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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 191

by Theodore Daniels

  - Yes, Alix. - Replied Chakwas.

  - I'm at the door. Allow ... see John?

  - Good. - VI Chakwas unlocked lock. - Come on.

  Going into the perimeter, Alix immediately went to the office Chakwas. Chloe had already gone to his office.

  - It is possible to John, Karin? - Alix habitually looked around, noting the changes.

  - You can. - Unsmiling Chakwas said, recounting familiar packaging of drugs in the next box vast repository. Go. His condition is stable. I think tomorrow he will come to life.

  - Glad to hear it, Karin. - Alix turned in place around and left the room, heading for the ward corridor. She knew exactly where the first mate and was very pleased that she did not meet on the way, none of the staff and employees of sickbay.

  Upon entering the room, Alix left the door half open. Gauge buzz drives winking colored indicators on the console, slide complex curves on the monitors. As long as everything was really stable and it pleased kiborgessu. A few minutes later, she stared into the face of Shepard.

  Did she love him? Yes, love. In its own way, as she was accessible, but I liked. And firmly and clearly he knew that she was in love with him, that he, Captain John Shepard, Number One, "Normandy", en-Seven, a married man, Earthling, the father of two children, she did not just love and not just acceptable and pleasant. He was loved by her. Yes, she kiborgessa Alix, is not capable of love, just as it is possible for a man, but she likes it the way it is available, cyborg, Shepard saved from death. It just so happened that she found her mother-kiborgessu and found a family in which cyborgs organics were equal partners and not servants and support mechanisms.

  Think about it, Alix close to the head of a hospital bed, bent over and kissed the captain Shepard. Easy, gently. For a few seconds, extending the kiss, savoring every moment of togetherness. She knew that at this time the camcorder is turned off and Svetlana did not see how she kissed her chief friend. Chakwas? Chakwas clue about the feelings of Alix Shepard knows that young kiborgessa to the exec is not very indifferent and did not see anything wrong.

  Gently together and straight, Alix few minutes peered into the captain's face. It is very much hoped, and very much wanted to believe that he felt, felt, took her a kiss, he will be happy and pleased when he learns that one of the first came to him she kiborgessa Alix, who loves him.

  Turning, Alyx slipped out the door of the ward, passed the half-open door Chakwas cabinet and left the sickbay. A few minutes - and it crosses the threshold of the Hall of Information, just closes his eyes in response to a question the mother eyes, sits down in a chair and stops, taking the data streams.

  Gabriela saw and how Alix entered the sickbay and how kiborgessa after some time out of sickbay. As an engineer, Daniels knew that Alix is full of opportunities to transfer Chakwas and other doctors any information without the personal limits of his visit to sickbay. So, Alix came not to doctors. In sickbay now there is no other patients, except for the captain. Because it is the captain Alix, as it turns out, and came. If Chakwas let Alix, then maybe ... Yes, she remembers that the captain unconscious ... But - anyway, the effort is worthwhile. Kenneth could see the captain, and later, when Shepard wakes up, and she needed to see the captain now, while he is unconscious ....

  What it really ?! What a ship "Normandie", where almost all the polls, regardless of sex, do not just respect but also love Captain ?! It is then relatively recently, most of the time lost in the engineering compartment of the ship, but ... Apparently she has not escaped the common fate, and fell in love with Captain Shepard. The name and the title ... in her mind, the minds of the young girl-engineer turned into a real brand. Or maybe, she began to perceive them as a brand.

  Daniels instrumentron activated. Dialing code Chakwas call. Audio Channel.

  - Dr. Chakwas. Daniels worries. You can ... - she did not continue the phrase, realizing that the doctor will understand everything and so. Yet innuendo and omission - great things.

  - Gaby, he was unconscious ... - came to the PHONES speaker unhappy voice of the head physician.

  - He saved me, Doctor. Details, sure you know. - Gabrielle said softly, hoping very much that it was a muffled voice, and content of the first sentence would help overcome the reluctance of the head physician so early start 'season visits. "

  - Okay. - Chakwas sighed. - Come.

