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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 224

by Theodore Daniels

  Actually, not even looking particularly because they were set up to destroy "traitors", and not the fact, to catch them. Anyone who has seen repeatedly tokens members' Unity League "on the corpses salarians who has seen these tokens at the mercenaries that unknown present ways took on the sole evidence of belonging to a secret fraternity of professionals in the invisible war, Shepard doubted - salarians again, wishful thinking, perfectly understand that even technology training salarian intelligence agents, in principle, able to get around forty-year lifespan of most salarians give, however, rather ghostly opportunity for professionals who escaped physically survive.

  A little distracted from studying the problem of confrontation between salarian intelligence agencies to ensure implementation of at least illusory opportunity to become partners salarians asari on reasonable life of organic management in the galaxy, Shepard pointed out that, according to the chronology obschegalakticheskoy four hundred and seventy-third year on the asari colony Lessuse was founded. The duration of the year and, accordingly, the duration of the day there were a little less than usual for the earthlings, the surface temperature reached forty degrees, the atmospheric pressure was below ground, but gravity - above.

  But the main thing - the planet was Lessus-garden and seemingly Asari could go at least to the fact to give the opportunity to stay on this planet representatives of many open by the time the Galaxy races. No, the blue-skinned maidens showed surprising toughness and publicly declared that the planet Lessus located in Mesa star system in the cluster Nimbus will be colonized and populated by only the asari. Okay, it seems to be such a statement and that intention was not the first and, according to the captain of the materials scanned archives, did not raise any objection, especially sharp. But Asari went to the maximum classification of almost any information about this planet, doing everything possible to even come close to this planet kosmokorablyam was extremely difficult.

  Yes, the conditions on the planet were malokomfortny even asari thoughtful and clever men of many races have been proven materials Archives Citadel, pay attention to it. Some even appeared to suggest that blue-skinned maiden decided to make the whole planet a sort of prison space for dangerous criminals of their race - no one is expecting that the entire multi-million dollar race asari will consist solely of the righteous, whatever sex they is not formally treated.

  Gravity on Lessuse recognized for extremely high asari, also revealed a high infectiousness of local diseases, added and confirmed by the soil unsuitable for growing edible plants for the asari. For those who knew the general laws of evolution and organization of communities of intelligent beings, such information does not leave sufficient room for doubt - Lessus became planet-insulator and familiar to the large number of people newly founded asari colony here was not absolutely necessary.

  Lessus, as it turned out, was located at a respectable distance from the busiest trade routes, which only helped to maintain the high level of its isolation. Now-a-Shepard and not only he, by the way, know that there is on this planet is the monastery, which is home to a large number of Asari, has an activity or being in "sleep" gene state "Ardath-yakshas" - a special defect, kills all reasonable organics, with whom such genes which had entered into intimate asari and is now turned out, not only in intimate, relationship. Some kolonistki been proven viewed Shepard materials Archives Citadel, really settled in lessuskom monastery voluntarily, while others exiled to relatives, to somehow protect the community and not just the asari asari from the very real danger of death, posed by such blue-skinned virgins here. It is not surprising that teachers at the monastery were doing in their work focused on the formation of educability installation of self-sacrifice for the common good. Passive asari had more, even after decades of isolation, even if illusory, but the opportunity to return to the community tribeswoman, but active, as it turned out, were doomed community asari for permanent residence in a monastery. Until his death, which has been proven Materials Archives, and sometimes was unnatural. but active, as it turned out, they were doomed to permanent residence in this community asari monastery. Until his death, which has been proven Materials Archives, and sometimes was unnatural. but active, as it turned out, they were doomed to permanent residence in this community asari monastery. Until his death, which has been proven Materials Archives, and sometimes was unnatural.

  Several tens of minutes Shepard remembered all that he was now known about Ardath-yakshas and their place in the community of the asari. Then, by displaying his instrumentrona chronological table, the captain chose to study a mark four hundred and thirtieth year BC. Then in the Mesa cluster Nimbus was founded on the planet Limetis asari colony, numbering according to the latest census, the famous Shepard just twelve million with a small population.

  There asari extracted zeolites. Extracted slowly, not trying to quickly exhaust the resources of the planet, there is little suitable for an active settlement - the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases once this move is not particularly promoted.

  A little closer to zero, the - three hundred eighty-one BC turians founded a colony on Digerise - Castel system Appiyskom Cross. Low atmospheric pressure, low gravity, an acceptable surface temperature - just twenty-one degrees Celsius. This world later became the scene of clashes with the rebels Turian krogan and here Banner of the First Regiment was found. Turians then won - according to the Archives of the Citadel against ptitsemordye released few kroganskih dreadnoughts its huge fleet of cruisers and destroyers. Floppy mastodons were powerless against the "mosquitoes" and krogan fully paid for his mad break for Palaven.

