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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 181

by Theodore Daniels

  - Lull. I do not feel the danger, the commander. - Yavik said, stopping at the entrance to the clearing. - Clean here.

  - I also have the same feeling, Captain. - Saren said. - Always I felt the meanness of the enemy, and then - as the cut off. There is no sense of danger.

  - Check. - Shepard brought his helmet visor to binoculars surveyed the clearing space. - It seems clean. also one on the slopes. Signs of the presence of the enemy are not marked. Colleagues check.

  The minute it took to several pairs of watchful eyes watched all the space clearing. Shuttles Squad waited at an altitude of more than five kilometers, not to fall under the fire of anti-aircraft guns and missiles in abundance in vodivshihsya tserberovtsev.

  - Run! Shuttles are falling, flying low over the ground, and leave Georgia at once, dramatically! - Ordered Shepard, one of the first running out onto the snow-covered clearing space. - Direction, keep the direction! - The captain stopped, skipping past him running toward reduces normandovtsev shuttles.

  Finally slammed behind the explosion, the earth trembled, and Shepard almost slipped on the ice, "track", but managed to stay on his feet. The blast wave gently pushed the captain back, gave added impetus and he jumped into the cabin which rose shuttle commander, clutching his arm outstretched Yavikom.

  For porthole rose glow. Base burned. From the height of it it was clearly seen that all important base infrastructure facilities destroyed. Self-destruct system has been activated. The construction of a similar framework for "Cerberus" will take several weeks, and yet still need to lift materials, equipment, technology, personnel.

  Kneeling on the bench, Shepard leaned his elbows on his knees, looked teammate.

  - All aboard, Captain. No casualties were reported. - Said Nihlus. Saren nodded and Yavik covered all four eyes for just a second. - We broke out of this base.

  - Good. Greg, the course to the frigate.

  - Captain, a message with the "Volga". Jacob Taylor asks for a meeting with you. - The driver looked out of the cabin. - Looks like tserberovtsa getting through. Synthetic broadcast everything that happened on the base - especially the final.

  - How to place, Greg?

  - Ten minutes before the positions of decision-making, the commander.

  - Minutes. - Shepard tapped on his keyboard instrumentrona an official request for the name of Anderson. A few seconds later the answer came that allowed the flight to the cruiser. - Course - "Volga", Greg.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. - The driver returned to the cockpit and the shuttle headed for razvedkreyseru Empire.

  Time out before the entrance to the hangar, "Volga" Shepard spent on his feet, feeling as we approach the cruiser, leaving the remains of his fatigue. He had no doubt that Svetlana would come to the hangar to meet both of the shuttle, no doubt, that it again, for the umpteenth time his condition will read completely, understand, and do so that both of them would be nice.

  - Commander. Do not worry. - Saren said. - As long as we deal with Jacob ...

  - Will deal with it only in my presence, colleagues. - Gently interrupted Shepard monologue legendary Spectrum. - And yet - will be held in the officers 'mess, will direct all of our colleagues in the officers' dining room and make sure that all ate. Three full dinner, not less. And then - a few hours of rest.

  - But Taylor ... - timidly said Nihlus.

  - He's waiting for? Waited. Wait a little more. - Shepard said, feeling the shuttle drops to the plate, gently took away the car inside the hulls. - We arrived. And now - rest and nutrition. Work can wait. - He opened the door and immediately saw the entrance to the hangar Svetlana, surrounded by all three sobachatami. - Please exit and colleagues. - He missed the teammate forward and went after the driver. Coming up the watch accompanied normandovtsev of both shuttles into the dining room, and Shepard, going to Svetlana, hugged her friend and gently kissed.

  - Good thing you came, Joe. - Streltsov said softly. - I am very very happy. And the children - too. You see, they calmed down.

  - I see the light. And I feel. Come on! - He greeted Gray and Zordom, Zirda stroked and hugged Svetlana, went to the door of the hangar. - Your opinion about Taylor?

  - He can be trusted, John. Alla dragged him on every conceivable inspection and proved that he - a man. - Svetlana opened the door of the commander's cabin. - Live're here, Joe. No guest cabins. Your entire cabin is already prepared. Lookouts to trace. - Svetlana included muted light in the lobby, and hugged her husband and a friend. - My God, finally we are close and together. John, please ...

  - Svetlana - Shepard hugged her friend, giving her the opportunity to make sure it is safe and sound. - Well, light wounds, bruises Well, well bruises. Plain men's work ...

