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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 238

by Theodore Daniels

  - You are bound to be children, Liara. Children from a loved one. - Yavik said, placing the doll on the shelf.

  - From ...

  - Not only. - Proteanin said. - Come on. Your parents - at home and they are waiting for us.

  - But ...

  - I'll go with you, but I'm invisible. I will not specify - it is our race technology. Improved. Benešov and see Etita really me. they and you only. So get out of here as usual. So, as they have. Security and other ...

  - Well, Yavik. Then...

  - I'll meet you at the door of your apartment, Liara.

  The usual way home. A small column of flyers made its way along the roads, sometimes hiding from the very persistent bombers Reapers. It was ridiculous to even think that the "install" will work everywhere around the clock - it is necessary and conventional anti-aircraft gunner enable ingratiate myself another batch of glory and honor. Fortunately now the usual flak divizonov enough. Only here for the purpose of camouflage, not all columns were accompanied by anti-aircraft flyers. Liara knew - in her convoy were two such flyers, seemingly quite ordinary, inconspicuous, but now it was not possible to snap, but, honestly, it was not necessary.

  It was carried out as usual to the apartment door. So it was decided on another course of action guards did not agree. He waited until the guards are removed, Liara looked around - not for the first time since she was left alone in front of the apartment door the parents. Yavik came close quickly and instantly.

  - Mom, Dad! - Liara with a threshold decided not to hide the fact that she was not alone. - It's my Yavikom!

  - What such fates, Yavik ?! - In the kitchen doorway Etita appeared in her usual strict manner proteanina looking around.

  - Flies past, I decided to look. - Hiding a grin replied ancient warrior race.

  - But we do not ...

  - I am here is one. "Normandy" and "Volga" move to the area of Tess. Not the fact that they will generally go on a raid.

  - Then ...

  - I will say this - after going on the Shrike and Valhalla awaits them Citadel. In addition, we have to deal with rachni synthesized the Reapers.

  - Interesting interesting. - Near Etitoy rose d'Avignon. - So ...

  - You are right, the Queen-Synthetic - not a myth. And our next task - to fly to Traverse Attic in order to establish all the details of this action as closely as possible. Therefore, detachment will go to the Citadel and from there will fly in a few days to traverse. - Yavik received permission housewives silent apartment to go to the room and immediately took it. - But I came here separately from the squad. They know that I'm here, so that difficulties will not. At the right time I will come back on board, "Normandy." Then, when the squad will fly to Traverse.

  - I will not even try to specify, Yavik how you manage it. - Etita pulled up a chair and guest Yavik immediately dropped into it.

  - You're right. It is better not to specify in any way. - Confirmed guest.

  - Mom, Dad. Here is the deal ... Well, Yavik invites us to take a walk. - Liara sat down on a chair and looked at Etitu.

  - Time for walks, Liara, still do not seem to come. And both of you came here obviously at an inopportune time. Usually you Liara, come home in the evening, if at all, to appear. - Benešov said.

  - You're right, Mom. The thing is...

  - Liara will be better - Yavik stood up, walked over to Benešov - if I myself will explain to your parents heart of the matter. - He put his hand on the hand-paw d'Avignon. - Do not worry, your father will see everything and know - cut short proteanin question that Liara was ready is about to set. - I told you about the improvements of technology. It is - part of the improvements. - It included a direct pumping information.

  - Well ... ... Yavik - Etita said.

  - I know it's sudden and untimely. As almost always happens in all of our lives. But now - the best time for this. Next will be more difficult, because there comes a turning point in the war time. And it is extremely desirable to do it at this moment. But now, in the near future - there are all the necessary conditions.

  - But ... - Etita tried to move to formulate the reason for the refusal, but she interrupted d'Avignon:

  - Etian ...

  - Everything, everything. I understand, realize, corrected. - Father retired to the background.

  - That's good. Gather. - Yavik contentedly closed his eyes, his whole appearance indicating that he would not watch enough intimate process of gathering ...

