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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 244

by Theodore Daniels

  And because she believed in what John can give priority only to her and at the same time continue to sincerely and totally love the many other women. Not as a replacement option is not as readily available sexual partner. And as a self-valuable and independent personalities. Yes, indeed, it's hard to be loved by such a man, and at the same time remain free, not feel obliged to become his wife, by the way - the second or third or fifth. And for John, they all, except, of course, excel Svetlana - equal.

  Even the war did not prevent John to continue to love not only Svetlana. And as Liara believed, that the war helped John to reveal his love more fully. After all, he is there to hide something special, every day risks. The risk does not come back on board the frigate, risks are not to return to Earth. Prodolozhaet risks and live life to the fullest.

  Past the attention Liara as professional information broker failed activity associated with the search for Dana - a girl who became the first love Shepard. Synthetic and turned to her younger T'Soni. We asked, of course, on the recommendations, it was not the first on their list. All the information that she had been able to discover, handled them in the priority order. And thanks to both kiborgess received. Then it was very painful to know that Dana was not found. According to some reports could not help even the world, which many have a reasonable certainty that a queen and psionic mentalistiki. Rightly called.

  And then Liara knew John ... surprisingly constant in its relation to a specific organic reasonable that he does not seek to cut all under one comb. Not everyone wants to be treated ... as standard. It is, of course, knew it before, but when faced with the search for Dana realized it especially urgent and complete. Now she was sure John will look for Dana as much will to live. For him, Dana - personality. My favorite person and not just an attractive female body. Yes, Dana was the first love of John and left his love forever. It will then Karin Chakwas, then will Benešov, then it will be Svetlana Streltsov. All of them, no matter how many of them there are and how much they will either be later. John over and over again, not by words but by deeds proved that love really is eternal and unchanging. No matter how much time has passed. To prove his own life.

  Liara is now, after a few decades, particularly keenly understand how Shepard suffered as he sat next to her, a young asari in the sickbay of the ship. And he said aloud, very unpleasant, painful and difficult to wounding him and her words. He said, because he wanted to stay honest. Not only and not so much in front of him. How many before her, Liara. Before Svetlana. He took the oath of allegiance to Svetlana internally and externally and to bring an oath to refuse the oath was organically incapable. And while he was unable to give up the love of it, Liara. Younger T'Soni he is seen as reluctant to go out of the ward Karin Chakwas that John also loved. He continued to love. And Karin knew about this love Shepard, feel, feel this love all the time, sworn allegiance not to John, and David Anderson. John helped his love Karin. He helped repeatedly and kept her right to choose a life partner in her own judgment. Without pretending to exclusivity.

  Love John to other reasonable organics it was able to do without a sexual connotation, no sexual component. He loved not only women but also men. Perhaps that is why he fell so very many like Asari, accustomed to consider themselves asexual. And, as it turned out, not only the asari. He was loved by all four Synthetic, loved him quarian Tali. His loved turianka Nayrin. His love Aria, fall in love, as one would say Earthlings, "head over heels" in Anderson and has found the strength to realize their freedom from the obsession with the commander of the "Normandy". Yes, Liara is now understood that Arius continued to love Anderson, but acknowledged now his freedom away from him and his freedom from it, and moreover - was confident in his ability to love another intelligent organic, which would in the long term - long or a short,

  Shepard, Liara is now understood, I was not doing anything particularly new: it just shows that love - an organic feeling for any reason and for each of them it - their own. Individual, unique. It just shows what a rich, large, multi-faceted and complex it may be feeling. It shows allowing others to choose something of their own in this great phenomenon, capable, as it turned out, to cover the entire galaxy. Notwithstanding anything to the astronomical figures of distances between the inhabited worlds. Maybe it was the realization of such a unified and at the same time very different, very personal love and helped the current inhabitants of the galaxy fight to the death before the extragalactic invaders and occupiers, what is now perceived by the Reapers.

