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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 234

by Theodore Daniels

  - I'm sure there is, in the room I would be better? - Svetlana hardly touched the face to those who view the doctor.

  - There's a bed. Same as in the House. Lie. There are larger - you can, if you want to do a few laps around the room, slowly, surely and without straining. You'll get used to the sight of the table. Just think, in what position you should give birth. This - the inner, light. Each woman decides strictly individually. Know only that, we'll help you in any way. And to begin the process ... you will not have to run to the gym on their own - you're already there.

  - I'll do, Al. Can you help? - Svetlana started to rise from the bed.

  - Make sure, friend. - Alla Strel'tsova helped to his feet and escorted her into the operating room, which had now become a maternity room. - Come on, arranged, places, adapt. - She helped Svetlana sit at the same hospital bed. - All that is required, we'll get when need be. - The doctor said wary gaze girlfriend, groping along the walls and ceiling of the room. - While this is not necessary and all removed. Afraid you do not have reasons of Light.

  - Good. View and interior does not bother me, Al. Thank you.

  - I see. - Seleznev otshagnula from the bed. - Get used to it. You are here will have to spend more than a day. So ... I have to go on the tour. Service. - Doctor cruiser turned and left the room, leaving Streltsov sit on the bed. Once again, casting a careful glance the interior of the main operating room sickbay - happen that there will be made the main, most difficult surgery - Svetlana comfortably settled on a semi-soft bed and stopped listening to him.

  She already knew a lot about how it is carried out in the normative process of birth and is now expecting the appearance of the main characters. The nurse brought her a light breakfast, which Svetlana ate without much appetite - she was too tense and focused not on the taste of food, but in anticipation of precursors. Taking off the shelf reader, Streltsov was convinced that her friend cleaned the contents of the device considerably - there are not any left to strain and this exciting fiction. Good thing absolutely lulling texts there also was not - apparently, Alla complied same balance.

  Realizing that such a day will bring her no one even a small report on the situation on the ship - Alla simply does not miss anything to its high-level patient - Svetlana tried to dive into reading "Majesty medically sanctioned" texts and forgot everything around.

  The hour passed quickly, no exciting features are not apparent. Realizing that John Selezneva allow the room only when labor will begin, Svetlana continued to grasp the meaning of the texts and imperceptibly more and more soothing. Somewhere I stepped fear of complications, mistakes, fear of the process itself.

  - John. - The relationship with Shepard, not to leave the Hall of crisis management, Anderson left. - I was contacted by Selezneva. Svetlana decided to give birth. Today.

  - Everything is clear, Commander - Shepard retired from Wirth tablet, pressing the speaker to your ear. - Come back. Following directly on the cruiser.

  - Alla ordered. You will take and carry. But you will go to the gym only when labor begins. Disposal of medical service chapter of the cruiser. You understand, I can not dispute this. No authority.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Shepard closed the door of the hall. - I fly.

  - Come on. We will help everyone and you and her, John. Be sure of that.

  - Thank you, David. - Captain nodded to the guard at the entrance of the Center for Crisis Management, ran through a covered tunnel crossings into the main body, dressed in suites, and took pre-cooked trunks. - All I'm out of headquarters. Before connection.

  - So long, John. Greg already on the docks fifteen. He is waiting for you on the shuttle.

  - Clear. Begu. - Switching channels, Number vymetnulsya the parking lot, got into double flier, including the manual mode. Machine unmarked jumped up to several tens of meters and was carried away in a whirlwind Docks area of the Citadel.

  - Commander, there - Greg pointed in the direction of hanging on the outer road cruiser - everything is normal.

  - I believe. - Shepard took a hard bench. - Flew.

  Do not wait until the driver lowers the car onto the platform in the hangar cruiser, Shepard left the salon, watch officer nodded and walked down the hallway in the commander's cabin. Here, everything remained the same.

  From one of the trunks Shepard took the flowers, placed them in a vase, poured the water from the dressing. Let stand and pleasing to the eye, making the atmosphere of the cabin a little more festive than usual. Svetlana does not like flashy pretentiousness, but that it will evaluate positively. Now...

