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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 149

by Theodore Daniels

  The orchestra played turian "Counter Marsh". Officers-turians froze, giving Banner turian military ceremonial greeting. Shepard looked at floating past have stood in the ranks Turian heavy banner of cloth and felt many eyes accompany newfound sanctuary race. He knew that with the first division of the regiment to the front decreases spetsbrigada cameramen to capture the history of the first fight turian army under newfound sanctuary. And, if conditions permit - the next battle.

  Honorary banners guard - a platoon accompanied the banner on its intended place. Seeing such a large and heavily armed guards, the captain had no doubt that the banner will be safe. Turians not let any of the enemies even closer to him, not that defile any way.

  Now, while the commander of the first regiment turned to his soldiers a brief speech, Shepard felt like a lot of the views on it and crossed to his girlfriend. On Garrus pay less attention - he was too well-known compatriots, their attitude was smooth and respectful. The presence of the head of the detachment at the ceremony gave the building a very important character. Several dozen crew members cruisers and frigates lined up just behind the group of command of the First Regiment, and also watched the happening on the parade ground.

  - By the ceremonial march! Two linear distance! First company - right! Remaining Right turn in! - I gave the command deputy commander of the First Regiment. - Step - Go!

  Looking at the faces of Turian, passing by a group of the regiment commanders, Shepard has repeatedly caught myself thinking that everything is repeated. This - not just a building, on the occasion of gaining Banner. This - building before leaving for the real front of this war.

  Many of those who've just passed, passed and soon will pass it, never return home, to their family and friends, to the end fulfill their military duty. Many are injured, fall into the hospitals and field hospital, but will be torn to the front, knowing that the place of the warrior - only there, not in the rear. Many will be forced to demobilize - strict military doctors will not let them fight because of the severity of injuries and the severity of disease.

  They will not languish on the pensions and benefits, they will teach recruits the militias, will go to the patrols, anywhere, to be closer to the danger that again and again to feel like warriors. For Turian be outside society, not being able to prove his military skills, not be able to be helpful and fellow countrymen was terrible.

  The first regiment went to the front and Shepard knew: the soldiers revived this division could not take another decision - it would be too unnatural.

  Noting that silently and quickly loaded into buses crew number turian military medikakontsernov, Shepard felt satisfaction - exploits the soldiers of the First Regiment will be sealed in the history properly, because among these specialists have been no civil Turian, all wearing military insignia, many have not once visited the front, capturing the history of the great scenes, no doubt the war, which was attended by all turian race without exception.

  Passage completed. Outside the parade ground roared motors military transport vehicles, and soon a large military class flyers went to the mooring complex Citadel. They saw off volleys of strict military salute.

  After talking with his teammate, Shepard and Streltsov communicated with the command group Shelf, part of which is already on the Berths ubyla stations. Of course, normandovtsev and volgovtsev grateful for taking the capsule with the deceased turian officer, and that returned Banner holy turian race. The regimental commander was grateful Otryadovtsam for what they spent on the front of the first march Shelf units.

  On the flyer BRP Shepard and Streltsov returned to headquarters. Passenger flyers delivered to the same and the other volgovtsev and normandovtsev. Svetlana went to the conference room, intending to spend with his teammate regular meeting - planёrku. Normandovtsy went on working rooms - each had a work plan, it should perform.

  - Captain, you - the visitor. Barla Von. Finance Citadel. - Reported to the duty officer at headquarters.

  - Spend the room visitors. I'll be right there. - Captain disabled instrumentron and descended to the first floor. About Vaughan Barla, he heard a lot of different and now wanted to know what led agents of the Shadow Broker to it.

  Volusia obviously nervous, but tried to hide it carefully. Shepard did not focus on this his attention, just sat in a chair in front of the chair, which has already got Volusia.

  - So, Barla, what brings you to me?

