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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 231

by Theodore Daniels

  Returning to himself, Liara sat down at her desk, pulled a pack of regular readers, including desktop instrumentron. It is necessary to take many decisions, it is necessary to formalize and sign a lot of documents. Maybe tomorrow she will be able to pay attention to scientific research, and now she will work with the information as it should work with her belligerent Advisor.

  A few hours of work. Time past midnight. Help of taken another pack of readers crammed files and brought the usual meager dinner. No luxury, no overseas delicacies. Short clatter pushes it to the desktop, almost - table - chairs: assistant came once again to take part in the adoption and execution of decisions and documents. The next discussion, another planёrka. Maple yet silent, only listening, mastered, gets used. Yreka Mizin and softly explain her many details, Raila in his next instrumentrone fills formatki official documents. Continuous wave distinctive marks that accompanies the actual course of events. Now Liara knew not only the situation on Tess and Azariyskom space Now she knew the situation and the Turian Hierarchy worlds and worlds Salarian Union and in the worlds of many other races. Yes, before working with the information in its intermediary company, she knew too much about what is happening in the galaxy. But now it has become available more knowledge, more complete, more profound.

  Meeting discussion comes to an end. The clock - half past two nights. Assistant already knows - Liara devotes himself to sleep some four or five hours, and at eight o'clock they again see their shefini behind a desk. Respecting the right of Liara on the night short break, four assistant quietly leave the room. Liara off the table instrumentron, pritushivaet light spotlights table and goes to the rest room. Bed forgotten, waiting for her seat. We need to think about many things. "Sleep on it", but think should chair this best - before going to bed she would be a few minutes to such thoughts. Necessarily will.

  Days flowed an endless series. Liara did not brick itself up in the premises of the Administration, she tried to visit on a regular basis and in the ranks of the militia and army divisions videoconferencing, and industrial enterprises, and educational institutions. Yes, she was not going anywhere to fly with Tess, but Tess, she studied with all the thoroughness of which she was now available as an advisor. Life tribeswoman his life counterparts tracked it with the maximum completeness. I monitored to ensure that in this difficult time to make this life a little easier, easier, happier.

  Metropolitan parent planet Asari fought and, taking off her example, fought, fought, fought other planets Azariyskogo space. Liara nipped in the bud any glorification in his address, banned reporters and correspondents to present her work as an adviser to something akin to religious rite. Yes, and I had to take harsh decisions to confirm the validity of judgments of the Tribunals, to reject the petition for clemency, sometimes - to send the case back for further investigation.

  Very rarely, it can afford a few hours a day of rest. Then she tried to go to her parents, to spend these hours in their apartment, to help them on the farm. One platoon of the composition of the company, which previously guarded her as the creator of "Swords Azari" still guarding her parents - there was no need to involve special forces guard the Citadel Corps of Advisors. Protection from the militias and desantnits-Asari was reliable. The other two platoons company guarding its employees and employees of intermediary firm scientific laboratory. The war was now on Tess everywhere and soldatessy and officers of the company did not complain Liara that are in the rear and do not see these fights.

  Benešov Etita and continued to teach at the Center for Human Resources Training militia. The names have changed - the essence remained the same - to provide the utmost resistance to the enemy, inflicting maximum damage. Several times Liara visited the Center, held a series of sessions with new recruits and more experienced combatants - and in the classroom and in landfills. Yes, she worked there as Counsellor, but more often perceived the stay at the Centre as a normal part of their lives, avoiding excessive formalization. She liked that it does not break due to the militias, is not perceived by them as an official, as an administrator, as a kind of nebozhitelnitsa.

  When my parents came to an end a class, Liara tried to go with them to the underground of the residential complex, to walk, slowly, unless, of course, at this time the Reapers did not organize another orbital bombardment or shelling. Then had to use tunnels or overcome the way to the entrance of the residential complex on the machines. Once in the apartment, Liara categorically refused passivnichat, took any homework and tried to talk less myself, more listening to parents talk, their stories, asking new questions and with all the attention listening to the answers.

