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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 131

by Theodore Daniels

  Gryunt understood that "Cerberus" appearance on Tuchanka so powerful weapons will remain a mystery for a long time and waited for the appearance of the planet sabotage groups, whose task will be to capture and hold under his control all such weapons. A krogan will not be able to stop the orbital bombardment of the planet without them.

  Rex has been notified of the imminent arrival of the detachment at Tuchanka and that at this time ships stay on the planet will not be long - a maximum of ten days, if you really need to be - that a maximum of two weeks. During this time, as I could convince him Gryunt, otryadovtsy able to do very much, anyway - to take an active part in the krogan fight with troops and ships "Cerberus".

  The fact that Tuchanka were buried powerful charges, as it turned out, none of the krogan still did not know and otryadovtsy unanimously decided not to devote dinosaurs in this knowledge, so as not to provoke another unnecessary war.

  Through the work of Synthetic squad get enough accurate data on who could reasonably be of organic avoid the Reapers and their henchmen, the survivors, and the unlucky. Read reports was difficult, but otryadovtsy regularly allocated to it at least a few tens of minutes per day, as well as to watch the main news releases Extranet system.

  At the Citadel was a kind of Memory Wall - there is a reasonable organic posted photos and other images, up to the hand-drawn, wanted or dead relatives and friends. For this large and long hall was isolated. Before many images on the tables along the walls were filled with smoking incense, often could be seen burning candles of all sizes and colors. It was not accepted to go quickly - many reasonable at the clock froze, staring intently at the pictures and none of tsitadeltsev hesitated to interrupt their stay alone with precious heart and mind organics, pushed over the brink or lost.

  Shortly before departure Shepard suddenly pulled into this room. He could not have said it is clear that all of a sudden it became necessary to see there. He is managed, briefly explained Svetlana, which intends to spend the next two hours before departure, and took double wage flyer and flew to the building of the Cultural Center of the Citadel.

  Upon entering the room, the captain tried to be as inconspicuous as possible - he really did not want a reasonable, who came here to meet with their relatives and friends, distracted by his presence. In silence he walked almost the middle of the corridor, carefully looking at images in a variety of posted on both walls. It was attended by a lot of reasonable almost every race - even a few volus and Hanaro. Candles on the tables formed endless, it seemed, a series of incense a little dizzy. The light ceiling spotlight has been muted, Wall spotlights barely warm.

  On the Wall, as it turned out, there were pictures of those who died in the attack, "Cerberus" the Citadel. Shepard further slowed down, peering into the faces.

  Thirty years ago, mankind only in dreams present themselves surrounded by alien intelligences, and now this environment has become a reality. Fewer people were called face-faced aliens, more and more individuals called their faces. It turned out the aliens also suffer, too fond, too, are dying, too happy, too sad. In general, almost all as humans. As if people have a new, unique opportunity to thoroughly look at ourselves. With many parties through many different filters.

  - Captain. - I cut a voice in the earpiece Alix. In recent years, most often it is to get in touch with Shepard - Olivia was very busy and it was rarely possible to allocate resources for this communication, and Alix, having taken care of the crew members and the command frigate, cruiser, the clock was in touch with them and I received from it a lot of pleasure, but more often they had to report not so nice news or information transfer bleak. - We got a package of new data - accomplices of the Reapers was attacked Monastery Ardath-yakshas on one of the outlying planets Space Azari. In it at the time of the attack there was not a novice, nor staff - they had to evacuate. Attacked the abode accomplices Reapers not interested inmates, and the very ancient structure - the monastery church. Azari Defense Council ordered the temple to defend a small group desantnits asari. They honorably fulfilled an order and being surrounded on all sides by enemies, blew themselves up along with the temple. We got a list of the dead. I send it to you, Captain. You look just at the wall, where is placed a photograph of one of the victims asari. And in the hall is her wife - asari Veshra. I am sending you a photo of her official and identifiers. The rescue team found on the site of the damaged desantnitsy reader with a suicide note. - Alix hesitated. Shepard caught instrumentrona vibration. Came files. And in the hall is her wife - asari Veshra. I am sending you a photo of her official and identifiers. The rescue team found on the site of the damaged desantnitsy reader with a suicide note. - Alix hesitated. Shepard caught instrumentrona vibration. Came files. And in the hall is her wife - asari Veshra. I am sending you a photo of her official and identifiers. The rescue team found on the site of the damaged desantnitsy reader with a suicide note. - Alix hesitated. Shepard caught instrumentrona vibration. Came files.