  - I appreciate your business setting, Captain. - Volusia tried to show its location to the other party, of course, as far as it could allow him to make a standard suit. - I have information about significant largest group of professional mercenaries. They are trapped in the territory is now controlled Reapers Galaxy. - Volusia laid before Shepard reader. - You can tell the captain that they need help. They offered to help Gray Mediator, but are ready to help anyone who will free them from this trap. Gray mediator ordered me to coordinate this issue with you. He has already made contact with the commanders of these groups and received assurances that they would be happy to fight on the side of the Resistance. Among them, many earthlings, Captain. And I think that they will be happy to slightly improve its image,

  Shepard did not reply, looking at the contents of the file reader. Barla Von captain also did not hurry with the answer, he knew that Shepard does not like mercenaries, considers them unreliable soldiers willing to fight in the first place for the money. Resistance is not fought for money and mercenaries in its ranks would be quite alien. There would be, if they do not cover up their authority Shepard.

  - What is your interest in this matter, Barla? - Shepard asked about it, not looking up from the study of the contents of files.

  - My interest lies in the fact that I do not go beyond its role of facilitator fine, Captain. I tell you frankly - they are willing to pay significant fees mediator who will be able to organize their evacuation.

  - At least be honest. - Shepard said, putting the reader in the direction. - The resources we need ...

  - A need to survive these mercenaries. And they are ready, Captain, do all to the Reapers felt their strength and professionalism. The only thing these mercenaries are not ready - it's a stupid death. And in that trap in which they now find themselves - look Barla pointed to the reader. - This is the most likely option. According to recent data, which I have, these mercenaries repelled several assaults Reapers, but their powers are not unlimited, and Reapers over and over again to increase troops, sent to eliminate these troublemakers zhnecheskogo tranquility.

  - Good. We will think about how to solve this problem. - Shepard said, arguing that they should not talk to the agent of the Shadow Broker whole truth. - Thank you, Barla, for information.

  - I was glad to meet and talk with you, Captain. - Barla got up from his chair. - Reader, I leave to you. And yet, Captain. You were not on the local scene?

  - I know of its existence, but ...

  - Oh, do not worry. Since the beginning of the war against the Reapers there are new updates have been installed. There are new opportunities for civic and simple, and the militia, and CSKA were there to train. So I will be happy to keep you company.

  - Perhaps, perhaps. - Shepard nodded logged the watch. - Spend Mr. Vaughn.

  Going behind the sergeant, Barla thinking about a conversation with the captain. Yeah, Shepard, of course, will be engaged in this case - flair Volusia summed rare. The only thing that was different from the ideal - Shepard will not be personally disembarrass mercenaries. To date, he has plenty of supporters and it is quite possibly charge liberation and evacuation of mercenaries to some of them. Hardly Troop ships in the near future will leave the station. So, mercenaries will evacuate those who are located closer to the trap than the Citadel.

  Watchman Volusia brought up fences, closed the gate behind him and went back into the building. Barla summoned wage flyer and decided to go back to the office - things do not wait.

  Shepard looked at instrumentrone modern data sent upon request from the board of "Normandy" - Synthe
tic ventilate the situation and issued its recommendations, including on those members of the resistance groups that could carry out this task with minimal costs.

  A few minutes from the board of "Normandy" left coded messages addressed to multiple mobile Resistance groups. The operation to free trapped mercenaries began.

  The war against the Reapers. The first few months - 2

  Garrus Vakarian

  Returning to the farewell ceremony of the First Regiment, Garrus walked into his office, as usual nod adjutant and two assistants. Closed the door, he sat down in the desk chair. Today, he goes to the front saw fellow gained their racial relic - the ancient battle flag. He saw and felt sorry again that he can not afford here just to stand in line, even if the officer, and go to the front. He saw a lot of wires troops - when at work, and when off duty time. But ... if it was he, spare time?

  He thought again about Chloe Michelle. Yes, she was waiting for him in his apartment, waiting. She loved to cook food, and Turian loved it when he came home, tired but pleased that once again brought the benefit of the inhabitants of the Citadel - someone to help, someone to protect, someone pinned on the error. Whether it is necessary to Garrus lot?