  - Men's. I knew you'd like my heart jumped when you're out there on the basis of shastali, Joe. Titov has wanted me to put in an insulator Alla preserve. Well, it does not be without this special effect? I almost fainted not flopped when you're hit by a blast wave.

  - Light ... Well, do not cheat, please. I am unhurt, unscathed, I ...

  - Ugum. Too me, safe and sound. Alla. - Svetlana turned to the entrance to the cabin girlfriend. - Though you explain to him that I feel great and I see his condition.

  - John, really. You have complete injury, there is even a light wound. So it will go with me before leaving on the frigate. I will hold a preventive therapy. Karin A complete treatment.

  - Yes, ma'am! - Shepard jokingly saluted, a moment stretched out. - Wilco, ma'am.

  - Child. - Smiling, said Seleznyov. - Big boy-child. Crazy on the service in the army.

  - Diagnosis, ma'am. - Unsmiling Shepard confirmed again priobnimaya Svetlana. - Let is be free from the hospital, ma'am?

  - Permission granted. - Seleznev turned on her heel and left the cabin Strel'tsova. It was obvious that she was pretty and calming smile. The door gently into place and almost force Svetlana sat on the other sofa, leaning towards him.

  - John, you're my girlfriend uvedёsh! She's nervous, looking at you.

  - Well, I guess I'm a chump insensitive that I do not feel anything. - Seriously Shepard said. - Where I can steal it from you? If I have it taken away by yourself, because you will still be there, so - and close to Alla. Or something I missed?

  - Do not you miss, my John. Nothing. I am pleased that you have such a relationship with my best friend. - Svetlana smiled and gently kissed the cheek Shepard. - Shaved. I respect. And that prick-yu-Chii!

  - Try to light. How I felt that look in to you.

  - Well done. - Svetlana looked at shepherds, arranged on their mats to sleep. - Okay, let's go to the dining room, eat, and then we will have private time.

  - Ugum. Come on. - Shepard stood up, helped Svetlana stand. Entering the dining room, they responded to the officers of the ship greeting, sat down at the table and orderly brought trays of complex lunches.

  - Svetlana ... You again persuaded chefs. Immediately you can feed an elephant. I have the same mode, too. - Shepard looked servings. - Or is it a way to tighten the meal?

  - May be. - Sly smile, said Svetlana, starting to eat. - Okay, eat. How much you eat, so eat. Others take into the cabin.

  - Well-at, if so. - Shepard settled comfortably in his chair, took a spoon and a piece of bread. - Then - and you can eat.

  Making sure that all normandovtsy tightly lunch and they all contributed guest cabin cruiser sector, Shepard, looking at her friend, dined and soon they were back in the cabin, accompanied by Svetlana Zorda and Gray.

  - A Zirda? - Shepard noted with surprise the absence of Shepherd in the "escort".

  - Well, she's a lady and now protects my cabin. And Zord with Gray - sufficient protection. A Zirda preparing to protect our children. She is closer. Okay, if you have time before departure - pobuzit with sobachatami in the gym. - Streltsov smiled. - I know your man's game ... pushing, biting. - It does not hide good mood. - Maybe Zirda wants to join. It is actually now rarely goes far from my cabin. Basically Zord with Gray walk with me on the cruiser. />
  - Yasnenko. - Shepard opened the door of the commander's cabin, behind Svetlana and sobachatami, entered, covering the door. - What Alla studied so I looked at you?

  - Firstly, I am going ahead of schedule - already standard - even the fifth or sixth month. Secondly, Allah always watches for especially valuable patients, monitors their status in a variety of situations. And here such a case - the husband arrived. How could I not sure ... right. Are you planning an evening conversation with Taylor?

  - Unfortunately, yes. Although I would like to plan an evening and a later conversation with you, the Light.

  - May be. - Evasively said Streltsov. - Okay, let's take some rest in the bedroom for two hours, then so be it, let you warm up in the gym with sobachatami in an embrace.

  - I agree that Light. - Shepard went for a friend's bedroom.

  A few minutes - and Svetlana pressed to Shepard, hugging his chest and putting her head on her husband's chest. So many times she waited for this moment, she did not notice how hard and quietly fell asleep. Shepard looked at the sleeping friend, feeling all the experiences over the last combat operation retreat somewhere in the subconscious mind, and remains on the surface of one feeling - affection for his only girlfriend and mother of his children. Svetlana Light. The one who owned and heart, body and soul Shepard, owned in full, not forcibly, intelligently and sensitively. The one before that Shepard did not seem afraid without armor and psihozaschity.