  Looking at the small screen, he made sure that all three files arrived safely - now sometimes saboteurs among supporters Reapers tried to spoil the data transmitted over the extranet. Instrumentron highlighted arrow, followed her, Shepard saw Veshru. She was staring at the same walls and the same picture as the Shepard. The captain still hesitated, then quietly stepped to the asari. that turned

  - Please forgive me. - Shepard said. - I have a message from the Tashi Leek, addressed to you.

  - She's ... - Asari's eyes filled with tears. Shepard silently nodded slightly and sent to instrumentron asari with a message file. Veshra heard a low signal, open the screen and seeing the line, began to cry. A few minutes Shepard and she stood facing each other. Veshra reread the message and do not restrain the tears. The captain did not try to come up and hug her, not looking at her face.

  Veshra cope with feelings, she wiped her eyes and face, straightened

  - Sorry. The file says that the message will give Captain Shepard. It is you?

  - Yes. - Spectrum said quietly. - HV Cable Systems Alliance Captain John Shepard. - He slapped the ceremonious short nod.

  - I've heard about you ... ... a lot of good. You ... you will not refuse to sit with me in the cafe. Tashyu to remember? It seems that people have so accepted?

  - Do not give up. - Shepard said quietly.

  - Then let's go. - Veshra walked out of the Hall of Remembrance, avoiding standing and sitting on the floor reasonable. - I worked in a nearby cafe girlfriend. So we will table.

  A few minutes later they were sitting in a small cozy cafe. Veshra placed an order, it was tried to pay, but Shepard was ahead of her, showing the approaching waitress sign Spectrum, he made a payment of his credit chip. The waitress looked at Veshru, understood everything and walked to the counter.

  Drinking herbal infusions. Silently. Not clinking glasses, only picking up glasses, witnessed the commemoration. Veshra hid the view, not to cry again. Shepard did not keep her under his eyes noticing everything, making it extremely defocused soft and respectful.

  - Thank you, Captain. You shared with me is my hill and I will not forget. I will send you their universal coordinates and number to contact. Perhaps we can still see and talk. When something later.

  - I sent you the coordinates. Public. And the number for communication. - Said the captain softly. - You're right. We may still be able to meet. Let me show you the way to the house, Veshra.

  - You ... you're not in a hurry? - Asari showed surprise and amazement.

  - No. I have to have more shuttle departure time. And there is a wage-flyer, which I did not let go.

  - Thank you. - Veshra abruptly stood up, nodded to the waitress-girlfriend and headed for the exit.

  Flight to the house where she lived asari, took only half an hour. Shepard spent Veshru to the door of her apartment, said goodbye courteous nod, turned and descended down, still ignoring the elevator. Soon his flyer already landing at the mooring complex citadel.

  Lieutenant Alenko, waiting on the quay at the shuttle, Shepar
d gave a report relying on statutes that all normandovtsy already on board, and all property, equipment and supplies are shipped. The ship is fully passed inspection systems and the necessary work is fully completed.

  - Then - fly, Kai. - Shepard said, sitting down in a chair and pristёgivayas watched askance as the hatch closed interior cover. - Fly. It is necessary to solve problems on Tuchanka.

  Greg picked up the car with the boards of the landing pad, and soon left the shuttle to the course approaching the frigate, cruiser.

  Priority - Tuchanka. Participation in the fighting on the side of the krogan. Vaccination against genophage

  Again, a few days of flight. The detachment under full disguise as possible passing through the orders Fleets fighting the Reapers and their accomplices, tried not to impose them on the trail, do not show them the way to Tuchanka. All this time on board the ship was hard work.