  Father and mother Garrus for several decades worked in a military factory - senior Vakarian appointed chief engineer, and my mother - a simple worker in one of the shops of the regime. Garrus knew how his father was unhappy that he was removed from the army vehicle, go to the front, but orders are orders, and he accepted. Even found something very good in his new job. So good, that quickly won the respect of ordinary employees and workers, was finally able to find a balance, and for a while, but come home. Mom visited home more often - they have so far in the workshop lasted sixteen hours a day, and then workers compulsorily released to their homes. So she was able to, and sleep, and rest house and household. And when my father came - she was just happy. Long months of illness, she dreamed of, as will be free to move in his apartment, will take care of your husband. Garrus knew and felt - his parents happy. Happily, though very worried and worried about their children.

  Solana fought. Mallorcan received the title and earned considerable credibility in the armed forces. Her battalion thrown into dangerous areas ... And there were many areas - Reapers intensified onslaught of increasingly acute and turians understood - now they will have to protect all the other less aggressive and prepared for the army and the military realities of race. Because sister no longer visited the house, not even turned to the command with reports for several days. I did not want to abandon his companions, did not want to use the commander's privileges. He fights. Do not hide behind, is not a coward. Garrus knew - with all its fearless she is afraid. Afraid because he understands that the enemy is too experienced, too powerful. He understands that stop being afraid - the surest way to die. He who ceases to be afraid of - losing caution, loses his mind. Solana was afraid - and fought. For it went into battle, she believed it was respected. And Garrus proud little sister, who found the opportunity to find themselves and their place in this life.

  Solana seldom wrote home. More rarely contacted her parents and brother on the Extranet. About largely silent in conversation, trying to strike a balance. I did not want any over-exaggerate nor too dilute them. Military secrecy, too, will not go away, so Solana talked more about feelings, emotions, than about the realities of fighting and clashes with the Reapers and their henchmen. Yes, it was as if people "field post", only here it said the battalion threw into new sections of the front faster than the postal service can deliver to the letter, or take out the letters. War brings about changes instantly and mercilessly.

  Garrus feared for Solana, realized that she was too young and too hot ... too responsible to take care of yourself, to refuse to take risks. It just so happened that he was not, and Solana had every opportunity to please their parents first grandchildren - Garrus knew that she had a fiance, commander turian body. The difference in status, the difference in ranks - he was, as one would say people, Colonel - did not prevent them from maintaining warm relations. Solana loved him, he - loved Solana, worried about her, it insured. Verlan Taklara - that was his name, never lost sight of the need to support his girlfriend. Garrus was inclined to think that he loved her almost as much as he loved his Svetlana Shepard.

  Thinking about the grandchildren, Garrus sighed. He knew Chloe Michelle will not be able to conceive of it - too different races were turians and earthlings. Although in many ways the rest of Chloe could easily compete with the most turianok.

  Most recently, he spoke to Chloe. He spoke in a small cafe near the Staff BRP - he occasionally dined there. And Chloe said she did not mind will adopt several Turian. Little orphans, which on the Citadel has been done. Garrus looked gratefully at her and did not say anything - he was not prepared to agree with the choice of a friend or make a reasoned disagreement. He needed to think. And Chloe did not rush it. It is possible, it is also understood - Garrus need tribeswoman. He has become a father turianki and Turian. Vakarianu wanted to believe it and it looks like his instinct had not deceived - Chloe did not nominate himself in the first place. Yes, they were close, almost always saw them together, together, to understand the level of their relationship as very close and very high. Chloe never jealous Garrus to his service and to his work. In any case, while he himself was satisfied with the level of their relationship and their content. He was very glad that Chloe once again returned with otryadovtsami the Citadel, that she did not immediately sink into the medical work at the headquarters, did not return to his small clinic, did not take the watch on duty in the hospital Guerta. Days go by, maybe that will change over time. Garrus wanted to believe that these changes it will be ready.