  - I would like to believe Yavik that our disappearance ... - Liara, rising from his chair, too, began to gather.

  - Who's supposed to - he will know. - Prostrekotal proteanin, without opening his eyes. - And - quite accurately and convincingly. Everything is provided. Legend is quite efficient. You - Advisor, Liara and is not obliged to report to all.

  - Ugh. I was very inspired, Yavik. And Sune I do not understand ... - Liara still tormented decided to ask her a question about how the three of them to get to Protheans.

  - And do not you all understand. - A little dissatisfied strekotnul proteanin.

  - OK OK. - Liara plunged into charges with the head and ceased to desire the impossible. In this case - to get the Yavika answer to the question about how they will get to Protheans.

  - In principle, we have gathered. - Benešov said, looking around the three volumetric backpack. - Only it seems to me that our view of the backpack attract, to put it mildly ...

  - No one will see you. - Yavik stood. - You get out of here and you will not see it. You will see everything and everyone. Up to a certain limit. - He stopped, his whole appearance indicating that while continue will not say anything. - Come on. - He led the way to the door of the apartment.

  - Um, Yavik ... - Liara, covered the kitchen door, pretended that she hesitated.

  - I remember that you would like to sit down on the road as it is accepted in humans. - Yavik said, stopping at the very front door. - If you so wish - let's sit down. - He went down on a folding seat, waited until all three asari prisyadut, where everyone wanted was silent for a few minutes, then got up. - All. Now we will have to go beyond the city. It will take more than an hour. Let's go slowly, there is no need to rush.

  Further explanations gave reality itself. They were never seen again, although he was far from the evening and the place was a lot of locals. Yavik, leaving the guardhouse, made a sign that neither parents Liara, neither the Advisor did not say anything out loud and went ahead, weaving between the scurrying to and fro asari, sometimes standing right middle of walkways. Maybe the fact that all three asari, while remaining invisible to his tribeswoman seen perfectly Yavika helped Liara and her parents to come to terms with his unusual position quickly enough.

  - A little more, there is something like a wasteland, and we - on the spot. - Yavik said, with his voice sounded clearly in the mind of all three asari, causing them significant concern. - Yes, I can not be here so just talk to you out loud.

  Nodded to Yavik convinced that they have heard it, Benešov, Liara and Etita cautiously took to the field.

  - Go straight to the center, a small vacant lot. Do not be afraid. - In the same manner he alerted his companions Yavik and first walked in that direction by himself. Liara shrugged and went behind proteaninom.

  Cotton - and appeared around the spaceship walls.

  - It's - "Sword of Fury". Our ship. - Said Yavik. Now three asari have seen it quite clearly and normally. - You, too, are visible, do not worry. - Said proteanin. - And we're going. - He pointed to the window. - Can you make. Tess soon become a small dot ...

  He was right. Parent asari planet every moment decreased in size.

  - It is difficult to know what is actually organic, even reasonable - almost blind. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - We'll be there in a few tens of minutes. So I ask me. All three of you, we have equipped the cabin. - He stepped off into one of the four corridors and Benešov with Etitoy hurried after him.

  Looking around for my parents went and Liara, realizing that if she is in the
near future and is destined to take a break from the heavy backpack, this vacation would be better to spend somewhere in the cabin and not in the public for this crew room.

  - Sit. - Yavik said. - Here you will not disturb anyone. And I go to the wheelhouse, talk to the captain. Arriving forty minutes, so that is can remove backpacks. Gravity is supported by the standard for you. - With these words Yavik left the cabin and firmly closed the door.

  - Litho. - Said d'Avignon, a critical glance at the decoration of the spacious cabin. - Four shelves, everything you need at a minimum. Time - and flew and flew. And we, most importantly, no one noticed. Neither we have reached this field, nor how flew to the planet. Perhaps it can be called a miracle.

  - Yeah. A man-made wonder. This is the same "Blade of Fury"? - Etita went around the cabin, looking into all the nooks and crannies. - Looks like it's a warship. Minimalism in the best sense of the word.

