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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 229

by Theodore Daniels

  The most Alix had to make a hard decision and inform Shepard very comforting news. Find the opportunity and inform. Find the form and time of the message. Who does not like it, cyborg, continually passed through a terabyte of information, know that Shepard waits for the next news from Dana. Along with Olivia, supported by Mark Alix monitors all information exchange Squad with any correspondents. Yes, a formal letter to John Dana is classified as "personal communication" and not normally subject to viewing and control, but now there was a war, and all the letters were examined and tested. Any and all.

  For Alix was not difficult to understand that the maximum period for the arrival of the response letter Dana passed. If passed, it means that something has happened. Something happened. Alix too well belonged to John, because she tried to make inquiries through multiple databases served by a whole host VI and AI. Identifier AI - the legend of the Citadel in the information space of the galaxy too well known and respected. For reference, the requested Alix, completed and provided ordered it out of turn. Only here the content of these certificates was acceptable to soulless cyborg acceptable to VI, but not for reasonable organic. "Not seen", "does not appear," "Do not recorded," "Do not use", "not observed", "no contact." And these answers - hundreds.

  Of these negative responses evolved picture is aggravated with each new day - Alix sent more and more requests for new addresses, trying to find at least a trace, even if the thread that would clarify what could happen to a woman, which became for John Shepard first love. And, as it turned out, the remaining capable of loving him and the rest of his beloved. No strings were not. No, that would point to what happened to Dana. Yes, it was stated in the schedule of fees, schedule workouts in the schedule of the competition. even the application has been found for the next championship, where Dana was also declared to her personal consent. Only now increasingly strains appear in these applications "canceled." With explanatory "receipts", of course. Non-public, but ...

  On Earth, that Dana and izletala traveled far and wide, taking part in competitions, championships, competitions as clearly now understand Alix, are already interested in those which could gulf known and titled athlete. I went wanted. Slowly, weakly, but the search engines worked well - the UK police, Interpol, the Tracing Service of People. The war devoured the bulk of the resources of humanity, but something has been done.

  And now to Alix, who was sitting in one of the halls Information Normandy late in the evening, very late in the lay reader with hundreds of files sent from any and all investigative organizations of the Earth. Then pull a talk with John Alix could not. He himself knew that if Dana with something bad happened, then it will help, but if she was gone - then it will look - it was very well-known personality, is too well-known. Her athletic fame long ago overstepped the limits of Britain. So just get in trouble, just so it will not allow the gulf.

  Kiborgessa reread these files for the hundredth or the thousandth time - it is now the number of revisions and rereads not interested. She understood that the reader - or rather, its contents will hit John. According to Shepard, whom she kiborgessa Alix loved. These files were full charge, providing the addressee deep and inescapable sense of hopelessness - almost all investigative structure of the Earth got married in his helplessness. Once again. If it were not for John Shepard, Alix would have reacted to this more calmly, even indifferently, indifferent. But it came to John directly. Alix knew that even if she would give him the reader and he reads all the files ... He will not fail. He will continue to look for Dana. By any means, by any means, by any means. Now, at this moment, when it once again re-read these files,

  Yes, she, young kiborgessy had a choice. She could not give Shepard the reader with these files. A few days later he would get all of these files yourself, to your email. That was the order, this was the procedure. Alix only slightly ahead of events. I get ahead, to drive a wedge to try to change the situation, change the "program." More than likely that Shepard after reading these files will be engaged in the search for Dana through his many friends in the army structures. And not only in the army. He has the whole world on fans' clubs there. Thousands of people of different age will do everything for their idol.

  whether they will take advantage of the help of John? Alix would not be able to answer this question accurately, and could not answer it only positively. John is modest, he will not try to draw it in a purely private affair of fans and supporters. Dover wanted a few good friends in the army structures. And hardly will appeal to the Russian imperial institutions. I do not want to worry about Svetlana.

  Part of the imperial investigative organizations, though not always immediately and directly, but answered questions Alix. The answer is negative. Within Russia Dana did not appear. Alyx knew that if Dana was really abducted, then Russian territory to steal it would be incredibly difficult. Only here the Russian Border Service responded to a series of queries Alix completely negative - either one control system, no border or internal structure of identification not documented fact Dana stay in Russia. Generally never Dana not to enter the limits of the Empire, not a single request for the granting of such rights may be issued from it.

  There remained the last resort, the last instance - of the world. And Alix very much hoped that the asari telepath will help to clarify the situation, indicate where the Dane is now. Kiborgessa long I pondered over how we should speak with Miralem on this topic. It is assumed that this conversation will be very heavy, but perhaps studiously did not predict how it will be really difficult.

  I had to do to take a separate room of the Information. Olivia received from the daughter of data about the upcoming action, I decided to duplicate and Alix agreed with this decision - suffer from it will not be exact, but will be better ...

  - World. - Alix took the first audio communication - with video channels were constant problems. - I need your help. Forwards the data packet. Password you know.

  - Received, Alix. I need about twenty minutes. I'll call you back. - Asari switched channels and kiborgessa understood - previously called the period Advisor Aria T'Loak not be able to answer. For many reasons.

