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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 156

by Theodore Daniels

  - Knowles officer already knows about it, Captain. - Alix switched to the audio channel speaker PHONES captain, so that an external observer could not understand what she was talking with his companion. - This code, as shown by preliminary scanning the log had already been used once. With the help of a few tens of autonomous life support systems here in this hospital have been disabled.

  With a nod to indicate that he had heard and understood, Shepard left the hospital premises, heading for the flyer. Gaps in station safety system really proved too much. It would be difficult to expect that they will be even less over time, but now, during the war, each such tear - a chance to defeat the Reapers reasonable organics. Another victory.

  Sitting in Salon flyer and bringing the car to the track, Shepard remembered that somehow Olivia brought him another summary of the work of Liara. What he read there, at first did not have any effect on him, but now ... Younger T'Soni, as it turned out, was preparing an appeal for future races, which reached the level of intelligence through the millennia, through tens of thousands of years after the current race perish in the confrontation with the Reapers. Of course, such treatment in the future could prepare all who have been more or less completely devoted to the details of the script "defeat", but in the case of the penny ... it is now strained Shepard, I can guess that it was necessary to pass through itself a young asari, when she I programmed VI and preparing the equipment for this treatment reached the minds of future races.

  Olivia found a way to get a piece of text harvested Liara treatment: "If you hear it ... so hope there is still hope that you can avoid our mistakes We fought to the reapers, but could not stop them we did that.... may: We combined the galaxy, but it was not enough I only hope that the information in this capsule will help you ... before it's too late It was Liara T'Soni with the story of our battle with the reapers cycle "...

  Because of these flaws and punctures here Reapers can win. They can, for as long as the war is just beginning. Liara's voice reading the appeal, the tocsin sounded in the minds of John, a leading flyer from. The next point, the next stunned by stripping batarian diplomatic codes console has already been marked on the map, the light on the captain's instrumentrona screen.

  Few people know about this part of the work of the younger T'Soni. Perhaps Alix was right in saying that in the information sphere Liara like mining shovels. Kiborgessa does not diminish the merit and asari opportunities. She just stated a fact - Liara worked so far left that behind and in terms of volume and quality made by many of his compatriots, and also appeared on the first position in the ranking of successful obschegalakticheskom information brokers. Whatever it was, but she continued to work not just for war, but for the world, although its service in the army, even if it is only the beginning, and took away a lot of time and effort. And prepare a treatment ...

  Only reasonable organic with a grown-up level of consciousness, the highest maturity could dare to write such treatment and make sure that it worked only in the case of total disaster. Shepard knew that Liara place orders for their equipment in dozens of companies, for hours and days to climb in the caves Tess, looking for a place where you could place a server, and the power plant, where it would be possible to organize the withdrawal of beacons on the surface. She believed that sooner or later, Tess will explore intelligent creatures, attracted by an abnormally large number of zero element. I believed because I wanted to believe it, because I wanted to convey to future races, the truth about the failed attempt. I think about the future when neither for it nor for any of the current intelligent races of the future will not be. The future will be global headlines with the death of the current reasonable organics. It inhabits the current Galaxy and already aware of the strength and experience of the enemy, which had to come to grips.

  - Docks, John. - Alix said in a low voice.

  - I see, thank you, Ali. - Shepard said, dropping a flyer on the parking area. - Come on.

  The second console is in the dock, "Normandy", marked on the plan-map index "D24" and was located in the recreation area of passengers. There were few refugees, the major part of transit passengers, for which the Citadel was a transit and interchange point on the way to other star systems. Each of staying in this area have had their reason to be at the station and yet Shepard hurry, knowing that with each new console increases the threat of detection carried out by them, the spectrum of the Citadel, countermeasures. In what console the affected batarian access codes diplomatic level, is still not under close supervision and monitoring, the captain did not believe.

