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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 237

by Theodore Daniels

  They - the parents. And they are - one. In any way can not be otherwise. Her children - are unique and inimitable. They will be the best. In very many ways - the best. They are fully justified and maternal and paternal hopes and aspirations. There are, certainly. Because they - the family. Because they are - one.

  - Alla, sit down. Tell me, what awaits us next? Better than you is no one knows.

  - Okay. - Seleznev sign let younger colleagues and those left the room. - The six - eight weeks will take the postpartum period. During this time, the Light, your body will return to the state in which he remained until the beginning of pregnancy. Since the birth went well, it was not noticed any anomalies, this period will be easy and legal for you. There are, of course, skin damage, but they will quickly heals - no special measures for this to take do not have - I'm sure. The breath you become a regular, normal, stabilized on standard terms and pressure and pulse. Heartbeat stops also be quickened. Body temperature may be initially, and even, I think, will be enhanced, but will soon return to normal. Within two weeks, you, the Light will gradually lose weight, so with the figure you'll soon everything is in order. - Alla chuckled, catching smile Svetlana response. - And John and the kids will soon have all the possibilities to enjoy your perfect beauty.

  - And the children? - John asked. Svetlana, put out a contented smile, nodded, confirming that this issue, too, she would like to ask your doctor.

  - And you, Light, and you, John, you have to be prepared for the fact that in the first days after birth, the appearance of the child all the time changing. Yes, as you can see, at the time of the birth of the skin in children it was red, it is covered with a layer of oily grease. We doctors prefer to delete it immediately, even though we know that she will disappear in the next few days after the date of the appearance of the child's birth. After two or three days, the redness goes by, the skin will be pink and dry. More in a few days it can slightly turn yellow, but the yellow of passes without any treatment after a couple of weeks. Light down to your children's bodies also take place completely in a few weeks. Eyes are, fortunately, not swollen, over time, they too will be opened, we found that no infection has not been entered, so that from this side will be no problems. Over time, having opened, eyes will get their normal color and size - I have no reason to fear any negative changes. - Clarified vrach.- In general, I have for you small gifts. - She took two reader. - Here all the information about newborns and about caring for them. I know that you both read and watched a lot on this subject before, but this information is adjusted on the basis of our Synthetic transferred to them information on your children. So here it is - very specific. Well, I leave you four. I still have work to do, which further delay is not well, no conceivable possibility. - With these words Seleznyov got. - Here all the information about newborns and about caring for them. I know that you both read and watched a lot on this subject before, but this information is adjusted on the basis of our Synthetic transferred to them information on your children. So here it is - very specific. Well, I leave you four. I still have work to do, which further delay is not well, no conceivable possibility. - With these words Seleznyov got. - Here all the information about newborns and about caring for them. I know that you both read and watched a lot on this subject before, but this information is adjusted on the basis of our Synthetic transferred to them information on your children. So here it is - very specific. Well, I leave you four. I still have work to do, which further delay is not well, no conceivable possibility. - With these words Seleznyov got.

  - Alla, and long-range forecast? - Svetlana said, making sure that his son and daughter sleep soundly and quietly, and the conversation of adults does not prevent them.

  - By the end of the first month, your children will learn to keep the head straight, to follow moving objects, to respond to all the feelings will tend to pull everything into his mouth to suck, be willing to learn to understand how facial expressions, and tone of adult votes, they shall actively trying for a long time and "crow" and "gulit". Their weight to the end of the first month will increase by half a kilo, and growth - by almost four to five centimeters. By the end of the second month, they will learn to smile with confidence and even laugh - would be appropriate for this occasion, will feel confident lying on his stomach and raise confidence in this case and the head and chest, will seek to reach and to quickly and accurately grasp the closest thing. The growth of children will increase by three or four centimeters, and weight - at eight-nine grams. All parents, I should really go. We still talk about much later. In the meantime, you have to get used to your new position. And it's better to do it when no one is four. - Seleznev smiled, heading for the chamber door.

