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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 223

by Theodore Daniels

  The wedding ceremony Ashley and Kaidan was unique. Equally unique was then a concert.

  Suan. Communication with rachni. Awakening krogan Gryunt. And all this - on the background of hard work on the study of the set of star systems. Among them was also a stellar memory system. If not for the presence of a number of Shepard, Strel'tsova then it would be much harder. But John was with her, he departed with the consent of Anderson's cruiser, and was all the time with his wife and her friend. He, John Shepard, always believed that Svetlana for him - especially the main girlfriend and then wife. And Svetlana as Alix knew it very much.

  On the planet Horizon Olivia made saboteur appliances to regret their actions. It effectively made, it is now understood Alyx. And Shepard did not stop kiborgessu, giving herself to decide on the punishment of the pest-man. Olivia rarely talked about it, but always, when talking to her daughter about this episode, always emphasizes that John appreciates her confidence kiborgesse established anti-human "Cerberus". Olivia became over time to insure the command of the unit in a very busy time, often - just accompanying commanders and senior officers. Now it is occupied by it, her daughter. And it is a lesson like. Because Shepard trust her. And trust any other otryadovtsu. Yes, at least the same Alenko that was just crazy, knowing that Ashley was pregnant. Only Shepard was able to calm Kaidan, telling him something very important. Not words - his behavior.

  Alix remembered how her mother told about the parking lot at Illiume about Shepard's meeting with the agent of the Board, with the greenskin asari with Ferosa ... Yes, my mother was working ... as people called - under the legend, under the guise of ... and works well, knowing that the next Shepard. She loved her mother while Shepard is definitely loved. And now, love. This mother's love for the XO does not interfere with Alix in his love of captain. It does not prevent. Even helps because my mother Alix unique. Young kiborgessa never doubted that for her, for Alix, the concept of "adopted daughter" does not apply. She Alix for Olivia - his own daughter. Because Olivia Alix believed so that gave her the right and the opportunity to generate the AI control centers, gave her young kiborgesse, vital and most valuable technology. Alyx knew I would never be able to betray the trust of Olivia. Never, in any way.

  Olivia was very helpful otryadovtsam and, of course, Shepard, as they dealt with the mercenaries on Illiume, removing from the case-Samara Justiciary.

  Shepard watched over and over again a short video documenting the recruitment of the first spectrum. Yes, he would have been finished a moralist, he would have found a lot of perturbed, sharp, sharp words, accusing the asari schematically presented in this videorekonstruktsii in all conceivable mortal sins. Actually ... what more could be expected from the race, the transformation which Protheans ... was put to chance, to put it in simple language. Yes, perhaps Protheans were not guilty of what they had to retreat with Tess, throw such extensive work due to apparent the real threat of a large-scale offensive Reapers. Yes, Protheans worthy of respect and admiration - they really tried to make the asari perfect in many ways the race. But to see the asari's so easy to create an organization that could, on occasion,

  The Academy of Management reasonable organics - both individual and collective, has been given a lot of attention. Theoretical training was on par with the best institutions of higher education, and often, because of the specific, and exceeded this level. Versatility reasonable, their ability to go to extremes to have become commonplace Academy students, and thanks to the teachers and counselors - the usual. The seventh century BC by the galactic chronology, asari already know who salarians who the krogan and understand that everything is more complicated. All - or rather, a lot. Yes, the galaxy penetrate deeper into the essence and soul of races, have mastered long space flights. For several hundred years, and asari salarians been tacitly recognized leaders in the scale and pace of development of the galaxies of outer space. They were the best researchers and of course, they had to pay for it a terrible price. Yes, long space flights, and not only on the repeater network, but also in ordinary space. But it had little effect in a positive way to improve the moral character of organic reasonable.

  And now asari does not particularly differ in the sense of moral purity of the captured offender - salarian. Bilo Gyurdzhin was quite notorious criminal - he did not disdain any methods and means, if you set a goal and achieve it wanted. One could not doubt that Azari, who wanted to know the breadth of permissiveness, albeit by proxy, it salarian Bilo Gyurdzhin who used thirty civilians as bait for defrauding and subsequent liquidation of the reason, which he wanted to eliminate was the ideal candidate for the post of head of the organization able to initially rise and above the law and above morality.