  Having rapid briskly down the hall, he tried to walk slowly around the room, which housed a recreation area. Sitting with a detached view of the refugees and the transit countries, the sleeping children, children playing, running around children, mothers, hail their children and guiding them ... Usual sutolka. Silence here, in a recreation area, have not had and it especially none of the reasonable and expected.

  On Alix ran some running on his boyish cases the overarching kid-Earthling, hit her on the side, flew to the side, fell back, shaking his head. Alix stopped. For it was no surprise that the boy hit on it - it is pre-calculate its trajectory and its motion, because peace was slightly behind Shepard, controlling the situation around and reading all the available information by copying it to your drives.

  Looking Alix, just turned his head and touched the boy. Kiborgessa crouched down, took the boy by the shoulders.

  - I ... I'm fine, aunt. Excuse me. - Earthman said sheepishly. - Suddenly.

  - Just okay? - I asked sympathetically kiborgessa by reading information about his condition and making sure that no fractures or bruises or any other injuries the boy did not receive. - Let's get help.

  - I did. I - a man and that I am fully able to do himself. - The boy averted his resolute gesture Alix outstretched hand and quickly got to his feet. - I run, my mother is waiting for ... - with these words he sprinted down the hallway even faster than previously fled, not turned and disappeared behind the moved apart again descended lock doors.

  While Alix said the boy Shepard activated engineering access to the console menu. As soon as he removed the code and set the lock, Alyx stood next to the console:

  - This code was then used to modify the settings of remote navigation systems. Then the docks were suddenly "lose corridors" started many ships. There were a few collisions. Most of the victims in those collisions - people, John.

  Shepard, and this time did not say anything out loud, and only in the lift, lift it and kiborgessu the level that housed the third Infested console, he said:

  - We have codes batarian diplomats and someone who still has a great big grudge against people.

  - The third zone - luggage storage area and a cargo of refugees, John. There must be very careful. Chances of any explosive bookmarks. Though check all containers imported and all but ruled out an oversight, I would not. So that...

  - Good. While take over scanning the entire contents of Doc E28, while I'll deal with the console.

  - I am concerned, John, that this console is located in the farthest part of the dock E28. It seems that this is someone who has a grudge against the Terrans, hoped that some of the people interested in this hole in the security system.

  - Got it. I'll be careful. You, too, Ali.

  - Will, John, where do I go. - Alix first came out of the elevator and immediately went to the boardwalk, going into the first container-dock baggage area E28.

  Captain path lay much further - to a third container-luggage area. Few visitors are not paid on walking on the footbridge Shepard special attention - they had plenty of their worries - containers dumped here in disarray because refugees and transit countries, worried about their belongings, constantly checking the integrity of the membranes and used to the clock searched their containers and packing .

  The third console was dirty and scratched on Shepard, immediately caused the engineering menu, reacted calmly - it's cargo docks departments, there is never a special care. Thus
, the bare minimum. The third code was in place.

  At this point in the back of Shepard he poked the barrel of heavy gun. The muscles of the body worked on full automatic: crouching, captain spun, he grabbed standing behind reasonable - it was batarian - and brought it along with him on the floor, trying to block the arms and get to the neck. Several blows inflicted by the captain on some reflexes, immobilize the attacker and Shepard, wringing his hands behind his back, he saw how the head batarians gets boot Alix.

  - The data found. He recognized the captain. - Said coldly indifferent tone kiborgessa, strengthening your foot pressure on the head of the defeated batarians. - I've brought here Knowles officer together with two dresses BRP. - Alix bent, the force took away batarians gun. - Military model. He has already earned himself shot, Captain. To enforce? - She examined the weapon, reloaded it. - Hmm. Armor-piercing incendiary. I'm used to work with a guarantee.

  - I wanted to kill you for sure, Shepard. - Batar croaked, trying to remove his head from under the boot kiborgessy, but Alix did not give him this opportunity. - The annexation Bahak main fault system - yours. And in many other ways, causing harm and damage batarians and Hegemony.