  - Now you need to wait, John. - Entered the cabin Selezneva. Apparently, vahtsluzhba cruisers already reported to the chief doctor of the ship's arrival XO "Normandy" and she hurried to the cabin of her friend, knowing that Shepard will go exactly to the very first. - Svetlana I translated into the main hall, where she is reading. That's its state data. - The doctor filed XO reader. - In general, everything is normal.

  - I really want to believe it, Alla. - Shepard read into the slim line. - Good. How is she?

  - Worried, nervous, anxious. Usually. - Seleznev said, knowing that the XO think out the rest in the right direction. - It is necessary to wait for several hours. It's only a little more than half.

  - Lunch ...

  - No, John. This can complicate. Light breakfast. Nature wisely arranged so that ... it is necessary to wait. - Seleznev took filed XO reader. - As soon as the start, you will be taken to the sickbay. And I ... I have to go. I bypass the ship. Service. - Alla turned in place around and rapidly swept out of the commander's cabin.

  Walking through the small room, Shepard knew that all three sheep dogs, apparently, is now awaiting his mistress in one of the chambers of the sickbay. Had that - they will be next to Svetlana as soon as possible, too anxious and worried, for a very good sense of tension hostess. But there is no reason for particular concern. Realizing this, Shepard returned to the hall, knowing that whatever it was, in the absence of the hostess so freely walk around in her private quarters, he can not. He sat down in a chair, took the reader. Maybe reading will reduce the waiting time. May be.

  Feeling the first frequent uterine contractions, Svetlana postponed the reader side. Realizing that shy here, especially no one in the main operating room sickbay cruiser - the terms and accustomed to such doctors and other health workers, she jerked undid the robe. So there is - mucus mixed with blood. So, prior to delivery in less than a day at most - a few hours. What then, she endured children to full term, and now at least on this side of the problems can not be expected.

  Contractions calmed down, release temporarily stopped, but Streltsov knew they were repeated after half an hour, maybe - a little less. And then the intervals between contractions and regular discharge will inevitably decline: the body prepares for the delivery of complex processes and operates on full automatic as programmed its nature and evolution.

  Introduced a few minutes in the hall Alla checked the readings, he looked at a little strained, but still sitting girlfriend and went to a hospital bed. Svetlana did not condemn it - is no difficulty escalate the situation has nothing to worry and panic.

  Now he had to endure several periods of contractions, and then expect to waste water. Now for the first time Svetlana remembered the strange feeling of tension of the uterus, which during labor has become a stone. That's right - the body is preparing to gently, gently, but steadily push children to the outside world. And they must take on his hands, John.

  - He was on board the "Volga" Light. - Appeared like ethereal spirit in the room Selezneva bent to his girlfriend. - I gave him all the information he cares about you and is waiting for. He's ready. - Said the doctor.

  - Glad. Thanks, Alla.

  - Thanked then David. This he called Shepard Hall of crisis management. - A little gruffly remarked Seleznev. - I prescribe your there. - She felt her pulse, calming nodded. - You have everything - like clockwork. A few hours - and proceed.

  - To sustain this wat
ch ... - said Svetlana. - The uterus was - like stone. Do not be crushed babies ...

  - Do not crush. - Calming the doctor said. - Nature has arranged everything wisely. - Seleznev straightened girlfriend gown. - I'm near. We - you're done.

  - I believe you, Al. - Svetlana spent girlfriend look again picked up the reader. Reading helped her escape and unwind.

  - The first bout, John. - Seleznev entered the commander's cabin caught a questioning look exec, rising from his chair. - Sit down. Everything is fine. For the first time she felt ready to leave. Full readiness. - Explained the doctor. - As soon as possible.

  Nodding care Selezneva, Shepard forced himself to return to reading, guessing that Svetlana and nothing else is allowed to do. And in any case, for the next few days it made it impossible to even read the reports of the crew and command of the cruiser. Titov cope with everything myself: in these few days it - sovereign commander of the cruiser. A special situation, special circumstances. Done without protocol and ritual - also good. The main thing - do not load the Light. She's already overloaded.

