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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 240

by Theodore Daniels

  Taels did not say anything or nod. She knew that Liara felt - Shepard was here. It Was. And proteanka was sure - Liara accurately and fully knows what was the captain to stand here on this site.

  A few minutes - and the elevator raises and asari proteanku upstairs. Once in the interior of the conveyor, Liara barely audible sigh, settling into a chair. The driver turned on the engine and the car moved down the hallway on Archives.

  Bulk "progress" remains on the left and right branch appeared. Conveyor slid into him a few minutes - and he stopped in front of the Memorial.

  Keeping silence and seeking nothing to break the silence of this sacred place, the asari left conveyor and stopped on the threshold of the great hall, topped with a hemisphere of the giant dome. Taels, his head bowed, first set foot on the track, go back to the center of the room. And Azariah, and shagnuvshie poshedshie behind the head of the colony saw as they approached the center, the walls of the hall lighter, showing neat rows of caps, which could be guessed, and then become easy to read Prothean letters.

  The hall was empty and quiet. Ringing silence seemed separated from the space of the room all corridors, without a doubt, punched in the rocks surrounding the hall, from the conveyor belt, standing somewhere in the distance, barely flickers polupritushennymi lights from fires raging somewhere above. Yes, the Archives were hidden deep in the bowels of Ilos. And - not only archives.

  Liara's eyes traveled over the walls of the hall. Advisor is already aware that there are no particularly notable Protheans allocated graves. Thanks Yaviku his information transmitted by direct transfer, Liara easily translated Prothean writing on galakslingvu and into their native language. How many just gave, gave, gave her Protheans. They believed they were in it. And such trust Liara could not betray in any way. Here, in this hall, were buried fallen soldiers and civilians, men and women Protheans proteanki, their children and even grandchildren.

  Standing in an unusually quiet room, which became the final resting place Protheans sacrificed gone mad VI, taels remembered that she told Yavik, about how she first saw Archives Ilos transformed into a place of collective burial of her tribesmen as amazed, I amazed and frightened huge number of sarcophagi. Yes, she was ready at any time to retreat to the sarcophagus that there behind the armor, ride out the dangerous period, of which there were plenty in the Prothean history. But to be destroyed who went into the dressing virtual intelligence ... it was terrible.

  She knew that, and knew Yavik - on Ilos hardly any of Protheans alive. And when she saw from orbit altitude glowing planet ... She was not alone. Reapers, beating, were ready to erase Ilos into dust. What made their escape from the planet? This question taels not know the exact answer, and now, after many decades after the first landing, after it on the conveyor and on foot traveled and marched kilometers through the corridors of the underground Prothean Archives, groping along the walls and the ceiling beam of a powerful flashlight and folding for itself multi-valued pattern, so that there is a picture - a mosaic that was one of the most guarded secrets Prothean civilization.

  Keepers ... One of the first races, came under withering fire polumashin. Almost the only race that can not be destroyed and enslaved Reapers. Perhaps they knew about the feat Protheans, penetrated the Citadel is greater than said back then, but that said, enough. And they have correctly understood - Monument Repeater - the final point the way to Ilos. Maybe they do not know where to start this way, but certainly not considered Monument Repeater only monument - a dead piece plastobetona and steel. This monument has become a monument Protheans, managed to stop, delay the next arrival of the Reapers. To abandon any thought of returning to Ilos - setting could throw loads in one direction only. Protheans, avoid the fate of slain colleagues and fellow remaining Ilos who have entrusted their lives to VI that ... went to the dressing. Protheans killed on the Citadel from hunger, thirst, exhaustion. They gave the Reapers to discover yourself. Most likely, they are rarely seen from a reasonable organics. And few could say exactly how they died. Perhaps they were killed in battle. Maybe.

  Then, even before the invasion of the Reapers, Protheans came almost came to the idea of the creation of the ships, which would be able to quickly overcome the vast distances. Repeaters Protheans ... many did not meet, as, probably, did not satisfy and VI. Did not have time. Reapers have come before. And Protheans was not a lot of spaceships that can do without these catapults to overcome huge distances between the clusters and nebulae.

