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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 241

by Theodore Daniels

  Taels remembered the first time resulted in "Sword of Fury" on the IL, the first time come to this far off the installation, how to make sure that this model - single direction. He is the repeater, then was drowned in, but certainly functional. This breakthrough had to keep secret how managed to keep secret the existence of this installation, this model ancestors of the survivors Protheans. We have maintained and now the problem of secrecy stood before taels and before Yavikom, and before all Protheans, gained its first ship, and then the planet, of which most of them knew nothing of all the years of the last war with the Reapers - so powerful was the secrecy.

  A cast of sensations transmitted to it Yavikom confirmed - the other end of the "tunnel" generated by this plant, located on the Citadel. You know whether it is about the Reapers and their supporters? Little did they know about it anything substantial, but even if they knew of it? Behind the Reapers were destroyed dozens of civilizations, hundreds perished in the fire races. What's there in the fire - Destroyer of Planets applied Reapers on Ilos, with all certainty testified resolve these polumashin go to the end, to the complete destruction of organic is not only reasonable, but also their habitats.

  And now she is again standing in front of the repeater before the device before installing one, which kept the secret of her compatriots, her predecessors. Yes, for decades, have passed since the first landing on the survivors Protheans Ilos took plenty of time. The installation is now mastered her colleagues and is ready for the real work. It will be necessary - it works. Better to have the installation ready, than to lose the chance.

  The reliability of the installation was soon confirmed Yavika readily come to her help at the Citadel. If necessary, of course. For taels it was the best recommendation, and reinforces its own confidence in the fact that the unit is in working condition stable, despite the fact that it took so many years. Yes, Protheans lived a long time, but tens of thousands of years.

  Taels remembered Shepard along with other normandovtsami accompanied Yavika visited the area in front of the repeater. Yavik while in conversation with the guests constantly referred to his girlfriend, recognizing its authority and importance in the reconstruction of settlements Protheans on Ilos, part of which is the continuation of research on the use of a repeater, the master, is still one-sided, to the Citadel. Then normandovtsy Yavika asked about the possibility to throw with this setting load on any of the other relays. Yavik rightly said that this is possible.

  Reflections taels were interrupted gently approached the asari. Yavik silently told his wife about his desire to stay at the plant for interviews with investigators. Agreeing with the opinion of the husband and friend, taels short gestured Liara, Benešov and Etitu take place in the conveyor. The return trip did not take more than forty minutes and gently slowing down in the guest bar, the car stopped.

  - Taels, and ...

  - Tomorrow we'll take you to one of Prothean residential settlements. Look at our normal life. - Said the head of the colony. - And then...

  - Then you tell us where and how we can help you. - Benešov said. Etita nodded and Liara only for a moment closed her eyes - she knew that taels makes her realize: vacation is over and it is time to return to the duties and the work of the Advisor of the Citadel.

  - Agree. - I nodded taels. - Go. - She turned to the driver and the car lurched abruptly taken from their seats. The work of the colony head continued, despite the fact that the circle was already night.

  Watched the departure of the car, Liara looked up. Gde-to there, far away, it was the Citadel, gde-to there flew beside the "Volga" and "Normandy", gde-to there, much closer, flying, covered the field of invisibility "Sword of Fury", guarding the peace and security of the inhabitants of the colony classified Prothean . Enjoy views of the night sky Ilos young asari hurried to her room. We had to think a lot and to prepare for the visit in a residential Prothean village.

  Wishing her daughter a relaxing night's rest, d'Avignon and Etita went to their rooms. Younger T'Soni sat down, turned on the spotlight and turned off the overhead light. Now you can concentrate on the meditations.

