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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 150

by Theodore Daniels


  Gryunt heaved himself to his feet. For several days the truck krogan turned in one of the planets, where, as reported in the exploration Urdnot clan showed their activity rachni. Rex sent the best in the area, which was the clan at the moment - detachment "Arallah". And now krogan trucks patrolled the area, listened and peered into the details of the surrounding area.

  Going up the stairs leading up from the hold up, Gryunt thought about how many were able to accommodate the last few decades. Most seemed recently, he became a member of Urdnot clan, headed by the best special forces detachment kroganskogo "Arallah". The name of the unit was a lot of talk krogan. Some thought that the squad is named in honor of the solar system - Arallaha that meant in terms of clan Urdnot "Angry eye", others believed that the squad is named in honor of the best kroganskogo warrior from ancient legends Tuchanka. Among the interpretations did not have any derogatory or insulting. All krogan agreed in opinion that are bad such a strong and professional detachment will not be called.

  Believing that it is too early to get out of the hold, Gryunt returned to the place they have chosen between two large containers. How Shepard said then: we must prepare for any fights. And he added: enemies have special. Now Gryunt understood the subtext of these words deeper and fuller. Reapers proved difficult opponents. It is good that Shepard made it from the beginning to train hard. And then forced to learn. So not only Gryunt gravity dragged, he studied all the arms races, known at that time in the galaxy, memorizing performance characteristics, methods, techniques and applications.

  He studied. And gradually began to understand that the krogan - absolutely not stupid creatures. They have a sharp mind and a good memory, the ability to remember not only the insults and humiliation, and much more. Gryunt remembered Shepard taught him - not with words, but by example. Few Gryunt he said, few pointed words. More cases indicated. And Gryunt is now believed: it is thanks to Shepard, he loved to learn and reached in the studies considerable success. He was lucky to have such foster parents, John and Svetlana.

  If we are John and Svetlana forced, to be exact - have prompted the creation of "Cerberus" - cyborg kiborgessu Olivia betray their creators and to swear, not in words but in deeds detachment, they were both similar to kroganskim ancient gods, capable of performing miracles and not to consider the what they had done, the wonders.

  Gryunt recalled how he first talked to in the hallway kiborgessoy frigate. Kiborgessa simply charmed. He hoped to see and feel the elementary walker, like geta, a heretic, but I was in front of him, no doubt, deep and personal development. Olivia agreed to teach Gryunt. And he began to study her, to give teachers a unique interlocutor.

  Olivia believed in and trusted squad detachment so that Gryunt clearly felt: this level of faith even to him, the organics have a very long time to learn. He asked a lot Olivia, carefully listened to her and tried to understand deeply what she said.

  And he liked to look at her. He was six-foot lizard, weighing nearly a ton, the most feared cause her the slightest harm to the strong cyborg: words or actions - no difference. And she's comfortable with such behavior Gryunt recognizing this normative. Gryunt tried not particularly bother Olivia questions - because she was responsible for the safety and otryadovtsev was often very busy. But he soon began to understand that to most of your questions will receive a response. Unless, of course, do not ask a question out of curiosity or desire to seem smart.

  Gryunt idolized Svetlana, his foster mother. Not his mother, namely his mother. What he told her peretaskat bouquets of flowers - probably slightly less than John. She liked these bouquets - Gryunt is clearly felt and seen more clearly. But even more, he knew Gryunt, she liked the attitude of the Gryunt. Like. And Gryunt felt like a family member. Do not dependents without any bastard, word what strange to krogansky hearing, namely a member of the family, the son of John and Svetlana. Probably because it was in reality, in fact.

  He listened to John, because he studied with him at the man. The man with the man always agree quickly. This is the law of evolution, the law of nature. Gryunt studied with John to protect women, to value them, to respect and even, perhaps, to love. For their smart because of the weakness. For them the great gift - continue to race, spawn a new generation of intelligent organics.

