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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 192

by Theodore Daniels

  All can see. Chakwas from it hides nothing, except, of course, a purely medical information. It took only a few hours after John was in sickbay and Svetlana already feels - it feels even a little bit, but better.

  She, his wife and a girlfriend home knows him already come Alix and thereto have come Gabriella. Each of the visitors of its base to see John, but one base - one. They both love him. And at the same time remain free in their choice and in their feelings. Previously, Svitlana only read in books about how people can love robots and cyborgs, and now she sees and feels clearly feels how deeply, fully and sincerely loves John Alix. Yes, this kind of love for her, the man again, but she did not doubt - Alix is pure in his special relationship to her, Svetlana, John. And she, the legitimate wife of Shepard did not mind this special relationship.

  After a few steps, Svetlana greeted the approaching to it and allowed Zirda Zordu and Gray to rest on their mats. Zirda licked her hand and glanced at the screen.

  - How he Zirda? - Streltsov said, sitting down in a chair. Shepherd approached, put her head on his lap and sighed. - Clear. He'll pull through, Zirda. Be sure to pull through. He is such a...

  Zirda put her knee right paw. She often did that when she wanted to express agreement with the hostess words. Svetlana stroked paw Shepherd, she took her leg and walked on his rug. She lay down, watching with Svetlana intelligent, all notices sight.

  Enabling instrumentron, Svetlana took a picture with the camera on his ward screen. Zirda asleep, calming down and making sure that the hostess everything is in order. A few minutes Streltsov looked at John, then gently touched the screen with your fingers, stroked his face. "John, come back. Me and my children ... are waiting for you. It is waiting." - She thought, trying to imagine that he heard her request. And I feel the warmth inside. He understood. And he will return. Be sure to come back.

  Slowly consciousness returned to Shepard. Morok retreated, feeling becomes habitual, clear, complete. Finally he was able to unstick potyazhelevshy eyelids.

  MedLab frigate he recognized immediately. Ward. One of the sickbay wards. So, it had to evacuate after he came out of the corridor ... Managed yet. Certainly on a gurney. Although ... and could finish the game. And Karin, of course, has been around back then. And here she was. She leans over him. In the eyes - a dumb question, common to any physician: how are you feeling.

  - Thank you, Karin. - Shepard says faintly naughty lips and tongue are not too mobile, hard pushing air through the slit of the vocal cords. Almost a whisper turns whistling, faltering, but Karin brightens the face. It is, of course, had seen the readings - many decks and racks surrounded the bed on which lay on his back the captain.

  Pajamas. Normal hospital pajamas. So its time to take out of the suit and of shaped suit. We had time before he passed out. Although ... Karin herself could turn off his mind to carry out treatment of the most complete and accurate.

  Karin silently adjusts any settings, glancing askance at Shepard. He enjoys her view, enjoying the fact that he woke up, he was back to ordinary life.

  - Light ... - he says under his breath.

  Karin heard bent:

  - With her and the children all right, John. See the camera. - She pointed at a ball on the bracket. - It is more than a day can see you. You were unconscious, but now you are - on the road to recovery. The treatment gave the desired positive result. - She felt or saw tensed Shepard. - John, you're still very weak, so a return to work until ... we are not talking. A few days.

  - Karin, flight ... - Shepard whispered.

  - If he is - he will cope Anderson, John. I am convinced and confident at the same time. And you ... you need to recover fully. It takes time.

  - You'll feed ... - whispered the captain.

  - While - intravenously, John. This is a watch six or eight little okrepnesh, then - you can eat by himself. The most simple food. Gardner tried, cooked.

  - Tell him ... thanks. - Captain could not make his voice to get stronger, we get only a whisper.

  - That is eat - will give you the link and he will thank. - Said doctor of the frigate. Shepard closed his eyes for a few seconds, while expressing agreement. - It already came to you here, while you were sleeping. - She did not say "was unconscious," said "sleep." Shepard liked.

  - So, I did not dream ... - he whispered. Karin shook her head almost imperceptibly. - Do not dream ... Alix and Gabriella.

  Chakwas nodded, this time - in the affirmative. Shepard's lips twitched into a smile stretching.