  Oh, no wonder she started to hear the name of John. Oh, not in vain. Liara does not doubt that and taels and Yavik with professional retentive memory will be in their accounts of the repeater, and not only about it, refer to the fact that they have been told otryadovtsam. After all, Liara and her parents are no strangers to Shepard and his colleagues. Oh, not strangers. How did she fulfill his promise ... unless, of course, it can be considered a promise? How could she give up part of his heart and soul to another earthling? She - Advisor to the Citadel, it is written to the reception for many days, she is chronically short of time for something other than work, even her parents are rarely seen, but here ...

  Here it is necessary not only in the light, and go in peace, sit in the crowded cafes and restaurants, visit exhibitions and film screenings, and performances are not in an official format, according to the protocol, and the most, with the minimally sufficient protection. Hmm sufficient. Less than two dozen she was not allowed to leave the never - it is too valuable to asari, and not only for its tribeswoman. For she herself is not a secret that it prevents many ... very many, and it may try to slow down .... Until ... full stop. Up to the death. But as long as it did not come - it will work, it will work. Only here where and how to find a earthling, what she can not seem ... counselor, and simple asari ?! The task ... However, such and such was her love and objectives. That does not give an answer right away, and forced to think, even ... to suffer in the search.

  Okay. This is how she will think a second time, and now she needs to sleep. Tomorrow will likely be the last day when it can still be a guest and not Advisor Citadel. If it is destined to remain here for a long time, it is time to return to normal operation. A familiar with Ilos and its settlers, it will keep up. Must keep pace.

  With this in mind, Liara forgotten harsh on the bed - militia took his habit here in Prothean colony.

  A visit to the residential village

  Familiar conveyor early morning took three asari in his gut and a few hours later rolled into the territory of a small settlement, lost under thick canopy of ancient trees - Protheans comply disguise and tried to not unnecessarily disrupt the usual image of the planet, badly damaged by fire and shelling. Taels at that time was one - Yavik directly from the site Repeater went to distant underground city.

  Introduction to the life of an ordinary Prothean land settlement - taels hinted guests on the fact that if you want it a little later will be able to visit and much larger in size underground Prothean settlement, up to central cities with up to tens of thousands of people - it was decided to start with a meeting of the new inhabitant of the settlement . It was in the local hospital had to have proteanka, as one would say the people of middle age.

  I agree with the doctors managed to easily and quickly, which contributed to the presence of many taels. Liara habitually thought that the presence here Yavik - and an agreement could have been even faster and better. Matriarch attend childbirth and after talking with a happy mom with twins give birth - and proteankoy proteaninom, with the girl was born first, we were deeply impressed by the confidence of the local people.

  Wishing a happy family all the best, the guests were invited to attend the ordinary Prothean house. It turned out that the family then considered several generations Protheans living quite close to each other. As explained taels, if necessary, of course, Protheans can live separately, but in reviving Prothean colony until it was decided to live that way - compact and supporting each other in everything. Long life Protheans this helped a lot.

  Matriarchs were amazed at how few hundred Protheans in such a short time, in complete obscurity, and only on its own resources were able to reach the population of the colony of a few tens of thousands of residents - the exact figure is, of course, no taels or Yavik, none of the other Protheans guest did not call - privacy have privacy.

  Liara saw a normal family life, with childre
n and the life, and the life Protheans middle-aged and elderly Protheans life - as it turned out, among the crew of the "Blade" there were some respectable Protheans, lived several hundred years to the time of departure to the Refuge.

  Then taels show guests the usual nursery and kindergarten, where small Protheans played under the supervision of experienced tutors, trained the necessary abilities and skills, mastering the wisdom of his race. Liara noted that there was no contradiction between what the teacher was saying and what is said, the children's parents. Guests have the opportunity to taste the baby food, as well as to communicate with students.

