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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 230

by Theodore Daniels

  - I do not know how to say ... - Grazyna matriarch moved from horizontal Wirth tablet extinguish its glow and closing the curtains - the secrecy of the headquarters blyula strictly.

  Liara looked questioningly at the commander-blankly, and she caught it right away:

  - You are now the Advisor to the Citadel from Azariyskogo space, Liara. Instead Tevosov counselor. - M'Vays said, stopping a few steps away from continuing to stand at the entrance to opolchenki office.

  There was a pause. Liara uncomprehending, now only blankly staring at the corps commander, and she looked at Liara.

  - I ... Citadel Advisor ?! - I whispered T'Soni. - But ... you know, I ...

  - I know, Liara. I know. - M'Vays did not come any closer to her, on the contrary, went to a small desk. - War, Liar. And in a war like this ... A lot has to do a completely different way. Flying, break all protocols and conventions ... In fact, you become a belligerent ... Liara Advisor. Only on these conditions you agreed to get rid of absolutely necessary visit to the Citadel for the inauguration. And by staying at the Citadel - also agreed to ... get rid of. Although the administrators and reporters ... sets units ... Well, it's the details. Come on.

  However M'Vays Liara came out of a specially protected sector staff Township. If she only knew that there are more and more protected sector ... But she did not know about anything. Even the presence of the corps commander, senior officer in this zone of responsibility, did not save Liara from a variety of checks and controls. Finally M'Vays entered the small room, barely larger in area than its own office. Liara with interest, but cautiously looked around, vaguely starting to understand something.

  - Your office, Counselor. - Grazyna came to Liara, put his arm around her. - Congratulations, Liar. - She stepped back, took two steps back. - Get to know your assistants - she nodded toward standing at the door of the study of three-Asari matrons - Ryle, Yreka and Mizin. They will introduce you into the swing of things. And I have to go back to him.

  - Corps Commander ... - timidly Liara gasped.

  - Yes, Counsellor? - Already shagnuvshaya the exit Grazyna stopped, looked at the younger T'Soni.

  - Thank you. - Liara stretched, gave filigree salute. - Serving Tess and azariyskomu people!

  M'Vays mirror your greeting and disappeared into the doorway, covering for a heavy double leaf doors. Liara a moment stood still, waiting for all that is about to flap slightly open again and Corps Commander returns, but the corps commander was gone.

  - Advisor. - I heard a voice behind one of the assistants.

  - Yes? - I turned and saw Liara that Raila already holding a pack of readers. - Let's work colleagues ... - she stepped up to the table, took the matron readers. - Time is running out.

  The new work captured the younger T'Soni entirely. Only late in the evening of the day she went to the reception. Not the one through which the corps commander has introduced her to this office, and to another, where there were jobs of her assistants. It took a soldering shelves, Liara nemudrёny quickly covered the table, calling on the faces of all three matrons slight misunderstanding.

  - Sit down. We have a few minutes to talk ... informally, that is. - Liara waited for her closest colleagues prisyadut in the chair. - Tell us about yourself. Only - not officially, just.

  On hearing rather short stories, Liara, in turn, something told about yourself, not forgetting to remind the interlocutor of the need to eat - more than half a day the four of them worked in the office, and now, at the end of the day is more like a data center than the abode of some officials of the Citadel.

  - Riley, I need an assistant for relations with Travers and Terminus. - T'Soni said when the feast exchanged second ten minutes.

  - There's candidacy, Counselor. - Matrona said.

  - In an informal setting just call me - penny.

  - Yes ... Liara. - Matron filed T'Soni younger reader.

  Switch the appliance Liara immediately recognized her, a young asari Klёnu that Collectors stole in order to obtain a large ransom. A few minutes spent T'Soni younger to read files. Maple returned to her parents, regained her failing health and entered the circle of the most famous "watchers", subordinated to Aria. Pirate Queen did not zoom Klёnu to him, did not insist that she became its secretary, but to support and help young asari all that was needed. The files contained and characterization, this Aria Klёne. None of the documents not mentioned that Asari spent several months in captivity by collectors, but all the other recommendations and information were the most complete and accurate.

