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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 243

by Theodore Daniels

  Over time, the work offers in laboratories, institutions, organizations Ilos talking themselves Protheans. Contribution Liara, Benešov and Etity was marked as a very significant not only taels and Yavikom but ordinary Protheans that the guest was, of course, very nice. Several months - and Protheans stopped paying attention to the fact that a number of them live and work asari. During this time, and d'Avignon, and Etita Liara and have done a lot in order to bring the victory over the Reapers. Yes, it was necessary at times to forget to eat and sleep, had to forget about the fact that the work is carried out under the ground, which means that the usual sunrise, noon and sunset will not be noticeable, had surprised Protheans ability to go without sleep ten days. A few decades - and asari no longer feel cut off from Tess, from azariyskogo space

  Travel asari on Ilos. Excursions and single trips

  In his first short trip Liara going in fits and starts - work in its laboratories Prothean seized almost completely. Of course, never forgot about his work Advisor young asari, but now that the next - the richest archives of Ilos, when there - many, so different representatives Prothean race, which both imperceptibly and quickly adjusted full communion, which limits barely viewed when not only Yavik and taels, but many other Protheans shared with her life and professional experience, explains the strange and gave much food for self-reflection, at first it was hard to believe that it will be enough time for you to go somewhere -That for classification as a conveyor.

  At first, no doubt Liara - trip will be of a purely business nature just moving from point A to point B in order to be able to visit more labs, enterprises, institutions and organizations. Then came the understanding that Protheans quietly and unobtrusively gave her the opportunity to visit many places of Ilos at the original outings, when before it tells the story of a secret planet Prothean civilization, and through it - and history Protheans, as a race, were able to hundreds of years to confront the Reapers.

  Of course, the owners of the world do not limit the ability to use Liara given to it and the conveyor for independent trips is any sightseeing or business need. Most young asari stopped the car in the woods of Ilos, opened the door for a long time and how it was even possible, to enjoy the nature of the planet. Protheans gradually, imperceptibly, but steadily revived Ilos. In many areas, continues to rage fires - for fire was plenty of food, but where the fire had ceased, nature took its - rose to the sky Ilos young shoots of shrubs and trees, the soil is covered with a carpet of grass, bald spots, burned by fire, were dark and disappeared under the moss .

  Protheans did everything that the world recovery was almost natural way, of course, taking into account the interests and needs of the owners of the planet, but so as not to disturb the impression of abandonment and concealment. The majority of enterprises, institutions and organizations were located, as before, with the residential village, under the earth, on the surface of such settlements and centers were rare, often located in the ruins of the destroyed settlements, often - under the cover of crowns of mighty trees there, which did not reach the fires wave .

  Liara stops at such moments is not only lazy, but also working. Now she often traveled on the old and the new tunnels, punched under the surface of Ilos. Conveyor equipment allowed to use something like an autopilot, but Liara rarely included this system, preferring to steer the machine and in the tunnels and on the surface. She has visited many remote villages, I saw the decoration of the old, dilapidated and ruined tunnels, often spent the night at an impasse, and put out all the lights and any sensitive listening to the rustling, chirping and skvorchanie dungeons, falling asleep and waking up in complete darkness.

  For Asari became accustomed to meet with each other and with the locals not only well acquainted with guest village, but also in many other settlements Ilos - at matriarchs was formed tight schedule of work, allowing them to regularly move from one place to another - it turned out Protheans wish to receive the latest and very accurate information on a wide range of issues and the presence of Ilos real asari for them was a great opportunity to learn first-hand many of the details and clarify its view on a variety of topics and issues. So and Etity and Benešov days were painted to within minutes, both matriarch quite accustomed to have become almost personal transporters and with the need to quickly, completely and accurately navigate the multilevel network of underground tunnels Ilos.

  Gradually, all three of them stay on Ilos has become customary and regulatory: Liara calmly and freely combines his work in several laboratories with the performance advisors and regular communication with Tess, matriarchs have not felt only by guests who have something to show and tell exclusively within excursions and Protheans asari took to his circle of friends and learned from them a lot of new, valuable and useful.

  Duma Liara about Shepard. The comprehension of the meaning of separation. Feeling ready for life with another person

  During his visits to Ilos Liara rarely had the opportunity to distract from thoughts about work. And almost always in those moments she thought of John. Minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, she recalled the time spent close to Shepard, and especially - his stay at Tess. After that she had almost run aboard "Normandy". Now, when there was not a parent planet asari and secret Prothean planet Liara looked at much differently.