  Time after time, Shepard was looking through a key episode in the video mode, the reconstruction of this landmark event. View and thinking.

  - "Bilo Gyurdzhin, you are accused of using civilians as thirty greed to lure and eliminate your target.

  - I know that they will survive ... most likely. "

  Yes, these unarmed civilians - which however, a difference to what races they belonged to, most importantly, that it was reasonable organic ... They could and survive - sometimes the situation was favorable to the doomed. Yes, according to the laws of morality and generally accepted laws of today, Bilo Gyurdzhin was dangerous recidivist, and whose release could not very well insulated from the prison, and not something that is offered to lead some quite legitimate, albeit a very secret service. Like almost any criminal of such magnitude, Bilo feared isolation, afraid that he would perform a simple physical or clerical work until the end of his days. What to do, illegal drug activity obsessed essence reasonable organics is very reliable, and even more so if this was a reasonable field of organic Gyurdzhin Bilo, at the mention of whose name paled many civil reasonable. Too many. Too Bed and ruthless was this subject. Too. It is not surprising because Bilo frightened paperwork - it's likely to be the first of what he thought when he heard that he wants to make an offer ... from which will be difficult to refuse. He once refused to from the paperwork and asari, who spoke with him, cast out of the camera ... just calculate the time. I refused to be one hundred percent probability. He once refused to from the paperwork and asari, who spoke with him, cast out of the camera ... just calculate the time. I refused to be one hundred percent probability. He once refused to from the paperwork and asari, who spoke with him, cast out of the camera ... just calculate the time. I refused to be one hundred percent probability.

  "- You release Council wants you to create a special housing tactical reconnaissance..

  - Office work? No thanks.

  - This is not a clerical job. Spectra will be the best of the best, to stand above the law and be accountable only to the Board. You will be first. "

  This time Shepard was inclined to identify as particularly crucial. Azari signed the verdict not only themselves, they signed the verdict to all the races of the galaxy, creating an organization that is ready to become the accomplice of the Reapers. They tried to convince Bilo lightly that he and his new accomplices - in a different way is not the first mate would like to determine their status - are really the best of the best. It would seem - in many ways, as it turned out - only one - it is such a reasonable organics were best suited for an active and, most importantly, productive activities outside the framework of morality, morality, the law and common sense.

  Azari and we have not noticed as tried too easy to solve the basic contradiction - they created the Citadel Council, which, at that time, certainly were themselves asari and their main and supreme at the time partners - salarians, was obliged to obey in its activities, but that there is in the activities - in its very real existence and requirements of morality and written law, but his body ... the body Spectra formally freed from the need to be as strict or almost strictly follow these requirements. Report to the Council, constrained by law and morality at least outwardly had a body that this law and morality was not bound. Logical, emotional error caused by the burning lazines
s and no less acute understanding that need a tool that can go on a big, very big extremes.

  It was terrible that this body should extend its activities not the Citadel, not to nearby worlds and the entire galaxy. Yes, Spectra would like to extend its influence in the galaxy, and failed. Because it was originally designed as a housing Spectra reconnaissance-sabotage unit. It was very familiar especially for asari. Blow - bounce, bump - bounce. And the fact that the work of spectrum should be analytical, predictive, the calculated, to a large extent - stationery - Asari did not think - not until they were when the krogan smeleli before our eyes. Blue-skinned virgins get the wind up and therefore went into creating such a body that's designed to give accurate small strokes in the sense of breeding with great speed lizards. Every now and again.

  Every now and again. Forgot asari, oh, we forget that the spectrum will have to take on the defense and protection of galactic security function. What sort of galactic - asari even bezopasnsostyu Citadel, as it turned out, they failed. We could not cope with the security of his own world, had only to appear within the Galaxy opponent such as Reapers. So either the local or the global security protection galactic spectra proved to have failed, for they were born of the structure, which deal with the duties of regulatory initially was not able to.

