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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 190

by Theodore Daniels

  Past the door of the first section, closest to the "crown" Shepard passed indifferently - in this area, it is nothing to do. The next section - a kind of insulator between the "crown" and the area of the active elements, the captain also passed without stopping. Next was the chamber of thermal tubes, for which the compartment was reactors. If you do anything anyhow - jerk so that any medium-power light, a heating star system rather rather big sizes, shall be confounded. And then the next - the whole station. Populated reasonable, among other things, beings.

  The door of the compartment Shepard opened cautiously. With compartment threshold captain opinion identified the damaged area on one of the six dozen thermal tubes.

  A few steps from the entrance - and here it is, the damaged pipe. Unplug the tube with a spare tube from the belt, Shepard looked at the timer - five minutes took the path to the bay. You're twenty-five minutes. Well, if he has time, but something prompted him - did not have time, will not keep. Even with a string, enabled by a quarter the power. Probability does not have time and did not meet them is now estimated to be very high. Lowering his briefcase on the floor, Shepard tried to stay so that was convenient to work, sitting directly on the metal plates of mosaic-lattices.

  Removing the damaged pipe was fast - this was no big deal. Not more than three minutes took the cleaning tube nests, two minutes Shepard multiple probes to check the quality of cleaning, occasionally picking up a spatula with cleaning wrap - it was necessary to do everything equally, not allowing even very possible "banding".

  Old the damaged pipe was removed quickly, because she could not keep any regimes in the safe range. A few minutes - and at the place set a new remote pipe. Eighteen minutes before the deadline. It was necessary to adjust the pipe first in a cold, dormant state, and then gradually open stub at both ends and simultaneously align the tube, increasing the load level. And that is where the problems begin, who to this delicate and tedious work is not carried out. Fonit something during adjustment - God forbid. Only when the adjustment is completed and includes a lock, the background is very slowly returning to normative values. So grab a dose ... elementary.

  Few glad that we managed to push aside the two young engineers: Shepard firmly knew that Gabrielle and Kenneth - ready to steam and has all almost decided about the wedding and the official contract, the captain began the process of cold adjustment. Four minutes. Last checked and fingers gently reveal plugs at the ends of the pipe installed. LED flashes, indicating the change for the worse the background, of course, party. Now I had to be very careful - to repeat the process in which the case will have with this, the first "Hot adjustment". And I did not want to repeat - even with the active assistance of the state of Strings. Thirteen minutes. If so four minutes - he has only three stages of adjustment. If he screws up and runs out - the same fifteen minutes have to spend unnecessary to repeat the whole process. Did not want. It did not want to. LED pomigivaet until the background is worsened slightly, but Shepard well imagined how often the blinking LED on the final stages of alignment ... almost continuously. So, the background will be oh what a tasteless and dangerous ... Okay. While it is necessary to make a first hot alignment. Making quality. In another way, I did not want to.

  - Commander. - Watch "Volga" came into the cabin Strel'tsova. - An update to the "Normandy".

  - They've got a problem with thermal tube. - Svetlana said, taking the reader from the officer. - Decide ...?

  - Decide. - The watch did not want to continue the conversation on this subject, though it has had time to read this message and know who and how it solves the problem.

  Svetlana including appliances, was about to let go of the watch habitual gesture, but her eyes immediately vytselil desired paragraph and hand froze in the air.

  - Shuttle to flight ... on the "Normandy".

  - Commander ... - watch tensed. He remembered the order Selezneva, categorically banning flights by shuttles anywhere, if a passenger will be the commander of the cruiser. Yes, not only passenger - the driver. Especially - pilot.

  - Available. - Entered the cabin Selezneva. - You can go, officer. - She stepped aside to allow the guide to the door of the cabin by the watch itself. - What are you udumala Svetlana ?! Where are you ?! soaped - Ask your doctor cruiser when on watch for the door closed.

  - Look, admire. - Streltsov gave the included table-top reader. - John went to thermal propulsion compartment of the frigate. One went ...

  - Mm-m. - Seleznev studied rather short text. - I understand, Svetlana, but allow you to flight - I can not. Can give birth with excitement. You're already on edge ...