  Shepard in his cabin studied all mined Synthetic materials krogan race at Tuchanka on planets ever visited krogan by Thrasher. Increasingly, it seemed to him that Tuchanka have to stay at least two weeks, and if necessary - and then for two decades - too much was opened and revealed problems to throw a race krogan, left alone with them, under threat of encirclement, threatened blockade and isolation. Hardly anyone of reasonable of organic other races find so many resources to provide effective help fast krogan. Hardly. Now in most cases, each organic was primarily for itself, and very rarely - for others. Perhaps first and foremost for their next of kin. The war has just begun.

  The frigate arrived Tuchanka first. "Volga" in passive mode in depth scanned Tuchanka star system, which by today's wartime was not a quick thing, because the first shuttle departed the planet krogan "Normandy".

  Rex and Gryunt took normandovtsev in its main underground shelter. One of the friends pyzhakov Shepard habitually sat at the captain's shoulder and sat there the entire "summit", flashing curious black glazёnkami and turning his head in all directions.

  - I've heard about you, John, calm down Reaper on Rannoch. - Rex, sat down on a stone bench, not wishing to receive visitors in the "throne room".

  - Let Rex, to calm him I did not, and quarian Migriruyuyuschy fleet. - Shepard said. - Rannoch - their home, the parent planet and it would be foolish for quarians do what owners should do. So I just more or less reliably have quarian gunners fighting and civilian vehicle fleet target. I do not argue, the goal was worthy.

  - A more than worthy, John. - Chuckled Croghan. - We then watched a video shelling and admired. And some even impressed. So - do not cry the blues. I personally liked it. And, you know, just watching this video helped solve the problem of combining the five persisted in his unwillingness to obey the command of a single kroganskomu clans. As soon as they realized that our clan is familiar to you close enough, hehe, the heads of the clans by looking again, even several times a complete fire record, decided to submit a single command kroganskomu clans. EKKK. Sounds, do not you?

  - I find, Rex, I find. You give me information about what you are doing Reapers. _ Shepard did not want to waste time talking.

  - I see something that you already know. We showed up here, too, the Reaper. The most valuable and tasty tower Veil, once responsible for maintaining the desired climate Tuchanka, he made available for krogan. I do not know if you can call it occupation or he just took it under control. We're thinking at a meeting EKKK ... We ought to try to win over the Kalros, mother of all threshers. At the risk, of course, but the Veil of this tower we needed. And as soon as needed.

  - No doubt, Rex. Salarians here have their own interest. - Shepard looked thrown over krogan on instrumentron files. - And this interest clearly has a double and a triple bottom.

  - And when the Salars was not this the bottom? - Rex threw dissatisfied. - Dual, five fingers, the triple? - I chuckled, extinguishing involuntary indignation, the leader of the clan. - They're trying to retain power over us, John. Genophage - their creation. And the appearance of Tuchanka Gryunt pure krogan ... for them, as you people put it, a knife to the heart. - Rex slammed his paw on the bench. - In general, they are trying to split the krogan into two unequal parts, and drag us into a war mezhusobnuyu. For a long time we have forgotten about their involvement in the creation genophage. In other words, they are trying to sabotage all our efforts to cure genophage. They do not need a cure. We have it - it is necessary. Because, John, frankly - I hope your squad, Shepard. These three issues - genophage, Reaper and bombs on Tuchanka ... Do not argue and do not resent John. It's not your fault, and to me about these issues, as the clan leader, you must know. And I'm not going to arrange a showdown with the company officer turians spectrum or go right now in confrontation with the Hierarchy. We do not have enough for all that neither the strength nor, most importantly, time. - Rex got up from the bench, took a few steps to the balcony. - On Tuchanka, John, almost no greenery left. Only in the Old Town there are a few remaining live trees are now more resembling vines. We are sitting under the ground for too long. Soon we will hang over more and cruiser "Cerberus". Cannon space defense set we managed to master - managed. We'll have to shoot on cruisers, like the good old days. - It has been seen that Rex really want to smile, but that's a reason for this, a peaceful smile, he had not. However, then, John, "former people" - Elegantly called husks clan leader - was not in these shells. Okay. All together, I know. Come on Let's go to the gym, to work. Talk then possible. When the time.