  Greg Adams

  Being the chief engineer of the ship's legend - responsibly. Even if you do not go to the drop-off, do not shoot, do not stand over the map in the CIC, you - is still important and valuable, because you - the responsibility for the condition of the ship's systems as "Normandy". For you - the responsibility for his heart - Kernel for engines, so it's hard to list what the responsibilities of the chief engineer of the ship. It seems to be the position of the civilians, but ... War does not ask you a civilian or military person. It just feels strength.

  Greg Adams loved his engineering bay. Loved the clock does not come out of it, like being around nothing indicates a problem. And he loved to come back to the Citadel. Quite unexpectedly, "Normandy" has become a welcome guest on this main station of the Galaxy. Yes, frigate, cruiser-born, transformed from a prototype in the dock provided by the Russian Empire. Yes, he had a base on one of the planets, but ... the situation demanded and base "Normandy" was the Citadel. Where was almost everything you need in order to keep the ship in normal, combat-ready and operational.

  Once upon a time, most recently he was the head of a small team of engineers. And now he's on the table in the crowded cavern engineering compartment reader requests, prayers, petitions about one thing - give the opportunity to become an employee of the engineering service "Normandy". Competition is understood Adams, he was the most severe. Reasonable organic, does not have great experience of practical work to break even in this assembly thirsting had no conceivable possibility. And what to do in this case to Adams? He - a full staff, and even back-office busy and people do not want to leave. And it resumes and requests are sent not only earthlings, but also many other intelligent races. I recently GNP with Drell trying to get to work by engineers. It did not work - many positions their CVs did not like Adams, who had the sole right to decide who can become a member of the engineering team a frigate, cruiser. The responsibility of that to say, terrible. But, the same oppressive quite childish responsibility compels to keep themselves and their colleagues in tone, constantly learning, follow the novelties, to monitor the level of performance of the Citadel service to time recommend to the command of the ship to divert the ship is no longer a station, and the planet -base.

  Now, in the outer roads Citadel frigate attracted worldwide
attention. Boats, yachts, canoes and hover around the ship. For Adams, this additional stress - too much of a secret on this ship and technical espionage has not been canceled. So you have to keep your eyes open and keep track of, so no one was able to penetrate the multi-level and multi-layer protection, environmental ship. It must be time to bring up ship parts and equipment, allow members of the engineering team at least briefly to change the side of the ship to the station environment sustainability.

  Adams himself also had to live in this time on the Citadel. A few hours at the headquarters, in a luxurious room. Anderson ordered. Adams obeyed. Even three o'clock was able to sleep on a soft bed of the earth completely. The dream was strong and deep. And then he had lunch in the dining room where the chef proved to him that the earth's food - absolutely no problem for tsitadeltsev. Enjoy lunch, Adams did not fail to return to work - went to the warehouse to find new parts for the individual systems. Who better than him to know better what you need frigate, cruiser for health and safety. At the same time the station and looked out the window and Cargo flyers.

  Yes, the Citadel has changed. Hardened, it became less bright, less flashy. It has become a lot less advertising has become much less all kinds of entertainment and leisure facilities, fewer luxuries. Increased the number of military personnel of all key races. Surprisingly, they are immediately recognizable in his Adams, but Adams was never even in the militia and in general considered himself a civil person. Before he returned on board the frigate, salarians Volusia and asked him to share with them dinner at one of the cafes. Facility was located not far from the mooring complex, so Adams agreed - it was close to return.

  We sat and talked, reminisce. Well, salarians clear - these clever Nothing can make candy, or a first-class instrument, but Volusia ... Yes, Adams knew their cars were valued to this day across the galaxy reclaimed, and all these balls have now dramatically gain weight in the technical Citadel services. Adams even heard vaguely that some Volusia became members of special building, but so far little reason to believe that Greg was not. And then, on the very fruitful gatherings they talked. So, on board the frigate Adams got up in a great mood, and at least a good mood.


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