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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 239

by Theodore Daniels

  - She's in shock. - Prostrekotal Yavik when both of them were closed for heavy sash insulation germovorot. - But her parents ... perhaps not. But ... surprise, surprise clearly felt. All three of them.

  - Experience of age. - Said taels. - Hello, Yaw. - She put her arms around her husband and a friend. - On the next return you. - Including swapping information Yavika she held in her arms, with which he agreed accustomed easily and quickly. - Glad to have you again here on our planet.

  - I agree with our guests - you have done a lot, and now ... - Yavik did not take his eyes off her taels and attention of her husband and a friend liked.

  He found at the Eden Primers her sarcophagus, he did everything to Automatic sarcophagus after a long inactivity is not "collapsed" on the load, he waited until she wakes up, he told her everything he could find himself in these hours, since since he left the sarcophagus after fifty thousand years of sleep.

  She was impressed by the figure, but it is believed Yaviku. I believe and let go aboard "Normandy", though perfectly understood and knew that parting with it will be long - it is not always able to fly on the IL.

  She was grateful Yaviku for what he tried to keep secret the existence and the work of other survivors Protheans, Ilos mystery, the mystery of the colony, the mystery ship. She helped him, and then began to help and those who took proteanina in his family. Not only in the crew and command a squad of ships, but also in the family.

  - Now we - the war against the Reapers, Yavik. - Taels not become too relaxed and quickly melt away. - As long as it does not end with our victory, we can not say that did everything we could. And then ... there will be a lot of problems, after we win. The essence of some of our still malosovershenna.

  - Does not matter. Now I believe that we will be able to defeat the Reapers. And if we win them, their henchmen fall themselves, deprived of support. - Prostrekotal ancient warrior race. - Looks like you have planned for them, - he nodded toward where the rooms were located on the arrivals Ilos asari - as they say the people, "cultural program".

  - Actually, the plan here and nothing really was not necessary, Yaw. - Taels husband sat in a chair and sat down. - Memorial to the repeater, our residential village. I understand that Liara will be happy, and her parents did not refuse to work in our laboratories, so that communication is not only domestic, but also a business. I'm happy for Liara and her parents - she became an adviser Azari, and they - some of the best teachers at the Center for Training Militia Azari. I think they are all together and each separately, will not mind if we offer them excursions cycle and resolve to make Ilos for single and group trips. Provide and transport. Ground wheel and flying. Now it's real, you yourself can see this.

  - I agree, taels. - I nodded in satisfaction Yavik.

  - Exactly. Liara I will give an opportunity to work in our Prothean archives, we were there a lot and restored for her already prepared sufficiently large volumes of unclassified material. And, of course, I took into account the fact that she - Advisor. Contact Tess, and Tess not only be guaranteed. And the video, and sound. Most, of course, sound. But the video too. If necessary. You will soon have to return to the "Normandy"?

  - Yes, in a few decades. - Confirmed Yavik.

  - I think even sure that Liara ... will give you a letter for Shepard. - Taels disengage hug, now she just kept Yavika hand.

  - May be. Somehow I did not believe that she will forget ... the captain after the incident on the "Normandy". Well, she found the strength to keep this love ...

  - Still, our ancestors were able to pass ... more ... asari - quietly taels.

  - Samara and her daughters restoring itself ... I do not think so. - Proteanin closed his eyes for a few seconds.

  - We are not omnipotent, though - strong Yavik. - Calming noticed taels.

  - It is our weakness and worries me. And then, when I changed the Justiciary and her daughters ... I was afraid, and our strength. - Prostrekotal Yavik.

  - So, we have a future. - Taels stood. - It is necessary to go back to the guests. I guess they now want to see the Memorial. Maybe, in the late afternoon.

  - I may have come when you go there. If you'll go. - Yavik rose. - I promise that I will come for sure - I can not, taels ...

  - Everything will be as it will, Yavik. And it is - good. Just have to see ... and feel it is good. To believe in it. - Proteanka put her hand on her husband's shoulder. - Go. Each of us has a job.

  - And this is good. - Yavik nodded, heading for the flight of stairs. - Fires ...