  Liara remember, always remember that Shepard has extragalactic, zagalakticheskimi and abilities. And because he is constantly under special threat that realizes very keenly. He does not hide from this threat from this danger, it is not seeking to withdraw from the confrontation with it, but at the same time carefully and inevitably pushes himself behind all other sentient of organic of any race and any gender and age, enabling them to survive. As understood Liara, he feared being branded a monster, monster, inhuman. And therefore I make every effort to ensure that as far as possible avoid the use of its very unusual abilities.

  Few of today's intelligent of organic knew for certain what and how he, John Shepard, as well as other holders of the status of "en-seven" taught at the Academy. Even if they knew that for various reasons were silent or talked about it a deliberate untruth. In the very best case - an incomplete, distorted the truth very seriously. And Shepard did not talk about their abilities and capabilities of nothing at all. He just used them rarely, but used. Then, when no choice. And most often it is simply clothed these opportunities and the ability to "wrapper", increasing their quite personal qualities that enabled him to successfully cope with the most complex situations and issues.

  He worked everywhere, did not like to sit back - in this very fully convinced Liara. And now, when it dwells on Ilos, Shepard solves the immediate tasks - complex and not very important and routine. Because the problem needs to be solved. We need to move forward, you need to develop. This desire to solve more and more problems when something very ordinary frigate "Normandy" has today become a reasonable perception of millions of organics in the legendary ship on which he lives and fights the legendary crew of the legendary team. Leads along, directs, warns, helps, protects and delivers. It is difficult to enumerate all the directions of the unit, which today are by no means dead lines in the plans, programs and reports.

  Shepard, Liara knew how, deciding decides and will address the problems and issues and on the Citadel and is the center of the galaxy stations. It will decide where you need, anywhere in the space of the Milky Way. Show an example for other reasonable organics are not words, but deeds. Support not only faith, but also hope for the imminent victory over the Reapers and their henchmen. According to some reports, that her younger T'Soni, managed to dig in the course of work on the scattered fragments of messages squad soon return once again to the problem of rachni. At the new level, of course.

  Now Imperial Navy Covert successfully reflects in full cooperation with the troops of the surviving Queen rachni any attempt Reapers and their henchmen enter within the star system, where there was a Suan - one of the surviving parent planets rachni. Liara no doubt - beetles will fight to the death. They already knew quite a lot about the malicious nature polumashin because war will be with them until the victory. Until complete victory. And the Imperial fleet Covert help them in this, because the personnel of the fleet was a witness to the signing of the Treaty of earthlings today - and not only earthlings - very ancient and original race. Now in the neighborhood of Suan Reapers and their minions are just waiting for death, and death. Rachni fulfill the promise - not to be a threat to the inhabitants of the galaxy with all the accuracy and completeness. And now that the Queen found the second organic rachni, Liara no doubt - that squad, namely Shepard cope with new, challenging well. So that it is not turned into a disaster and grief, either now or in the future.

  A few days ago Liara received on various channels of information that Svetlana safely gave birth to twins. Now S
hepard and Strel'tsova complete family - two children, a girl and a boy. Younger T'Soni already knew that the news of the birth of the first-born spread among the members of the Squad with the light speed. And I could not help to send congratulations to John. The text, of course. Leaving on audio communication with John, get used Liara not become a happy father's role, mindful of the fact that Svetlana can feel it and react negatively. Yesterday by John came short text answer. Sincere thanks. A few lines of plain text, and Liara reread them many times and always found something new, indescribably pleasant and valuable for themselves. She remembered all too well, as she wrote letters to all otryadovtsy when she was in the hospital on Tess when she recovered after staying in the rubble under the shopping center. Do you think only otryadovtsy wrote to her - before she felt their attention and sincere care.

  The birth of children in XO "Normandy" was preceded by disembarkation Squad in full force - and the cruiser and frigate, cruiser left the Citadel - to solve the problem of the second queen rachni. As Liara knew the operation was just beginning. And while it was too early to talk about its possible and necessary outcome of.

  Reading response Shepard, Liara not been assured that it it still loves. Deep, sincere and complete. Yes, now he is a father of two children, but that did not stop him to keep love and to her young asari and her mother and father, and as Advisor to guess, to all those who loved him, and was loved by them.