  The next item was the school. Of course, the language Protheans it was called differently, but taels characterized this institution is a school. At the school and its walls of the guest stayed for good three hours, with got a lot of fun and were gladdened as the conversations with teachers and mentors, and communicating with students and pupils. There were, of course, not an impromptu concert, with the concert even especially not have to cook - as explained by taels each graduate of a child determined their preferences in the culture of their race. The guests visited the classroom, walked through the corridors during breaks, the school lunch tasted and talked with the head of the teaching staff, as well as with several teachers. Rebellious Matriarch noted the high level of discipline and the students,

  Vocational training took place in matured Protheans analogues azariyskih secondary specialized educational institutions, one of which brought guests taels and closer to the middle of the day. And matriarchs and their daughter with interest acquainted with the peculiarities of the educational process, so as to prepare students for occupations, where they live, what to eat and how to spend their free time. Concert for students not uchinyali guests, politely referring to employment and congestion, but otherwise the chat turned out very rich and, above all, enjoyable and useful for visitors and for the institution of the hosts. The fact that students are the masters, matriarchs and their daughter have seen time and again that, of course, did not prevent the students to love and respect their teachers and a few, and in the opinion of d'Avignon - a very small administrative staff.

  After attending such an institution could be contacted directly to familiarize with some university, but taels offered to see where and how a few graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions work. It turned out that a lot of these and they work everywhere. And it works well, efficiently. The drivers, salesmen, middle and junior medical staff - Protheans almost all their needs blocked graduates of secondary schools so that graduates of colleges Ilos share remains very little space.

  - They have very little. - He explained taels when conveyor podvёz visitors to the gates of the underground city Protheans. - And, of course, they only work on the surface, but they live, including for security purposes, under the ground. We have them, for obvious reasons, We protect.

  Another two and a half hours spent with great benefit for visitors to get acquainted with the educational process and life of students and teachers of one of the largest diversified Prothean universities. There is no showing off, no desire to splurge, distort the real situation.

  - They know? - Timidly asked d'Avignon. - Well ... azariyskuyu our history? Racial?

  - Know and very good. - Confirmed taels. - Thank you for them - partners and neighbors. We now orient our youth, and not only young people that after defeating the Reapers we all live in the same galaxy. Single family. Commonwealth. - Said the head of the colony. - So ... We have been working for a very distant future. In another not able to because we live ... a very long time. - A little sad smile taels when they go beyond the perimeter gates. - In human terms it - a major university, and we agree with this definition. - She waited until the guest will be placed in the cabin of the conveyor. - Now we have eaten a few industrial enterprises and thus concluded. - Said the head of the colony.

  Five different profiles of companies - from processed agricultural products before letting out conveyors and spare parts for equipment guest have looked very carefully and with great interest, not paying much attention to the fact that very soon it was evening, and night, and came after him. The underground levels Ilos these times of the day were quite the refinement of the local situation as well as the matriarchs and Liara very soon realized: Protheans work if not almost around the clock and really really - hardly sleep.

  Takes guests to their residential beam taels gave them a prepared reader with information about the Prothean colony.

  - There's plenty of information. Tomorrow you will be able to plan the way you want. In the evening I'll come and tell you about our technology transfer information through touch. And then ... then we will offer you a lesson ... a relaxing holiday. - The head of the colony boarded transporter and the driver started the car from a place.

  Story taels how Yavik Shepard passed information through touch

  The information in the reader proved enough. Benešov copied it on instrumentrony Etity and Liara then offered until noon to get acquainted with it separately, and in the afternoon - together to discuss the benefit of taels really could come in the evening and until that time, had to work out an acceptable joint decision on what should be all three of them and each individually engage in a few months stay here on Ilos.

  - Liara, I have no doubt that you have come back to the rhythm counselor. - He said Benešov went into his daughter's room. - I think that taels and Yavik offer you a lot of interesting things.

  - I would be combined. - Said the younger T'Soni, displaying the desktop reader, extracted from the backpack. - I really decided to stop it ... doing nothing. Time passes and my assistant, waiting for my display connected. I can not keep them in the dark, since we have agreed that the first on the link I'll go.

  - And when you plan to?

