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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 235

by Theodore Daniels

  Although ... For John it - sacred. He relates some of her as a saint. It's so ... so nice. He is consistent in his attitude to it and it is also very happy. I am glad that it is for him, pregnant, podurnevshaya, Hrazdan, with here Taken stomach remained the most beautiful, the most valuable, the best and most-most. There was. And probably always will be. In another way, simply can not be, now she will have children, and two of them also have to see my mother strong and beautiful. It is sure to be just that. It will be because she wants it and because of this, John wants it.

  Favorite senseless John. Gave her so much useful, necessary important ... It is unlikely that it is from someone could get more. John for her - beyond any competition, regardless of any lists. She has, after she met John ... and a list as such remains. She refused them. Not immediately, but she refused. I believe it only now that faith helps her to deal with the most important and most needed and she and John all - the birth of children.

  She - will cope. It can not cope. Because it feels, because he knows that John is now worried, worried, he does not find a place for himself. She clearly feels - he is now in her commander's cabin is in the cabin, where she became a woman, where she experienced the happiness of motherhood for the first time in my life, happiness, and which is not conceived for many years, until the chair was the commander of the cruiser.

  There was. Perhaps as a reward for this campaign a higher power, and gave her happiness to see, feel, communicate and be close to John. Yes, she knows, she feels that John tried to read something in the reader, but only tried. He is always thinking about her, worried about her, worried. A few more minutes, maybe - tens of minutes, and he did not restrain himself, he will come in sickbay ...

  Be sure to come. Time is running battles. Em. Hand feels reader presses the sensor. She is still able to read at such a moment? No, certainly, it is very helpful John stand. It is, of course, and she is not very weakened, but John she now needs help, and a little later, when the battle will be replaced by vain attempts - it will help John is a must. And she will receive this help. She is sure of it.

  The one-and-a. Look again found the place of reading the interrupt and ran, ran over the lines. It calms. Again, it relaxes and soothes. She had to calm down and relax. When attempts to come - will be little time for tranquility and relaxation. That's just lip snack is not necessary. Do not. To do this, the time has not come yet. Did not come. Read tekstiki ... while you can. As long as there is time and effort ...

  In th-th-th. eighth fight, they say, not slow. We must now think in pace think that will be better for it. To give birth squatting or on all fours. When John ... No, squat disappear, she realizes that will not stay only on the legs - it is the first time giving birth, and not the fifth. Well more, thanks to Alla that does not insist that she went into the usual for doctors across the Earth posture supine on his back. No, of course it can deliver Alla and even John is such a pleasure - a habit - a great thing, to some extent, and second nature, but now she wants to be different. And she would do differently. So, we decided, "squat" disappear. Alla, of course, do not care, she, as a doctor, and not as accustomed to witness the Olympic serenity statue from Easter Island, but for John it Vidocq squatting is not weak stimulus. Association, where do they get away from. John, of course, and so agrees to see her, but it is better to make a pleasant and him and myself. So squat finally fall. And remain all fours. This is closer to the truth. It will be able to lean his hands and knees can lean on, and pose less rich in unhealthy associations, and in such moments, men all sorts of these "lower" break the association. John, of course, flint, but it is better not to ship.

  So. Abdomen again like a drum. She does not remember, that does not remember, or some Turkish. In general, the Thirty-tension drum, to put it more or less scientific. It is, of course, have got used to this ... that's very unusual sensations, but the main thing - do not miss a moment of transition from labor to vain attempts. There, according to the studied material, generally it will be fun.

  Hmm. Relaxing a little, even a reader is not needed. In any case, her hand on the machine to the device no longer runs, then the doping in the form of the usual plain sight on the text and is not particularly needed. This makes me happy. Phew. Finally, you can gently exhale through clenched teeth, relax a bit refilled. Sight is already looking for a clock face, and then moves on to the table. Here is Alla.

  - Already I decided? - I asked a friend, feeling the familiar grip pulse and looking with interest on the face of the commander of the cruiser, then the screen of his supernavorochennogo and became much larger in size instrumentrona. - Regarding the posture. - Clarified Selezneva.