  And when the Reapers have invaded, subjected to shock Ilos mass-cautery, and then - shock Destroyer of Planets. Terrible weapons, the most out of that time could imagine Protheans, faced hundreds of years the need to confront polumashinam.

  Even after such a blow Ilos kept more than disposal in peacetime. There was a lot of pre-invasion Prothean cities, there were built Prothean towers joined aeroshosse, there were built underground shelters and businesses. Not all managed to destroy the Reapers, even apply their most terrible and devastating weapons.

  Looking taels settled on three-meter statue innusanontsa, standing at the entrance to the Memorial. The only statue that Protheans decided to put here, when we finished to bury the dead tribesmen. The classic image. Of course, the collective, it is unlikely in the heyday innusanonskoy civilization Protheans ancestors looked that way to the smallest detail. The image of the lost innusanontsev Protheans was included in the warning of the imminent entry Reaper invasion. The documentary record, it did not look staged. Taels she sincerely doubted that this record can be considered a simple statement of, to put it simply - a lie, a lie. Such a play - it is impossible.

  Liara kept the love for Shepard, who, by the way, as is well remembered taels, was Ilos at the first time. Liara d'Avignon and then Anderson aboard the frigate is not released, and ... Shepard Shepard visited Ilos, when fires raged here, when almost all the domes were destroyed and around were traces orbital bombardments. She remembered well as with Yavikom and Shepard walked under the arches and vaults of the Archives with particular acuteness realized that it killed all of VI. All Protheans who trusted him. The superstructure of the personality, the personality of one of the digitized Protheans worked against the Protheans themselves. Taels remembered well how it ached as she got agitated and how to soothe and Yavik and Shepard and other normandovtsy. She was then very painful and she knew, knew Yaviku and is very painful. If not for the VI, now on Ilos would populous colony Protheans ... If it was not an error in the code VI ... They would have been able to secretly continue improving race asari. Could, but had to concentrate on the war against the Reapers. New war.

  Liara's hand, holding the flashlight has long fallen. Now, barely warm light cone illuminates only the closest to standing almost in the center of the room a young asari floor tiles. One step away from the daughter, stood near Benešov and Etita. A little hard of hearing, measured and quiet voice sounded Rebellious Matriarch azariyskuyu short prayer for the repose of the saints who had fallen in the fight against evil. Several tens of seconds - and Liara is rectified by taking drill stand "at attention." The hand of a young asari flies up to the temple, a studied his fingers pressed together. Exactly one minute hard, enveloping silence and Advisor to jerk down the right hand along the body, running his eyes sad farewell the next series of plates. In the eyes of all three asari shining tears. Quietly turning, guests are directed to the exit and do not notice how grateful look accompanies their way behind,

  The return journey transporter overcome quickly. All this time inside the car tense silence reigned. After dropping off the asari have their beam taels silently said goodbye to them until the morning of the next day and the car sped away in her village staff.

  Going into his room, Liara thought that had to be moved taels, forced almost single-handedly eviscerate this VI, a few hastily called "Guardian". What he guard if he could not protect those who needed his protection? What he Warden then? Yavik much gave her, the adviser of the Citadel during the direct transfer of information then, during their last meeti
ng on Tess. Liara knew that the VI contains a cast of some of the individual. As it turns out, is not devoid of the dangerous shortcomings. Yes, and errors in the code of the Sentinel program - and as a result almost the entire planet turned into a cemetery Protheans. If not for Shepard, if not for his ability, then no one would have learned that a few tens of meters of soil Eden Prime's are dozens of sarcophagi, in which there are living Protheans ... If not for Shepard ...

  Liara knew from the information transmitted to it Yavikom how difficult was the work on the analysis of the compressed encrypted code that contains mold that person, which became the basis for the Guardian. She knew, because she has long worked with the ocean of information. I knew, because I was in charge of well what the true risks of such work.

