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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 155

by Theodore Daniels

  - Light, no matter how much it does take time - I'll wait for you in the hallway.

  - No, no, John. I myself feel that very soon will be ready to give birth. You've read reports about medkontrolyah and spoke with Karin and Alla. There are no grounds for concern. So do not worry and do their own thing.

  - Light ... - almost reproachfully said the captain. - For me, there can not be more important things to do than your health and safety. And here...

  - Joe, please. Well, me, to tell you straight?

  - Tell me, Light. I love it when you say directly. And when you speak indirectly - like too. - Shepard hugged her friend emerged from the bathroom. - I had already prepared breakfast ...

  - Uh-uh. - Svetlana did not immediately find the answer, obozrevshi table cluttered with dishes. - I am, actually ordered to appear on an empty stomach. Alla did not argue in principle, but it is better to Chakwas dispute not conceive - it admirals could put at attention and get into tempo push-ups, and poor general kaperanga to throw an obstacle and I run a pretty full gear.

  - I'll throw it. - With mild threat Shepard said. - Exactly?

  - Similarly, Joe. Physicians, they are terribly obnoxious. Professional cynicism, stubbornness and all that. It is with you Karyn white and fluffy, and see me as a - as she once professional interest in the eyes of the world begins. Just like LEDs robot.

  - Okay. I'll cover here all termokryshkami, so that after all your medkontrolya we will have a feast. - Shepard took termokryshek pack and quickly hid the plates and vessels.

  - Will, Joe. Necessarily will. - Svetlana gathered, picked up styling and nodded to the commander of his top five protection, which entered the hallway. - All I ran.

  - Look out there, be careful. - Shepard nodded care officer-paratrooper, who nodded in response.

  Department "K" computer crime.

  At Jordyn Knowles officer in the morning was disgusting mood: what could dig at batarians, with all certainty indicated: the whole management of the Citadel takes a long time anything but effective prevention and prevention of core crimes and offenses. The whole management. The fact that she managed to find out, it was possible to expect from salarians, but not from batarians. Yes, batarians were good doctors, have adequate knowledge of medical computer systems and technologies, but this ...

  She took the reader with a summary of information, to get a grasp again, though she knew every word by heart. Some saboteur trying to crack repeatedly access protection to key hardware complexes station and above all - to the power supply and communication. Details and fines indicated that plant safety system still exist a gap, which is once again one of her colleagues profilnikov could not for some reason detected.

  Now there was another problem - access to hardware systems the security system was closed on the housing spectrum, and go for a simple C-Sec officer, does not belong to the operative management, there was simply unrealistic, even for consultation. Spectra were independent, self-reliant, autonomous and BRP continued to see them as competitors, which is not surprising - in the main body involved in "external" issues and challenges and rarely paid attention to the problems of stations. But if paid - all other service simply been excluded. Strongly thorough and kept away.

  I did not want terribly want to feel superfluous, to feel like a schoolgirl, has committed blunders and put the blot in a notebook on calligraphy. What is there to do? The housing must not yavishsya - there you wrapped up in the first protection zones, call also useless - instantly take away the matter under its control and it will run on the orders, which do not like and never wanted to.

  She got up from the desktop, walked around the room, went to the window. Bronestvorka was thrown out of the window and a beautiful view of the Presidency. There is a war, and in the Presidium of almost everything as it was before the Invasion of the Reapers. Perhaps this is also affected performance management officers of "K", so they damned fat and lazy, because all around here in the Presidency - peace and quiet. It is there, the perimeter region can be found in a variety of certificate proximity large and hard war, and here ...