  - The day after tomorrow morning. Prepared and ... And that in taels and Yavika for each one of us stashed program - I do not doubt it for a minute. Find yourself a lab or several labs, will communicate and work. Lead a normal life ... to's advisory limits, of course, but the usual. No doubt also that I have to also learn from Protheans ... a lot.

  - We, too, daughter. There are some conditions ... - quietly said d'Avignon. - Much has become clear after the first conversation with taels of this interesting information transmission technology. It is strange how something that Elder Race wants to communicate with us so ... open. Unusually.

  - If there is everything as said taels, we should start this work as soon as possible ..., Mom. - Said Liara, ending direct at the table perfectly working order. - I have no doubt that these talks will lead us not only taels, but Yavik. Several evenings. Least.

  - Oh, docha, you really ... - sighed matriarch.

  - I'm going back to work. Representation days completed. - Said Liara. - All reasonable fight and work. I also can not sit back. And to do all that information entrusted to us here on Ilos, I have not got to the Reapers, a leviathan and their henchmen. I have no doubt - Protheans teach us how to be kept such an important and valuable information secret.

  - Okay. A relaxing stay. There really are working around the clock. - Benešov hugged and kissed her daughter. - Relax, wings. As long as you can. Take care of yourself...

  Liara nodded, hugged and kissed my mother and escorting her to the door.

  From morning until noon each asari in his room studying the contents of the file reader, transmitted taels. The information was very high. After dinner, guests gathered in Liara's room and had a discussion read and understood, prolonged until the evening.

  Arrived at six pm taels caught all three asari for discussion, readily joined in the conversation, he explained a lot and gradually turned the conversation on the way Protheans develop and use their gift of contact transmission of vast amounts of information. His story is alternated short capacious sketches of what happened on Ilos when Protheans survivors returned to the classified this planet.

  Introduced Yavik, referring to employment, paused briefly in the room younger
T'Soni, telling about how Shepard said, using his racial ability to transfer data in large chunks, making a significant and important additions to the story about the beginning of resuscitation taels ilosskoy Prothean colony. Apologizing, warrior ancient race left, and taels, habitually sitting in a chair and relax, to continue the story of how Yavik communicated with the captain:

  - Yavik hurry to tell Shepard that could then learn. - Taels said. - He quite rightly pointed to the fact that time is short. If the delay - it is easier to shoot and die because the choice can not be. It is not immediately used racial our way of sharing information through touch, prepared many crystals that you are accustomed to using. - She paused, gathering his thoughts. - Even then, he was sure that the Citadel advisers - at this point it did not look at Liara slightly tensed and posmurnevshuyu - are in no way prepared for the invasion of the Reapers, as they may not be ready for what will bring the inhabitants of the galaxy this invasion. Yavik suggested then translate advisers under external management. In other words, he pointed to Shepard that they are, the three of them should reign but not rule. However, as I was convinced then, getting acquainted with the different materials, they are up to this reign, but not rule, because not doing obschegalakticheskimi and their personal problems most of the time allotted to them. Then Yavik proposed for the post of Director of BRP Garrus. Then he said a lot of bad "Cerberus" and the Alliance. And at the same time he pointed out the importance of cooperation with Russia and China, as the imperial state and the imperial in nature and spirit of the structures. Yavik indicated that normandovtsam should not contact with the ambassadors of Russia, not with bureaucrats or politicians in Russia, and with the usual, ordinary people who were born and raised in this country. Shepard agreed with this view. Of course, such contacts in the opinion of my friend should be fast, well prepared. Because it was assumed that the main contact with the military razvedkreyserom, his command and the crew will take place after you, d'Avignon and Liara already find yourself on Tess. Or any other azariyskoy planet. In any azariyskoy colony. Frankly, we had to spend a certain, very significant work on preparing a meeting with the "Volga". As part of the overall development of Ilos, of course. The conversation then went about the role and the role of the asari Protheans in your race development.


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