  Benešov came into the room to Etite and they talked until midnight. Quiet unhurried conversation. Exchange of experiences, exchange of thoughts. Departing from Tess, both matriarch had to do everything that their absence did not cause any damage to the training of new militias - they have over a decade of teaching experience have formed community helpers who can successfully replace both of them temporarily at the Centre. And d'Avignon and Etita saw how tense was Liara and on-site VI "Sentinel", and in the Hall of the Memorial. Seen, felt and understood its power - today it certainly will not communicate with their assistants - not up to her now.

  A visit to the repeater

  The next day appeared at taels asari only noon. Despite the fact that the evening prior to the day ... was very tense in connection with a visit to the Memorial, Liara woke up first and immediately forced himself to his feet, brought himself up and made breakfast for themselves and for their parents. Benešov and Etita accepted such behavior legal daughter - Liara is gradually returning to the state, to help her to serve as Advisor to properly and now it was clear - very soon she will start this work right up, will not sit back and indulge in laziness.

  At breakfast he offered Liara visit repeater and Benešov with Etitoy agreed. The installation had to be seen as quickly as possible - in the future more time will have to be given other work, and now, in the first day of your stay at Ilos required to visit this Repeater - one of the main base Protheans secrets. Azari no doubt that taels already knows about this desired guests and will not mind.

  And so it happened - taels already arrived on the conveyor and introduces visitors to any matriarchs, nor their daughter, no doubt the fact that the military commander and the head of the ship Prothean Prothean secret colony exactly aware of the desire of the asari.

  - Edemte. - Briefly said taels, pushing bronezaslonku and looking out of the window of the conveyor. - It - down in the tunnels. The hour-plus drive. Fast - does not work. - Habitually he added the head of the colony, hinting at the fact that they are still on a huge planet, rather than the space station or space ship.

  This time Liara looked at the surrounding slowly moving scenery than one car - and Etita Benešov and also showed a considerable interest in the nature of Ilos. Taels were satisfied and therefore did not indicate to the driver-proteaninu the need to increase the speed. Before sunset it was not too much time. Liara looking to swim past arrays regenerated forests, thought that the most likely taels wants to show them the relay in working condition. Well let into the semi-workers.

  At the entrance to the underground floors Ilosskoy colony was waiting Yavik. Shaking hands with his wife, an ancient race of warrior took his place beside her on the chair and free the driver entered the car carefully under the arches of the tunnel. Lights conveyor barely zateplilas, but now Asari did not show signs of anxiety and excitement - the owners know well the situation and a fully trust them.

  Finally, after a leisurely drive almost forty minutes long, winding tunnels full of unexpected turns, conveyor entered the tunnel in the opposite end of which shone vertically delivered repeater. I got up from the couch Benešov glared at installation, not believing that one of the main and the main technologies of the Reapers and their creators repeated disclosed, and even enhanced the ancient race.

  Taels calmly looked at the approaching transponder, shone a greenish light - unit operating in test mode, the settings carried out another correction.

  The closer he drew to the conveyor repeater, the greedier considered Benešov installation, believing and not believing in what she now sees one of the main secrets Prothean civilization. Warned about the visit, accompanied by the head asari colony and her husband, advance guards cut off the protective field and removed the barricades, so that neither Liara or her parents did not see the protection of the installation in operation. Gently turning on a dime at the installation, conveyor passed back to the parking pocket and taels rose from her chair:

  - You can go.

  First on the site jumped Yavik plate, immediately gave his arm to his wife. She did not give up, thankfully opёrlas and went to the site easily and quickly. Yavik reached out Benešov sitting closest to the exit hatch and matriarch also did not give up a pleasant and unobtrusive assistance. Proteanin helped get to the site and Etite and Liara, and then hurried to join taels already about something talk to the guard installation, and multi-Protheans scientists. While she was busy, Liara and her parents saw vysivshuyusya before installing them.