  Changing Channels, Gabriela came to the door sickbay. VI, knowing her, she was replaced by a red light to green and the door is left aside. Crossing the threshold, Daniels felt the door quietly and quickly stood up in its place.

  Chakwas met her on the threshold of his office.

  - Persistent. - The doctor said, looking around the guest tenacious professional look. So tenacious that Gabriela regretted that not dressed like a little more freely, not in the service. But the work in engineering at any time could require her presence, and Adams does not like disturbances, as he puts it "dress code". - Okay. I'll take you. Just be with him ... not very long. I'm sure for some reason that you will not last, who wants to see him like this, at such a time.

  - Is he...

  - He wakes up soon, Gaby. - A warmer tone Chakwas said. - I agree that he saved you.

  - I once felt that my presence is required on board. - Quietly said Daniels. - Hardly had time. Yes ... that's failed to convince. Neither Adams nor Shepard. Well at least I managed to convince vahtsluzhbu. Do not want to let on board, referred to the fact that my leave is at the beach ... it is not yet completed.

  - My heart told. - Noted Chakwas. - Familiar.

  - Probably. - Gabriela shyly looked down. - I thought that the legend - a legend, but it turned out ...

  - They are too much truth? - Chakwas went to the ward of the sickbay. - Yes, sometimes legends are truer than reality. - She stopped in front of the House door. - Gaby, please. Not for long.

  - I'll try. - Gabriel carefully pulled on the door handle.

  - Yeah. Try. - Chakwas turned and walked toward his office. Daniels stepped inside, covering the door behind him. Although the lighting in the room was about equal in strength bellhop coverage, it is somehow like to close the door.

  Shepard was lying in a hospital bed surrounded by consoles and December. Gabriel approached him, shyly took his hand. The equipment it did not react - smart automation able to filter such interference or here and therefore did not raise the alarm.

  Daniels recalled. Yes, she immediately decided to speak directly, only by way of ritual and protocol having obtained permission from the commander of the frigate. The problem, as she realized she was serious enough - by any protocols commander in the compartment appears clearly in the event of a trifling fault. Yes, he regularly there is in the order of rounds, but ... If there was a commander in addition to more and Shepard - a problem in engineering is clearly exceeded any statutory and customary framework. She was at that moment it seemed that Anderson knew her concern - and the professional and personal. Therefore I allowed to speak openly and frankly. So as she wanted. Still good on their captain. Present. And the presence of Shepard ... even cheered her, gave the assurance that her words are not just heard, but also understood.

  Is it risky? Often I risked. This compartment was very seldom visited. No one wanted to expose himself to danger, but there was ... just breaking in this very chamber. Damage to dramatically increase the level of dangerous background. If you can not eliminate the time - a big problem frigate, cruiser guaranteed. It's propulsion system.

  Probably every person sometimes wants to be the floor was different. And Daniels Adams felt the reluctance to allow her to correct this problem. And then I felt a reluctance to Shepard and Anderson. Yes, they are men, and she - a woman. And Kenneth was already here ... and obviously the success is not achieved. Do not they allowed him. But she and Kenneth - one. Assume that others want and normandovtsy volgovtsy think, but they are united. It is a firmly know that Kenneth will not let her alone and because there immediately began to talk about what she go there with Kenneth.

Facilitate suits. Standard procedure is a standard action. Nothing seems to be special. Except for one detail. If you really really alleviate suits - critical dose can grab quickly. But in the bay ... not just had to stay. There had to work. And the time might not be enough. Because Gabriela knew - the risk is huge. And the commander and chief mate and chief engineer of the frigates will not let it go just because she - the girl, the expectant mother. Kenneth And they did not let go because it is - one with Gabriela. That is because even ... Adams wanted to besiege it sharply, but ... look at it at the moment, thrown on glavinzhenera was just mad. Then ensued a short silence and Shepard in his usual manner asked her, Gabriella Daniels, wait ... outside cover. Behind the door, in short. And I did not react ... negatively on her burning eyes. Only repeated his request ... in a highly abbreviated form.