  - Alla ... - Streltsov stiffened. - He was there a decent dose grab ... Yeah, I remember that he was there String apply, but still ...

  - Chakwas cope. - Seleznev kept trying to get up girlfriend. - Sit down. And calm down.

  - Take anything I can. - Svetlana sank back into his chair. - But I will settle down clearly difficult ...

  - And yet, you have to calm down.

  - I can not, Ala. It is taller than me. If I forced John to suffer from the frigate vyprovazhivaya Liara ... So here I just have to ...

  - Light, I promise you that any videoaudiosvyaz every conceivable acceptable quality even though the clock, but you're on board the frigate will not fly. - Firmly said Seleznyov.

  - Alla ...

  - I have more than two decades Alla, Svetlana. - Retorted the doctor. - To risk children, I will not let you. This is - your first-born.

  - They...

  - Shut up. - Alla broke girlfriend. - Do not nakarkat me here.

  - And yet ... - Svetlana, leaning on the arms, trying to get up, but his hands were shaking so that she was forced to give up trying to get up. - Heck. What's with me?! ...

  - Even the body - and the mind that you are strained, Light. - Alla tossed instrumentron. - And the nerves are tense you ... Come on, calm down.

  - Yes...

  - I said that you will videoaudiosvyaz quality around the clock, so it is and will be. In the meantime, it is necessary to wait. - Cut Selezneva. - Calm down, calm down and stop thinking God knows what.

  Shepard half-align. So far, everything went smoothly, but the light began to flicker too often. If no string - the captain would be "welded", but also with a string he had felt creeping weakness and blurred vision. Somewhere after two minutes promertsal green LED on the tester - the next stage of the adjustment was successful and equipment found no deviations from standards.

  Svetlana looked at it towering over Seleznev and knew that if she did not calm down, Allah will cause four on watch with a stretcher, and it will take a moment to sickbay, where it will be released only after the birth. This prospect does not suit Streltsov. Because it was necessary to stop resisting and come to their senses.

  - That's good. Sit down and think about pleasant and helpful. And not on some apocalyptic. Chakwas - professional and she will do everything to John recovered as soon as possible. - Seleznev was convinced that her friend did not take in the near future attempts to violate the requirements of the regime. - I promise you, the Light. Itself connected, if necessary. John will be restored completely. Karin and I will take care of. And Michelle will help us.

  - He's in danger ...

  - The risk of Light, agrees. But he's so ... without the risk can not.

  - It is now weakening. I feel it. Here I swear, I am weakening.

  - I promise you, the Light that permitted longer term it will not stay there. - Seleznev looked at instrumentron, seeing as manifested medical line of code.

  The board of the frigate "Normandy" Shepard. Recovery

  cruiser doctor was right. Karin Chakwas a few minutes ago, I received the first telemetry data, ordered the two nurse prepare a stretcher and the stretcher. And now all three of them were waiting in the main engineering bay.

  - He finished. - Adams said. - I would not have believed it, but everything indicates that he is finished. Minute for review. The final control.

  - No more, Greg. -
Chakwas looked at the small screen of your instrumentrona. Chief engineer shrugged - he did not know whether the captain will have time to finish all the checks. I wanted to believe that the time to, but ...

  Minutes had elapsed. Several tens of seconds - and the door ajar, letting Shepard. The nurse picked him up by the arms, brought a ladder, helped to lie down on his back on a gurney, the body belts fastened. Chakwas, consulting the instrumentronom, allowed to take out a gurney from the engineering compartment.

  As soon as wheelchair was in one of the chambers, Chloe was forced to stop the attempt to log in sickbay Gabriela perimeter.

  - Gaby, do not have right now. It is not in the best condition in order to communicate with someone. Tired, power running out. - Michelle was on the verge of sickbay, not allowing girls to slip inside. - He's very weak.

  - Chloe, you ... - Gabriella could not find the words, but the doctor is dead stood on his.

  - It is not necessary now, Gaby. Later. - Michelle said softly, stepping into the sickbay and covering the door. Seeing the red light flared, Gabriela barely kept from being hryastnut fist on the plate of the door unit.