  After a quarter of an hour to sleep and Shepard. At exactly six o'clock he woke up, careful not to wake the sleeping Svetlana, I got out of bed, went to sanblok, took a shower and changed into a new formёnku without insignia. Zord with Gray appeared at the threshold of the bedroom like a stone statue - they realized that Shepard is ready to devote time to them as well. And so it happened: slipped out of the commander's cabin, Number One went to the gym with sobachatami. Zirda left guard Svetlana - she did not want to join the company of men.

  Clock "Buz" liked and Shepard and sobachatami. Plenty naprygalis was startled and naborovshis, they returned to the commander's quarters.

  When Shepard stepped inside, Svetlana already pouring in fresh water drinkers, placing them near the floor mats. Zirda, had time to quench your thirst, approvingly looked at the hostess Zord and gray with dignity vylakali their portions and lay down to sleep, previously accustomed to beating the cabin and making sure that the owner and the guest is not in danger.

  - Let's take a shower, an athlete. - Svetlana smiled. - And then go spoil your appetite.

  - No light. You stay. A conversation I spend. This is small fry Taylor to you, commander razvedkreysera waste your time and nerves on this campaigner.

  - Okay. - Streltsov smiled. - Maybe you're right. You men will agree among themselves. Yes, and you will not be bound by the Protocol "with the lady."

  - That's for sure. There will be many occur - will move. Not only it does not seem exactly. - Half-jokingly said poluserёzno-Mate, heading sanblok. - Persuasion, the Light. - I heard his voice from behind a closed door. - Do you eat dinner on the full circuit. With all conceivable supplements. I do not expect I will definitely come, but you have to be dinner.

  - Yeah, I need you sleepy ... - Svetlana smiled, preparing food for sobachatami. - During the day, I sleep in the evening and at night, too? And when I shall focus on you?

  - Svetlana. - Shepard walked out sanblok, promakivaya bath towel hair and zastёgivaya formёnku. - You have me constantly pays so much attention that I do not even know if I will be able to compensate for all this to you.

  - Well, you're my, John. My! Only mine. - Svetlana came up, her arms around his shoulders. - And I had no pity for you. This is serious. Nothing. You and so give me a lot of attention, always calling, interested, ate I, if I slept, incite Alla control which transmission Extranet I look - so now she told me this "parental controls" put on the TV, that in addition to entertainment programs out there almost nothing left. We have roundabout ways to extract the rest of the information is not as a pleasure. And you, John, but you - the father of my children wanted and loved. And this level of attention - by definition, a very, very valuable. So do not cheat yourself. Remember: I am you, and you - in me.

  - I remember the light. - Shepard hugged her friend, kissed her on the top of his head. - I remember. Always remember.

  - I believe. - Svetlana in no hurry to get rid of the embrace, though she saw that Shepard had already wanted to go in camera to Taylor. - I'm waiting for, come back as soon as possible.

  - I'll try, of Light. - XO corrected form before the mirror. - I soon.

  Jacob Taylor. Talking to Shepard

  Passing the guard posts of the prison sector cruiser, Shepard went to the chamber, where he was Jacob Taylor. Sergeant kosmopehotinets opened the cell door, he stepped aside. Shepard entered, sign the sergeant asked to close and lock the door.

  Sitting on a stool black jumped up and stretched.

  - Jacob Taylor, sir. - He reported the usual representation formula.

  The captain sat down on the other stool and motioned for Taylor to sit on his own.

  - What do you want, Taylor? - Shepard asked wearily.

  - Captain, Brynn have identified, I could not. But if so ... Tell me, in the ev, when I met a man who had once been my father, biological father, it was you and your people?

  - Yes. - Shepard nodded. - So what? We had our own challenges on the planet. We meet them in parallel and helped members of the crew, crashed. Normal operation.

  - You could have shot my father. - Jacob said dully. - And I would not mind. Probably, you have done well, that did not shoot him until such time as I have not talked to him. I do not know whether you did the right thing without killing it after my conversation with him.

  - Taylor, I do not have the habit of shooting people just because I want it. - Shepard began to understand what tends to Jacob. - And I do not have the habit to allow his colleagues to do the same. To kill a living organic being reasonable need reinforced concrete foundation. But they are sometimes not enough. So, Taylor, I repeat the question: what do you want?

  - Phantom destroys captured deserters. - Quietly said former kosmopehotinets.

  - So what? - Shepard did not look at Taylor, he was not interested in him. Kosmopeh first, then - tserberovsky agent campaigner guard. Now he is trying to be helpful detachment. Svetlana Such people are called "rolling stone - field". Shepard referred to them more crudely: hangers-dependents.