  Gryunt knew that Olivia is also endowed with the ability to generate new control centers AI that she too - a complete woman having all the possibilities to become a mother. It would seem - a robot, Synthetic, Cyborg, but on board the squadron it was and is a woman, not just a tool, instrument, equipment. Mark and Legion insure it against any troubles and difficulties with the problems. And she was able to quietly and freely to do their work, give your perfection, your strength, your might to all otryadovtsam without any exceptions. Gryunt realized that if it could do Synthetic, cyborg, it is still better than it is obliged to do organic. And Gryunt tried to do it. He was strong and knew that sooner or later, his strength, his intelligence, his power is also required otryadovtsam. And he will do everything for them. Because they were his clan.

  Yes, then he became a member of klanaUrdnot received within it all the rights and all the possibilities. He became a member of two clans, and have never seen this no difficulties and no contradiction. Both clans were important to him. And otryadovtsev clan and the clan relatives and compatriots. Gryunt studied a reasonable understanding of the unity of organic and inorganic intelligent life, mastering new horizons of knowledge and was happy that he accepted and understood not as a lizard, and as a person.

  Once on the Citadel, Gryunt amazed how much time to do at this station Shepard and his colleagues. Headquarters Troop krogan liked - there was everything you need for work and for life.

  At the Citadel Gryunt and became a witness and a participant of the mother and daughter reunion. Jennifer and Valerie. Best biotic mankind has found his long-lost mother, and is now firmly know that she has a family, even two families, two - family. Both - the ones that have now been for her the supreme value in life. Both, signifying a very life of Jennifer, a former experimental Zero, the former Jack.

  Gryunt remembered how he and Jennifer Shepard received from the hands of readers with appointments. He then flew to Tuchanka and Jennifer - the station Grissom Academy. They both began their journey in the war against the Reapers, now active. He returned to relatives and became a professional soldier, and she came to the children-biotics to develop their talents and strength, to develop their personality.

  It was not long, and he became the head of this group. And now he - a recognized leader Tuchanka special forces. A leader who does not sit in the headquarters, not standing over the map, and belligerent, acting directly on the battlefield. Real battlefield.

  Yes, krogan arrived in the area to investigate suspicious activity and rachni Gryunt already knew a lot and understood - rachni these were not real and synthetic. Here again viewed arm the Reapers. The long bony hand of death for the majority of organic stretched a reasonable here in this area, wrapped in a cloth glove synthetic kvazirasy rachni.

  Who knew that normandovtsy have saved the life of Queen rachni, real, organic queen know what the Imperials are fighting to the death with the Reapers, trying to break into the star system, placed at the disposal of the Queen and her subjects understand that the queen is alive and helps Imperials repel the attacks brutal Reapers and their henchmen, Gryunt realized that a little more - and he will meet with synthetic queen rachni and make your choice. The choice, which does not say even Rex, and even more so - Shepard. The choice, of course, perhaps only John and Svetlana. The choice seems to be simple: to save the life of a synthetic queen rachni or kill her. This choice was waiting Gryunt ahead, and while trucks reconnaissance krogan on board patrolled the area, waiting for the opportune moment.

  Jacob Taylor

  Jacob used to loneliness. At first it was very hard. Now - a little, but it's easier. Single camera. Mostly, only a table, a chair, a stool, a shelf with readers in a vandal-resistant, a bed, a t
oilet and a washstand. All. The remaining space - free. Jacob uses his constant walk. If you do not go - you can go crazy. Five steps to the right, turn right ten paces, turn, five steps to the left, turn right ten steps. That's the whole perimeter. Everything else, all the furniture - along the walls.

  Jacob knows that somewhere in the other sit solitary confinement, his father and his fiancée. With them, he had not allowed to meet, did not give to see. We conducted interrogation cycle and put in solitary confinement. The only entertainment - reading. Jacob previously little reading - more all at work and in the service, and now more and more reading fiction. I have read and thought a lot. I thought about my life, about his father, about his fiancee. Sometimes very cautiously - about the desired future for himself.