  The second battle, which came exactly in half an hour, also made zakamenet uterus, but did not discharge. If Svetlana does not read the mountain of materials on options predorodovyh situations, it would probably very frightened. And now, knowing that it is - it is quite ordinary, and even normal, she waited for muscle relaxation and visited sankomnatu, replacing spattered robe. Alla at this time does not appear, apparently, she knew that everything is fine. An hour passed only an hour, and she was already on edge. And it will be on edge for the next few hours. The spring will be compressed. So I wanted to evolution. So I wanted to nature.

  We'll have to wait. For the first time ... The main thing ... The main thing is to not be the last. - Streltsov thought, settling on a hospital bed, looking sideways at the middle of the room stood a table the size of five by five meters and pressing his back against the wall of the hall. Of course, a big table ... but most importantly, that the convertible. Who knows what will turn the case may be, and such a large area is required. Doctors, of course, trained hands, long, but still, only visible at first so much is this table. Subsequently, it will decrease the size. She will need the support. And doctors and John.

  The third bout came to the twenty-fifth minute. Time between them decreased. All according to the book - Svetlana remembered the words of his friend, the doctor. All according to the book. And well, that is - everything according to the book. Because if it is not according to the book - it will be very bad. It will be very bad. She barely suppressed emotion right now, when everything seems to be fine, but if it is not normal, it could quickly fly off the rails. Well, that gives birth to it among their own country and countrymen.

  Thirty seconds stomach was just a stone. Big belly. I wonder who will take the first, John? Son or daughter? She knows something, he would take both the same, but still it is already wondering who will be born first, who will be a senior this stellar pair, and who - the youngest.

  Contractions - it is just a prelude, then attempts will be. And when they start ... it will have to have to climb up on the table, take a comfortable position on it. Do not lie flat on his back, but not the standard posture. How many years doctors have insisted throughout the Earth, it is - the best position for the mother. But it turned out - this is the best position for them, doctors. Well, that Allah is not so fixated on the stupid prejudices of the professional caste. It was she who realizes that a woman in labor itself, independently, is that on the full machine takes that position, which for her personally and for her children the best that they were born quickly and seamlessly. Quickly and seamlessly. The main thing to be able to breathe properly, so make an effort in time. Not only under the direction of Alla, it is, of course, very, very Svetlana believes, but now she needs to listen to his personal, inner essence.

  Again. The fourth bout. Twenty minutes - look familiar fumbled numbers on the scoreboard clock above the entrance to the hall. Once more it gets out of this room ... It's hard to say right now, but she herself realizes that she is on their feet from this room will not work - Allah will not. It rolled out on a gurney, crossed to the gurney in the House, will shift on the sheet on a hospital ward bed. Alla, too, will have to work hard to clean up everything is.

  Taught Svetlana lot. Taught. Well prepared for just such situations. Preparations are now impacted, he gave calm and confidence. Of course, far from complete, no shapkozakidatelstva, no indifference, no excessive complacency. labor time is reduced. Until five minutes plus or minus a minute, and then fly intervals reduced by two, three, five minutes. At least, as I remember Svetlana, Standards and Statistics I was ten or fifteen minutes. So, it will be able to relax before the bout will be replaced by vain attempts.

  When attempts to come, abdominal pressure will increase, much more. It will be necessary to balance, will have to help children to go out into the world safely and securely. And she would do it. Because these children - are welcome. The desire for it. The desire for it dearly and deeply loved John. Desire and need. Even if ... Even if they become only her children ... She ... She remembers. that can no longer get pregnant ever. Remembers. Where did she go away from such a memory? But these two children, the boy and girl have to come into the world safely and securely. The world will take their hands of John, whom she loves, to whom she has been, is and always will be true. She really wants a higher power is not deprived of its possibility to get pregnant and give birth more than once or twice, many times. She wants very much. Now, at this moment - he wants particularly acute.