  As she slowly unfolded, and how slow to leave ... As if she did not believe that the request complied Exec. I do not believe at the same time subordinate, obedient, did what he wanted. He saved her. She came out of the engineering compartment. Released. And when the red light on the display VI. All. Conversely it is not allowed.

  And then ... then a few hours later she saw the gurney with Shepard. And I realized, realized what he was, the XO-cruiser frigate, went back into the compartment and troubleshoot. Victims at this very seriously. So seriously that Chakwas transferred him to "devices", questioning the ability of the captain of the body to regulate itself after a shake-up. But Shepard - wife and two kids. He risked himself, pushed her to the side, pushed aside Kenneth. I not allowed to go there, in this terrible chamber, even Adams. Anderson realized that Shepard does not stop. To keep it from doing so ... it will not work. Because - did not discourage. Now, Shepard will be a few days to recover, recover.

  Suddenly Gabrielle realized why the first to visit the House of Shepard was Alix. People have created robots, cyborgs, androids, to protect themselves from dangerous and heavy work. And all conceivable canons of this work, as a replacement for a damaged pipe into thermal mercilessly fonyaschem compartment was supposed to do a cyborg. Either Mark or Olivia. But they ... They're comfortable with the Shepard. For them, it is ... Yes, you have it - the commander, captain, officer, colleague, partner. And for Alix Alix ... For it is something more. Alix ... loves Shepard. He likes the way it is available, kiborgesse loves, unaware, and maybe - just not wanting to think about that to her love, robot love for reasonable organic organics much more reasonable ... very far. And so she ran, came the very first to Shepard to thank him as soon as she, in love with a person kiborgessa could thank for the fact that neither Mark nor Olivia or she were not forced to go instead of people, and instead of Turian, instead proteanina and instead salarian in this awesome slot. Because people do not want to lower their level of development, its perfection, did not want to give up the right to risk the right to be strong.

  Yes, Shepard once again pushed all normandovtsev behind him and risked a self. Pushed all, and of organic and Synthetic. Because Alix and ran with all haste. Because she prevailed upon Chakwas, Chakwas wise, to understand the reason for such haste visit young kiborgessy in sickbay even faster than she realized, Gabriela Daniels, the man and the dugout. Shepard again confirmed that he is - the best that he - strong, that he - the most prepared. And he confirmed that he would risk himself, and only himself. No other normandovtsami or volgovtsami. No other otryadovtsami. Only yourself.

  It is unlikely that Gabriella could verbally express what is going on in her soul, as she stood over the captain, prostrate in a hospital bed, unconscious. She was grateful to the captain because he refused her, an engineer, a girl, to protect her from having to risk from the threat of becoming disabled ... lose the ability to become pregnant and give birth. He defended it and the threat of losing Kenneth. Who knows what would have turned to Donnelly's work in this fonyaschem compartment. Gabriella was afraid even to list all the known possible negative effects to her - something which, and of safety and sanitation, she studied very deeply and fully. Because it is imagined ... I represent and could not let it into words. I could not express it in words nor in itself nor, especially, outside. Gabriella knew that she is young, too young and Shepard, who has not reached forty years, naturally thought it was too small to enable it's so easy to take the risk themselves and their future. The future is inextricably linked with Kenneth. Perhaps the captain knew that only Donnelly she married and he alone, funny and talkative young man who would become the father of her children. Therefore I do not agree that it is in danger and that he, Kenneth went there in the bay.

  Not knowing how else to express their respect and that really there to hide admiration for the master, Gabriella leaned gently lifted the captain's hand to his lips and kissed it. Yes, in human culture often kiss women's hands. But Captain Shepard deserved that she is now a young girl kissed her hand, man. A man with a capital letter.

  Carefully placing his hand on the blanket Shepard, Gabriella few minutes peered into the captain's face. She did not know, could not accurately determine whether it will come to him when he wakes up and begins to recover. Probably it would come, but come not one, but with Kenneth. That he did not speak Captain weakened, and that in fact ... a ... Kenneth talkative. Will come to enjoy the return of the captain ... in order. He needs detachment, volgovtsam need, need normandovtsam.