  In order to catch up with the asari and salarians degree in any other race influence needed to demonstrate a truly titanic tenacity and noted something quite unique. Such capable race were funny and cute balls - Volusia, which is just in the period from three hundred to two hundred BC by obschegalakticheskomu chronology began to implement its grand expansion - sonorous name, but it fully reflects the essence carried out at the time of the process that has engulfed the whole race . Volusia found several planets which were suitable for the creation of new colonies and discovered many planets with minerals.

  Shortly after the contact of the Citadel - the asari and salarians - to Volusia. Citadel Council requested Volusia create a unified law on the banking system, which is a result of the established standard galactic currency izuvestnuyu now as a "credit" and associate all galactic economies. In fact, Volusia laid skeleton bind and financially and economically all the races of the galaxy space together albeit at a fairly shaky ground.

  Making sure that the system established Volusia, works and benefits and profit in two hundred BC Citadel Council is honored volus honor to be the first race to receive the right to a permanent embassy in the stations and on the status of associate member of the Presidium. However, as proven materials Archives Citadel, Volusia, and did not plan to provide a seat on the Council. So the "balls" did not receive the real levers of influence, which determined their care "under the wing" to the Turian.

  And then - as a burst. However, this indicated breakthrough and history - on a par with the asari salarians decided that during this period should start a new chronology, that is, from the ground to start the countdown. At two hundred BC and the first AD on a new galactic chronology, the first contacts with the asari and salarians batarians. About a century after the four-eyed meeting of civilizations open an embassy on the Citadel. The fact that they have ever included in the Council accurate information.

  Azari has been shown to get acquainted with the documents of the video archive, continue to actively explore the galaxy, get in stellar ElKor system, help them, in particular, find yourself and activate the nearest repeater. Recorded that asari hit the motherboard ElKor system without using a repeater in the documents of the video archive for some reason was not, although the information available on numerous other links gave reason to believe that the asari also had and technology, and even ships that can dispense with the mediation repeaters, passing
enormous distances in free space, but not in the tunnels formed by the load "catapults". The fact that such technology existed asari and ships were not nothing strange - that the concept of a reasonable, It can be understood by other reasonable adequately and quickly, whether it's reasonable or sensible Synthetic Organic. So it was clear - something still made - and not only asari - to refuse further improvement is such independent repeater technology and engineering. To know what it was ...

  During the duration of ElKor life, as stated in the documents of the video archive, which is about one hundred and fifty - two hundred years, the Giants race to establish trade and economic relations with the Citadel and also opened its embassy in the stations. In the same period, it took contact with asari and salarians Hanaro and quarians. Both races as claimed numerous documents videoarihva, and later open their embassy on the Citadel.

  Later in the video archive located generally devastating information. It turned out that the expedition sent from the Citadel, using recently discovered repeater faced rachni - hostile vysokorazviitoy races traveling in space insects of collective intelligence. It has been made, of course, attempts to negotiate with rachni, but they suffered over and over again the failure, since the Council, as stated in a number of video archive documents for some reason could not reach rachni queens who lived under the earth on its toxic planets. Most documents are available on the links that point was carefully bypassed silence - followed immediately transition to a wartime to a confrontation with rachni. Thus began the era of the Council, called in its first part of the "War and Rebellion" and lasted from the first year of a new era for the nine hundredth year of a new era. Meeting with rachni took place just in the first year of a new era.

  Getting acquainted with the documents by following links, Shepard thought about the emerging picture in front of him. It turns out that too relaxed during the almost inevitable festivities on the occasion of the introduction of the new chronology, asari salarians everyone else novoprisoedinёnnye race lost landmarks and succumbed to the euphoria.

  Payment is clearly indicated documents was immediate. Citadel Council went to the programmed path of the Reapers, and began to build the Galaxy development plans are not worlds of maternal and asari salarians with batarians, Volusia and quarians and the Citadel. One could understand the first counselor, but too expensive ... it's all cost, because the same could easily explain Volusia Advisers that prepared the expedition, dumped everything necessary to the Citadel again and again, at least much more expensive than the same expedition organized directly from the parent world each interested races. Apparently, the first advisors pressed these funny koloboks something very serious, almost forcing them to shut up and just follow orders and decisions of the Council.

  The discovery of a new transponder - the fact, of course, a notable and worthy of attention, but it was time to have to grow up and realize that to break into each new transponder, benefit from their stations - several dozen - no conceivable rational and necessary. Okay, broke. And we got an appointment with insects, dissecting the outer space on ships not weak. At least tsitadelskie sideltsy got an appointment with a race whose level of development is worth the level of development of the asari and salarians together and Shepard somehow thought that far exceeded this level, even if on the side of the Citadel were by then Volusia, quarians and batarians.