  - Holds the key though ... they mask much. And as long as we do not eliminate. They tell us again and again ... will help in our fight. - Taels said, heading to the gate and slipping into the slot.

  Returning to Benešov and Etite with Liara taels habitually recalled how she learned of their existence. Needless to say, she herself also had to go through a bitter awareness that in a galaxy over fifty thousand years, little has changed for the better. She knew that worked on the transformation Protheans asari, but did not complete the work, were forced to retreat under the onslaught of the Reapers to save a modified race from a guaranteed death under the blows of ruthless polumashin.

  And now it is a lot known about the role played in the Council matriarch Benešov, as it at the expense of Matriarchy provided Liara, which seemed to cease all relations, simply paradise for research work on the study of the history of Prothean civilization.

  Yes, of course, a young asari was fair vozmutitelnitsey calm, but perhaps here once again worked genes - yet her father was Etita, bearing the nickname Renegade Matriarch. Perhaps the law of evolutionary development in any community must be reasonable, those who unlike most others. Matriarchy now, and earlier, the asari - too weak and very problematic structure. This taels have had no doubts. And to change this situation quickly or Protheans, neither people nor do asari now can not. Yes, even just to change this situation for the better today, none of the inhabitants of the galaxy can not. And not only because there is a war against the Reapers. Matriarchy problem, but it's good that there is a reasonable, able to balance this problematical on their own, through their actions.

  Persistent in his quest to find the truth, and Liara did not expect, perhaps, that stumble at the Tower of "shock wave". Yes, as it was then he explained Yavik, this complex was a new system of protection, and youngest T'Soni could spend in the "jelly" a few thousand years. Well, that saved her. And well, that her salvation was the direct participation proteanina. Yes, of course, for a meeting with Liara very real, real, live proteaninom was a shock not from the category of medium-sized, but the young asari withstood this blow stoically. Well, that Liara is not to get to the hall sarcophagi - there, too, was a shelter and as later learned taels, all Protheans Terumi died from the capsules of a power outage. Polutorakilometrovy Reaper. Conducted carpet bombing. And I caught, of course. And maybe - hit precisely. The data on this were taken at the time of changeover Yavikom complex equipment. Unpleasant, of course, the information, but to get it and keep it needed.

  That first time, when Liara was able to extract from Terumo, Yavik, she knew taels, planned, that it will give Ilos asari many specialized materials on the history Protheans. Did not work out. Liara was then too young, too stupid and too impulsive. But now, when it is in the rank of Counselor of the Citadel, in fact - when she is in the rank of the Warring Advisor, she is the author of "Sword Azari" - the best to date, and over the next few months, plants capable of chafing from the orbit inhabited by sentient organics planets all Reaper ships and their minions ... Now taels Liara can provide any materials in Protheans. Yes there materials - she would like to talk to this asari, who managed in such a short period for members of her race smarter, to grow up and become a recognized expert, a professional in several areas. And taels decided that Liara is here, she will pay a maximum of asari his time. Yes, younger T'Soni necessarily return to Tess, it is bound to be very busy here on Ilos, but it taels, be sure to talk to her tightly. No less tightly than Yavik with Shepard.
  A visit to the Memorial

  Its solutions taels used to comply fully and in due time, however, he returned to guests in their bars, meticulously checked, how they work, ask about needs and has asked his colleagues to meet all requests asari to the maximum.

  - Taels ... We have heard talk of your countrymen. - Benešov went to the head of the colony. - We would like to attend the Memorial. Then we will have a lot of work ... and we would like to do this above all else.

  - Good. - Tael nodded, inwardly delighted. - We can see it in the evening. The car will be prepared. It is not flying - wheelbase. ... Go away.

  - And, if possible ... We would like to visit the Memorial is one of the corridors of the Archives and the place where stood the VI's picture ... We do ... - Benešov paused. - We need to ... to understand.

  - I do not mind. - Taels did not nod, just a few seconds covering all four eyes.

  - Do I have to ... Flowers or something ... We are, to my shame, I do not know how you made ... to honor the memory of the dead ... - continued the matriarch.