  - What is the sound a - "parents" - said in a singsong smiling full star smile Svetlana. - We're with you, Joe, is now really the best real parents and Alla right - we have to get used to this provision, and of the accompanying sensations. We are with you - the parents of two beautiful, healthy and intelligent children. They - our common strength in them - the best that is in each of the two of us, my John. Now I have you, there are those to whom we are required around the clock, there are those to whom we have to come back over and over again, who needs us absolutely.

  - I agree, my Light. - Shepard Svetlana leaned over and kissed on the lips. She liked it. She really liked it and with all the fervor kissed. It took a few tens of minutes before they were able to unstick her lips and see each other very clearly. - You are a beauty.

  - I know, John. - Svetlana smiled and her eyes flashed brightly blushing, numerous sparks. - Now, when you said that ... I'm sure and confident. Thank you, John. For beautiful children. And for your help and support - thank you, too. - She kissed his chief friend in the forehead, easily taking their hands on his head. - I like you very, very, very helpful. And I'm very grateful. Now I feel completely happy, because I now have a son and a daughter. Thanks to you, John. Due to the fact that you - is what it is. Such as I love you, I love and will love you forever!

  - And I'm grateful to you, my light of what you have, because now you're the mother of my children. - John said softly and Svetlana has once again smiled and relaxed. - Rest Now. Close your eyes and rest. Take a cue from your children. - He stood up, dimmed the lights in the room. - Go to sleep. I love you.

  The answer XO was soothed and even a happy sigh, he picked up, crossing the threshold of the chamber.

  Liara. The path through the war-6. Work near Protheans. Ilos

  Departure on Ilos

  The foresight helped the younger T'Soni prepare for the emergence of a guest in his office with the "Normandy". How he managed to pass through security and bypass the waiting room with four assistants - perhaps he alone knew. He knew, and did not like about this spread.

  - Yavik! - Liara proteanina saw standing at her desktop and fingering brought by Klёnoy plates. - Good to see you!

  - I'm glad to see you too, Liara. - Yavik turned allowed asari hug. - Get ready.

  - Uh ?! Where?! - Liara sat down in a desk chair. - I'm here...

  - Liara. Well, do not talk much and long. Check. - Proteanin handed her the plate, extracted from the waist styling.

  - And all this - for several decades ?! Strong, Yavik. Very much! - Advisor to the scanned files tablet.

  - We have worked, Liara. - Yaviku was pleased to hear commended works otryadovtsev. - And now, since most of our findings constitute Prothean data, you will have a few months to move us.

  - In the "Normandy"?

  - No. Farther. - Proteanin covered all four eyes and saw Liara. Even here, he did not call their planet Ilos aloud.

  - But ...

  - Liara. For a few months - this means, and for several decades, and for a few weeks and a few days. We'll see how it goes. You, too, are not lazy, you have four lovely assistant, they can play the role of your deputies, they went through the entire flow of information well, with a few exceptions, of course. But even this exception does not exclude the possibility ...

  - No, Ya
vik. I can not leave Tess.

  - Liara ... You will fly not alone.

  - With you? Well, I'm not one to fly and I know it well.

  - You will fly back with my parents.

  - They ... No, Yavik. They have a lot of work in the Center, and they ... well, they are not used here then somewhere to fall apart. Age is not the already understand.

  - I see. - Said Yavik.

  At this point in Liara he walked in maple.

  - Sorry. - She said, seeing a stranger in the battle armor, standing back to her. - Do you ...

  Yavik slowly turned to her and maple strangled gasp:

  - You ... you were there on the basis of collectors! You saw me!

  - Saw. - Yavik nodded.

  - Then ... then you can be here ... - maple weakening hand pulled up to his chair, sat down and stared at proteanina with almost prayerful reverence. - Elder Race ...