  How then quarians not impressed by the power of collective intelligence unpleasant rachni - Shepard that time and could not understand. It is that they are still at the time - the early years of the new chronology - not thought about the development of the Goths as his servants. And we do not know in detail what the collective intelligence of a synthetic race cars, not armed VI and AI.

  The future of the Citadel and its inhabitants ceased to be a bright and beautiful - the evolution tsitadelskih inmates punished too severely. However, the Council and so was too young and very inexperienced organization - clearly the same in the documents were registered - can not communicate with the queens rachni, are as indicated in those same documents on the toxic planet.

  Evolution or force her subordinates, slipped Council task with which this structure has been proven numerous documents, could not handle even by military means. Just could not handle, to be exact. And the time between was spent. It remains little more than a thousand years before the invasion of the Reapers.

  Eighty years of the first century were rahniyskie war. An array of documents to which Shepard examined by studying the contents of the video archive, clearly testified - combat operations against the network of intelligent insects did not make the Council and the key races Citadel space stop space exploration. On the one hand it could be assessed positively, and on the other it meant that the Citadel Council simply squandering resources and short-change the necessary materials and troops to conduct truly successful war with such a strong and, as stated in many viewed Captain documents, the ancient enemy.

  Salarians in this period found krogan race, put a lot of efforts for the development of their culture, to teach them to use the most modern, as it seemed then, technology and everything to bring dinosaurs to participate in the war against rachni. For active participation in the war. Formally krogan become an associate member of the Presidium of the Council of the Citadel and were on the side of the Citadel races as soldiers. Able to survive in harsh conditions rahniyskih worlds krogan began to implement a strategy for the elimination of both queens and their numerous progeny.

  If we consider that all it took eighty years, it was possible to imagine how difficult for the races - the Citadel Council was the confrontation with reasonable beetles. Until such time as the last decade of this terrible for a reasonable length of organic eighty-year war with rachni joined lizards, the situation was critical, without any discounts - it was a question of the survival of organic reasonable in the already surveyed their part of the galaxy. A small part of the surveyed.

  From the eighties on the three hundredth years of the new era of the situation is due to the active intervention of the krogan has changed dramatically. Lizards really become win over intelligent network beetles victory after victory, and finally expelled from the space rachni Citadel to their home planet - Suan. Two hundred and twenty years of victories - but for this level of military successes race krogan deserved full support and all available benefits, but in reality, been shown the documents, krogan considered by the Moors, who, making a case should shut up, did not shine, and not arising quietly leave to his mother worlds.

  In the one hundred and seventy-seventh year of Azariah founded a new colony - on the plan Niakal in Orison system nebula Athens. According to the last known Shepard census on this planet lived seven million three hundred thousand asari, but so small for standard colony asari population is explained by the fact that the concentration of oxygen in the Niakale was much higher than on other planets, gardens and asari here were forced to walk in spacesuits and live in sealed rooms.

  Niakala economy was based on agriculture and biotechnology - the most common and repeatedly vindicated the data set of genetically modified crops have been created here.

  In the three hundredth year of a new era, it became clear that even just shutting his only parent planet rachni will indefinitely refuse to stop the war. Citadel Council took an understandable in those circumstances the decision - ordered krogan invade Suan and, as it seemed then, completely destroyed the race rachni. Hurry, as the internal exec said, he has started reading a file with information about the "victory" over rachni through and outlining a few dozen links to review later. Such inherent organics reasonable haste in his judgments played with the Council of the Citadel and his "associate members" another dirty trick - the old enemy, as it turned out, was incredibly tenacious. And what they wanted with the asari salarians from an ancient race? Much older than the current key of the space race of the Galaxy.

  Volusia continued at this time his grand expansion and were able to detect planets with a lot of valuable minerals. These findings have allowed the
economy to recover from the Citadel Space protracted war with reasonable network beetles.

  Between three hundred and seven hundred years for a new era, as always after such a devastating military confrontation observed an unprecedented revival in the most different areas of activity of organic inhabiting the galaxy. Rachni were still officially declared extinct. The few mind how the documents showed the video archive, gagged - up to the physical elimination of dissenting from the official point of view of organics.

  Citadel Council, in gratitude for his help in the war on rachni awarded krogan planet. Total one planet. What analysts think, forecasters, the Council of experts - remained a mystery for Shepard. Yes, the entire set of information obtained by the time salarians pointed straight - this race needs an external control. None of the then reasonable organics, possessed sufficient influence, not thinking that the krogan survivors of a nuclear Armageddon, speed and therefore extremely shallow methods raised to modern majority of inhabitants of Space Citadel level of development, have remained at the level of the tribal system and any, even the most severe methods and means to overcome this gap, even for a few hundred years, it is impossible.


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