kidnappers left him with a gun, not even bothering to defuse them and carried away ammunition. "Something is drastically smell of dilettantism." - Shepard thought, taking one of the pistols and just in case, recharging it with a new store.

  tank lid began to rotate. Having made five turnovers, she stepped aside, opening the eyes of Shepard's hook. In the doorway stood Svetlana interior with a powerful torch in his hand. Ray Shepard covered the head, and the next moment the captain felt a strong hug his wife - she jumped down from the shuttle to the tank.

  - Svetlana, well ... calm down. - Shepard embraced Svetlana, feeling her quivering with suppressed sobs body. - I'm fine.

  - All right, yeah ?! - Svetlana glanced across the face wife. - Right ?!

  - Exactly. I swear Light. What you want?

  - I do not need vows, Joe. Do not. I need you to be alive and well. Now I'll take you to Chakwas and let her examine you from head to toe. Other doctors, even Michelle I did not trust. Come on. - Svetlana turned and pulled Shepard behind. The shuttle has docked to the tank, so it is not required to jump.

  Inside, the first thing Shepard sat his wife in a chair, nodding both Turian. Those nodded back, making sure that the captain's all right. Next to the first hook is already curled a second, which housed the paratroopers cruiser. Svetlana, sigh, made him a sign and a left hook to the vehicle gate.

  - More here all this needs to be addressed. - She said, looking at the rows of tanks. - Several tens of thousands of stores.

  - It is necessary. - Shepard confirmed. - If you can, it will be engaged in tsitadeltsy. Not yet time to fight. We must engage and science.

  - It is necessary. So, they will be engaged. Not for the first time. - Streltsov noted that the shuttle passed the transport gate, briefly signaled to the guards and they have included a mechanism of closing the valves. Citadel Archives were again block
ed. How long?

  Svetlana calmed down, realized that the kidnappers plans fell through and her John was still alive, he is healthy and not injured. Yes, she remembered that these tanks are tight, there is little air and rejoicing in them, knowing that the time to much earlier than her John is no longer enough oxygen. I had time to open the tank and managed to get out of there, John. I had time. The thought warmed soul Svetlana better than any stove. She did not notice that she fell asleep.

  She woke up in the headquarters, in his bedroom in the apartment. John was absent again, but now on the bedside table was a reader with a bright inscription: "Svetlana, do not worry I went to thank everyone who I was looking for and saved Sleep Rest and calms I will come - to eat, John......"

  Muttered sleepily: ". Takes care to worry about me and the children How did it well.!" Streltsov turned on his right side and closed his eyes. Sleep came quickly.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Azari widow

  The next day normandovtsy again gathered in the Hall of operational planning. Svetlana presence helped to coordinate the details of the surgery with Tuchanka volgovtsami. Previously obtained information that "Cerberus" has a special attention to the krogan homeworld, was confirmed - three-headed dog servants intended to tighten Tuchanka several cruisers to organize the bombing of the planet. With the help of the spectrum and BRP krogan managed to put on a few heavy guns Tuchanka space defense, cruisers capable of inflicting enough damage and now the soldiers were engaged in endless training, improving the speed and accuracy of the necessary actions.


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