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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 180

by Theodore Daniels

  - Relax, Commander. - Shepard Anderson left the cabin, heading to the dining room. - Rupert, give a full meal. And with a something light. Drinks - you know what and how much.

  - I know the captain. - Cook quickly fixed his tray of vessels and plates. - Bon Appetit.

  - Thank you. - Shepard took the tray, went to the table and sat down. Expanding instrumentron, he called to the screen a map with marks on recent activity of the Reapers and their accomplices.

  H7 - Base Fighters "Cerberus". snowy Nover

  - You were right, John. - Anderson pointed to the wall screen. - There is a need to destroy the fighter base infrastructure "Cerberus". Planet Nover. According to the latest data ... there are few that remained intact, but the "Cerberus" unfolded very well.

  - Seen in the Extranet films about the events of the recent past to Noverii, David. - Shepard looked at the screen. - There are many businessmen did "dolls". Until now I shiver when I see these columns indoctrinate going to the ships processing.

  - The spectacle of unpleasant and annoying. - Anderson agreed. - But now there Reapers calmed down and we will be able to slip. As usual, the "Volga" will cover the area, "Normandy" will support your group from orbit. Since there is on the planet, "Cerberus" will now briefly became the ringleader, you can, I believe, to include in the group and Turian Yavika. And yet, John. Have you read the latest summary of needs?

  - Read. Some orders can be considered as already satisfied, since the title is in stock at headquarters. - Shepard said.

  - Exactly. So on the way back will pass the resolution should be ... But no. It is better to pass it personally. Upon returning to the Citadel.

  - You're right, David. Better - on the Citadel. - Capt. Anderson looked filed reader. - Horsehead. Nover. Little landfill. Very small.

  - Reapers for all his apparent power of - not all-inclusive and have to be pushed in a limited area, in the most reasonable current mastered organics systems. - Anderson clearly on something wondered in his posture and his voice was felt some tension. Shepard knew that the commander will be nothing to talk unnecessarily, and even more so - not to speak lightly. - Your first task, John, will sweep the base. Therefore, you will all fifteen colleagues Alenko and Jenkins. Five of your - also goes. Total more than twenty persons on the landing. The base is large, well-guarded. - David called on wall screens all files that contain information extracted spices and Synthetic Corps. - In order to paralyze the base system, it is necessary to crack and activate two control console located in different places, quite far from one another. Here and here. - Laser pointer broke a bloody dots, making a mark on the base map. It is assumed the presence of heavy ATLAS type robots, both in manned and unmanned in version.

  - Information accepted. - Shepard folded readers in waist styling. - How to orbit, Jeff?

  - Six hours and forty-six minutes. - Respond chief pilot.

  - Accepted. Allow me to go? - Shepard looked at Anderson. He nodded and left the captain's cabin commander, bound for CIC. There he intended to get the modern data on Noverii. Everything changes and everything needed each time the track is new.

  The second snow-covered planet. Now, no one was worried about what road the passes and serpentines are dangerous for machines - like driving, and flying. Snow flakes close up windows shuttles and if not for locators, working in passive mode, to move in this snowy haze would be very difficult.

  - Expected strong resistance "Cerberus", supported by the Huskies. Not tserberovtsami - servants of the Reapers. - Explained Olivia, coming in touch audio-encoded and transmitted over the channel several updated files. - At the base of many buildings close corridors, there is better to use doroboviki. There are also outdoor spaces. Visibility from the land - changeable. Where one hundred meters, and where - only ten. Locators should be held only in a passive mode. Recommended secretive mode of movement within the base. Partial silhouette.

  - Well, Olivia. - Shepard, looking at the stood-Turian Spectre and stood at the side door proteanina salon, caught a short buzzer, which meant that the shuttle hovered over the desired location. - Come on, smooth out the base, colleagues. Place the armor-piercing incendiary charges and - go ahead.