  - They are the best, John. - Confirmed the doctor of the frigate. - Gabriella twice stormed the sickbay, but I let her only once. And Alix came once, but stayed near you for very long. I let her. She is very grateful to you, John. And, I'm sure you understood correctly and fully. That can rest a bit, and in the evening I'll let them come. Not only them. Now, John, you've got to just sleep.

  - Karin ...

  - Sleep, John. You need to get stronger and recover. Sleep for this - the best. And I will nourish you. In the dream, it is faster and better work. - Emphatically said Chakwas.

  - Well, Karin. - Shepard whispered, closing his eyes.

  As promised Chakwas, he woke up late in the evening. And immediately I felt how well he was able to rest and recover. Now, the weakness was not so strong and the voice could easily surpass whisper. As soon as he opened his eyes, bent over him and Michelle Chakwas. After making sure that the captain is more or less okay, Chloe with the tacit permission of Karin moved, and her place was taken by Anderson and Adams. They sat on stools brought by with him: Chakwas stepped away from the bed, turned to the two decks full of instruments.

  - We are glad that you have to sleep off a bit, John. - David said quietly. - We have there, in the engineering, everything is fine. I thank you for the elimination of the problem, John. You helped us ... very. - Anderson put his hand on John's arm, gently squeezed. More words are not needed. Shepard closed his eyes - yet he is not able to move my head - it was not for this force.

  - I confirm John. - Greg Adams said. - In engineering no more no problem. Neither large nor small. Thank you.

  Shepard again closed his eyes for a few seconds. When opened, he saw that the bed are Gabrielle and Kenneth.

  - They really wanted to see you, John. Karin finally allowed them. - Anderson said quietly. - We will go. - He stood up from the stool behind him stood Adams. Commander and chief engineer of the frigate came out of the House. Stools took engineers. Gabriella hid his eyes, Kenneth, too much worry.

  - So in the engineering ... everything is normal? - Shepard asked, interrupting obviously protracted pause.

  - Yes captain. Thanks to you. - Said Kenneth. - Me and Gaby ... very grateful to you ... that ... We will never forget.

  - I believe. - Shepard tried to smile, and he succeeded much better than the first time. - At the wedding but do not forget to invite.

  - You will be one of the most honorable and distinguished guests, Captain. - Gabriella said. At this point, it is the most feared Shepard something to say about her kiss - she wanted it to remain a secret from Kenneth. I really wanted to, and, as it turned out, Shepard knew it:

  - Glad to see you. - Said the captain. - Come, relax. Tomorrow - a new working day.

  - Recover, Captain. - Gabriella first rose from the stool. Kenneth embarrassed coughed farewell nodded and followed her friend. "Five minutes - and his wife" - thought the XO.

  Designated Engineers immediately took Olivia and Alix. Kiborgessy nodded almost simultaneously, in response to Shepard just closed his eyes and they have correctly understood its temporary inability to something more.

  - Thank you, Captain. - Olivia said. - About what happened already know at the headquarters on the Citadel and "Omega." Miralem From this we could not conceal. Yes, and we would not be able. So they, the second headquarters knows everything.

  - I see. - Shepard said quietly. Yes, the voice grew stronger, but the full force of it obviously pick up later. - What situation?

  - John. - Reproa
chfully said Olivia. - Karin and Michel forbidden to overload you with information. And the load - too. Several days you need a break. Consider that you - leave.

  - In injury? - Without a smile she murmured the captain.

  - You could say that. - Agreed to the older kiborgessa. - Okay. - She got up. - I'll go, you have to help Mark. At the Citadel now - increased activity of information flow is expected. It is necessary to control it. - She left, closing the door behind him.

  Alix scooted closer, took over Shepard's hand, squeezed gently. She was pleased that her mother had left her alone with the captain.

  - Thank you, Captain. For your ... thing. You have confirmed that people want to be strong for yourself ... - said softly younger kiborgessa. - And I really, really appreciate what you did. - She tilted her head, after a few seconds straight. - Relax ... and recovers. We all look forward to your return ... - she got up, bowed her head slightly in a farewell bow, and then quietly and quickly left.