  While stretched minutes of waiting, Alix has paid attention and resources to other areas of work. Callback from Miralem done exactly at the scheduled time:

  - Alix. Come on "you" ... for the sake of brevity. - Voice asari proskvozilo notes tension.

  - Come on. - Agreed kiborgessa, anticipating that the answer is ... complicated.

  - I'm afraid that my answer will not please John.

  - Of the world, you formulate the answer as you see fit, as you can and I'll try to explain it to John. Do not push, please. Itself, as you know, I suppose ... the worst.

  - The Citadel space ... Dana is not found. Me. I tried to check out all of the available corners of the studied space. Alas, Alix. I did everything I could.

  - Clarify the world.

  - I took his soft memory scans. John remembers very well remembers Dana, the world. His memory has retained a lot of the details, let me cut to the lowest circle of searches. But, alas. Nowhere it is not. I tried not only to determine whether it is in our galaxy in general, but also to determine where it can be right now. And I have nothing to please John. Even the "spike" is not. - A world apparently wanted to end this conversation and Alix understood the desire companion - to the asari-telepath Shepard became the father she thought him his daughter and now was powerless to help him.

  - John will continue to look for her and the world. - Kiborgessa said, after a pause.

  - No doubt, Alix. Perhaps it would be better for him. John is hope. For the best outcome. And it is for him - a lot. - Asari said.

  - Okay. Before connection. - Alix she switched channels to get rid of this companion procedure. Looking at the lit up wallpaper, widget, she looked at the reader. It is unlikely that the information enclosed in the device will stop John in his quest. Hardly. And do not give him this information can not be - a few days a batch of files comes the official captain of the mail
and then ...

  - We have, Alix together to give the reader John. - Olivia said, pausing and looking at her daughter. - I do not doubt that he will continue to search ... Dana and after becoming familiar with its contents. It is too expensive ... and he ... will not retreat for him.

  Melodic file signal arrival interrupted the conversation and Olivia Alix. Kiborgessy almost simultaneously connected to the drive information, and read the file, a few minutes in silence. What is not said aloud Miral, she wrote in the file. That gave John hope. Azari - telepath indicated in a letter that it was unable to determine where it is now Dana, but has no reason to say unequivocally that she was killed or died.

  - Now, John calms down a bit, but, of course, he did not stop looking for her. I am convinced, Alix, he will look for it ... the war and all the post-war period.

  - He is now persistent hope, Mom. And it very much. - Alix nodded. Fly?

  - Fly.

  A regular shuttle from the frigate, which arrived at the Citadel kiborgessy, moored at the landing site at the same time commanding the shuttle with the "Volga". Alix and Olivia left the salon reysovika surprised to see coming off the ramp Svetlana accompanied by Alla.

  - I'm here on the same issue as you. - Said Streltsov, welcoming kiborgess. - Come on to John.

  - As soon as you let go of Allah? - Shepard said, on the verge of seeing his two apartments kiborgess and wife. Doctor cruiser did not accompany her friend, went to the headquarters of the Medical Center.

  - Release. I could not not let go. - Svetlana hugged and kissed John. - Sit down. We have a conversation.

  - I guess even about. - Shepard poserёznel, gesturing for all three to go into the hall. - Sit down.

  - We all know, John, that you have not Dana writes. - Svetlana said, taking the reader from his waist styling. - I asked her to help friends. They agreed. Search has just begun and it will continue. - She pulled a card reader on the countertop to Shepard. - Here all the information about made.

  A few minutes the captain studied the contents of the device. Turn off the screen, he looked at her soft eyes Svetlana:

  - Light ... thank all. Say, I ... really appreciate what they did. It is a pity that the Dane had never been to Russia.

  Streltsov nodded, taking the reader deferred Shepard away and hiding the device in waist styling.

  Alix, exchanging a glance with Olivia, and pulled up a reader took him to Shepard. Saying something she did not want this moment, just try to see John quiet and soft look. The captain took the reader, turn it on and plunged into the reading of files.

  Putting aside the included card reader in the direction of a few tens of minutes, Shepard steepled his fingers. It has been seen as strained his shoulder. Alix knew - he very much hope that the Dane will find in the world outside of the Russian Empire, knew Alix used to search all available to it as possible. And now he knew he hopes to find Dane on Earth is almost gone.

  Olivia, exchanging glances with his daughter, took the belt from laying another reader, he pulled up to Shepard. Alix knew - contained the reader sent Miralem file.

  The captain moved the reader to himself, turned and careful reading of the text, which took a little over a minute.

  - The world ... - he said, after a pause, and postponing the reader to the side - did everything that I could. I am grateful to her for it. And thank you, Svetlana, Olivia and Alix. - He just looked at askance kiborgess. - And all the people you have connected to the search for Dana ... - he paused. - I'm still going to look for her. I understand that now I can not look for it only myself ... But I will continue to look for her. World ... he gave me the hope that I'll find ... Dana. ... She supported my belief that Dana was alive. And if she's alive ... I'll find it. - He lowered his head, realizing that neither Svetlana nor Alix nor Olivia will not leave him alone now. - I'll look for it, and I find it .... - He paused for a few minutes, then got up from the table, went to the window, closed by heavy curtains, stood.