  - I Decided. - Nod. - On his back - no, no. Squatting - no, no, but on all fours - quite go. it will be ok for me ....

  - Okay. I thought so, but the main thing - you yourself decided. And John is ... familiar.

  - I do it for him and for themselves. - Explained Svetlana. - Primarily - to him. After all, he is not himself. Worry will.

  - Will be. He was worried. But now such a commotion - is permissible and necessary. And if it is so evident in other aspects - I would point him in the sickbay written off.

  - So worried? - Svetlana with interest looked at her friend's face.

  - More than. Nervous, anxious. Very worried.

  - Do you think that with all the fights? - A new look Svetlana staring into the eyes of her best friend.

  - I suspect, and - quite rightly, that it is so. You have almost everything happens as if by the book.

  - Almost all? - Disbelief stretched Streltsov.

  - Well, you're not a character from the book, but a real person. So all of your, shall we say, especially - in the normal range.

  - Al, you can ask you?

  - Can. - Slight nod and understanding the doctor look like Svetlana.

  - When the time comes ... Let John help me to climb up there. - The commander of sight pointed at the table. - It will help me and calm.

  - If you say so - I do not mind. - Nod. - As soon as possible.

  - Glad. Thank you. - Svetlana opёrlas back against the wall of the hall. - You think it is necessary to wait for a major battle ...?

  - Yes. - Seleznyov nodded almost imperceptibly. - Mucous you have two or even three times pulling back, now we need to water broke. Last fights cycle will be difficult. So get ready. Or throw the reader, it is unlikely you will need to have. - The doctor had put the device in a drawer. - Then, when it's all over, finished reading.

  - At least I have a question which I can do outside of this room. - A bit wearily Streltsov.

  - Do you outside this hall is very busy. - Confirmed the doctor.

  - Oh. How firmly. - Svetlana arched. - A little bakes and stomach worse than the drum. - She was happy that Allah has not left the room a minute ago, and is now at her side. - Again I CURRENT. In usual.

  - Mucous and blood. - Alla quietly confirmed, helping her friend to take a more comfortable position and enclosing oilcloth. - Now do not be afraid, will depart the water. First - the lower, supporting children's heads absorb them ... Protect. - The doctor sent the jet into the drive. - Like this. Now all before birth have very little time. Consider yourself and mark that the water you have, friend, have already departed. You will give birth, is now nowhere to retreat.

  - And the rest of the water?

  - That will be born a son and a daughter - and they depart. - Said the doctor soothingly, removing the oilcloth. - Will you give birth, the Light. Generic way already open and ready for the passage therethrough of the child.

  - Who was the first ...?

  - By all accounts - son. - Alla said, looking at the small screen of your instrumentrona. - Like a true gentleman as a man, he takes on a pioneering function. And the fear of his sister. - Alla mouthed grin.

  - Hmm. Finally, I know who our best pair will be a senior. - Calming breathed Svetlana.

  - Now you can not walk a lot of light. - Looking up from the screen, the doctor noticed. - It is necessary to
you to move on the table.

  - John ...

  - I am here, the Light. - Shepard walked to the bed. The moment of its appearance in the hall Streltsov had not noticed. - Now you have nothing to fear and everything will be fine. - He put his arm around her friend and helped her to her feet. - Come on, cautiously, step by step.

  Relying on the arms of her husband and a friend Svetlana without fear, without trembling and without emotion overcame the distance to the table, really reduced in size, easily ascended the steps of the monumental staircase on the table and sat down on all fours.

  - I'm so easily be, John.

  - I know the Light. Everything will be fine. - He almost soothingly hugged her shoulders and Svetlana felt it absorbs heat wave. - I'm right and everything will be fine.

  - John, please. Take the children first. Alla ... help. - I whispered in his ear to her husband and a friend Svetlana, slightly bowed head. - Help me...

  - Always help the Light. - Gently and softly breathed Shepard. - Alla, team.