  - Liar, you come on, go get some sleep. And we have really nothing to do. - Benešov looked like a daughter in a dream trying to wash more and a few plates and cutlery with glasses. - Go, go.

  - No, Mom. I domoyu, and then ...

  - You sleep you little ... - Etita said, getting up from the table and walks over to Liara, open the tap and put under a thin stream of the next plate.

  - How can I, Dad. How can. - Liara domyla plate, put it in the dryer, the following took the plate. - I'm sorry, I have this domyt. I was calming and allows you to think ... more fully and deeply ...

  - I understand, Lee. - Etita towel dried her fork and spoon. - Does not matter. Go and get some sleep.

  - I'll try, Dad. - Liara turned off the water, a critical look at the dryer with the dishes. - I'm coming already, I go. - She said, catching sight unhappy mother.

  Ulёgshis to bed, she tried to relax. Sleep did not go. We had to sleep, but it had to tell myself. Next to the bed there was Benešov.

  - Mom ...

  - Yes, Liara? - The matriarch's daughter leaned over and straightened the blanket, tucked a pillow-roll edge. - Maybe you should bring the pillow?

  - No, Mom. I do not want to consider me weak and unadapted. - Liara said softly. - How's the squad?

  - They did a great job on the Citadel, docha. - Benešov sat on the edge of the bed. - There is once again trying to show his strength "Cerberus". Harms much. But otryadovtsy once again able to inflict several defeats, to protect the inhabitants of the station. Details, she know, I do not know. But this - believe. Several missions in other star systems did. There - a few days. Return - a few days. Work. Are fighting. - Said the matriarch, knowing what tends to Liara. - So I know, I feel - they have there is that ... without loss. Yes, there are injuries, there is injury ... Where are today without it. But losses - No, my daughter.

  - I believe, Mom, because she can feel it. Thank you. A relaxing stay. - Liara closed her weary eyes, feeling that more can not resist sleep.

  - Quiet rest, Lee. - Benešov quietly got up and left the room Liara, went into the kitchen, where she was waiting Etita. - She remembers it, Etian. Remembers. Well remember fully. And love. I do not understand, I do not know, do not mind where she takes on is the mental strength, but she loves it.

  - And how do you think, she still ... no one but him? - Etita pulled up a chair to his wife, waited until she sits down.

  - So far - no Etian. If she has someone appeared ... But you yourself know that it is now - Advisor, and her circle of friends is totally different. So for the very simple contacts, informal ... she has little time remains. Even to our apartment, it comes very rarely, more to the center or to the troops dangle. And civilian her eating eat. The story here, as it is written on the receipt. And how many it takes. Nearly every day for three hours ... they ukatyvayut it ... Pale, what only keeps the soul.

  - In Love, Ben, and his love for John in her soul rests. - Etita said. - The other would be forgotten after that, what happened then on the "Normandy" everything to do with ... - matriarch waved. - And Liara knew John. I got him deeply and fully. Rate and his candor, his integrity and his pain and his reticence. It has kept him in the sense of immutability and inviolability. I'm sure that John is happy and proud for Liara. Though well aware of how Liara risks, in bulk on such a load. Very well understood. Not everyone is a reasonable way to understand h
ow Liara is now suffering. She is young, too young, and works like a matron. And at times - as the matriarch. And not everyone and not every matriarch matron sustain its burden. And Liara stand. Because he loves John. He likes and remains free, open, accessible to our many tribeswoman, Ben. For a variety of representatives, and representatives of other races. I do not understand how she manages to do - to love and to be free, but it is probably only the love of John Liara is able to give this freedom and this power.