  - Ugum. Yavik something delayed. - Liara said.

  - Lee, you've forgotten. He's a man. And sees us as women. Itself realize that in any case it will not bother us. The standard of behavior, things like that. - Benešov with visible relief, threw a backpack somewhere in the corner and sat down. - Etian enough to sniff out, we are not in captivity.

  - Well, that is not captured. - Etita dropped her backpack on a stool, then re-install it in the corner. - In fact, I think that we have a prisoner held in a less luxurious conditions. And one by one.

  - May be. May be. - Assented d'Avignon. - Okay. If Yavik believes that the flight does not take much time, I would suggest not particularly raspatronivatsya.

  - That's not going to. - Etita sat down in his chair, looked around. - Well, they were prepared for our visit. We immediately see that they know us inside out.

  - We are also just easier. - Benešov muttered, taking the thermos and sipping tea. - We'll wait.

  Meeting with taels

  Path to Ilos did not take long. Liara was convinced that Yavik really does not want to disrupt their family privacy in the cabin. As he said then - in forty minutes?

  Advisor looked at the clock - before arrival were only eight and the noise coming from behind the door was easily possible to determine - has begun the procedure for preparing the ship to land on the planet. Only here the landing ... What will it be?

  Yavik here too surprised. No normal landing "Sword of Fury", as it turned out, on Ilos did not commit. As asari came aboard, so they went with him. A few steps beyond the threshold of the cabin - and around the already Ilos.

  The four of them were on the large meadow surrounded by very tall trees with strong stems and developed crowns. The ship was nowhere in sight, but Asari no doubt - he was far away from the planet. Too little time has passed since then, she stepped in an unusual way on board the "Blade" and then soon saw rapid decrease in size Tess. So, the speed of the ship, as well as his power were so great that in just a few minutes of "Blade", drop off passengers, has already gone beyond the atmospheric shield of Ilos.

  All the flight one of the crew members of the asari have not seen - Yavik only mention of the captain, and only then, once in the cabin, Liara realized that formally, but can - and in fact, the commander of such a powerful and, of course, a warship, It is taels. The captain - just her assistant. It is possible Yavik did not emphasize the fact that the "Blade of Fury" primarily military, combat, armed ship. Because, apart from his taels a full commander, he called her deputy is not the first nor the senior assistant, and only captain. Maybe thus proteanin emphasized that here the first mate is in the rank, the rank of captain, which is consistent with the status of Shepard. Proteanin knew how to influence the asari, especially - to Liara, oh, well I knew.

  The first few minutes Liara slowly came to himself - it clearly was not used to such an extreme way to move from ship to planet and back. Etita Benešov and also looked a little confused and dumbfounded: less than a minute ago were around the spacecraft walls and behold - they are on the planet. On another planet.

  T'Soni younger, she thought, the first to see Hurry to meet the guests proteanku. The very taels, which managed to do so much for the invasion of the Reapers not turned into a disaster for the people of the galaxy once and for all. The fragile figure proteanki not indicative of its weakness: in front of the penny was a military officer, commander of a warship and head Protheans colony. Survivors Protheans. The surviving Protheans.

  - I'm glad to welcome you to Ilos. - In the voice of taels were not so familiar stridulatory, he was even-tempered and very melodious. - We also call silt planet for the sake of brevity. - Taels said taking Liara's hand. - I'm glad to welcome you, Liara.

  - I ... uh ... is also very pleased to meet you. - Advisor struggling to cope with the excitement. By Yaviku she still managed to get used to, although, of course, not until the end, and then ... Then - quite another matter. Live, real proteanka, wife Yavika. Without a doubt - the wife.

  At this point, Liara remembered his article about Protheans and once again realized with particular depth, as far as these things were not perfect. It is one thing - to learn Protheans on balances of their material culture, and another thing - to talk, see, feel, live proteanina, Warrior, and now - and his girlfriend, wife, woman.