  Somehow, he could not believe that he ever or, more precisely, a very long time buried there, in solitary confinement prisons spectrum. Somehow, to him that he seemed to still be able to get out of here and be a useful inhabitants of the Citadel. Maybe they will be able to believe him, to believe at least in the fact that he is not a criminal, not a member of the criminal antihuman zhnetsovskoy organization. The war is already in its initial stage of development, it has become a rigid, bloody, difficult. Very soon it will require all who could bear arms, and he, Jacob Taylor, will be able to. He wants to carry a gun and wants to earn these weapons, if not forgiveness, or at least understanding.

  Miranda receded into the background in the perception of the former Chief of Security. Now that Taylor knew that he would have a child, Miranda value - officer "Cerberus" has fallen to a minimum. Jacob still rarely thought of her. He wanted more than to remember all the details of everything connected with the bride. Yes, the bride. Although they did not talk about this really something. Now both are in prison, far from each other.

  In normal under these conditions it is impossible to think of something good, because the future is determined - for both of them to sit in this chamber eight years. Reliable, well-insulated chambers. You will want - will not escape. Spectra were able to build detention centers and were able to protect them. Jacob heard about the whole planet, prison, and was glad that he was not sent to one of these planets. Prison there were underground, deep. Stone bags - the most accurate definition. About them a little they knew exactly knew it - a terrible and heavy place for all prisoners who gets there. Very rarely there freed anyone, but they are coming back to freedom, I had nothing really to tell. Maybe it did not want and can - they were ordered to remain silent ... So to say, "avoid".

  The first duty of any prisoner - run. This truth Jacob knew. But run away - meant to acknowledge his guilt in everything that he, Jacob Taylor, the former Alliance and former kosmopehu tserberovtsu, incriminated. Guilty of all recognize. How, then, to live, even if not particularly think about where he was hiding. And run away ... complicated. There is still prison Spectra and Spectra has several hundred years of experience with a variety of prisoners, to constantly improve the system and means of restraint disobedience and shoots.

  No, he will not escape. He is convinced that it is a long time will not keep. Very soon the war will move into a phase of organic when to be important, anyone who is able to carry a gun. And then come all too many prisoners. Earthlings are often used by criminals and criminals, giving them blood to wash away their guilt in the committed crimes in peacetime. Yes, they are in a time of war, all who temporarily give a weapon and release of the perimeter can be shot for disobeying, because still a lot of faith to them no one will. But the main thing - it can, like many other local sideltsy prove that it can be useful and will be useful. Because just to survive, to embrace his bride and to see his child. It does not matter - a son or daughter, but the child.


  The station "Academy Grisoma" asleep. Sleeps sensitively. Kali Sanders in the computer center checks the configuration of equipment. Three hours later, all the rooms sound signal "rise" and there will be the usual care. Strict mode, a lot of lessons, training, little free time. Akademi Grisoma - versatile educational institution, but it is designed specifically for the special young people.

  A light knock on the door distracted from Cali displays.

  - Jenny?

  - I, Cali. - Jennifer quietly entered, covering the door. - Sorry. I can not sleep.

  - Jenny, you're yourself again exhausted. You have the highest rates of energy consumption among all the teachers of the Academy.

  - Cali. You know that the energy for me - a kindergarten. - Jennifer sat down on the chair, folded her hands in her lap. - I have been working for several decades not at full strength.

  - I can not believe Jenny. Your students, your ten - the only ones who somehow able to match your requirements. And you still say you do not work in full force?

  - That's right, Kali. When I was flying on board the frigate, it seemed to me that I will be able to work in full force here ...

  - It's - children, Jenny. Children. - Kali knew how to be intransigent.

  - I know, I heard. - Jennifer stood up. - I'm sorry, I'll go. I need to practice.

  - For breakfast, do not be late. - Cali watched the departure of Jennifer and went back to work.