  Behind kiborgessami came turians with Yavikom and Mordin. Few talk on neutral topics. Shepard saw and felt - they are happy to see him, glad that he survived. As he left, the four captain wished a speedy recovery.

  - Today, everything, John. - Karin came to the House. - I know you want to see very many. But - now you have to eat. - She pressed several sensors on his instrumentrone headboard and began to rise slowly. - I see that you are happy to accept accumbency, John. - A doctor of the frigate captain pulled up to the table, laid out on his containers. - Proceed. Eat quietly. And then ... Then you will have a session with Svetlana. She is waiting.

  - Thank you, Karin. - Shepard felt small burst of energy, and the flavor and smell coming from the half-open containers, aroused strong hunger and no less significant appetite. He picked up the cutlery, opened the first container. - Share a meal with me?

  - With pleasure, John. - A doctor of the frigate sat down on a stool, pulled up one of the containers to her, armed with a fork. - On board the frigate - everything is normal. A few more days - and the ship will be completely ready to return to the outer harbor.

  - You always possess full information, Karin. - Smiling, Shepard looked at Chakwas, pick up another piece of casserole fork.

  - I try to, John. - The doctor smiled faintly.

  So speaking, they had dinner. While Chakwas cleaning up containers and tools, Shepard as he could, cited in the order of their appearance: buttoned his jacket and straightened his pajamas, wiped the face of the sanitary napkin. Karin smiled, seeing his efforts, and he smiled back at her - they perfectly understood each other.

  - I leave you, John. Immediately after the end of the session - to sleep. You have to catch up on sleep, Captain. - Chakwas came to the chamber door, he turned back. - Quiet rest, John.

  - You a relaxing stay, Karin. - Shepard said utaplivaja key communication with the board of "Volga".

  Finally, he saw his Svetlana. Almost two days he did not see or hear her. She saw him, heard his smooth, slightly agitated breath and almost burst into tears.

  - Well, well, Svetlana ... - he said quietly, knowing that these are the words that are so waiting for him his main girlfriend, wife, mother of his children. - I am here, close to you. I love you too.

  - I'm also ... really, really love you, John. My Joe ... - Svetlana sobbed, trying to master himself. She wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, moved closer to the screen desktop instrumentrona. - I'm glad you ... you came back ... came back to us ... All three ... - she sighed - jagged, uneven, throwing off his fears, fear, insecurity. - I'm glad you're ... you're all right, John. Very happy. - She smiled timidly, trying hard to show that she really glad. And she was able to show. John smiled and Svetlana Svetlana ... that smile said more than two-hour monologue. John grew stronger. He will stay a little longer in sickbay, and then, quite possible, if circumstances permit ...

  They spoke briefly. Longer - we looked at each other.

  - Quiet rest you, Svetlana. - Shepard said, feeling that Svetlana too tired.

  - Quiet rest you, John. - Echoed Streltsov, extinguishing the screen.

  Redeem screen and First Mate, pushing aside the bracket and lowering podgolove in a horizontal position. Now he could get a good sleep and normal sleep. Svetlana and children all right.

  The next day, Shepard woke up rather late - somewhere at nine o'clock in the morning, instead of six, as usual. In sickbay it was quiet. Lying is no longer wanted, weakness persisted, but was less visible and snare to a much lesser extent than before. Yet Karin patched this thorough and her work has had on the state of your captain's beneficial effects.

  - John, do not try to get up. - Silently appeared in the House Chakwas approached the deck, took the readings, consulted with instrumentronom.

  - Karin, I simply can no longer lie flat. - Shepard said.

  - Have to. I told you - a few days. And it took only two. Two more days at least.

  - Karin ...

  - John, I do not want you to suffer, and I do not want you to have not recovered fully. So - no stress in the next two days. Talk with Svetlana, read ...

  - Ugum. From the list of permitted literature, doctor.

  - And even if so, John. - Chakwas sat on the edge of the bed. - Not the case, believe that too brave and exceed the limits.

  - Okay. I obey. - XO sighed.

  - Good. - Chakwas stood up, walked to the deck, typed code and a few commands. - The third channel.

  - Got it. - Shepard raised headrest in semi-sitting position, turned instrumentrona screen. - Found, I included.

  - Good. - The ward Gardner went with trays and containers. - Only the captain of the food - do not read. Food demands respect.