  - You did the right thing, John. - A doctor consulted with the testimony of his instrumentrona. - Light, I stand slightly to the side, will soon begin pushing. You should hear me and push when I tell you. I will also talk to you about when you can relax. I must say - first attempts are not very strong, but when children are born, they will go with an interval of two to three minutes. No bites his lip, Svetlana.

  - Al ... I ask only, without any medication.

  - That's how it goes, Light. Children must be born safely and correctly. - The doctor moved to the middle of the long side of the table. - We will try to do without medicines. - In the room included two nurses, nods greeted with Shepard, stood at the tables with medicine and instruments, nodded Selezneva, reported on their readiness.

  The first attempts really Svetlana barely felt. Yes, she read that pose on all fours, it is this what it is under the direction of Alla took just now on the table is optimal for women have already given birth, and she gives birth to something for the first time. Maybe it's some sign? Maybe so, nature says that she can again and again to get pregnant and give birth to a few more kids? How do you want to believe in this opportunity, in the reality of what these genera, and this pregnancy will not be the last and only for her.

  Since the first attempts were weak, she did not hear commands Alla - the doctor was calm and silent. John was there, she felt his presence, he was right. Now we have to encourage and, if necessary - and then force yourself to breathe correctly. She taught this because, like any girl, born in the Empire, had been taught. And with the breath we must remember, it is necessary to recall the muscle relaxation mode. It hurts because the will - not without it. The very fact Alla asked to do without medicines. Allah, of course, fulfill the request, but ... If need be, it will ignore the request. After all, who is a doctor here? She, Svetlana Streltsov, here - just a woman in labor. Of course, much to her and to decide alone, have completely yourself, but next to the doctor next to nurses, close to John yet somehow quieter - happen that,

  Then went easier, a little more than six minutes and then came the attempts. Allah commanded Svetlana when she should natuzhitsya itself, and when - to relax, to rest and gain strength. Svetlana remembered that in vain attempts reduced abdominal muscles and diaphragm, increased pressure in the abdomen. Yes, attempts are involuntary, but the woman in childbirth is, it turns out, on their own, consciously adjust their power. To this end, and we had to push herself. Unpleasant, of course, the occupation, but - because nature wanted. And in the presence of John it is somehow easier to endure all this, what she had read ... Yes, I read a lot, but knowledge helps her now to stay calm, clearly hear the voice of Alla and her team perform accurately, quickly and on time.

  Yes, fights and attempts to help the child move to a small basin and beyond, well, she still remembered correctly and fully, how to breathe, how to relax at the right time the abdominal muscles and back muscles. Well, it does not lie on his back right now - then attempts would be weak and not a god would have let Alla use forceps. Svetlana this would not have suffered quietly - that's for sure. And now she feels like her son, the first boy is preparing to enter into this big world, how he pushes his head muscles as they are inferior to its natural fall. Yes, on the screen, the rotated lenses carefully to physicians, it is clear what is happening in her stomach. She finally gives birth, she finally sees his children not on the screen, but really, outside.

  John shifted from foot to foot. It feels - it's a little worried, but he is calm, because it is now necessary to calm her, his girlfriend and his wife. And this peace - genuine. He understands like no one understands what it is now, Svetlana Streltsov, not Strela, not rock and not Touchy. She's just a weak woman. Weak and at the same time - the most powerful of so many women - dugouts. Because she - bears. She finally gives access to the world with their hard-won, nurtured, he loved children, children welcome.

  Again attempts. Again, we must breathe well and, if every other time, hearing the clear command of Alla. Nakomanduetsya relish. If this goes on and the war drags on, Alla, perhaps more than once will command Pregnant Women. Other girls from the crew of the cruiser and the team, and who want to become mothers. Happily, I want to believe, and be sure - many children mothers.

  Think, Commander. She decided - made herself. Now your example can be very contagious. Positive, there is no dispute, but it is very contagious. So nursery will have to open on the board of "Volga". And then a kindergarten in a year. He knows because Svetlana, already many volgovtsev amounted couples - life has its, development is impossible even to stop this terrible war with a very experienced and ruthless enemy.