  - Good. I will say more precisely, Captain. I understand that the return to the "Cerberus" to me can not be. I want too...

  - Find yourself a new employer and protector, Taylor? - Shepard looked at who was sitting in front of the former tserberovtsa. - And how many times are you going to change more heads? After the incident on Eden Prime, you have resigned, though performed well, serving under the command of Major Derek Izunami. Then you have worked in "Cerberus", together with Miranda Lawson, which tried to be treated as a woman spit on the danger of office romances. Now that you have decided to get out of the "Cerberus", knowing full well that the organization of such leave only feet forward, you try to become a member of our staff. Explain to me why I should believe you? And why you are we?

  - Because without your help, Shepard, I get to the Citadel only as a prisoner. Like all scientists who had fled from the "Cerberus" with me.

  - So what? - Shepard stood up from his stool, walked to the cell door, then he returned to the table. - Let's be honest, Taylor. You qualified fighter, were weak. Yes, elementary weak. The incident you survived - and immediately resigned. You offered to stay, offering training, offered a new title. You appreciate, you are ready to meet. You gave up all the proposals and confirmed his resignation. The report was satisfied, and for you to kosmopehote videoconferencing service Alliance Service under the command of Major Izunami thing of the past. Then you come into contact with Miranda Lawson, officer "Cerberus", performed with her a series of missions and several missions - autonomously, but - as "Cerberus" agent.
In fact, you have found your second employer. On a long enough period, it should be noted Taylor. Long enough to explore the prospect of his stay in the organization. You knew full well, Taylor, that this institution is prohibited personal contacts between the superior and subordinate to the level that you suggested Miranda Lawson. She dumped you, you realize that "Cerberus" you - a functionary. And harbored a grudge, and then - and anger. How could such magnificent woman and rejected you, accustomed to conquer the hearts of female packs. Sit! - Shepard spat team felt that now Taylor will try to throw at him. - What are you emotional, Taylor. To your emotions, but in a positive way - the price would you just had. You do not even thought about the fact that this level of access, how had Lawson, in an organization such as "Cerberus" for a beautiful body and beautiful eyes do not give. You have tried to find a cozy haven, Taylor. The harbor and not a partner, not the head, not the boss. You tried to make an organization built on military discipline, hierarchy, and strict compliance protocols, discord and vacillation. You tried to do from the "Cerberus" what he no longer was: simple civic organization, where possible including office romances. You have tried to reason with Taylor. You began to feed resentment with even more perseverance and with even greater vigor. A further aspect of the application of your efforts on the domestication of the work environment has become Brynn Cole. She - scientists, it - civil. She was all of these military conventions and rituals indifferent, she used to be given to science. You are here and managed to stop her, Taylor. You complicate her life. I believe that we do not know that she had a child from you? We know We know very well. Brynn - a fighter, a leader, it can lead people who have never served in the military. And how do you help her? - Shepherd stopped two steps from the sitting Taylor bent. - In your honor in the defense of the base on the snow-covered planet killed five scientists, each of which - luminary in his field. A specialist is not the last dozen. You killed them, Taylor, thank you. You, "Cerberus" the security chief largest kosmostantsii person who should know the security issues like the five fingers of either hand or any foot. To remind you about the attack on terrorists batarian station, you proshlyapili? Then you almost shot, Taylor. But - believe. Perhaps the last time believed. And then you run away. Ran away with the scientists. They - clear civilians. List your shoots, Taylor? Let's, list. Interestingly it turns out. From civic life you fled into alliance VKS in kosmopehotu. There you do not like it - you run away from VKS Alliance "Cerberus". The "Cerberus" you do not like - you fled into civilian life, but he felt that during the war you quickly will remember all your arts - batarians try to do it even now, during the war against the Reapers, you try to be helpful we are already, detachment . Where did you last stay, Taylor? What I have reason to believe you? Twice betrayed their employers. Twice! What I have reason to be confident that you will not betray us during the war? you do not like - you fled into civilian life, but he felt that during the war you quickly will remember all your arts - batarians try to do it even now, during the war against the Reapers, you try to be helpful to us already, detachment. Where did you last stay, Taylor? What I have reason to believe you? Twice betrayed their employers. Twice! What I have reason to be confident that you will not betray us during the war? you do not like - you fled into civilian life, but he felt that during the war you quickly will remember all your arts - batarians try to do it even now, during the war against the Reapers, you try to be helpful to us already, detachment. Where did you last stay, Taylor? What I have reason to believe you? Twice betrayed their employers. Twice! What I have reason to be confident that you will not betray us during the war?


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