  Jennifer got out of the computer center. Pondering the conversation, she admitted that Kali law. It's really the children. Other children. Children who did not know what the "Cerberus", that is Prague. Kaidan would understand it. But Kaidan - away. A special group of her students - close.

  Jenny paused, wondering where to go. Before lifting have more time, you can go into the atrium, there is green, there is a track. She specifically said Kali, that goes to train. In fact, she just walked away from the sterile debate and Kali, it is likely it is felt. Jennifer knew about the differences among the teachers of the Academy, students learn very quickly, and such differences are not going to benefit their studies. Biotics are very sensitive people.

  - Miss Jenny. - I called her youthful tenor. Jennifer did not stop, she turned to the atrium and a few tens of meters sat down on the bench, staring look in the nearest green lawn. - Miss Jenny. - The young man stopped beside him and Jenny had gestured to sit down. - We...

  - I know. The whole night did not sleep. - Jennifer said with displeasure. - You still deciding where you to go after graduation.

  - Frankly, we are also talking about it. - Youth, the best cadet Grisomskoy Academy faculty training and Biotic leader of the student community Jason Prengli not conceal his satisfaction - as a mentor has always been aware of the matter and therefore a lot can not say if it and so much is known. - We talked about ...

  - Jay, understand. No one will have to produce on an abbreviated program. I will not allow and will not allow the leadership academy.

  - You said yourself ... - Jason tensed unhappy and Jennifer realized - all students scores, the strongest and the best instructed him to lead this conversation with her.

  - Yes, I said a lot of things, but the conversation - this is often the theory. A practice is that ...

  - We're ready, Miss Jenny. - Jason said stubbornly.

  - For what? - Jennifer looked up at Jason's direct gaze. - What are you willing, if not even know what the total force biotics? For what? Jay, you're an adult, you have twenty years, you're not a child, like many other students of our group.

  - Your group, Ms. Jenny. - Jason said.

  - No, Jason, ours. Because my function is to guide you and help you to adjust your personality. So, Jay. You do not even know what the full force of biotics.

  - So show it to us, Miss Jenny. - Jason turned to her half-turned, but before sitting sideways. - You never gave us the opportunity to attend your training. You blocked any technique, any automation, any communication lines and everything to ensure that none of the students have not seen you in these trainings. And I know, for example, that even when you are not using your full power.

  - Maybe Jay. - Agreed to the surprise of the cadet Jennifer. - But the battle mode in order and are intended not to use them in vain.

  - You'
re even a peace regime on the training is not in full force zadeystvuete. - Jason looked at eye mentor. - I'm right?

  - Yes. You're right. You're right, Jay. - Jennifer agreed softly. - I really do not use full force. Because my full strength - destructive. And in the peaceful and military combat version. In the peace - a little less in the fighting - a little more.

  - Miss Jenny. There is a war. And it will last ...

  - It will last many, Jay, how much we will extend it. - Interrupted the student Jennifer. - I understand that you find it hard to sit here at the station, listening to lectures, to speak at seminars, when millions of intelligent fighting. You is ... uncomfortable.

  - More than uncomfortable, Miss Jenny. We want to fight and keep us here as some nesmyshlёnyshey. You said I was an adult. And if I'm an adult ...

  - That must understand that not everything can be done by your volition. - Jennifer got up, stood behind her, Jason. - I came here to teach you, not ruin you, Jason. Most of you have parents ...

  - That we have passed here, knowing that in most cases ...

  - Jason. - A warning and he told Jennifer boy effaced - he clearly knows when it is best to stay without bringing the mentor to a white heat. - You do not pass here, you have been given the opportunity to learn and develop in a safe ...

  - And a comfortable environment, but we ...

  - Jason. I know what you want to grow up. I know that you want to benefit here today and now. But the main benefit that you can bring, is to learn everything possible. And believe me, it is much better to learn safe than at the front.


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