  - Do not need anything. Just your presence and ... understanding. - Said softly taels. - I'll go with you. I think it will be possible to arrange a visit to one of the corridors and visit the Archives avatar location VI ... - she paused. - More precisely, I can tell a little bit later - we did not finished the work ...

  - Thank you. - The matriarch went to her room. By proteanke timidly approached Liara.

  - I ... remember how I then ... not allowed to Ilos. - A barely audible voice said younger T'Soni. - Probably normandovtsy they were right. I would have been stupid, dumb and too young. What I managed to see here now ... I Indicate that you have done a lot in order to be reborn. And ... well, that you know so little about others. Not everyone would understand ... Not all. - Repeated Asari, looking down shyly. - Excuse me, taels. I ... I now realize that too little known about Protheans ...

  - You just have to have an idea too, which only can be set up only by the few of you studied the remains of our material culture. - Said taels. - More your tribeswoman had no idea about this, and we, as the majority, quite naturally, did not want to have any clue. - Tael paused. - We, who arrived here after so many years ... also had to learn a lot about themselves ... different. Tragically we reasonable organic matter, do not always understand the limitations and fragmentation of our perception of reality. - Proteanka several tens of seconds to hold a pause to gather his thoughts. - In the evening I'll come after you. - Tael nodded, turning and heading for the exit of the beam. She felt Liara accompanies her eyes.

  At the appointed time, when Ilos steel sink twilight stopped at the bar conveyor wheel. All three asari were waiting for the car at the entrance to the beams so that the loading of the salon did not take long. Clothing modest colors like proteanke - she realized that the guests know in what place and go dressed appropriately so. Making sure that the asari came aboard and settled, allowing the driver taels conveyor - young proteaninu - turn motors.

  Asari Matriarch chosen for themselves a place in the back seat, Liara sat on the edge, keeping his eyes on the form, opens a small window behind the glass. The cabin was silence. The path to the entrance to the underground portion of the Archives took about an hour, and all this time the asari were able to see and almost untouched nature of Ilos, and places already firmly present Prothean civilization. Of course, everything was perfectly disguised alien, Protheans deliberately tried to look on top of the planet inhabited by intelligent beings.

  Easy pristuknuv wheels, conveyor rolled over the low nut one of the main gate of the Archives. He reached the corridor - the narrow sides and is very high. The holes, which once inserted were sarcophagi, almost no - naked smooth walls are now stretched on both sides of the passage, but all three asari remembered that once, in galactic terms recently, those walls were littered with coffins within which We were living sleeping Protheans.

  Taels saw Liara tensed, seeing the first thoroughly embedded hole, she turned pale, realizing that any such hole - the final resting place of reasonable organic, belonged to an ancient race.

  Transporter went slowly - at least the way and restored, removing dents and completely level "stage" to drive fast in these corridors Protheans not sought.

  - The corridor ... - quietly said Liara. - The same?

  - Yes. Yavik me ... I tell a lot, but I saw a lot myself. It was hard ... We worked, of course, day and night, to ... to bury all those killed VI. Hurry ... but paid tribute to all the victims, not all surrendered, all that is necessary, all the honors. I want to believe that our gods ... pleased that we fixed, slightly reduced our fault ... We ... we have fought for centuries, but failed to win as we could, of course, our mistake ... because were weak ... were weak internally. - Quietly clarified taels. - Everything that is here, was one of the most guarded secrets Prothean Civilization. I myself knew almost nothing. Perhaps it was done by our leaders especially - each admitted to secretly knew only part of the mystery, but did not know any of our fellow is another part of the mystery ... We tried to keep the little we had ... and lost, devotees AI and VI. Virtual intelligence, enhanced programming past, past hundreds of checks. - Bitterly said taels. - I conducted many hours of questioning this initiative. It devastated me ... then ... - She was silent a few seconds, gathering his strength. - Yavik ... just wanted to destroy the VI, but ... I did not let him do it. It was necessary to understand why this happened. - Proteanka looked at screens seawater environment. - This VI stood here. - She gestured to the driver to stop the conveyor. - Can ... watch this space. gathering strength. - Yavik ... just wanted to destroy the VI, but ... I did not let him do it. It was necessary to understand why this happened. - Proteanka looked at screens seawater environment. - This VI stood here. - She gestured to the driver to stop the conveyor. - Can ... watch this space. gathering strength. - Yavik ... just wanted to destroy the VI, but ... I did not let him do it. It was necessary to understand why this happened. - Proteanka looked at screens seawater environment. - This VI stood here. - She gestured to the driver to stop the conveyor. - Can ... watch this space.