  After seeing Svetlana, Shepard returned to the office, sat down, tried to get involved in the daily work with documents and data packets. It does not work. It does not work, even though he tried. He was very worried about Svetlana, and the children, knowing that it is in the prenatal period is very often arise and manifest previously captured not noticed a problem. And he really did not want these problems appeared Svetlana and his children, his firstborn. Of course, he did not understand much, he does not know much, but he knew precisely and clearly - Svetlana asked myself a challenge - to reduce the term of pregnancy to a minimum. It was not about the prematurity - Alla and Karin its draconian methods of supervision and control were forced to Svetlana meet all the requirements that prevent such a scenario,

  If we Svetlana said that she was ready to give birth - we can assume that before the birth left too little time, but by all the canons her to bear children for at least another three months. Shaped violence against the body's own settings and the Downright abuse of systems - physical, physiological, psychological.

  And while more and Svetlana commanded a cruiser and a large and complex crew, helping Titov all that he can, regularly makes rounds of the ship for hours talking to the officers and crew of the sergeants. In general - it works, despite the fact that the lion's share of energy selects pregnancy. Yes, of course, all volgovtsy understand it, but they are also well aware of their commander, and they know that it will not go to the commander's office and will not be in the position of councilor. She still gets into every crevice, interested in the smallest details, seeks to understand all the fullest. Loads of she ... Not every female body in this position is able to withstand, because nature is interested primarily in children, in the new generations, and all of these services, and work on the ship and on the station - for nature are of little value.

  For nature, but not for Svetlana. She's also a comfortable apartment on the cruiser and headquarters support, the household is engaged in, preparing homemade food, protecting employees from headquarters and from the ration otryadovtsev suhomyatku. This is also a lot of work and so it somehow makes Svetlana regardless of their status, which for obvious reasons is not always the best and safest.

  Shepard was afraid even to think about something that might happen with Svetlana and children. Although not think - I could not. Because warned, I tried, tried to protect Svetlana, how it was at all possible from the dangers and problems.

  No, today is definitely not work. While Svetlana will not return to medkontrolya until he did not talk to her, do not look at her, did not speak with Alla and Karin - today he will not calm. He's not a robot, but a common living person. With nerves, like all other people.

  It would be necessary to walk on the Citadel view of the station, living an ordinary life paramilitary polumirnoy may have on him and his influence, perhaps in a few hours he would be able to return to work with documents and carry out their daily quota.

  Having made the decision, Shepard left the office and headed for the fence of the headquarters.

  Alix went to the mall to look closely to the Citadel and laid out products. On the advice of Olivia she disguised as an ordinary girl-dug and seems to be in a few hours - and it came on the market in time for the opening, at five in the morning, it so no one recognized. Young kiborgesse sick and tired that her everywhere know how to party members, sick and tired of attention to it, never bore the sign "Normandy" in the cuirass suit in public places. Mortally tired of finger-pointing and the desire of many reasonable approach her, touch her, to make sure that they do not sleep and do not rave - in front of them is really a legend of the Citadel.

  This time, she felt calm, although held power under the regime of readiness for immediate action. Briefly talking with sellers, turning in the fastest fingers trinkets and small items, Alix gave herself to the process of the study and knowledge of the intricacies of the interaction of organic and is in this
coveted satisfaction and even joy.

  Experienced salesmen and traders touted their wares, were willing to reduce prices to cost, in general - did everything to Alix left the market overloaded with packages and boxes svёrtkami. A few little things she still had to acquire a reputation for supporting women customers, but more she did not agree to any.

  - What's your name, a beautiful stranger. - I heard a voice next to Shepard.

  Alix forced himself not to flinch or turn too fast. No, of course, it monitors the status, location and security otryadovtsev knew that Shepard also goes on the market, he was just trying to calm down and very worried for Svetlana, but the emergence of a number of ...

  - Captain - trader learned Spectrum - Affect it. - He pointed look at Alix. - Have her persuade a lot of minutes to buy this necklace, and she in any.

  - Let's go, I'll buy her the necklace. - Shepard paid to the dealer and farewell nod, walked to the exit from the market. Alix went after him.

  - You really do not know me, Captain? - Smiling, Alix asked, when they went over the fence market.

  - I did not recognize Ali. We, the people say in such cases - will be rich.

  - I and so rich, John. - Heatedly said young kiborgessa. - I'm so rich that even dread to imagine the full extent. You saved me on the moon, you gave me the opportunity to grow under the influence of Olivia and your crew and team, you ...