  After dropping off the group, shuttle sped into orbit, to avoid the blows of antiaircraft guns and grenade launchers.

  base building was just a few hundred meters, but normandovtsev been here waiting for - a few dozen infantrymen, three engineers with turrets, two snipers, two of the avenger, two phantom. Obstruction barrier. Frequent shots shturmvintovok group quickly merged into a continuous hum pulling nerves. Going to the base, Shepard remembered the warning and Olivia prepared to grab a shotgun - inside the base shturmvintovka, unless, of course, will not be significant in size rooms, it was ineffective.

  Tserberovtsy one after another collapsed into slabs covering transitions and platforms. There were no screams, no cries, no swearing. Watching this almost silent death, Shepard thought Reapers very stingy - they did not confer husks-tserberovtsev many purely human possibilities - well, there is something to shout insulting or offensive, cursing, just a noisy sigh. No. Here the enemy collapsed in silence, as if the machine had done its job, that their fate was indifferent. Perhaps the Huskies were machines. It was hard to say right away that they are, but certainly not the people.

  Base building cleared from enemies slowly. Moving through the corridors, Shepard and his colleagues were released from live tserberovtsev room by room, hall for the hall, the stairs of the staircase. Turians and proteanin, glad to shoot plenty, withdrawn soul in full. Two groups normandovtsy clean base building for some two and a half hours and carried out, into the open, where there were only small buildings and a huge field, laden with fighters. Perhaps now tserberovtsam and Reapers have a little strain to redeploy staff here. Huskies have many Reapers - the main thing that they were here. And for this Reapers and "Cerberus" will need time. Now it had to do the rest of the territory of the fighter base.

  Rare Marines and centurions "Cerberus" is almost not a problem, but to all haskolyudam normandovtsy treated with genuine indifference - this enemy has been well studied and almost became a landscape element. The members of the landing party feared only the servants of the Reapers, who have managed to gain a foothold on the heights - whether rock ledges or roof structures of small technical purposes. Turians not cleaned behind his sniper rifle, managing to somehow protect them from moisture and holding, so that at any moment to open fire.

  - Incomprehensible some calm, commanding. - Nihlus said. Yavik nod confirmed the validity of the views of Turian and Saren, who retired in the rearguard groups and from there to survey the neighborhood and listened to the cacophony of sounds, do not react in any way. - Unpleasant lull.

  - We've got a remote near the commander. - Said Jenkins. - Those who took the top position, we have almost completely smoothed out, now it is necessary to wait for those who will be able to attack us from the underground utilities or directly from the ground. Buildings have building. - Said the corporal. - Yes, and the field was not entirely smooth. Ponastavili here platforms, stairs, ramps. Will spam.

  - Adapt for themselves. - Kaidan said. - But only. I have the feeling that there Reapers used labor of prisoners. Some details to confirm this.

  - Yes, it's hard to believe that here once drove the ships-processors. - Confirmed one of the cops paratroopers. - Reapers also do not wish to strain. That and trying to provide their supporters with their normal point of view, the terms used in this work of those who will soon become food.

  - There are signs, Cayden, is. - Shepard said, looking closer to metal. - Usually Husky dovorachivat all bolts and make all, as told to anyone on the conscience, as it should. And here ... It is strange that the Reapers do not perceive it as a hidden sabotage. ... Although it is difficult to be given completely sabotage being legkoindoktrinirovannym and unarmed.

  Walking through the endless bridges, the group destroyed the fighters, causing them to break out chadnymi bonfires, set fire to several veh
icles mobiles, managed to also set fire to the storage charges - the outbreak was similar to solar, and the thunder would have done honor of taking off a jet plane antiquity - people sat down, muting the sensitivity of the microphones in their helmets, feeling the blows of the blast wave. Stairs, of which appeared here abound, we began to strain.

  - Remote controller. - Jenkins said, pointing a rifle barrel at a computer console, set into the wall. - Captain, may I?

  - Permission granted. Wait only. - Shepard looked around. - All other - round defense. Obviously climb on us, if we only get to work with the console. Whatever we do - they will try to stop us here. So - on a minute accommodation.

  Exactly one minute in the remote left only Jenkins Yavik both Turian and Shepard. Alenko went to the cops, Marines, believing that there is much of it will be more useful and kind.

  - Proceed, Richard. - Shepard nodded.