  As she did not want to leave, but ... it will soon shift in the engineering. It is necessary to prepare .... In brief nod to the captain ... he feels - it feels right now it does not matter - Gabriella carefully and quietly left the room, slowly closed the door. Chakwas passed by the cabinet. The doctor wrote something on his instrumentrone, Daniels could only see the display. Secrecy. Medical mystery.

  Stepping outside sickbay, Gabriella saw coming towards Kenneth.

  - You let? - With hope and some surprise he asked. The girl nodded.

  - So, let me.

  - Kenneth, he - unconscious. - Quietly said Daniels. - I understand. But ... let's not test the patience of Chakwas. The doctor said - one day Shepard wakes up. Then you and I will come together to it ...

  - Hinted that his swing? - Knowingly Kenneth said.

  - Including this Ken. - Gabriella nodded.

  - I see. Well. We watch with you soon. It is necessary to prepare. Come on.

  - Come on. - Gabriella sighed with relief. Kenneth behaved like a man. I adopted decision and began to implement it, translating into practice. So the two of them will come to Shepard later. When he has to be conscious. When he starts to recover.

  Forty minutes later, both the engineer reported Adams of the arrival of the compartment for making watches. Repairs continued in the engineering work was enough. But now there was no such damage and there were no such threats to super-needed. It is quite normal working situation. The ship passed the standard work plan and very soon will leave the dock, passing the final test and inspection. Ahead of the "Normandy" - new challenges, new flights.

  Svetlana returned from the central station. Her commander's watch ended. She asked Titov leave Central, to relax, he's in it practically spends the day and spend the night. Subordinating Stanislav very reluctantly. But he obeyed. I understand that ... Svetlana want to load themselves with work. Yes, Alla looked at her desire podezhurit Central is very frowned upon, but she also had to understand - if Svetlana stay in a cabin, it calms down.

  When contacted with Alla and Karin gave her information did not know what had happened in the engineering frigate bay, about what happened to Shepard, Selezneva, how to formulate the news so that Svetlana ... well, at least not reacted violently to it ... Now, any such news - trigger. Status Shepard already from the outset inspire much fear.

  It turned out that Svetlana felt it better and better, than the doctor cruiser. That's right, it always says it in John and John in it. That felt. Seleznev could not believe that Svetlana was able to stay calm, but felt that it was calm - a purely external. A friend once more able to amaze Alla.

  - I gave Karin camcorder code, Ala. I am now
able to constantly see and hear John ... until it is in sickbay. - He said Svetlana Selezneva met with in one of the corridors of the cruiser - "Volga" is now alone on duty in the outer roads, maintaining a state of full combat readiness and for an immediate departure. - I already watched. John - pull through. He is now ... it is very difficult, but it is - will get out. I believe in it and I want it.

  - Of course, it is going to make it, Svetlan. - Seleznev said. - It can not be in any other way. - Said the doctor with conviction. - You help him.

  - I will help. Karin fellow, gave me such a splendid opportunity. I've never so long not had the opportunity to look at John, but now ... This is the best that I have. I believe and I know - one day at most - he wakes up after two. And then I can talk to him. Chakwas not release him immediately from the sickbay and John will not put pressure on Karin. I know he loves her and she loves him, too. And her love for him ... my joy and delight. I know it is - the first, whom he so deeply loved and completely, when he came to the frigate. And I did not mind his love for her. She deserves his love. Because love is capable, too hot, complete and earnestly. So, how much she loved David, Ala.

  - I agree, Svetlan. You now...

  - Alla. - Reproachfully said Svetlana. - You are again trying to lock me in the cabin?

  - Be careful of Light. Go. - Cruiser doctor stepped aside, allowing Svetlana pass.

  - Will, Al. I will. John is waiting for the children and I will do everything so that they were born ... normal. - Streltsov said softly.

  And now again she sees the face of his chief friend on the big screen of the hall. He sees absolutely clear and fully - Synthetic ensure the best communication and the best signal quality. Yes John unconscious, but Svetlana clearly and fully aware, she was sure she was convinced - he wakes up and recover. Karin made her a nice gift - Svetlana calmed down a bit. Now she is almost constantly sees John. Can see his face, I can see his bed completely.


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