  - Interesting. - Olivia continued in the same even tone machine. - Already the recognition and giving oneself. He is trying to get out of the firing wall?

  - We have a beautiful and proud people, Shepard. Until then they had been before in the Galaxy were not you, earthlings. Hardly appeared, you have begun to spread across the galaxy, as the sea, like a tumor. And then ... Then came the Reapers and the first to pass the Reapers were we batarians. Caught, because you have weakened their outrages in Bahake. You disposed of there, as if you were at home. And this system has been our home, Shepard.

  - He talks a lot, Captain. I stop up the mouth of him? - Smoothly and blankly asked Alix, hardly turning boots and increasing the pressure of the heel. - And then I also have patience ends.

  - Take him. - We heard the approaching officer team Knowles.

  Two-Turian esbetseshnikov picked up lying face down for related batarians belt Shepard's hands behind his back, waited until Alix will remove a detainee from his head and put his leg batarians vertically.

  - I could not save her people from destruction. - Continued the battery. - But I had to kill you. I could not do.

  Third esbetseshnik put on handcuffs his hands Batara, Shepard returned to his belt. Captain belted. Fourth esbetseshnik took Alix batarians gun, turned it over in his hands, put it in a transparent bag.

  - Take him away and put in a cell. - Ordered Knowles. - Captain?

  - I hope more problems with these codes - will not. - First Mate gratefully looked at hesitate kiborgessu. - Come on, Ali.

  - I arrested him, Captain. Do you want him to be executed? He's attacked you with a fighting military-style weapons. This is - the complete basis for the execution of the laws of war. - Explained Knowles.

  - What is the point is in its execution, the officer? - Shepard asked, stopping at the console. - It is enough that it will hold for several years in solitary confinement. And there ... There, later, after defeating the Reapers ... We will have plenty of opportunities to commend him on merit.

  - I will not ask you whether you believe in it, because I know - sure. - Said the officer. - Good. He will be placed in jail. And after the victory ... you're right. Then we will have a full opportunity to understand everything and to punish him. - Knowles nodded goodbye to the captain and his companion, and then climbed to the catwalk and disappeared in the passage between the containers.

  Returning to the flyer, Shepard was in no hurry to lift the car into the air. Alix sat side by side, looking at flyers flows follow the routes and on reasonable, scurried along the sidewalks and crossings.

  - Go back to the headquarters, Ali. - Quietly said the captain, including flyers engines. - Now I feel that it is able to work.

  - I'm glad John. - Kiborgessa nodded, seeing as Shepard smoothly and gently picks up a flyer in the air and embeds it in the stream. - Can you send on instrumentron some results of medical examination.

  - Come on, Ali. - The captain put the car on autopilot, and turned on the middle screen. - Well, Light, well, fairy ...

  - I'm happy for you, John. You both are unique children. - She smiled her smile full kiborgessa and her eyes lit white and golden sparks, always betrayed her joy and satisfaction. - The first children of our troops.

  - You're right, Ali. - Shepard nodded gratefully kiborgesse, lowering the car on the ground in front of the fence headquarters. - Thank you.

  - You're welcome, John. One thing to do. - It is freely and easily jumped out of the car. - I'll go to the C-Sec HQ, waiting for me there and Nihlus Saren with Garrus. There is a problem.

  - Always have been and will be, Ali. - Shepard left behind his companion. - Walking?

  - Yes. - I turned kiborgessa. - Continue to observe and study. And learn.

  - Good luck, Ali. - Shepard nodded perimeter guards and entered the territory.

  - You too, John. - Alix has folds into a lane, because left to communicate with the captain on the PHONES Speaker. - Great success, Captain. More than ever before.