  Gradually, almost impalpable she got used to the idea of the need for a few years to live side by side and together with another earthling, not with John Shepard, with another. Maybe chat with many Protheans, and perhaps - and the manifestation of the power of your subconscious allowed Liara understand that the fate gives her a unique chance to experience his love for Shepard and at the same time - check your feelings, to check their willingness to live together and next to John. Then, after the war. In the meantime, she also will have a family, too close to a loved one, Earthman, perhaps - in time, perhaps - soon he will be the father of her children.

  Yes, of course, Liara knew that she wanted to be the mother of the children, John, but if it does not add up, why she should limit yourself? After all, John wishes her happiness above all, he did nothing offended, not forced to consider themselves wronged, uyazvlёnnoy, devoid of the right to choose.

  Liara realized anew that what is rarely told her mother: she is of age - a virgin, and no matron. And the characteristics of the child's mind, the child's perception is, unfortunately, completely and free period can not. Yes, she is now constantly making best efforts to this, and it has a certain, sometimes very significant progress, but ... it is still a child and more formally to the age matron she had to live just a little less than two hundred years. And she now swings on the children, understanding that it is - it is probably very real. She knows that once she fell in love earthling, Shepard does not, it will be forced to, will have to decide whether to consent to the pregnancy from the man. Not John - another person. Family - is first and foremost children. And be sure - a few children. Not one child - Liara did not want that she was the only daughter to her, her daughter, had no sisters. At the very least - the same, but better - a few. Too badly she now perceived the feelings and emotions of his mother. Too badly I understood why she called it, Liara, wings. Yes, Etity had daughters. On their matriarch preferred not to talk or even Benešov knew little about them. Especially - Liara. And d'Avignon was the only daughter - Liara. And if not for Shepard ... She would have remained at the Terumo forever. And d'Avignon was the only daughter - Liara. And if not for Shepard ... She would have remained at the Terumo forever. And d'Avignon was the only daughter - Liara. And if not for Shepard ... She would have remained at the Terumo forever.

  John never tied himself firmly to Liara. Yes, she loved Shepard, loved deeply, fervently, full, but ... he is already married and already have children. And first, who loved John, was not it, Liara T'Soni, and her mother. Now she Liara knew that Svetlana would be much easier, faster and more completely accepted the fact that another of John's wife was precisely Benešov. Against eight hundred candidates matriarch Svetlana is now understood Li
ara, no objection was initially not. Including because ... To be absolutely honest, Benešov have lived next to John the rest of his life a thousand years, and would have been happy. Very happy. And Liara is just beginning to live, she still eight years guaranteed life ahead. Of course, war against the Reapers can make in this period significant changes - Liara thought of wounding almost constantly - this pain and this problem it is almost never left very much for a long time, but still, eight years without John ... Now, she realizes that the children "Wishlist" poorly aligned with the realities of adult, responsible life. And yet she loves John sincerely and fully, so - believes that any, even these difficulties can be overcome.

  Her mother is now understood Liara, loved John. And there was very ... to put it mildly, unhappy that the first official wife Shepard became not it eight hundred matriarch, namely Svetlana Streltsov, people dug, imperka. Maybe really hated Benešov Svetlana ... Maybe. This hatred was natural - the competition has not been canceled. Chakwas law: any woman especially like to be the wife of John and give birth to his children. This is a requirement of evolution, not only of society. A Shepard was a very decent man. Very decent person. It is recognized not only earthlings, but also very many aliens. Because John and competition for women was very hard, and at times even cruel.

  John himself had to make, as it is now understood Liara, considerable efforts to ladies are not at loggerheads with each other. And so, probably, he has always insisted on the fact that any woman who fell in love with him, John Shepard, remained free in their choice - or rather could have chosen any other partner in life as her husband and father of their children, except, of course same of John Shepard.

  Liara also noticed how a Jon, that love, remaining free, it is very difficult. And now, she thought about what John himself, being a married man, continue to love their many women who are not lovers for him. It is surprising, striking and even delightfully true to his Svetlana, but at the same time and Liara, and d'Avignon, and Etita, and Aria, and peace, and Vera, and Nayrin and Tali did not feel any discomfort, they know they are loved Shepard. I loved really. And at the same time - free. Available in your choice of companion of his life, in his life, in my life. Absolutely free.

  John, how was firmly convinced Liara, will not command the fate of life and one of them, because they are all together, and any one of them for it - free and inviolable. First of all - in a bodily sense. Yes, as is now understood Liara, John was able to marvel at and admire the beauty of the body of his favorite women, but they were untouchable for him. It was solid, and then - in all other respects. Thanks to this attitude of his favorite female Shepard and feel free, could choose any other reasonable organics as her husband, to preserve the purity and integrity of both body and soul. Probably, future husbands will be very grateful to Shepard for his desire to preserve the chastity of the women he loved. John did not limit others in their right to love yourself, but did not know how to use love as a battering ram,

  Think about it, Liara knew she was ... happy. John gave her a chance - or rather, very, seriously helped it grow spiritually, which in turn determined the readiness of Liara, which remained a virgin, to such a serious step as the birth of children. His own children by the man she loved, who became her legal spouse.