  Inside the House of sickbay Chakwas Shepard already released from the suit and now connects sensors and catheters. Readings chief doctor of the frigate frankly not happy. Introduced silently next to a hospital bed, Chloe began to help with Karin drug injectors.

  Anderson entered the sickbay a few minutes later, after talking with Adams and asked Gabriella and Kenneth, who stood next to the sickbay, right in the corridor, immediately go to the cabin. Staying in bed on which lay on his back Number One, he looked at Karin. She shook her head - until there were too many uncertainties. It only remained to wait and prepare to counter possible deterioration than two doctors and two nurses involved.

  - He had to do everything. - Chakwas said softly. - But hvatanul much. - It is satisfied that Shepard is still unconscious - perhaps triggered injectors, consciousness has been disconnected and equipment sickbay took the watch to maintain body functions and performance monitoring. - I'm afraid that he would have to spend hours in this state. It is necessary to clean all that is possible, and for that ... you understand ... It is necessary and anesthesia ... So it is better to let it, unconscious, to the control.

  - Karin ... - Anderson said quietly. - I beg...

  - He helped me - I will help him, David. Any way I can. It is not even discussed. He again pushed normandovtsev behind him and went on a dangerous plot itself ... Again ... - Chakwas without wishing to sound aloud the question of whether or not Shepard long enough at this load, took testimony monitors. - While you need only wait. Come on. - She nodded slightly Michel, squatting on a folding chair, and including instrumentron, then left the room, heading for his office. - Sit down. - She pulled up to the desktop of the second seat, and Anderson umostilsya in it. - Well, he had to life ...

  - Adams already checked. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser received a message on the screen is instrumentrona. - Everything is done safely and to its fullest extent. He amazed the quality of the work ...

  - This is John, David. He is the best...

  - But we ... - said Anderson.

  - It is unlikely that he would agree to vegetate in the rear. - Chakwas finished typing the message. - Here's all the information we send to Alla. Maybe that will advise. I am convinced that Svetlana is already on edge, waiting for any accurate information. So from that it is also read.

  - I have no doubt that I have read. Maybe it will calm her. - Thinking, said Anderson. - Two part, as always?

  - No need to worry about the Light beyond what she herself is worried. I will give her the opportunity to video surveillance of John. Let him look at him. As much as he wants. If so Allah has forbidden her to let out a cruiser, so at least so she will be able to see and hear her, John. - Chakwas finished capture evidence in sickbay data base. - David, a few hours he should be here. Least. Then we'll see. So what will change - you're the first to know.

  - It is better to tell Gabriella. She's sitting there, under the sickbay. - Anderson looked at instrumentron.

  - Kenneth failed to convince her? - I asked without emotion Chakwas

  - Her convince ... - Anderson waved. - Shepard because it pushed aside and, as you correctly said, behind him. And Gaby feels guilty. And as far as I know it is not preminёt chided Shepard.

  - And do not look that he - first mate, and it is - a simple engineer. - Confirmed Chakwas.

  - To her now levels - not the most important. And it did not stop they would if Gaby felt that she was right.

  - Yet he saved them both ... - Chakwas said softly.

  - Yeah. This pipe - the only major problem in the compartment as it turned out. Five times to check everything. In Engineering - clean. - Anderson stood. - Okay, Kari. As soon as...

  - It will tell at once, David. - Chakwas watched goes to the exit door of Anderson and pulled up to his keyboard.

  The first day Chakwas lasted Shepard on "devices." The most important and the most difficult time in order to bring the body after a shake-up in the order. Chloe helped Karin, nurses participation is not required.

  Anderson came several times, asked about XO condition. Chakwas almost nothing hid from David knew: he will explain normandovtsam else. She does not have to be interrupted, distracted, out of the sickbay. Yes, she did not want to leave one of Shepard.

  - You love him, Karin. - Chloe said quietly, when they again sat down in the chair in the office of the chief doctor of the frigate sickbay.