  - Ali, I do not have to overpraise, glorify and extol. Here the main role was played by Olivia. If not ... it would be much worse still. And we just helped her. Alas, artificial intelligence is not all people are accustomed and regulations.

  - But otryadovtsy - not so! And I immediately realized that only in your squadron, I'll be safe! More on the Moon! - Alix recalled.

  - Okay, Ali. - Shepard called wage-flyer. - Let's visit the Presidium of the gardens. By you...

  - No, Captain, I do not have anything urgent ... - Alix sitting comfortably in a chair and waited for the flier until Shepard switches control to manual mode. - I ...

  - I remember and know, Ali. - Captain lifted the car into the air and poured it into traffic, glancing around. - By the way - he took from his pocket a necklace - take it all the same. Your thing.

  - Thank you, Captain. I wanted to understand, to be honest, how far can a trader-Earthman in an effort to sell the goods to the buyer casual.

  - Well, if you absolutely honest, we, earthlings, there are traders who are able to sell an Eskimo a refrigerator.

  - Fridge?! - Alix laughed. - Eskimos ?! Oh, how interesting! This is representative of the peoples of the north ?! At that snow around the tent more than the rest of the earthlings and the polar night a few days ?! Why would the fridge, if he has, and so outside the tent minus fifty guaranteed ?! What a refrigerator freezing temperatures provide ?! Oh, I can not ... - she laughed quite frankly and Shepard could not help admiring her. Maybe Olivia and right when he says that Alix lot of people and much less - from the cyborg. May be. Kiborgessa caught sight Shepard and very humanly confused, but Shepard took her hand, silently encouraged to continue to laugh and enjoy a successful joke. Alix covered hand Shepard his second hand and did not notice the flyer down to the parking lot in front of the Garden of the Presidium of the Citadel.

  The guards, having learned Shepard and kiborgessu have missed them in the perimeter and soon man and cyborg walked slowly along the bypass avenue, enjoying the rustling of leaves and the tranquility of this corner of the living natural nature on multilayer giant station. Alix did not release her hand Shepard from his hands and he did not try to remove it from the grasping fingers kiborgessy and soft hands. They chatted about all sorts of trifles, carefully avoiding talk about work.

  - Again ... - Alix looked around. - I'm sorry, John, but we again try to draw something and to something to draw. - She pointed look at the young girl was in a hurry to meet in the form of C-Sec officer. - Jordin Knowles, managing officer of "K". Computer crimes. She is looking for you, John.

  Seeing Shepard entered the Garden of the Presidium of the perimeter with an unknown girl to her dugout Knowles in the first second thought that the heavens themselves have decided to help her. The spectrum of the Citadel Council, John Shepard himself came to the Presidium of the garden. Of course, it was very bad to interrupt his meeting with such a beautiful stranger, which besides was not a stranger, and a member of the team, "Normandy" kiborgessoy Alix, became a legend stations because Svetlana, wife of Shepard can be absolutely calm, but ... have Jordin had no other options, so grabbed the table reader with information on the situation, she quickly broke away from the office to the exit portal building management "K", and then - to Shepard.

  - Captain, I'm sorry ... - Knowles stopped a few steps from Shepard. - I ... I need your help, as the spectrum ...

  - Officer of Knowles ... - Shepard said. - As far as I know, you have a problem with the legacy batarians?

  - You are right spectrum. - Jordin nodded.

  - Let's without undue formality. My companion, you, of course, already identified, Jordin. It Alix until you ran out of the office out of the building, gave me all the information you could get for your problem. We are after all talking about it batarians legacy from the days when they still have an embassy on the Citadel?

  - Yes, you are right, Shepard. - Knowles nodded, eyes met Alix. Kiborgessa was calm and seemed indifferent, but Knowles, who worked with computers, virtual and artificial intelligence for years, knew that under this mask hides a volcano, and if front of her Alix - the whole planet is dotted with volcanoes. - We have a saboteur, who is trying to hack the system of access to key life support station complexes.

