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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 236

by Theodore Daniels

  Phew. Now you have to submit the request to Alla - relax, gain strength. One of the nurses wipes the face of Svetlana sweat. Hand wipes, not some gauze or paper towel. Alla looks, controls, but is silent. So, everything goes wrong.

  - Light, get ready. Who will be strong attempts. Listen to me and act like I'm telling you. At the same moment. - Said Selezneva, easily touching the hand to the forehead of his girlfriend.

  It is difficult, of course, all the time keep your head up in this position, raise you want, but the neck quickly zatechёt - head thrown back anatomically alien to the human body. Immediately Association unpleasant climb in a head. So it is better to keep your head straight. Alla holodnenky hand, the hand of the physician, quiet, strong and confident. Go and feel better. What then, if there is a first son, then indeed, attempts will be powerful - the head of the boy always great. So nature has wanted. But, perhaps the daughter will be born soon? I'd like to believe it.

  - Al, how my daughter there ...

  - With it, everything is fine, light. - A look at the screen, transmitting the image of a hung over the table, over the back of the scanner. - It's okay.

  - I believe. Thank you. - Svetlana head returns in the usual upright position. Too heavy to throw back, the blood boils just not normal.

  Indeed, attempts have increased dramatically.

  - John, get ready. - Allah is behind the table stands, relaxed, but ready for the majority of surprises. - Svetlana ... Rhythm!

  Barely perceptible nod of the head - on more she a woman in labor, is now unable to. Feels - Show head.

  - Congratulations, Light! The black-haired unto thee. Coal-black hair. Oh, it will hurt women's hearts of his hair. - Softly softly Alla says. She, of course, know better. Including mirrors. It turns out that this is not a mirror, is the screen, and Svetlana, slightly raising his head, can watch the birth of a son. Yes, it is somewhat annoying, can bring down the rhythm of breathing, can bring down the rhythm of straining, but Alla believed her, her friend, Svetlana needs to justify the trust and confidence of Alla, should avoid any disruption of the rhythm of straining or failure of the respiratory rhythm. Son is born! And he should be born normally!

  - Head turned. - Said one of the nurses. - It's okay.

  Svetlana heard this message as if through cotton wool, attempts to become stronger, more frequent and longer. the child's head was coming out out - Streltsov found the strength, lifted his head and saw it on the screen conveniently delivered. A few minutes - and the head of its long-awaited son was completely outside.

  - All the Light. This, as you yourself have understood - the most painful part of labor. Now there is a little - here Alla made a highly visible and understandable to the stress girlfriend - easier. Well done, his shoulders already there, your son turns right, sideways, sideways, one shoulder first, then - else.

  Svetlana is dead kept the rhythm of breathing and rhythm straining. Alla, to observe the process, and the time to command the rhythm, and to maintain the head of his son. Son! Her firstborn was the boy! How glad John! As he is proud! His son was the eldest son, he was born the first!

  - Well done, Light. The shoulders were completely, and now it will be much easier. - Says doctor and really weakens pain, muscle tension decreases. Of course there will still be born daughter, she is now ready to go the same way, followed by his brother. But now Svetlana - an experienced mother and daughter will be born much easier. After her brother paved the way, it extended all the way so that she will not stay there, inside, soon, very soon see the light. The light of a new world, in which she will live for decades. And she, Svetlana, will do everything to life the son and daughter had a long and happy. Certainly happy.

  - Congratulations, Svetlana! - Alla, as promised, allows John to pick up on the hands of the newly born son. Svetlana sees everything on the screen and in her eyes there are happy tears. - A son! Is healthy and Kripen'ka!

  You can hear the murmur - it depart amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid and rear, blocking it gurgling sounds the first cry of a newborn. The son cried out in his father's arms, in caring, strong and gentle hands of his father. Everything is done as it should, as wished Svetlana.

  A few minutes and Streltsov spots John accurately conveys the approaching nurse's son, and he takes with metal surgical tray with sharp scissors. Alla has already taken the umbilical cord as it should be and put under the blade. Heer-cancer - and the umbilical cord is cut. Son - born! Nurses already fussing over him, leading him to order.