  Oh, how Yaviku managed to do it - he did not know Shepard, but Tevosov was arrested and taken to a single capsule Prisons Corps spectrum on the Citadel. Her duties performed one of the matrons, the most recognized Yavikom compliance. Of course on the suspension from work counselor Tevosov and the Citadel and in the space station and the many worlds of the galaxy despite the ongoing war in favor all those who wanted not only spoke - there have been cases of clashes supporters Tevosov with its opponents. It got to the use of weapons. Let not the mass, but the fact speaks for itself.

  Yavik as first mate knew went in fits and starts to work with the contents of the obelisks that are stored in hangars "Volga". And in the last few days, he almost did not appear there - too many problems reached for a deposition Tevosov. Proteanin once mentioned that in the near future, he will fly to Tess, to ... to support it Liara. Yet he pushed her candidacy for the post of Adviser to the Citadel. Who would doubt that the front of the warrior of the ancient races, before a representative of the Elder Race is simply impossible to resist?

  That could not resist. Yavik even managed to get rid of the need to move Liara, albeit temporarily, the Citadel, the need to extend the formal ceremony, the ritual of introducing the post. In general, if you do not get into the details, completely spent Yavikom, Liara became belligerent Advisor, remained to live and work, as well as to fight on Tess. Now the housing arrangement, a part of which she fought, built Sector Advisor. The big secret was built. Yavik once mentioned that even the corps commander, matriarch Weiss go to them only after a very strict examination and no less strict identification procedures. And Liara about this construction, as they say, neither sleep nor spirit. Thanks to the efforts Yavika is able to provide a minimum degree of decryption. Legendirovanie was carried out at the highest level. Liara ... I am waiting for a big surprise. Yes, it will certainly be impressed and can not be said that the only pleasant. But she, like Shepard realized quickly explained that for what and why - Yavik spent huge preparatory work, even found it very professional assistants.

  Somehow, Shepard thought that counted Yavik situation much deeper. Proteanin he wanted to meet with the penny there, Tess, which prepared the whole operation - the use of standard methods, tools and techniques was in his opinion can not, therefore, as a first mate knew, in the case will be involved crew of "Blades of Fury." Not surprising. The details Shepard did not climb, knowing that proteanin he will do well. Liara will work at the post of Adviser to the Citadel. Not easy, by the way, Advisor, namely the warring Advisor. Yavik in a short conversation somehow Shepard explained that it is this status allows Liara avoid compulsory resettlement of the Citadel and the passage of a standard procedure in the initiation Advisors. Proteanin as understood, assumes that subsequently Liara agrees to spend a few months on Ilos, maintaining multi-channel communication with their assistants asari. Needless to say, the situation Yavik counted detail. The main thing was that Liara will not have to wander between the Citadel and Tess. Let the lives and works on his home planet, you see, and will be born and embodied in the reality of a new tradition.

  Housing spectrum was established to monitor the activity of the krogan - all the materials studied XO few hours after watching the main video reconstructive claimed it with all certainty. Many start small and large error Council began with this little mistake - establishment of the organization, formally orient only the opposition of the Lizards. After only five to seven years after a conversation with the offender asari Bilo krogan attacked planet Lucia and we took it, considering that for the opposition rachni Council must adequately reward krogan.

  As usual, some materials from the following file contained in the previous, so the captain calmly collected containers and moved to the next dimly flickering circle videorekonstruktsii radiator system. It was the archive of K306 containing, as pointed out by the label, the only known recording of attack troops kroganskogo Lord Kredaka on the Council. The label claimed that the recording is not related to the category of full-scale reconstructions, attached sound. And so it proved.