  There are several taels presented Protheans researchers, along with them came very close to the bottom of the installation. Raising his head, looked at the top of the asari repeater.

  - Can swallow and smuggle several such carriers at a time with a full load. - Exchanging glances with the head of the colony said one of the scientists-Protheans. - Everything worked out.

  - Entrance to the Citadel ... - more shocked said d'Avignon. - And buzzing ...

  - Almost the same as the Monument to the repeater itself Citadel. - Confirmed by another scientist proteanin. - In operation, of course, buzzing louder, well, so it's understandable ... Load much more. - He said.

  Benešov nodded, unable to overcome with awe. For hundreds of years it was used to travel around the galaxy with the help of repeaters, but if you really honestly never believed that this technique might be to re-create from scratch.

  - Reapers can do without repeaters. - Yavik said, quietly approaching Liara's mother. - Most of today's races - can not. Unfortunately.

  - I spoke to many ... that we should abandon the excessive ... - a little dissatisfied Etita said. - Do not listen.

  - We are imperfect. - The rumor came up taels. - As the Reapers and their creators - Leviathans. But we no ban to try to become better, whole, complete.

  - Through this repeater ... - Etita said, glancing at posurovevshego Yavika already guess what question he wants to ask the matriarch.

  - Yes. Through it, a group of scientists and Prothean commandos went to the Citadel, to prevent premature invasion of the Reapers. They were able to reprogram the main control of the Citadel.

  - Go ... - Liara said quietly, fearing to pursue and express the idea completely.

  - And then, and now it is - the way to one end. With it, - Yavik nodded on high above them, the installation, - to go back ... it is impossible in principle. - He paused. - It has been too long shut down and work ... for obvious reasons ... interrupted. And now we are only restoring the disturbed and try to move a little forward. It takes quite a lot of effort, and most importantly - time. I've said this turians spectrum and Shepard. - Liara winced at the mention of the name of the captain proteaninom. - For us the main thing - to break out of these pre-programmed catapults to understand how they work and be able to take advantage of all laid down in the repeater capability. If Cape can isolate network control relays, a few significant percent victory over the occupiers and aggressors will be in our hands ... guaranteed. Repeaters are able to act and, therefore, be controlled independently from the Citadel. ... The station has become safer. It is not so easy to be able to become the main gigantic repeater has a unique huge density and transmission speed. We understand how conventional repeaters, we will be able to master their management, avoiding the contro
l circuit on the Citadel.

  - We'll get ... freedom. - I whispered Etita. - Well, that Shepard has given freedom Keepers, he made them independent, free.

  - We do not have engines "puncture space", avoiding the need to use repeaters - clarified taels, - we can not ignore the possibility of "back door" to the control systems of each of the existing catapults - enabled or turned off - all the same. And so it will be crucial in future battles to retain the most complete control over the Citadel.

  Azari almost simultaneously nodded in agreement expressed by the head of the colony.

  Yavik taels and told the guests some of the history of the work on the model Repeater, and then - some of the history of the empire and Prothean Prothean race. Then, catching that taels tired, Yavik began telling one, and moved away from the asari proteanka a few tens of meters, and returned to the "safety range".

  Stopped two dozen meters from the foot of the Repeater, taels routinely froze - just wear her boots touched the gray bounding stripes inflicted over brown tiles cover the site.

  She recalled how she learned of the existence of this installation. In a recent message, found in the cache access in one of the crumbling sarcophagus at Eden Primers was very short article that scientists were part of the "Prothean Science Corps" - a paramilitary organization formed in the early period of confrontation with the reapers, We could come close to solving the Repeater technology.

  Few Protheans could immediately and fully to believe in the reality of such a breakthrough. I do not believe it at first either Yavik or taels, but later Yavik gave her impression of his own feelings on the Monument Repeater installed on the Citadel, and her commander "Blade of Fury" could be no doubt - in front of her was a working model of a repeater.


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