  - I love Chloe. I do not know how I manage it, but, obviously, Shepard is so perfect, that his goodness even to a small extent able to be transmitted to other people. - Karin did not deny the obvious. - And the love of ... John does not prevent me from loving David. I am free in their choice and Shepard respects my decision does not seek to change it to their advantage.

  - We here have all formed, Karin. - Chloe said, looking at the small screen of your instrumentrona. - Gabriela and Kenneth, of course, among the first, but Adams and Anderson are not far behind. Yes, and many other normandovtsy want to visit our Exec.

  - To put things. Only here, John wakes up and comes to the relative rate - allowed to visit all. - Said Chakwas, brewing a strong tea. - I'm not going to stop them, because each in its own way, but sincerely loves and respects John. Rarely it happens. Usually XO roars at all and is a local satrap ...

  - Well, John, too demands can not refuse. - Chloe poured boiling water, stir sugar. - Although, of course, all his desire to take on a dangerous ...

  - Exactly. Formally, he was not obliged to climb back in the bay. - Chakwas took a big sip of tea, holding the cup with both hands and looking at monitors monitor the status of Shepard. - But useful. Rescued two young engineers from big health problems.

  - Do you have any video-it included? - Chloe put her cup on the saucer.

  - And how. A long time ago. So, Svetlana, as befits a legitimate wife, has an indisputable priority in being able to see his chief friend in all the details and hear it.

  - Karin ... And you ... kissed Shepard? - Suddenly I asked Michelle prudently put the glass on the countertop.

  - How can you, Chloe? He - a married man! And I - in fact, the bride of his commander. Whatever look - violation. - Chakwas said, feeling her ears begin to burn.

  - It is possible, Karin, if cautiously. - Michelle said with conviction. - He loves you too, Svetlana knows about it, you - the person, so ... judge for itself, well ... words, in this case too maloznachasche. But a kiss ...

  - H-I do not know ... I never thought about it. - Karin felt that she had instead of ears - two bright torch. - Yes, and ...

  - Do not you "and the" just come and kiss him. I'm sure he will feel, understand and properly appreciate it.

  - Chloe ... - reproachfully held Chakwas, but a colleague was left to his own opinion, that oschushalos completely.

  - Well, you should, Karin ?! The level of relations must be maintained! You're both - adults, nobody, not ev
en Svetlana would not object. You're due to Shepard to avoid the need to carry out heavy recovery operations. Admit it, that kiss - the most it. The sign of affection and gratitude. - Michelle smiled. - I am sure that the engineer would kiss him.

  - Nope. I am not sure. Shepard at the time, as it will have access to the sickbay, is in the mind, and when he is conscious - it do not kiss nobody except Svetlana. According bolshney part. - Explained the chief doctor of the frigate, cruiser.

  In the Hall of Information frigate, cruiser was quiet. Cyborg kiborgessy and communicate with each other silently, so that the silence of the room does not violate any other sounds. Mark, Olivia and Alix habitually kept under the control of data flows, to monitor the situation around the Citadel and monitor the condition of both the squadron and all otryadovtsev. It would seem that everything - as always, but Olivia looked at Alix said as she unusually worried, though retains complete immobility.

  - Alix? - Quietly called elder kiborgessa.

  - I'm sorry, Mom. I know that much, but I ... very worried about John. - A little sheepishly said Alix. I ... solvable ?!

  - Permission granted. Mark ... - Olivia looked at the cyborg. He did not move, mertsnul shoulder-LEDs. - Take her part. Temporarily.

  - Took, Olivia. - Mark watched as young kiborgessa slips out of the Hall, covering the door. - It is necessary, Olivia.

  - No doubt, Mark. - Confirmed the elder kiborgessa.

  Coming out of the Hall of Information, Alix looked around. Yes, it does not become completely disconnected from the relevant data streams, although felt and felt that Mark has taken its part of the work themselves. Leaving regain control and tracking, Alix went to the sickbay. She knew that Shepard has not regained consciousness, he was - unconscious, but something prompted her - it is necessary to see it right now.

  - Karin. - Kiborgessa contacted the chief doctor of the frigate on the audio channel.


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