  - Svetlana ... Now my daughter will be born very quickly and easily. But you still try to keep the rhythm. Good?

  - P-I try. - Happiness and pride Svetlana slightly cracked voice, but also nurses and John and Alla understood it correctly.

  - It will try. - Said Alla complacency.

  My daughter was born really quickly - in less than ten minutes. Her cry rang a bell under the roof of the hall, marking the arrival of the world a new soul, a new man. Again, it took the first John and Svetlana saw his happy smile and keenly felt the tenderness with which he looked at the child.

  Svetlana quietly gasped, realizing that everything is over the main part.

  - John ... - Alla turns to Shepard. - Nurses you spend with the children. Svetlana soon join the children in the post-natal ward. Go.

  Handing the daughter of one of the nurses and jealously watching as another nurse takes on his son's hand, John went to Svetlana. He lifted her head with both hands:

  - Light ... Thank you ... Thank you for your son! Thank you for your daughter! Thank you. For what you ... for you ... there! Because thanks to you, we are now together. Together forever.

  - Forever, John. - Svetlana whispers and feels like John, her dear John leans toward her and seals her lips a sweet kiss that tears of happiness welling in her eyes themselves Strel'tsova and she is not shy about it. She knows that there, in the House, it will give his son in his arms, John itself. Consolidating his right to a father and dad. And then - to give a daughter. And of course it is engraved with Synthetic two children - a son and daughter at the same time on their hands. History will photograph.

  A few minutes later, they did not break the kiss and the doctor was sympathetic to this their desire. Timidly releasing head girlfriend, Shepard otshagnul back turned to Alla and bent, picked, carefully and gently took her hands in his, gently kissing her wrist. So, as it should be. Silently he is kissing, thus expressing their gratitude and highest doctor and friend and good friend for being laid up, save lives and health of all the three dearest people to him.

  Straightening up, he touched a grateful, loving and tender gaze girlfriend eyes and turned and left the room. Svetlana had no doubt - there are waiting for him two nurses. They understand that only in his presence, he would allow them to enter the room. The very room, where she went into the hall to become a mother. Mother of two children - a son and a daughter.

  - Alla, not Tom, please. I saw how you looked at the screens. If that sentence ... I want to hear it from anyone else, and it is up to you. - Svetlana said quietly.

  Selezneva preparing tools for the implementation of the third part of the delivery. And silent. The silence lengthened. Yes, as I recall, Svetlana, we must also remove the afterbirth, the placenta. So, her new mother, too, will have to exert some effort. Alla, as a physician, can help. The main thing that is not very zakrovilo.

  - Sveta. Childbirth is not yet finished. It is still not clear to me a lot. Let's wait for the final. - Seleznev said softly, stopping for a moment to shift tools. - You handled, you have - two children. You need to think about milk and tranquility. The rest will be clear ... eventually. Not now, light.

  - You do not want to talk about ... So ...

  - Wait. The placenta separates. - Alla nodded logged other nurses. - Working.

  Strain had. Svetlana thought with fear and an acute sense of hopelessness that so maybe she strained at the last time in his life. Yes, she remembered about that now for Alla importantly - to find out whether there is no blood i
n more than is necessary. If it comes more than six cups of blood - it is a long time has not come down from that table. Childbirth mostly finished, but Allah - not the doctor who settles down halfway.

  They work in silence, waiting, consider risks dimensional strip cup.

  - Norma. On scanners - the norm. - Heard the report of a third nurse.

  - Volume - norm. - Reports to the second nurse in a low voice. First, he hears Streltsov, she cleans the glasses in the holders.

  - The uterus contracts. Bleeding stops ... Stopped. - Report to the second nurse.

  Alla nods and proceeds to the examination of the placenta.

  - All full. - I heard her voice. This means that more inward Svetlana nobody climb instruments. Sharp, cold, unpleasant. Maybe everything is as it should, and it healed more than once will be able to become a mother? How do you want to believe that there will be all right, that it is not yet time will please his John the news that she - the delay and that it is likely - pregnant. Pregnant only on him.