  - I have no objection, Ryle. And you?

  - Um ... Liara.

  - What is there to understand, Ryle? - Liara looked at his assistant. - It will be the fourth member of your group, and I would not like to see you with it from the beginning ... we remained at loggerheads.

  - I was, frankly, embarrassing detail in her biography ..., Liara. Those are a few months away. Who knows what she was doing at that time. There is also evidence that it then appeared on the "Omega", and then returned to their parents and have them on the estate for a long time treated. The reasons for treatment anywhere no information. - Said assistant matron.

  - Good. - Pause, Liara said. - Because I gave consent for her to become my assistant, I'll tell you where she spent these months. Only bargain: about anything then it does not ask and do not try to cause to be frank.

  - We promise, Liara. - Assistant in surprise looked at Liara, activate your instrumentron and largest wall screen reception.

  Three dozen minutes of viewing shocked matrons. They first saw the part of the video that has never been broadcast on most Extranet channels. Videos taken Mordin Solus there on the basis of the collector, in that terrible camp.

  For a long time the screen went out, but in the tense silence reigned reception. Ryle, Yreka Mizin and did not look at each other. Yreka quietly crying, Mizin could hardly contain her tears, her eyes closed and her head thrown back against the headrest. Raila silently walked through the waiting room, occasionally stopping at desks and cabinets.

  T'Soni turned instrumentron, allowing himself only a sip from the glass with a herbal infusion.

  - Now ... we understand Liara, why do not you want us to ... Klёnu caused to be frank. - Said Riley, the first time with respect looking at Liara. - We ... we know that you are closely related to the detachment, but this ...

  - In his last visit is handed to me by Professor Solus colleagues. Among other materials. I did not know why he gave me the records. But now I understand. Perhaps nothing in this world of ours does not happen just like that ... - pause, Liara said. - Then, when the war was just beginning, collectors were the vanguard of the Reapers, among the strongest of their accomplices. Now they have very little - Resistance destroys their base priority, their ships attack in the first place, without the right to accept the surrender. Maple ... I held captive for several months and survived there ... too many. Yes, from the point of view of the law azariyskogo it - a criminal element, "looking", you might say, using the terminology of human profile - "mother" strong wing mafia Terminus and Traverse. In any other case, out war against the Reapers, I first have actively contributed to her arrest and surrender to justice. But now that the war is with the enemy ... - Liara stood up, walked around the waiting room. - You need to think not about punishment maples for its illegal activities, and the fact that we, reasonable organics survived. For Collectors maple has become a means of blackmail, its subject, which proves - Reapers are always interested only in one thing - in the complete destruction of intelligent life in our galaxy. - She paused, clasped fingers of both hands, adjoining the back of the chair. - In the next complete destruction of all and any intelligent life in our galaxy. - She repeated. - And because I know that the maple will now do everything to defeat the Reapers. I would say more, colleagues. - She paused. - Maple - Aria T'Loak representative. You all know that it is now the matriarch of T ' Loak directs station "Omega" and commanded the largest groups, placed in Terminus and Traverse. And

  - Station "Omega" is an informal but active Troop station. - Yreka looked at Liara. - Consequently, maple known today detachment very good squad and it is ...

  - ... Could recommend Klёnu to this post. And Aria T'Loak - agree to contribute to this. - Liara said. - Now it is important to survive and defeat the Reapers, and for this we need all reasonable organic, who are able to fight against the Reapers. Maple will to fight them ruthlessly. In this I am convinced.

  - Goddess ... - Yreka did not take her eyes off T'Soni. - Now I understand why you, Liara, created the "Sword Azari." Another asari was given, he would not ...

  - Let's leave this topic for me, colleagues. Instead, tell me how we can quickly provide entry maples in our friendly staff. - Liara sat in a chair, ready to listen to his closest assistants with all the attention.