  Matriarchs accustomed to the fact that Liara gets up very early. And accustomed to the fact that it is almost always keeps enabled instrumentron and keyboard. Employment Advisor T'Soni little resemblance to the style of work counselors Tevosov - that have seen tens and hundreds tribeswoman Liara and not only tribeswoman. And now, breakfast, I read with Liara instrumentrona new summary of the military, industrial, scientific and civil branches, directions, and notes made with the stylus as suspected d'Avignon, not really feel the taste and aroma of food absorbed. Short "Thanks, Mom, Dad," kisses, hugs - and slips of Liara apartments matriarchs entering the militia environment and paratroopers platoon protection.

  Another day she met in the cockpit flier carefully kravshegosya towards headquarters campus housing. Once in his study, Liara sat down at the table - and I forgot everything, including three additional screen and activating two additional keyboard. Up to the time allotted for the reception of visitors, still had a few tens of minutes and T'Soni Advisor habitually forced herself not to lose a single second wasted.

  Another welcome visitors. Many had to be nervous especially calm, many - otpaivat, several - to invite physicians asari. Liara held, kept quiet, discretion, confidence and soul constantly thanks to the experience gained working in the information sphere. Due to their employees, next to whom she has mastered the rules for handling information Ocean. Dozens of documents are processed again directly in the presence of petitioners and gave them to the reader. Younger T'Soni listened to confused words of thanks, but categorically refused to accept the offerings and gifts, always saying that there is a war and it's come in handy by the giver and donors.

  Three hours reception expired. A half-hour exchange of views with four assistants, registration of several dozen documents. At this time, the word has asked and maple, explaining that she had contacted Aria and received from her channel through which Tess could provide the necessary things and equipments supplied from Traverse and Terminus. After describing some of the details, maple stopped listening additions, comments and suggestions Riley, Yreka and Mizin, noting some of them in his instrumentrone.

  Liara did not seek overrule, dismissed the short remarks, longer testify that she almost all heard and understood correctly and fully. It was noticeable only that maple debut as an assistant to the Adviser Azari success and received with approval and Riley, and Yreka and Mizin, and its proposals and recommendations will be important parts of dozens of new orders and orders signed by the penny.

  Stingy ration lunch Liara combined with talking with his assistants. We talked not only about the work, about the last reception of visitors, talked about life, about what Ryle, Yreka and Mizin with Klёnoy seen and heard on the surface and in residential and public underground malls Tess. Such conversations have become a tradition - the documents were given one picture, and in direct communication - the other, and combining several pictures can be obtained volumetric detailed picture that in today's circumstances, it is extremely valuable to ensure the ability to resist the new and new attacks Reapers and their accomplices on Azariyskoe space .

  After lunch Liara few hours working with documents, and then came to the surface and went accompanied by a platoon of protection to the location of the Corps combat units. Diversions and sabotage have continued housing and actively opposed to them, leading an active exploration and thwarting the attempts of more and more groups and individual agents to seep through the defense bar in the rear. Here, in the combat formations next to the penny appeared Aela and younger T'Soni reacted to it calmly - Aela could tell, show and point out a lot of what could hardly be set forth in the documents abundantly rained down on the table Advisor Azari. And the study of the combat situation, talk with the soldiers and their commanders gave much food for thought and a basis for new and innovative solutions.

  Having been in the field command post in M'Vays and familiarized with obschekorpusnoy situation Liara returned to her - she had to think about what he saw, heard and understood, to translate into the language of a lot of documents and management decisions. Again, a few hours at the table, which alternate stack of readers, an offering and attributed quiet assistants. Mean phrases, questions, clear and complete answers, flickering screens on the wall of the cabinet and the screen on the hand instrumentrona another assistant. Employment Advisor. Employment Advisor belligerent, unwilling to leave their home metropolitan parent planet.

  Occasionally came to Liara and Samara with her - two baby asari with their parents. All five well-known and younger assistants T'Soni and her office. If you had the opportunity - Liara got out of the closet a few toys and a few tens of minutes back to my childhood. Elina and the world allows Liara feel like somewhere disappears severity invariable responsibility retreats fatigue, is replaced easily and completeness of the normative life experiences.