  - Condition? - Heard the question Alla.

  The third nurse throws intense gaze on the monitor screen. For a few seconds - and the report:

  - Fine. Pulse - rate, the pressure - rate, blood loss decreases steadily.

  doctor nod allows nurses a little - just relax. Very little. Svetlana raises his head - Alla is right. In her eyes - fatigue, mixed with a restrained joy and great satisfaction.

  - Congratulations, World. With the birth of children. Is healthy and Kripen'ka. Yes, and you did not let us down. Well done. To the right. - How many positive emotions in her quiet voice. How pleasant as soothing. - Help her go gently. Slow Light. Slowly and carefully lay down on his side, and then - on the back. Now - it is possible. The main regulatory and done correctly. - Alla itself helps nurses to keep the body a little exhausted, Svetlana, is a table can be converted to a gurney and now she sees how kuda-to goes left and down shadowless lamp is always burning dimly all this time, as the left and right down kuda-to portal door of the main operating room ...

  Well, that did not need to do any operation. Svetlana relaxes, feeling under the back of a hard surface. Now you can relax. Very little. Ahead - a meeting with John and the children. Ahead - a short stay in the House.

  Alla accompanies slowly moving wheelchair. The corridor is empty, empty sickbay. It's good. So, on the ship - everything is normal. Clearly he felt that the cruiser was left standing in the outer roads in the Citadel. Nothing special, requiring his movement did not happen. Very good. It calms.

  - How many still took time, Al? - Quietly asks Svetlana from walking close friend.

  - You kept within seven hours of light. This is - the norm for those who give birth again, but you - and you have twins performed wearing out the program a little earlier, so I was ready in advance. So that process is time consuming, as you see, is not finished. - Bending over her friend, Alla said barely audible - only to her, Svetlana. I could hear everything said and, most importantly - as the doctor says. - You are really well done and is now the proud can. And how proud John - I generally keep quiet. No words, some vostorzhёnnye epithets. - Alla grinned. Svetlana smiled timid smile, a little tired, a little stretched. - All. Now you - a few decades of complete rest. Over time, the milk will be, according to my calculations - a few hours later. So - be ready to feed their children, girlfriend. And let John while poprisutstvuet. Required.

  - Always, Al. It will be close. Where do without him. - Streltsov said quietly, looking grateful look into the eyes of a friend. - Thank you. John thanked you. Now I should thank you.

  - Believes that it is thanked. - Pretty smiling Selezneva. - I'm glad, very glad that you all are well, even just perfectly turned out. I think not even sure - Synthetic already notified all otryadovtsev that you are now - mother of many children.

  - I guess ... They have ... fast. And good.

  - Yes, where do differently then? You met Olivia, John and Yavik met Mark.

  - A Alix in love with John. - Finished, embarrassed smile, Svetlana. - And - deep and full of love.

  - You see, my friend, what you are interesting, beautiful and whole. The main thing - now you - the parents!

  - The main thing, Alla, we have a number - like you. Our otryadovtsy! - Alla Svetlana corrected.

  - I agree, my friend. - Alla saw the wheelchair has reached to the wing of the sickbay ward. - We drive carefully and colleagues. - It held the ward door sash. - Yeah. All three of them are already here and all three available. - Alla playfully butting with light fingers in the air counted John and two kids. - All well and all happy. John, help us to pass the Light on the bed.

  Shepard felt like Streltsov, was ready and alone to move its main girlfriend on a bed, but the sight of Alla, alert and serious, made XO abandon the idea. Still, he grabbed the top two corners of the sheet and helped to shift nurses and Alla Svetlana rectangle on a semi-soft mattress hospital bed. Tucked veil Svetlana vglyanula on the indicators above the bed:

  - Congratulations. All four. With the birth. - she said.

  - Alla, do not hurry, do not run. - Svetlana found the key lifting head of the bed and took semi-sitting position. - I want to convey in your presence Jon children. So, as it should do.