  A few minutes of the interested, non-formal and in-depth discussion. Then assistant quickly cleaned up the dishes, cleaned up at the reception and went to his room. Liara went back into his office, went to the rest room. Yes, she felt now the Advisor to the Citadel - this was no doubt, but finally come to terms with her new position she will not even today, and not tomorrow. Maybe not soon.

  Claustrophobic atmosphere of uncertainty dissipated: she has a new big work, which more than compensates for its lack of combat formations Troops Militia Azari. And it is not going anywhere from the Militia, because it is - belligerent Advisor Azari. And now the housing parallel with the execution of combat missions is to protect and defend it from attacks, will in some measure her sword and shield, with which it protects its tribeswoman from the horrors of this war. Protect, as befits a race Advisor. She did not have to leave Tess, it will remain on their home planet, will continue to study, will know the lives of their compatriots with the necessary completeness and accuracy will help them a matter, not just a word.

  Piliknul instrumentron. On the small screen flashed a list of visitors to tomorrow's reception hours. Aela. Restless, she was still in a hurry to congratulate his partner and best friend on the rise. And, of course, to talk about problems. Not his personal - obscheopolchencheskih. Liara knew Aela will never agree to be her assistant, go to the State Administration of the Race Advisor Azari. She - opolchenka and this role for her important and fundamental for the near future, before the end of the war. Sumela Aela join the top ten - Automatic course otranzhirovala attendees on the importance, but against Aely in VI objection was not found.

  Looking around the rest room, small and half black, Liara few minutes thinking about what is best - a bed or chair. This time she opted for a chair - tomorrow was a new work is an important day and she did not want to wake or appear his new assistants and associates too big sissy. On the table on the panel desktop icon presence instrumentrona flickered unwatched recording the next newscast. Liara knew what this issue of "News Tess" - of course, on her appointment. But she will not be watching it today. And there will not be tomorrow. She will work.

  Pulling the blanket over his shoulders, Liara turned in his chair back and closed her eyes. Sleep did not come immediately, but come.

  Knocking a meager breakfast, Liara sat down at my desk and plunged into the study of the contents of the mountains readers. Restless Ryle, the youngest of the matrons-assistants, paused before this mountain dumped from the container on the counter of a small working table Advisor.

  - Go ahead, Ryle. Table - small, a good incentive to quickly understand information and make informed and accurate decisions. - Said Liara, including excavated at random from the pile reader device. - Ugum. Thank you. - She thanked approached Yreka because it quickly graded readers piled on stacks, apparently - according to the directions and degrees of importance. - Mizin, as we do ... - she looked up for a moment, looked at the approaches to the table a third assistant.

  - The reception has gathered visitors, Liara. - It was clear that hardly assistant becomes accustomed with the possibility to dispense with the use of the protocol "adviser".

  - Then - five minutes and begin. Who is going to record? - Liara postponed reader aside, picking up on his instrumentrone text of the decision.

  - I, Liara. - Riley said.

  - Good. I do not mind. - Younger T'Soni picked up another reader, included, to get a grasp. - Ask the reception to change the schedule of visitors. Increase the reception hours to two hours daily.

  - Will be done, Liara. - Yreka nodded, typing something on his instrumentrone, then he left the Advisor Panel.

  - Time, Liara. - Mizin gathered viewed T'Soni younger readers in its styling, went to the door to the waiting room assistants.

  - I know. Invite. - Liara umostilas for major large table, the visitor did not feel in the office too uncomfortable.

  More than three hours it took the visitors. Problems, questions, confusions, errors, defects, imperfections, flaws. Liara before working in their information-brokering company, knew a lot about them, but now that she's on the post of the adviser, it takes on an entirely different scale. We had to immediately communicate with a variety of services to give direct orders, placed on control execution ordered to sign dozens of applications and petitions, set the resolution. "Sleep on it" - recalls the famous proverb Liara because internally decided that surgery hours it necessarily moves in the morning, unless, of course, there will be something so very extraordinary. Somewhere in the back of mind she felt the idea that here these today and tomorrow will be the first visitors, who form a community asari opinion about the new advisors. Now her youngest T'Soni not interested in the fate of the former counselor Tevosov now she intended to do everything to come to her on appointment tribeswoman necessary and sufficient assistance. Any, possible in this difficult time of the war against the Reapers.