  - Yes, sir. - Corporal bent over the keyboard.

  - Husky datapad not collected. - Nihlus said, handing Shepard finds. - And in their money - more than two thousand credits on each.

  - Zaberёm with him. While the financial system did not collapse - it is necessary to collect things. It weighs a little, but good - enough.

  Ten minutes passed before Richard reported that proceeded to shut down systems associated with remote control. Shepard calmed down, realizing that at least the control functions as it should, and they do not have to hastily seek a second, to work with him, to then go back to the first and try to activate it again.

  Once Jenkins reported on the success tserberovtsy went on the attack. Perimeter handy - for a lull normandovtsy managed to prepare a strong protected position. Several tens of minutes around could be heard only the sounds of gunshots and falling bodies. The rest remains beyond perception.

  Three waves of attackers tried to release point, which housed the control. Thrice tserberovtsy rose to the attack and tried to pour fire place normandovtsy strengthened. On instrumentrone Shepard grew indicators amount of damages and injuries sustained drop-off members of the group. The captain himself received light wounds - Avtodoktor and avtoaptechka yet mastered, but several times had one hand to hold the assault rifle, and the other - to squeeze out the damaged spot healing gel.

  - So. They're exhausted. - Shepard rolled onto his back to give the muscles of the body rest, mechanically reloaded his rifle, looked at vnutrishlemnye indicators. - With the first remote control must stop, that they were unable to resuscitate him and use. Kaidan, Richard, go. We'll cover. Align observers, the rest - to heal the wounds, to seal damage and rest. Not to leave the shelter, camouflage is not broken.

  Dragged minutes of waiting. The lieutenant and a corporal working in the console, four policemen were on watch paratroopers monitoring the surroundings. Remaining engaged in the elimination of injury and the healing of wounds, or just trying to relax and unwind, to bodies and nerves welcome rest after combat stress.

  - That we happened only in the initial stages of the war, John. - The captain came ducking Yavik, sat right on the cover plate. - And then ... then it got worse.

  - I have no doubt, Yaw, that will be worse. The war ... has passed the initial period, then she will become more violent and more severe. Ruthless.

  - That's right, John. Exactly. - Yavik four eyes closed for a few minutes. - Now I often think of how our war began. Protheans live a long time, so there's something I remember. The pictures are so bright that sometimes even the nerves - and that hurt. We did not believe that someone can attack the Empire. We do not believe it. Many did not believe John. Just like you currently have in your galaxy. And we paid the price for this lack of confidence in full.

  - If you believe that the Reapers are inserted into certain points in the development of intelligent races in the framework favorable to them, the repetition of the scenario does not look ... inexplicable. - Shepard said.

  - Maybe you're right, John. - Yavik did not argue. - Maybe you are right. What are the next steps?

  - Destroy the possibility of using this remote control, move to the second panel. There will already be difficult - have to set the program of destruction of all fighter base. If tserberovtsy know about it, and I'm sure that one way or another they will know about it very quickly, the fight there will be much longer and harder than the one we have just endured. - Shepard opened his eyes and sat up. - Kaidan.

  - Ten minutes, Captain. - Said the lieutenant. - We are already preparing for the remote lock, but additional checks are needed.

  - Do. While it is possible. - Shepard leaned against the wall of the shelter. - Hell, a little more and I'll ask for higher power that we have now is not attacked.

  - ... We often prayed in between fights. - Said Yavik. - We do not know if it helps all of us or someone of us specifically, but ... it's comforting and eases the soul. I know. I did it more than once felt. - He paused. - A strange feeling. As if I was back in our time. Is it really all or much repeated? If so, the reapers must be destroyed.

  - They will be destroyed, Yaw. There will be, because now the war included more and more new race, who do not like the fact that carry with them the Reapers. And they have a one - death and destruction. Nothing else. - Shepard looked toward the console. - I think we have already completed.

  - Yes, sir. - Said Richard. - A couple of minutes.

  - More precisely, Cpl. - Shepard climbed cautiously behind him stood Yavik.

  - Three minutes, sir. - Jenkins recovered. - Not more.