  The strength of attempts increases. Alla undertone quietly commanding, John by his presence and light touches helps her to stay calm and confidence in the successful outcome. She is not shy about her nudity, do not hesitate to John. Why should she be ashamed of his then-husband? This is because her husband is a legitimate it - her friend, a true master is the most important one, the first and last in her life. First and last. The words echoed somewhere in the subconscious and Svetlana believed in something that only John is the only one of her husband and always - the only major friend. More it is not necessary to anybody. She has already made her choice she has already chosen. And that choice she will not give up ever. Because he knows that John is faithful to her - here, now and in the future. Faithful. And it will be true only to him. One. Sole. It's enough. Inhale - exhale. Again, Allah commands, we must obey. She, Svetlana Strel'tsova enough because she failed chance in a billion. And miss this chance, it will not. No way. John will be the first and only her husband, spouse and other mainly. Father of her children. Yes, she wants to continue to pregnant and give birth only from him, only to give him sons and daughters. Because it - is worthy. Because she believes in him, and he believes her.

  Again, a few minutes of rest. We must wait, attempts to increase, then the son will soon be born. And there - my daughter and did not slow down. Alla compares the readings. But viewing Svetlana does not forget, does not stick his only instrument control. Girlfriend, chief medical officer, an officer of the Imperial Medical Service Astrorazvedki. Nurses schooled - pleasure to watch - no unnecessary movement, no unnecessary sight, not a single superfluous word. And they sang at concerts in the "Omega"! The audience listened with delight them clean and sonorous voices! And both have already grooms future lawfully wedded husband. It is something like their commander, knows this well. Probably, but not probably, and definitely, they are now remember everything that happens to her, Svetlana Strel'tsova. In its own way, of course, remember. They do come in handy when they shall bear their children and give birth here in this room.

  A glance at the clock. Alla - do not mind, she calmly accepted the desire Svetlana know how much time had passed. Yes, there is the risk of the red marks the start of labor. Few hours. Attempts are amplified, the abdominal muscles and diaphragm are reduced still more. Soon, very soon to be born son. How to be happy and satisfied with John
. He will take on his first hand, he personally cut off the umbilical cord, which, of course, will keep both hands Alla. That mirror in store restless girlfriend. Thrifty she is. Oh, good wife will be for someone. Itself a very pereborchivy Alla, strict, severe. Not every guy she likes, uh, not everyone. Perhaps, in some way she takes the example of her, her friend and commander. Good. The main thing that Allah has not risked in vain, she is a doctor, chief physician of the medical service of the cruiser. Ahead of fights and it is necessary that Alla was calm, so that it can safely and efficiently do their job. She - a born doctor in her family of eight generations of physicians. Such genes and drown impossible to cheat. Alla - very knowledgeable specialist, is one of the best physicians of the Medical Service Astrorazvedki Empire.

  How many knew Svetlana - Alla always trying to lure other ships, but she said she would only fly next to Strel'tsova and never changed its decision. And how it entices - where there is the eastern lords! All creature comforts were promised, but did so as Alla can be so deceived? Yes, no life! Here Allah and fly next to her, with her best friend. Oh, no wonder Shepard fell in love with Karin Chakwas. Not in vain. Maybe it's fate, when, Svetlana and John, repeat each other in the details, and can mirror reflects the desire of fate. If so, Svetlana and John shines long common destiny, a long and happy life.

  Inhale - exhale. Attempts hlobystnuli stomach, but Allah commanded again, Svetlana obeyed, and she immediately felt better. Yes, she would not stay in bed vraskoryaku so many hours on the back backwards. This is not a complete rest and everything. Yes, it seems to be a sniper and good, but in such a position in such a situation, it would definitely not stay in bed for a long time. Maybe neither body nor soul to such a favorite here as medical mothers in her position, Svetlana Strel'tsova not lying? It may even be.


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