  Svetlana carefully stood up, walked over to him, put his arm around her shoulders. Shepard covered her hands with his own hands, kissed the tips of the fingers of both hands Strel'tsova nodded.

  Alix looked at Olivia short, sharp eyes, got up and walked over to Shepard. Svetlana did not break open arms, did not show dissatisfaction. She knew that Alix does not do it out of duty. Young kiborgessa captured with his left hand and Captain Shepard did not resist, not noticing that his right stood Olivia, has seized his right arm. They stood for a long time .... Now is the time for them did not matter. Shepard knew that, and Svetlana, and Olivia, and Alix will continue the search. And themselves and through their numerous friends. And because Dana is found.

  Liara. The path through the war-5. Galactic fame younger T'Soni

  Day gave way to a new day, a day went down in history of the war with the Reapers. Liara worked and fought. She had to fight now smaller - the idea of the author of "units" just do not let go too often to the front, in the form of an order forcing to engage in science and information in much larger volumes than before. She resigned, accepting the fact that it can be of great benefit than at the front under fire. But its militias have never forgotten, often spending time in combat formations Corps. Matriarch-Commander Weiss gave her the right to a senior inspector corps headquarters and now quite officially Liara could move freely within the band allocated for the defense of the military formations.

  Imperial Russian Navy in collaboration with the Fleet Reserve with the support of fleets videoconferencing Azari, the last optimization and reformatting, made a miracle: after ten days after the "Volley of Reckoning", dubbed as the asari happened to Tess, installation embarked on combat duty in the most populated worlds Azariyskogo Space and became a constant headache for the unavoidable forces Reapers and their henchmen. Now Liara deservedly carried the title of General of the developer of these units and engaged in their continuous improvement through the use of their information and the intermediary company and work in a research laboratory.

  Confidentiality ensured her obscurity, but not the unknown: she barely had time to once again stop the assignment settings of his name and now they are informally called "Sword Azari." Younger T'Soni understood that even if the installation informally called "penny" it would be a little intelligence that gave the Reapers - asari with the same name on Tess had millions and counter-intelligence service of the Resistance did everything to confuse the enemy, and ultimately did not give him the opportunity to calculate the among the plurality of the one who first saw these settings on your e-paper reader. Only a very few knew that she, Liara T'Soni, is the author of the idea of "Swords Azari", over and over again into oblivion chafing more and more fleets and individual vehicles Reapers and their accomplices.

  Liara is quite satisfied with the role allotted to her now command: it is not forced to do what she could do bad, do poorly. Her cherished, protected, supplied, we provide all necessary and she continued to work on becoming familiar to her limiting modes. She's growing up and she felt that grows rapidly, that its maturing gives it the possibility to continue to do so much more than was available to most of its contemporaries. Comparing himself today with the one who met the first attack on the Reapers Tess a few decades ago, Liara sadly lowered her eyes: she is now quite different. A completely different, not the one who has received the diploma of the university, not the one who flew to another archaeological expedition, not the one who found this strange remote at Terumo. A completely different it is now ...

  And yet it was warm feeling of being at all "inost" it remained the same Liara T'Soni, he has remained the same for your Shepard. She still loved him and knew that he still loved her. That's all she knew, and this knowledge could not shake no separation. Yes, the Reapers have sought now take Tess in the dead of the siege, yes, the continued bombing continued landings, continued attacks saboteurs continued sabotage. The war continued, and continued to collect his terrible toll on reasonable organics.

  Somewhere far away, two squadron operated. Not
only do the Citadel, no - Liara knew that squad will not linger in the most protected Galaxy stations, will not be there to stand even a few days. He certainly will go through Zhntsov battle formations where his presence where its activities are most needed. Yes, it has no longer any connection with the board of "Normandy" and "Volga". And earlier this relationship was conditional, almost none. Now this regard was not in its usual sense. But Liara knew - she has a personal relationship with the squad, not subject to any jamming or blockades, nothing that was able to break all the usual connection.

  "And I care about you, no matter where I was, to touch the heart is not difficult." The words of ancient songs from the Golden Fund of Culture of the Russian Empire gave Liara forces reduced oppressive fatigue, heart and soul filled with hope for the best. She really knew - Shepard loves her and she loves Shepard. And it is always, however much she might have lived - one day, one decade, one month, one year or ten or a hundred years. And the fact that between her asari Liara and man John is now millions of kilometers - so it's just a physical distance.

  If she had known before some items of conversation, held in a cabin ... But Anderson is about these details, for obvious reasons, I was not aware.

  Grazyna M'Vays caused her at noon. Liara did not know, and why it is the corps commander, but if is, then we must arrive on time. The militia is now almost equal austerity service with units Azariyskogo videoconferencing space, that the youngest T'Soni liked.

  - ... I have arrived on your order. - Liara stopped a step away from the door, barely entered the small office of the underground command post. Most recently, around the walls were underground research center and now it is - in the rear of the battle formations of the Corps. Staff town. Even here it was checked over and over again, albeit in the face and on the documents knew very well.


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