  - I think maple. - Yavik approached a young asari, took her hand and turned on the direct pumping of information. - You will be able to contribute to me to convince your senior colleagues for a few days to terminate their stay here to participate in one important matter outside Tess?

  - Oh yes of course. - Maple barely cope with the flow of mental images that are broadcast it proteanin. - But ...

  - You and your three colleagues will be able to completely replace Liara for a few days. - Conviction Yavik said, holding a hand of a young asari and giving her the opportunity to come to his senses.

  - We ... we will. - Maple did not take her eyes off the burning adoration proteanina, but he seems to have got used to these inconveniences and did not pay much attention to him.

  - Then invite them. Now you have time to work with documents, then - come the turn of the reception of visitors. During this time, we'll spend some preparatory work. - Yavik continued to keep the situation not only under its full control, but under control.

  - X-horo-sho. - Maple got up, slipped out the door a few minutes missing, then appeared, followed by all three matrons. - Here.

  - Very interesting. - Mizin first came to proteaninu. - Maple says ...

  - She's telling the truth, Mizin. - Prostrekotal Yavik.

  - Do you know me? - I surprised the matron.

  - I know very well all those who work with the penny. - Proteanin said, taking the hand of the asari and including direct pumping information. - I hope this will convince you.

  - Hmm. Yes. Certainly. - For the first time felt themselves to such a method of communication, Mizin was impressed that immediately noted and Ryle and Yreka. Maple, standing just pootdal from colleagues, smiling - she believed, though not particularly believe and want, even when they saw the stranger in the office of the Adviser of the Citadel. - So you want us to replace a few days Liara ?! But how?! And who would believe us ?!

  - Believe. - Prostrekotal Yavik in his trademark manner, releasing the hand Mizin and turning to her colleagues. - Greetings, Ryle and Yreka.

  - ... And we can try to talk to you ... your method? - Timidly asked Raila.

  - Yes, of course, if you do not mind. - Confirmed Yreka.

  - Can. - Agreed Yavik. - Sit in a chair. - He looked at Mizin and Klёnu. - And you too. In order not to waste time - just take each other's hands. Runaround. - He said. - Liara, you too. This will save time before the start of the reception of visitors.

  - Agree. - Younger T'Soni pulled up a chair and sat down. - I'm ready.

  That showed her Yavik in this union she would never have been able to describe in words - nor in writing or orally. Such words could only sound in her mind. Or in the subconscious. But they say the outside it would not be able, even if you really wanted to. She guessed that Yavik each of asari shows something of their own, peculiar only to her intended, despite the fact that they are united in the "dance" and the idea had to see and feel and understand the same thing. How he did it - no one probably could not explain on current reasonable organics. Liara looked at his assistants and all the more acutely understand: she is running out of time to the moment when they will replace it here.

  No, she was not afraid of them, she knew that they were sufficiently well known that the asari Tess have become accustomed: they - each separately and together - often replace it on the road. Liara one is physically could not catch anywhere, even if he tried very hard - it was not all-powerful, and not to be tried by it. Cause and maple, and Riley, and Yreka Mizin and became, as it were, said the people, its authorized representatives, counselors Azari. And the fact that she could pass them over the decades, managed to bring them to a fairly dense participate in so many of his affairs, gave Liara now the right and the opportunity to enjoy a little bit and be proud of their foresight. Four of these asari can deal with the majority of even the most complex and serious problems and questions.