  It seems that her assistants did their best to welcome visitors in the first day of her official tenure as Advisor Azari not delayed. How they did it - Liara did not want to delve into it, only giving due respect to their professionalism and competence.

  Aela came among the most recent attendees, took place between completely businesslike, precise and clear conversation. As expected the younger T'Soni, Aela came not from personal problems and for questions and suggestions relating to so many militias. Of course, full of formality and aloofness in conversation and fellowship with Liara's best friend and co-worker was and never could be, but the younger T'Soni seen with what admiration Aela oversees the work of Liara - that, quite possibly, she had already learned other petitioners and the visitors, is now clearly confirmed. Taking a few readers with Liara signed documents Aela bowed her friend and left the office with a sense of satisfaction and joy for his partner.

  After receiving Liara gathered all his assistants and they have half an hour brought order to the documents left by petitioner and female visitors.

  - We must not tarry, colleagues. All you need to do quickly, fully and clearly. - Said the younger T'Soni, typing on his instrumentrone another text document. - Our compatriots and tribeswoman, residents Space Azari waiting on us effective and quality work not only in words but in deeds. Therefore, each time after the reception of visitors we are going to direct this order. We have too little time to react, and we must now do very, very much.

  A bite meager army rations, Liara delved into reading the next portion of data packets - she took it a rule to be constantly aware of what is happening in Azariyskom space to allocate for this purpose enough time, even at the expense of sleep.

  The second half of the day is devoted to a detailed study of the operational situation on the fronts of confrontation Reapers. Help of the office invited the best and most knowledgeable practitioners and discussions are often delayed for tens of minutes, but always retained the business and productive character. Jabberwocky and slogans Liara had not suffered, but now - in particular. She knew that her style of work is very different from the style of work Tevosov, but did not consider it necessary to make any changes and adapt themselves under the usual tevosovskie standards already proven the harmfulness and harmfulness.

  Several tens of minutes she dedicated training in the gym - whatever it was she did not want to turn into official, wanted to stay opolchenkoy and therefore sought to maintain your fitness at the same high level. Performing exercises, she continued to ponder heard, seen, felt during these hours and, whenever possible, record their observations and suggestions on instrumentrone, occasionally dispensing audio notes.

  Late in the evening she went up to the surface. Evening cycle bombings have ended and now in the band Corps was relatively quiet. He sat down on a boulder, Liara looked up into the sky. Somewhere, far away from Tessa is now "Normandie", next to her - "Volga". Otryadovtsy fight, help, provide and protect. Now, at his level, and it will do it - Liara T'Soni, Advisor Azariyskogo Space, a member of the Citadel Council, belligerent Advisor. Already, she had to communicate by "platinum" channels and dalatressoy-salariankoy and advisor-turian. Tess lived and salarians and turians and representatives of many other races Citadel space. It was impossible to confine the protection and promotion of interests of representatives of asari race. Who knew Liara particularly acute: Galaxy should be uniform, not in words but in deeds, therefore we must do everything to in breast asari world in Space Azari other races do not feel marginalized. Then you can quickly and completely defeat the Reapers, if anywhere in the investigated part of the Galaxy them invaders and occupiers, will be waiting for only one thing - death. The harvest should be interrupted cycles should go into the past! And intelligent life in the galaxy should be uniform, and while maintaining the diversity and uniqueness. The harvest should be interrupted cycles should go into the past! And intelligent life in the galaxy should be uniform, and while maintaining the diversity and uniqueness. The harvest should be interrupted cycles should go into the past! And intelligent life in the galaxy should be uniform, and while maintaining the diversity and uniqueness.


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