  - Let's without unnecessary protocol ceremonies. - Taels smiled, realizing confusion guest. - Of course, I can call you, Liara, Advisor, but it would be better if we address each other by name and talk to "you." Agree?

  - Um. Yes. - Liara looked back - her parents were a few dozen meters behind - she first slipped out of the cabin, the captain heard the resolution, as it turned out - the first held "gateway" and now is ahead of both matriarchs - and looked around. Ilos clearly did not belong to the planets to which both older asari are accustomed to in his long life. Protheans too reliably managed to keep the secret of the existence of this planet, and even more so - the secret of the existence of her one of the most powerful of its colonies.

  - Already met? - A young asari and proteanke came Yavik finally decided all the issues with the crew and the ship, it is likely - with terrestrial services, although with Liara and Benešov Etitoy have not noticed their presence anywhere in the foreseeable eyes county. - Good. Taels, lead guests in their home, show what and how. And yet I will deal here with the chores. - He decisively turned and walked away, somewhere to the edge of the field, is performed, it is likely part of the passenger terminal. Secret Base and the Secret Planet. Secret colony.

  - Well, Yaw. - Proteanka, apparently, do not doubt that it Yavik heard and understood, gently took Liara's hand and pulled him. - Do not worry, Liara, all will be well. - She summed up the Adviser to the standing pootdal flyer. - We're already a long time ago do not live in field conditions, many of the benefits of civilization we now have. So comfort just above the normal level - is real. - She opened the door. - Get in.

  - And ... - Liara looked back at the approaching parents about something animatedly conversing with Yavikom and therefore once again left behind by his daughter.

  - Well, where do without them? Each of you is allocated a room on the same floor bar. We are not always hide under the ground, but we found ... is very problematic. - This time taels did not smile and Liara knew - proteanka very realistic about the strength and power of the Reapers and their minions, not to go to extremes to scorn polumashinnym opponents on the conflict. - Edemte! - Taels waited Yavik say goodbye to the Matriarch, and the two of them will come to the car.

  Slipping under the dome through the gates ajar flyer stopped. A few minutes spellbound Liara looked around, barely leaving the inside of the machine. Taels, stopping a few steps away, do not rush it, understood that the asari, cost half a century to the study of culture Prothean is now in a state of shock, not weak. There were a lot of very real and alive uneven Protheans proteanok, they were all busy with their own affairs, and paid little attention to arrivals. The dome was almost restored - could see the areas that required dodelok, but they were not so much. Liara all acutely aware that her perception is very soon
be overloaded impressions. It is fortunate that most of these Protheans proteanok and do not pay for three asari almost no attention - well, look at them, they slid over his eyes, convinced they are close to the ship's commander and the head of the colony, and lost all interest in the guests - without them work enough. And this work must be done. What are they, in fact, the asari that Lee did not see ?!

  Taels, realizing that a little more - and Liara tetanus falls into the abundance of experience, firmly but very gently pulled her behind him, leading to a tidy beam, which, as it turned out, and had to live now arrived on the planet asari. No guard at the entrance, no porters, and castles like the beam was not on the door. The net is not too wide staircase, hall, several in different directions corridors. Average housing common to most of the known youngest of organic T'Soni reasonable this time. It was hard to believe that here lived and are living members of the race, which was considered extinct fifty thousand years ago. It appeared quite a lively and very activities.

  The rooms are intended for guests were located nearby, as promised - large, bright, with comfortable furniture. Taels introduced the guests of curators - and proteanina Divela proteanku Irgis, noting that asari can for them to deal with any problems or questions, if for some reason she or Yavik not be able to provide immediate assistance. Both curator lived as explained taels, in the same beam. Irgis seeing confusion guests pointed to one of the adjacent doors in the same corridor and said that asari can always find someone from the two of them in this room.

  Giving Liara, Benešov and Etite a few tens of minutes for the resettlement, taels slipped to later Yavikom had come up in the lower levels, where, as she said, the entrance is closed to visitors.


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