  - We all want to see him. - Benešov said softly. Etita only nodded silently in agreement with the above. Liara said nothing, but trying not to make noise, have groped in the darkness handle heavy sash opening the lid of the machine hatch.

  Once out of hulls, he looked Advisor. Taels gave her Prothean Expeditionary lantern silently showed where to include how to adjust the strength and range of the beam.

  - Around sarcophagi were ...? - Quiet asked Liara. Ray slid the flashlight on the walls, care for a few tens of meters up. Lights and spotlights conveyor lukewarm - Protheans did not need illumination, even more so - in the Archives, the cemetery became tribesmen.

  Proteanka just nodded, eyes pointing to the doorway:

  - It is - there. Elevator. It dropped to twenty meters under the protective plate. Below - the major camera VI blocks. It was stored digitized personality betrayed our race. I questioned VI here a few days. Now, the avatar is only a pedestal, but we put there a projection unit, so if you want you can see everything as we saw in the beginning. Partly - see also our job to investigate ...

  Liara did not look back at their parents, although felt - at that moment she would not have prevented their support and assistance. She wistfully looked around, groping beam of the flashlight on the walls and floor tiles.

  Finally, she pulled herself together and made the first, not very confident steps to the doorway, beyond which was a narrow hallway leading to the door of a large freight elevator. The mechanism worked - Protheans debugged local technique to make it work properly. Folds parted with a slight rattle. Azari and proteanka entered the cabin. Taels touched the sensor and the cabin slowly went down, without waiting for the closing doors.

  - We know you are preparing a project ... in case of failure. - She said in a whisper taels. Liara nodded, realizing that to hide it would have been impossible from the Elder Races. - Well, you and is provided. We are here
... ... except beacons could not do anything. Maybe, just do not believe that it is ... necessary. - Taels looked at drifting slowly from bottom to top in the slots cab stone wall of the elevator shaft. - And maybe - just it was too careless. It's hard. Yavik saw the materials found by my colleagues here. About how to create that record Warnings. ... And we have not been able to provide more. The first descriptions of our race was the Citadel - and it transformed into a giant relay, killing all the top management - and the military and civilian - of our race. The second legend of our race, few people, fortunately, completely known,

  The cab stopped in time - taels made a hand sign, attracting the attention of companions, and Azariah went across the bridge to the site of the column goes down to almost fifty meters.

  - Here, in this column? - Liara asked quietly, dimmed the lights to a minimum.

  - Yes. - Confirmed proteanka. - In this column were hidden blocks containing digitized identity and unit in charge of the virtual intelligence interface. - Taels knew that a similar structure was in the temple Atama Tess, realized that Liara easily built a compliance scheme, which, of course, did not bring the young asari joy and peace - are too heavy were the wounds she had received in the temple that contains VI Prothean origin.

  They stopped at the site, Liara stepped to the pedestal interface VI, but stopped in front of him, not daring to activate. Understand the state guest taels approached the young asari closely:

  - Liara. It would be better if you now will not activate recording. - Proteanki voice sounded in the minds of the Advisor. - Then, later, you can do this ... alone. If you want to ...

  - I am now more acutely feel and understand taels. - Liara replied softly. - Because I must say - now I'm not going to include this record. And without it, this place is ... able to talk about many things. On a very large extent. A terrible place. - She paused. - I understand ... Yavika itself be burnt out biotics ... this pedestal. - She turned to place a circle, back to standing pootdal matriarch. - I ... more understood. And thank you, taels, for what you have brought me and my parents here, to this place.


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