  Perhaps, above all communion with John, John's influence helped her when she was going to have to save the lives of two young asari, unable in such a tender age is normal to accept anything other than breast milk. Any scientist would have said before, that the maiden asari unable for so many reasons to feed young asari own breast milk. And she, Liara T'Soni, nearly centenarians his life, could and managed. And now she has two, as the people say, goddaughter - small asari received loving parents and managed to because of their love and care in a short time to recover and get stronger, to return to a normal childhood. Perhaps this episode is given the opportunity to think about Liara foster children? Maybe, why not?

  Yes, the theme for Liara personal life John has always been taboo, but she knew that Svetlana Streltsov a lot of effort and energy spent on something to reach his present position. Liara and I knew that this is why Svetlana very risk - after the birth of the first-born of the two, it can lose its ability to bear children. Completely lost. And then it will be only one solution - to foster children. Liara firmly knew that if Svetlana adopt a child, then it will take and John. In another simply can not be - Svetlana Shepard loves and trusts her fully. Especially in matters of children. Hence, it Liara T'Soni should be ready for adoptions of children. Not only asari not, and many other races. The war continues, and it is already too many children orphaned. It deprived of too many parental warmth, care, protection, love. Many of the orphan finds new family, but many yet were forced to live in orphanages and baby homes, every hour and every day dreaming of their own house and his own parents. Sometimes these dreams come true. Sometimes.

  Yes, it is, Liara T'Soni - virgin, but she had very long lives in the mode matron and matriarch, because if it will live, as it should be exactly the Maiden-Asari, it will not last long. Maybe Medic asari were too categorical and even cruel, but it is their decision on this mode Hereafter almost hopeless patient, what then, after being wounded in the temple Atama Liara has helped younger T'Soni avoid almost inevitable disability.

  She Liara T'Soni - Maiden, but it internally, personally, no longer a virgin. Maybe it is in some degree repeated in its own way to Strel'tsova Svetlana, who managed in such a young age - Svetlana just a year younger than John - to become a senior officer and commander of the frigate is not, as a large intelligence cruiser. As T'Soni understood, even in the Empire so quick career was the exception rather than the rule. And she Svetlana very long themselves limited in terms of relationships with men-terrestrials, even Imperials, though foreigners. And only John was able to slowly, gently, gently overcome the protective barriers, all limitations of the Svetlana. Overcome soft, non-violently.

  And Svetlana believed John. Because she wanted someone to love and believe in full force. Because she knew - she can love sincerely and fully only when young. And age, and body. And then ... then it will be harder to do, because too much was spent on the official marathon too much force. Few available, few feasible. She believed and loved John, who, as it turned out, was not fixated only on the sexual side of the relationship. Moreover - he, too, has already managed to reach considerable heights, spetsnaz received the highest qualification rank, the highest rank of officer by the British ranking, is not a simple field officer, and the officer in SWAT videoconferencing. So here Svetlana found a like-minded, able to understand it without words, intuitive, sensual, silent level. Quickly and accurately grasp. She herself was not only the commander, but also a professional pilot, and professional scout and a professional sniper. She was accustomed to, she was needed, with this all it is akin, got used, overcoming the distance of the service marathon. And John gave her a chance to rest, gave her the opportunity to realize the need for a time to interrupt the marathon, because at that time she was already several years headed the crew and razvedkreysera team, creating the ship home environment and turning the team into a family of soldiers. It is no wonder that John gave her a chance to feel anything more than just an officer, commander and leader. For the first time in many years. And make it so that no one doubted - it was the choice of most of Svetlana and did it herself. Itself something myself, but - under the influence and under the protection of John. Svetlana herself saw in John the person, not just a man. I saw and understood that it is - a chance. A chance for her to go beyond the scope of hateful.

  Maybe even then she felt that she passed Marathon hurt herself very much. And it wanted to terminate harmful effects. At least for a while. No wonder she slowly unfolded before John, very gradually made steps to meet him. Both the Shepherd did not put pressure on the Svetlana did not speed up the development of the situation. He was a gradual and constant in his effort to give all the best to Svetlana. For a long time they had enough hugs, hugging and kissing. A very long time. And comm
unication, and above all verbal allowed Svetlana to believe that her search was over. He completed successfully. She chose John as a husband and father of their children, and I was not mistaken in their choice.


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