  The rest of the day Shepard was working with documents. Employment disputes constantly stood out because the line of survey results in mind. Svetlana will be the mother of unique children. And he will be their father finally saw them both outside and realized that his life has changed very cool and nice. He will do everything to his children never became orphans that before anyone of them - not in front of my daughter nor son to never loomed the prospect of becoming orphans. Enough that he is their father tasted the full measure of the children's home, and escaped from his influence only in the army.

  Returning Svetlana found a wife behind a desk. She liked his mood and condition. Late in the evening they met at the dinner table, having finished all the abundant menu, left over from breakfast, and then they had a few magical hours in the bedroom. Shepard has not said a word about his desire to see the official results of the survey - it all became clear as soon as he saw and embraced Svetlana. No documents, no text could not accommodate all the things that he felt in those seconds.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Inspiring stories

  Svetlana was happy. John carved out a couple of hours to leisurely walk with her on the Citadel. A few hours later she was beside him, among other reasonable, the main station of the Galaxy. The two of them were on the dance floor, in the center of the game, seeing a few new films - both feature and documentary and visited several exhibitions of paintings, sculptures and objects, as one would say Earthlings, folk art. And, of course, sitting for long periods in a variety of cafes and restaurants, then sat in silence, then briskly or slowly talking.

  John insisted that she had changed into civilian and Svetlana agreed, form of ill-suited to its current situation. Although this position, she felt badly, madly loved Shepard - he was ready to wear it at the hands of the clock, to say a lot of nice and such warm words showered her with flowers, all kinds of gifts to give and do give it all your attention one. And in order to meet his expectations, Svetlana agree on a lot, and never regretted it - John was unique, delicious and very sincere in expressing his deep and full of love, and for her and the children. She felt that her children, her first-born will be a unique people - on the other simply could not be, because their father was a Shepard.

  - It's Shepard! - Heard a cry, and the first thing I saw Svetlana had resulted in shouting, was a pupil camera in the hands of a salarian. The next moment the camera was on the floor of the compartment and salarian pripёrt Shepard was against the wall and wheezed into his open arms. Near immediately were two policemen paratroopers - the captain and his wife while exploring the Citadel kept tightly guarded. A minute later pulled up next to a flyer from which members of the group fell Svetlana protection.

  - Ohrenel? - Shepard growled, his eyes salarian borer. - That you do not say that to remove members of the Squad in video and even
taking pictures is strictly prohibited?

  - I - the director, and I rented a movie ... I need your help! - Salarian croaked. - My name is...

  - Yes, I know his name. - Alix came to salarians, tossed instrumentron. - Captain, this is - Solik Vass. He's really making a documentary. And already antagonized the employees half of their services Citadel indefatigable perseverance.

  - End. - Turned to Shepard he said. - We shall understand him themselves. - He confirmed his words and gesture conditional commandos "Volga" relaxed and policemen, commandos removed the weapon, have focused on a salarian. - Alix said. - He removed his hand from the throat salarian, turned to his wife. - Svetlana?

  - I'm all right, John. - Streltsov put the gun back in its holster, cops nodded paratroopers. - OK. - She repeated.

  - He does not give access to the bay, where refugees have gathered from across the galaxy. He prozhuzhal all ears about what he needs to do in this area, all three videos, which, according to him, will form the basis of the Refugee film. - Alix is very frowned at salarian and he jerked to learn kiborgessu. - So you decided to throw up his camera on a Shepard? You have something to mind. Temporary blurred.

  - I am afraid that he is not a temporary blurred. - Appeared beside her daughter Olivia and salarian, knowing her, I realized that the case for it becomes a bad turn. - Usually, the Citadel Security Service is very loyal to the director and cameraman, but he just got all esbetseshnikov nuisances and I support them - it should not appear in the dock. Or he would come out on their own feet - it will put out feet first. What ... you do lose the docks, where refugees huddle? They wanted to take pictures of the emotions and feelings? For them to open parts of the Citadel abound! Search it! - Ordered the senior patrol officers had come up kiborgessa BRP. - He must be a script or a basting of the film.


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