  Often small asari brought their toys and quietly left them Liara, believing and knowing that they will always be able to play with them here in this cozy and quiet little office. Respecting the right of Liara on this communication, the assistant never let this time switched shaft documents and reports on what Liara, mindful of the fact that it needs to pick up a replacement and not one asari, and more. Soft large carpet in the corner of the cabinet allow younger T'Soni abandon a short, very short time of thinking about the need to do something, take this into account, do not forget about it, call, write, draw. Cheerful laughter and hubbub babies washed away with the soul Liara voltage made it possible to take a break from worries.

  Then, when the matron-parents together with Elina and Mirani left, and assistant Liara switched communication channels on cabinet counselor, it was time to talk with Justiciar consultant. And Liara and Samara have gone through the pain and the severity of injuries, so their communication will be thorough and frank. Samara spoke about what is happening in the Corps of Justiciary, did not hide the difficulties and problems that comfortable with the fact that Liara held enabled instrumentron and immediately designed the necessary orders, helped the Corps to maintain the combat capability and improve the efficiency of countering enemies. Telepathy and mentalist Samara almost did not say anything and Liara knew - even here Justiciary Matriarch blyudёt secrecy and obscurity retains many details of a strong racial weapons,

  With Justiciar Liara it was very easy, easy, and free. Almost like a mother. Samara also fought, it still commanded a regiment Guard Justiciary, rarely could afford here so quietly and freely come to the counselor. But if come - Liara felt happy.

  - Lee, you do not cheat yourself. John all right. - Samara said, as they sat side by side on the couch harsh office cabinet near the door to the rest room. - Svetlana soon give birth, calm down, will be able to pay more attention to the commander's job. Do not you consider it a threat to his family, he thinks not. She has other concerns right now in the foreground. - Liara Justiciary took her hand in his hands and a young asari immediately felt a special warmth and tranquility. - Afraid it for an alliance with John, because after all, you'd be too afraid.

  - I was afraid to. - Liara sighed. - Often afraid!

  - Here. - I nodded matriarch-Justiciary. - This war is a big difference. A lot of things. Parental Svetlana children and change. Much will understand. I'm sure that you present it keeps no evil, and that protects their alliance with John - as any of us would have defended if she was lucky to find a reasonable, Shepard.

  - I've heard...

  - Frankly, our doctors also say that after the birth of the firstborn Svetlana may lose the ability to bear and give birth to children. - I
sighed matriarch. - But ... medicine is so inexact science, which can hardly be anything here to argue with absolute assurance. I believe that Svetlana ... just be more careful in the future, but will be able to save yourself as a woman. Because next to her is John ... And his presence, she know, can work miracles.

  Now sighed Liara and Samara have understood the reason for such a reaction, his companion - Shepard and then not be able to influence at Svetlana, and she, in turn, would not agree to endure near Asari, able to live a thousand years with a guarantee. Although ... what guarantee there because the war continues ... So, the union of John and Liara is delayed for at least several years.

  - Looks like Samar, I really have to find yourself another earthling. - Stifled another woeful sigh Liara. - That I do not want to do, but something inside me tells me every day that I have to do this. Otherwise ...

  - Otherwise, you simply will not survive, Liara. - Confirmed the Justiciary. - You need the implementation your love, you need experience of coexistence with other intelligent races.

  - I'm a thoroughbred, I remember this, Samara. - Liara said.

  - Well, you remember that. But remember that only you and only you can decide whether the mention of your pureblood from the mouth of another reasonable perceived you and only you, as an insult.

  - Now it is a fact, not an insult, Samara. - Liara said, not trying to take his hand out of the palms of Justiciary. - I understand ... Perhaps implicitly John told me the best way out is not the easiest situation for me personally. Well. I will try.

  - You've met with many residents Tessie, Liar. And on their daily intake of visitors, and at the exits. Maybe you should open up a little bit wider than the shell. I'm sure you understand your guards. Yes, and it will be easier if you show reasonable little more openness.


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