  - This is - is another matter. - Shepard included instrumentron, watched indicators. - Prepare to march-roll. Fighters to destroy, destroy infrastructure. Moving without stopping. Planned time - a maximum of fifty-five minutes. The fights do not get involved, our main goal is known to all of you.

  disembarkation group commander of the Word embraced everything. Turians tested their sniper rifles, the rest - assault rifles and grenade launchers.

  - Ready, sir. - Kaidan reported.

  - Everyone get ready to move. - Shepard looked podtyanuvshihsya teammate. - Alenka, perform the final operation.

  - Yes, sir. - Lieutenant came closer to the console, put his hands on the keyboard, began to gain command. Screen console blinked on it to highlight the countdown icons.

  - Run - Go! - Shepard did not lead the operation, giving primacy to one of the cops paratroopers. After a few seconds near the captain and the lieutenant fled corporal closed the operation turians, Yavik ran on the other side of the column holding the middle. In this manner the group ran up on the catwalk and opened fire on the fighters lined up on both sides. Only running avoids exposure to the fountains of hot flying fragments. The small-tserberovtsy guards tried to open fire on a group of traveling, but Saren and Nihlus calculated in advance the location of individual shooters and covered their positions accurate shots.

  - Well, we have soles on boats with anti-skid. - Alenko gasped, coming up again with Shepard, ran down the line and check the status of men. - And then we're all in this and went to the rink.

  - Ugum. - Shepard nodded. Talking is not drawn and the lieutenant realized this, turned to more pressing business - shot fighter. Brisk small cars as the match flared and exploded like firecrackers.

  - Before the console - one hundred and fifty meters. - Richard reported. Group sign Shepard retooled in order of battle - it was necessary to avoid the threat of surprise attack from ambush. Near the barracks, which housed the control, there were two dozen tserberovtsev - from the simple to the infantry and engineers centurions with turrets. Seeing the squad was approaching, followed by exploding fighter tserberovtsy had tried to organize resistance, but did not have time: normandovtsy opened fire on the run, not giving servants three-headed dog in the shelter for a second session and the opening of the return fire. The unexpected appearance of detachment, the path explodes fighters have played a positive role - the fight is not finished, and a quarter of an hour, after which, putting Barack reinforced outposts, Shepard, Kaidan and Jenkins with Yavikom, turians and several
cops-paratroopers entered.

  - Work. - Relatively short ordering surveillance and combat reserve, Shepard went to be disguised bronestavney window. Kaidan and Richard bent over the remote control.

  - The captain of the first remote control signal is received. We can turn it off here. - Corporal again consulted instrumentronom. - I think we would be enough for a single remote.

  - Unplug. - Thinking, Shepard said. - We will steer the situation here.

  The sergeant and the lieutenant bent over the keyboard, briefly talking to each other and typing commands. A few minutes - and control, blinking, highlighted the timer countdown.

  - Before the explosion fighter base - eight minutes. Stop the process impossible. - Kaidan reported, adjusting the strap assault rifle on his shoulder. - We can go.

  - Richard, call shuttles to evacuate the area. Let wait for the occasion and are suitable only when we enter into the area. And now - running - march! - Shepard waited for his teammate leave the hut, looked at the console as soon as the light of the figures timer and shut the door behind him, turning to run.

  They again tried to stop. Three dozen infantrymen. It was evident - unhappy as successful touch of strangers to the base. I had to stop and take the fight to continue the path.

  - I see the shuttles. Go to decrease. - Jenkins lowered his binoculars. - We kind of have time.

  - That's it, that's kind. Prepare weapons. In place of the evacuation we can wait for an ambush. - I ordered Shepard. - Time?

  - Six minutes. Two minutes to the base of the explosion. The blast wave can reach us. - Kaidan said.

  - Run. We have fifteen minutes, colleagues, to get away from the area of the spread of the blast wave!

  Falling to his knees in the snow, the band went to the glade between rocky ridges covered with almost perpetual snow. Just slipping on ice areas normandovtsy fled, holding a rifle in his hands and preparing to open fire immediately.


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