  The doctor only nodded silently. Nurse Svetlana filed already wrapped in the "envelope" girl. Pink Ribbon. Tradition. Shepard stood up, walked over to the bed. Svetlana, staring into the eyes of the chief friend and her husband gave him the child. John gently, tenderly and lovingly adopted daughter at his hands. She did not even wake up and doctors faces flashed satisfied smile.

  - My daughter. - Quietly, but clearly John said.

  Now he smiles and Svetlana. Everything was done as it should. The ritual had been respected in full.

  A minute later a daughter was already in the hands of one of the nurses, and the second filed Svetlana wrapped in "envelope" tied with blue ribbon son. The same gaze Svetlana touched a second time the eyes of its main friend and husband, and now - the true and only his father's firstborn, passing into the hands of their second treasure - the long-awaited son. John took it in his hands as gently and carefully as a few minutes ago adopted daughter. Son also slept and did not express its concerns or complaints. Doctors smiled.

  - My son. - As quietly as distinctly Shepard said. And Svetlana noted - with the same tone and rich overtones. That is why - smiled open, full, sparkling smile. Now she had no doubt - and a son and daughter, and felt the strength and tenderness of his father's hand. We took the strength and tenderness in themselves, in their essence. Accustomed to them.

  Now they will be next to him. Almost constantly. The son and daughter. John will be there with them. It will educate them, they will read fairy tales to play with them for hours will talk to them about anything interesting. He will walk with them on the frigate and cruiser. First, they will be with him in his arms, then - in a wheelchair and then to their feet they will go next to him, his dad, his father. They will be a lot to see, to know, to feel. They will see the work and lives of not only John, but his colleagues and friends. Will know, understand and feel a great deal in that time, in which they happened to be born. John will bring them not by words but by example, their business. He is now proud of his children - Svetlana and Alla and two nurses is clearly seen and felt. She was their mother, too, is proud of them, their first-born. She believes now and then will believe that they - not the last of her children, John. There are, are bound to be more, what would it it is not worth it.

  He will give to your children, his daughter and his son fatherly affection with which he himself was deprived of as a child. And she, Svetlana Streltsov will do everything to her children never become either one parent or orphaned. She would do everything she could to John died, and he saw and age of their children and how they form their own families, and the way they have, its children, John Shepard, will be his children, but he has - grandchildren. And over time, be sure to turn to come and great-grandchildren. It can not come. Because the Reapers are destroyed. Do not
deposed, namely destroyed. Never again will not be disturbed polumashiny huge diverse population of the Galaxy. Never. Because children need peace, we need vibrant and healthy parents. We need peace of mind and confidence in the future.

  To do this, Svetlana and John will do. She will soon be back, really long time and come back in an armchair commander of the cruiser. Titov ... will be next. He proved his skills affair proved completely. And she will trust him more in the future. It will now again acting commander, a full commander. Yes, it will now be something for which she will fight with full dedication - she now has a daughter and a son. And a husband and chief friend, always ready to help her all. Literally everything. Now the squad will be stronger, to become stronger, because their children - not only for the firstborn of Svetlana and John, but all the firstborn of the Troop, and all normandovtsev all volgovtsev. The path is laid. Very soon she gives birth to their son and daughter Ashley and then the composition of the new couple. Nature does not stop, it requires its own.

  Svetlana saw in sparkling with joy and pride is manifested particularly John's eyes, his father's fortune. And I remember your smile. I remember very well. That smile for her became a very special, without any exaggeration and conventions - unique. She even became acutely doubt whether it will be able when - something to smile about as well. Probably could, when she is delivered of the third and fourth child. Perhaps only.

  Nurses put children in the crib and brought up close to their mother. Svetlana looked up, saw that they sleep soundly, calmed down, nodded gratefully physicians. She saw Alla calms as it falls from the tension and alertness. Had that bad, of course, Selezneva react instantly. In the meantime, she also smiles timidly. Mouthed. But the smiles, then really all right.

  It will take quite a bit of time and Svetlana will feed their infants. For the first time fed. Now her breasts heavy, a little ache a bit, not used to, of course, but she read a lot about this pain and therefore ready for her appearance. That is how it should be. She - my mother and she has brought up her children put the nature of life. And John will definitely be there.


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