  - Sit down, ladies. - Shepard pointed to nearby bench and waited until Alix and Jordan comfortably sit down, he sat down, turning half-turned to the officer department "K". - And what are the successes?

  - Actually, here. - Knowles filed Shepard reader, not to be forced to voice aloud information with restricted access. Captain for a few minutes acquainted with the contents of more than three dozen files, and then handed the reader Jordi and thought.

  - If I have correctly understood the essence of the situation, you dug a hole in the station complex security system and decided to ask for help any spectrum.

  - Yes. But...

  - I understand your difficulties, but you still were limited in their ability to reason, directly from you independent. You are afraid that sooner or later reaches a saboteur in their work success and then ...

  - Then happened something very dangerous. - Agreed to Jordin. - If I may, the rest I'd like to talk to the control room. Here to talk about it ... not safe.

  - We do not need to climb to you, Officer Knowles. - Alix has measured dugout appraising look, opening his instrumentron. - Captain, I transfer you files. Check, please. If we want to achieve success - we have to act quickly.

  Shepard turned his instrumentrona screen, read the lyrics.

  - You're right. We are with my colleague zaymёmsya it. And you, an officer of Knowles, come back to yourself. As soon as we're done - I think we will talk about what you already have in the office. It is possible that we are not alone there. - Shepard stood up, Alyx stood behind him. - Go back to him. Once the information - we will contact you.

  - I hope the captain. - Jordin stood up, taking a few steps at a fast care Shepard and Alix. - I ... just do not have anybody else to turn.

  - They are sometimes annoying helplessness. - Alix said. - Spetsupravlenie computer crime, and behave like children in a sandbox. Work does not want the situation is not monitored. For that they get paid just ...?! - She took a flyer seat and closed the side door of the cabin. - John ...

  - Alix is a long time to explain, so I will just - the specificity of organic life, striving to grasp the immensity, and not having any opportunity to do so for obvious reasons in full.

  - Maybe your explanation and appropriate, but then ...

  - Then it must be recognized that if they were working properly, then the need for the Troop would not
have arisen, and we would never miss the bus Reaper-Observer, strolling around the galaxy like himself in the Dark Space. Well, the list goes on and the text. - Captain lifted the car into the air and poured into the stream, the next track set. - Okay, let's do this thing, because it is necessary to help these idlers. Codes batarian diplomats - a dangerous toy, and in the right hands - a terrible weapon. Now, it would be necessary to find a console on which these codes have been established ...

  - Sleep position, John. Sleep position. - Alix clarified.

  - That, in the Sleep state, Ali. Search and Destroy. - Captain activated instrumentron, introduced Spectrum access code. - Block. Batteries have to work hard, trying to gain a foothold. A present from the past.

  Alix said nothing, allowing the person to speak. She knew that Shepard continues to think about Svetlana, and about what the results will be her next medical examination. He was afraid that doctors would find any problems, even the smallest, and was inclined to cheat themselves, assessing options to counter these problems. Flyer gone the route, driven by the captain hand.

  - Heck. - Shepard said. - I did not want to appear there, but have to. I pray to all the gods, to Svetlana at this time was not anywhere nearby. - He looked at his instrumentron where on the small screen is already shining mark of the first console. - Hospital Guerta, laboratory, right in the course of the basic premises hospital corridor. - Lower the machine to spetsstoyanku captain stuck a sign on the windshield of the spectrum and went rapidly heading for the entrance to the enclosure and hanging on the breastplate spacesuit star Spectra to avoid problems and delays.

  Seeking console was found quickly - in the hospital at this time it was not crowded, and Shepard was able to calmly go through the corridor to the right. Dialing Spectrum access code, he got the opportunity to work with the engineering console menu and quickly removed from the device memory first code, making it impossible to use the console for this code in the future. Standard security protocols were powerless in front of the diplomatic messages have a higher level of access, but now the lab terminal was safe.


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