  True to its standards of examining the data Shepard paid very close attention to the way in the Archives of the Citadel were recorded events preceding the attack on the Council. In the five hundred and fifth BC on obschegalakticheskomu chronology asari colony base to Luss. Situated in the system Tomaros nebula Athens planet was very attractive for the asari - long year, the long hours, the normal atmospheric pressure, almost indistinguishable from the ground, the normal force of gravity is also very close, as it turned out, to the earth, plus a surface temperature of 12 degrees - and not very cold and not very hot. Not surprisingly, the asari in a short time brought the number of its colonies on this planet to an impressive all-human earthling numbers of two billion sinekozhih virgins. Little India such. Krogan know where to strike. It is well known - in military tactical and strategic talents it was impossible to refuse at all desire, clearly manifested by the Council of the Citadel, then consisted of asari and salarians. By the way, the last five hundred years BC and it became a time when the asari and salarians seriously concerned about the development of the station, the approval of the Citadel as the center of the galactic community, and which was to lead the Council. Year of Education became the "zero year", opens a standard galactic chronology. Well like a reasonable organic make a reality-driven changes they love. it is the last five hundred years BC and became a time when the asari and salarians seriously concerned about the development of the station, the approval of the Citadel as the center of the galactic community, and which was to lead the Council. Year of Education became the "zero year", opens a standard galactic chronology. Well like a reasonable organic make a reality-driven changes they love. it is the last five hundred years BC and became a time when the asari and salarians seriously concerned about the development of the station, the approval of the Citadel as the center of the galactic community, and which was to lead the Council. Year of Education became the "zero year", opens a standard galactic chronology. Well like a reasonable organic make a reality-driven changes they love.

  In the period from five hundred to three hundredth years BC to obschegalakticheskomu chronology turians been embroiled in a civil war that was fought between many Turian colonies. The first fight with each other become more isolated colonies were located at the boundaries of space consisting of Twa Turian. As usual, the hierarchy for several years did not intervene in the conflict between the individual colonies, but then did everything to at least try to resolve the remaining differences, restoring peace. Formally - yes, there is peace in the space of the future Turian Hierarchy, and in fact the feud between the Turian colonies persisted and later for many decades.

  Looking on the links accompanying
materials, Shepard was convinced that at this time begins a joint galactic expansion, carried out by two dominant races - the asari and salarians. Naturally, for the confirmation of good neighborliness and peaceful intentions of some of the Salarian community has decided to present its new partners sinekozhih convincing proof. Salarians for unknown, or rather - remains classified reasons "pass" asari information about his secret unit, called in the few surviving documents from that time, "the League of Unity." Professionals who formed this unit to learn that they actually betrayed, did that from them completely oglupevshie policy salarian least expected - they simply vanished from the space Salarian Union. Realising that the existence of free, uncontrolled existence of such specialists threatens the very foundations of Salarian community Salarian Union leadership gives a predictable order "search and destroy" those who tried to be above officials and politicians. We do not have time - the soldiers' Unity League "kill all members Salarian Union government cabinet, once again proving that devotional weapons can very hurt and betrayed effectively avenge his former master. Salarians take into account the experience and incited to runaway once again members of the "Unity League," agents of his other secret services - "Special Response Group." This spice was able to find and kill twelve of the thirteen members of the "Unity of the League." Until now, the thirteenth member of the League sought and could not in any way to identify and find. uncontrolled existence of such specialists threatens the very foundations of Salarian community Salarian Union leadership gives a predictable order "search and destroy" those who tried to be above officials and politicians. We do not have time - the soldiers' Unity League "kill all members Salarian Union government cabinet, once again proving that devotional weapons can very hurt and betrayed effectively avenge his former master. Salarians take into account the experience and incited to runaway once again members of the "Unity League," agents of his other secret services - "Special Response Group." This spice was able to find and kill twelve of the thirteen members of the "Unity of the League." Until now, the thirteenth member of the League sought and could not in any way to identify and find. uncontrolled existence of such specialists threatens the very foundations of Salarian community Salarian Union leadership gives a predictable order "search and destroy" those who tried to be above officials and politicians. We do not have time - the soldiers' Unity League "kill all members Salarian Union government cabinet, once again proving that devotional weapons can very hurt and betrayed effectively avenge his former master. Salarians take into account the experience and incited to runaway once again members of the "Unity League," agents of his other secret services - "Special Response Group." This spice was able to find and kill twelve of the thirteen members of the "Unity of the League." Until now, the thirteenth member of the League sought and could not in any way to identify and find.


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