  Fifth battle. Again twenty minutes. If a higher power gives her the opportunity to save strength for attempts - this is good. She is grateful to them for this ... break. Abdomen again like a stone, even thirty seconds - but now his toughness and armor military fighting kosmokorabley can envy. Probably, because the nature of the woman reminds her duties fully protect children born. Ready to be born, ready to come into this world.

  Alla done, it does not come. It does not get tired of their presence. It is, of course, sees and feels devices she report to a lot. Well, that, thanks to the preparation of Allin, her experience, her instrument she Svetlana can not worry about something once can certainly go wrong. It may, of course, but Allah will not allow it. That will not allow all. It is not only a doctor she friend Svetlana. A good, close friend, and after she takes her firstborn, she will be the closest friend. It will become mandatory. Oh Svetlana somehow take care of this.

  Phew. You can take a reader and try to read. Relax, calm down. She is very calm will soon be in as needed. It will need to. So. We take the card reader, turn on, find a place where interrupted. Quietly, without flickers. Yeah. It was here interrupted. We grasp. Finally, there are signs of relaxation. Caught, efforts to consolidate. Phew. Okay. We wait. There may be a battle and after a little while. Now we have to catch every moment. Up to fifteen minutes left nothing at all. And there - go attempts. Actually ... fun to be in quotation marks.

  The sixth bout ... That's right. Reducing the interval for a whole minute. Reader to the side, not up to him now. The main thing - do not catch his stomach. Yes, it hurts, yes, uncomfortable, yes, tension is growing in leaps and bounds. But the main thing - not to be missed. Do not rush. There is still time. Total minute interval shortened. At this time, and mucus mixed with blood there. Then, the process goes in the right direction.

  Svetlana, and she wondered how she had this machine is capable of almost detached to perceive what is happening now is not with someone else, and with it the most. Probably still the instructors were right sniper school, when they said that the ability and opportunity, graft during training sniper case, help students in everyday life. Where it is more common for it - give birth. Most women's business. Most female. Again stomach like a stone, the uterus is stretched like a drum. Another warning nature of her regular maternity. Do not relax, get ready, do everything right.

  Hmm. Even in the "UV" strength is not enough. So, gently exhale through clenched te
eth. Then, later comes relaxation. This is not to relaxation - and its nature makes it necessary not to interfere, and if possible - and help. How is there to help ... Experience something no, here right now and we have the most experience to turn out. Not very far from the Centre of the process. Svetlana sad inwardly smiled, squeezing his lips thinned. I took down a jar, unscrewed the cap, leaned, rinse your mouth. Drink should not be - everything will go the accelerated march to the output, and it is now well, it totally unnecessary.

  So. Now - reach for the reader. Eck she threw it. Scared, obviously frightened strongly. It happens. Well, that did not turn off - a look he found the place on which interrupted the reading of the text. Quiet such a text, the text of relaxing.

  So. Jar in place, take the reader back, and that she never knows his zafigarit somewhere in the corner of the room. It happened already is - flung all sorts of items in the upset feelings. And now it is even more remains not only frustrated, but even in a very disheveled feelings, that her scale the mountain-and-zdo serious.

  Khlobystov! Seventh battle. A glance at the clock. Again, a reduction of a minute. It should be ready to fifteen minute interval left nothing at all - one or two periods of combat. Um ... Abdomen again like a drum. Here Allah came, thank you wiped his forehead, now the main hand will not give, does not make them look even stomach sides, not just the front. What is there to lie on his back ... If she lies so - it may come to an end ....

  Just do not think about death. Not to think. John and she needs the children needed. A child needs both mother and father. So she did not die, do not die. John will not allow it. Allah will not allow it. None of the doctors, none of the volgovtsev none of otryadovtsev will not allow it. X-th-th-th. Release. Thirty seconds ... this voltage are expensive. She will remember for a long time. Not only is it - its essence, it is an impressive body. I remember this well. Experience ... he is. No, it is, thank the higher powers, not yet made any mistakes. Maybe some small and committed, it's not without sin, not a saint.


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