  The discussion went on for several hours. Sometimes Shepard just infuriated by this slowness and sluggishness, it seemed to him that we must act quickly. And now the captain sitting next to Rex tried to appease impatient.

  During the break, Shepard went to the balcony, overlooking the old generation. Once it was quarried stone, and now it was just a space liberated from the rocks. A certain substitute for unavailable krogan who went underground landscape.

  Approached Yavik reader silently handed the captain. The instrument was only one file, but its content was probably the best gift in the past few hours: in the "Volga", the remaining patrolling star system, the frigate arrived Corps Spectres, who brought valuable cargo - vaccine genophage. The crew of the frigate knew only that the container has been accepted at one of the spans from the old freighter. What's in the container - "classified information" has been standing command of the ship is unknown, in the graph. The commander of the frigate commanders Corps recommended as soon as possible to find a space cruiser "Volga" and transfer the load on its board.

  - John, here salarian dalatressa trying to get in touch with the commander of the detachment. - To communicate with Captain Anderson went. - Common sense - that we have tried to do without a cure genophage.

  - I would send her ... far away, Commander. - Shepard said, after a pause. - Once I had to see the Citadel on the worth of these ladies, I do not trust them absolutely.

  - I also - I do not trust. Therefore, it ordered the channel to not open. - Anderson said. - Mordin, by the way, supports me. He was sick and tired of the arrogance salarianok, he is just happy to have the opportunity for such a long time to stay out of their environment and, of course, influence. By the way, he examined the goods. We were divided into small parties, loaded into canoes. Solus happy, he understands that it - greetings from our old friends. - Anderson did not speak openly on the connection that the container arrived Ilos. Tael has remained true to itself and abandoned, probably kroganskoy to address vital issues are relatively free resources. - Two hours wait for the shuttles on the planet. Do not forget to open the cover of entrance portals, do not want to shine on all the goods Tuchanka.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard keyboard method gave several orders normandovtsam in text form. - Orders given.

  - Welcome. Before connection. - Anderson switched channels.

  The captain looked at standing next Yavika:

  - Yaw at the first opportunity to convey my deep gratitude taels and her colleagues.

  - Before, John. I am pleased to help. They deserve life, not to exist. - Yavik glanced
at a passing krogan. - After the meeting, will have to immediately begin working with the vaccine. - Proteanin opened instrumentron. - It will be necessary to work with the hospitals of the clan, as well as with women's clans.

  - Well, hospitals with clan - no questions asked. - Said the captain, but with the female clans ... I do not think it will take to cheer. Outsiders krogan women is not tolerated. And here we have no one but strangers - one hundred percent.

  - Yes, you're right, John. And because we also have in the Troop women. Let it will be engaged in Chakwas, Michelle and Selezneva. - Yavik just looked at Shepard's eyes. - I do not think Rex would be against such a method of solving the problem. Men within the female clans will not appear, and a woman with a woman like you, people sometimes put it, always agree.

  - Good. - Captain scored on the keyboard instrumentrona several requests to the Medical Service cruiser and a frigate. - Submitted. Let decide. Push them here we can not. I'm not sure that will all. Perhaps the two, but not all. And yet men will walk the hospitals. Mordina attract will not - let it sit until the frigate in his laboratory. There is no need to aggravate the situation.

  - Here the problem, John. The fact that this can be done only with the permission of the female shaman clans. There is one name ... kroganka their hides, this is understandable. Without her consent, even our female doctors access to women's clans and the children do not get.

  - Where is she? - Shepard said Croghan Managing already talking to them to invite to the hall.

  - As soon as the end of our meeting, she promised to come here. Status shaman ... it allows such liberties. - Yavik also saw the approach krogan. - Thank you, we're going. - Proteanin towards the entrance to the hall.

  The meeting continued for another three hours, were able to discuss all the most important issues and problems, to take a number of agreed decisions.


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