  - Rupert, thank you. I never thanked you for the menu ... - Shepard exchanged cook frigate firm handshake.

  - Nothing, Captain. The main thing - you are recovering. And I bother about food. Dr. Chakwas still all the checks, so no problem on my part will not.

  - Delicious. - Shepard armed with a knife and fork, cut into patties and meatballs, sipped herbal drink.

  - I'm glad you enjoyed it, Captain. Enjoy your appetite recovers. - Rupert nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  - Well, at least visit, you allow me, Karin? These two days. To me that kind ...

  - Approved. To the extent practical, John. - The doctor said. - The framework will specify. And without talking about the problems and working moments. Nothing until you strain.

  - Good. I obey, Karin. - Shepard finished brew, put the cup down on the table, pushed him against the wall chambers.

  - Do not worry, Karen. - Svetlana entered the ward. - I'll be with him these two days. Alla allowed. By way of exception. I would still not remained sitting in the cruiser, and as long as too much difficulty on board no ... Yes, even if there were a small ... or more - Titov cope. And I'm still going with John.

  - I'm surprised, Svetlana. - Karin consulted with instrumentronom. - Yes, Alla really allowed, I am amazed, but ...

  - Karin, next to the light I recovered much faster. - Shepard said, sitting up and hugging her friend approached the bed.

  - I believe. - Doctor instrumentron closed. - Svetlana, only a bargain - and you observe mode.

  - Will, Karin. Next to John - I will. - Svetlana pulled up a chair to the bed, sat down carefully.

  - I hope so. - Having said that, the doctor left the room, closing the door.

  As soon as the lock clicked, Shepard Svetlana attracted to her, hugged her face zatselovyvaya:

  - My Light, you managed ?!

  - Well, I did for you has arrived, John. - Svetlana quietly replied, numb with joy and awareness of the proximity to the husband and the main other. - Persuading still Alla, but she especially did not resist. So two days I'll be there with you. Here, in the sickbay. They brought me my volgovtsy here - as a kind of queen - gently and quickly. Revealed training class. Sheremetyeva your diptrassor suggested to use, so they soared ...

  - Glad. Very happy, Svetlana. Let's, arranged side by side. You wi
ll be easier reclining, and me - calmly.

  - Is Oh, John ?! Calmer ... skazanul too. - I laughed Streltsov, however rising from his chair, and lying down on the large hospital bed next to Shepard. - You are, after all, ...

  - About Me, Light, do not worry. I get up and sit banned banned in bed, but lie-I can in every one, even more so - close to you and with you.

  - I believe. - Svetlana kissed him on the lips, and for a few minutes in the room there was silence, broken only by a rare peep medical equipment.

  They spoke at length on various topics. We talked a lot, not noticing how midday as it was lunch time.

  - I am pleased to see you two together. - In the room, knocked, entered Gardner with trays and containers. - I hope you enjoy my cooking. - He put forward a large table, spread out containers, took bags with cutlery, opened containers with drinks. - Help yourself and feast.

  - Thank you, Rupert. - John and Svetlana said it almost simultaneously and Gardner smiled and left them together, leaving the chamber. - Probably, he brought lunch and Karin. - Svetlana said, beginning to eat. - You go ahead, eat, and then come Chakwas - order quickly hover.

  - I know. She is so. And you navedёsh order even faster. - Shepard smiled, picking up a spoon and scooping soup. - I've been addicted to soups. Good, satisfying meal.

  - Rupert definitely increased in the level of professional skill. The main thing - he has mastered the home cooking. Not standard, namely home. - Svetlana began the second dish. - Looks like cruiser cook can be proud - they have beautiful and a quick learner.

  - Could well be. - At this time thought Shepard was very far from those of the gastronomic excellence of food - he liked that with him - it Svetlana and his children, that she will stay with him these two days, which is now no possibility like this, just to see and feel his wife and a girlfriend home represents a single life lost for hours. And Svetlana has once again realized her husband and the other right.

  Pushing aside a table with containers, and John went to Svetlana, embracing. Svetlana soothed asleep, and Shepard stared at her, then kissed her and covering her with a blanket another wife, too, fell asleep.


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