  And if they can not, then ... how Liara knew of the images are translated Yavikom her, she personally can contact them at any time and they will also be able to contact her. Yes, apparently it will look like an ordinary instrumentronnym request, but the technology, which will provide a link will be such that no one will be able to track where it came from, Liara will talk to their assistants. They are four of her assistants will be able to ... Goddess, they can even see it, though Yavik immediately clarified the whole chain of mental images that they will not see anything except her - simple solid color background, with the tone of the background can be changed like Liara herself this It wants at a particular time. No details of the situation, no origin, no clues, nothing. Thus, it remained constant, clock communication with his assistants and they could send her any volumes of documents to ensure that it has taken the decision itself. Everything will look like she just plunged into the work of the Administration, and no one takes, and all temporary Head - first and foremost - reception of visitors - four of her assistants. It is a normal variant. She - Advisor to the Citadel and is not obliged to explain to everyone the reason for such their behavior. Moreover, the case will not suffer, no one her Liara authorities Advisor and does not deprive it can actually monitor the situation on Tess - and not only on Tess - in real-time. Communication, of course, will be, limited, in that she had no doubt. Yes, it is, this relationship may be around the clock, but then being here, Tess, Liara, fortunately, is not involved in the work around the clock Advisor.

  Think about it, Liara knew why Yavik immediately said that she would fly ... not one. And now she realized that she was to be in the afternoon, leaving assistants to deal with the daily pile of documents to go along with Yavikom to parents. Today, according to the schedule they only have morning classes at the center, the other half of the day they have free and if they do not go somewhere to walk ...

  When turned off the broadcast Yavik and let his hands maples and Liara, it took several minutes before Advisor Citadel opened her lips and said:

  - So. All. Admission time visitors, colleagues. Yavik ...

  - I'll wait in the lounge, Liara, if ... - quietly strekotnul proteanin.

  - No, I do not mind good. - Dumping wraith with consciousness, Liara rose, moving beyond the desktop. - Maple. Who writes today?

  - Ryle. - Asari said. - Goddess ... I was in paradise visited! Thank Yavik.

  - Do not mention it, maple ... - prostrekotal proteanin, disappearing behind the rest of the room door.

  Liara is only an effort of will to escape the feeling that here is Yavik just behind her, somewhere to the right. Ryle, typing on instrumentrone and follow the audio and video recording, felt quite probably about the same. Receiving visitors younger T'Soni led normative. It was her habit and now Advisor Azari felt: yes, it can be quite a few days off Tess. Leave not one, along with his parents, of his own volition and free consent. Leave to ... - she even breath. - To see Protheans ... Not one Yavika, several. - At this moment she wished that none of these thoughts could not reasonably be read ... Although ... the world with the Rila and Falera ... quite could. Rila and Falera - simply because the monastery, where they still stayed and worked, was much closer than
the station "

  ?! "Goddess ... What is happiness to me ... Probably ... No, this is not possible, John -. And it is quite another Protheans -. Quite a separate issue ... Although I remember - Liara thought, listening to the regular visitor - I remember that everything in our world is interconnected Just ... just that we can not always understand these relationships is not given to us or ... or are we just lazy "...

  When the last visitor today - turian middle-aged disappeared behind the door of the main hall, Liara sighed with relief and felt Yavik stands where she felt it - the right and slightly behind her chair.

  - Yaw ... - several Liara said reproachfully.

  - I was here. I important to accurately and clearly know what they think about you and your work site. I'm sorry I never told you this before. But I am ... not particularly hiding. - Proteanin said, glancing at Riley.

  - So ... - I gasped in surprise-Asari assistant.

  - No, you did not seem to Raila. - Confirmed Yavik. - I really was all this time here in this room. Let normally spend a half-hour assault, discussion, and I think it's time you get used to that Liara few days will be away from Tess. At the same time ... he paused - oprobuete relationship with her spetskanalam.

  - Yes of course. - Asari-au-edged sideways squeezed into a small waiting room door. - Colleagues! - She called Klёnu, Mizin and Yreka. - Come here.

  Yavik not interfere in "posleposetitelskoe" discussion, I stood at the corner of decomposition in the soft carpet and sorted out toys on a shelf.

  - Some visitors think ... that I have children. At least a little. - Liara said that after "poluchasovki" came to proteaninu. - They like what I do out of the office ... home of biscuit-official. They see that the toys are every time in a different way, in a non-prescription, non-standard order that the carpet ... does not seem wasted. Although ... the baby are rare here ...


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