  Remembering its planned load, Liara was convinced that in a few months it will really come back to Tess and again to take care of all the functions and responsibilities of the Adviser for Azariyskomu space. She now performs the tasks within its positions, but then, when he was already on Tess can perform them more efficiently, and to prepare all four asari to ensure that over time they have become counselors. Somehow, she had no doubt that the reform of the Citadel Council to begin, it should begin with the reform of its Azariyskogo segment.

  If we Asari stood at the origins of the Council, they should also play a major role in its transformation into a new environment. Such transformation as was now convinced the younger T'Soni is necessary.

  How long she had worked with four assistants - now she was convinced that to choose one of them as his successor, it will not have to. Even if it is, the current Advisor Citadel forced to name one of them as a counselor, it is the other three will go to the Citadel as the new counselor assistants and actually will work in close conjunction, as a single organism. That work, not only co-exist within Azariyskoy Racial Administration Citadel. Maybe just such a step will allow employees to better withstand the stress of the Administration decisive period of the war against the Reapers. May be.

  Maybe she should try to fly off with Tess right now, it is on a secret planet Prothean which became Ilos, where it is fully realistic visited only now. Probably, it was necessary to do it now, in order to understand more deeply and fully so many things. Tess, in the familiar world is this ordinariness scored perception of noise, interfere with focus on the new, barely audible, barely perceptible. And then, on Ilos, where it is now - not someone else's, where she learned a lot, where she explained a lot, talked, showed it was able to in a different way, deeper and fuller listen to herself, to her parents ...

  Separation from Tess was for her time when she is grown as a person. Yes, technically it remained the same asari-maiden, almost centenarians its millennial life, but in fact it is very grown up next to the numerous representatives of the Elder Race. I could not help but grow. And that is apart from the usual space of the galaxy much she knew about herself and about many other sentient organics. She realized the strength and power of Shepard, who loved her, a young asari a love that does not press on her own way, did not specify in detail the fate of her.

  Now, having stayed on for a long time Ilos, Liara was ready to open up to other worthy Earthman, was ready to become his wife, and even the mother of his children. It was a good way, a good choice and it and this way and this choice was now completely ready. It is now. Previously, it would have to be cautious and try to avoid contact. Probably, it will be avoided in the future, when the return on Tess, because it is there primarily Advisor Citadel and the only daughter of two matriarchs, and then - militia, scientist and information intermediary. She has plenty of work in which she became a professional in which it specialist. And so it may well concentrate on those areas of its activities and not worry about what she had once again failed to contact someone from the earthlings,

  Nevertheless, albeit cautiously, albeit with understandable fear it is still ready to open up to another person, to believe him, maintaining love to Shepard in the immutability and completeness. She decided that she will not hide from this man, who would believe that she loves another man, another earthling - namely, John Shepard. Liara no doubt - for earthlings, for the people that name became very famous and they know a lot about his tribesmen such that it will allow new and handpicked understand correctly setting T'Soni younger. Shepard for Liara will not ideal, but a real person, she knows she truly and deeply loved and even more respected and valued. Because he had left her the main thing - freedom and independence, the right to itself to build their lives.

  Knowing that now, after having children, John is not time or opportunity for a great deal, Liara refused intention to write and send him a long letter. Yes, Yavik back aboard "Normandy", which is about to start on the "Citadel" and go along with the "Volga" in another long trek to otryadovtsy could begin to address the problem of the second queen rachni. And proteanin was not against the transfer news from Liara personally into the hands of John.

  Respecting the right of Svetlana full priority in this difficult period, Liara has decided to do without writing. It just talk to the Yavikom. Let him in a private conversation with John tells about what and how she managed, Liara, make to Ilos. It will be much better than any letter. Younger T'Soni no doubt - John prodolozhaet love her. She knew it and always felt - before and now.

  It will continue its work on Ilos - and not only as Azhari Advisor. John needs to be sure that it does not become a clerk, did not become a functionary, a bureaucrat. Perhaps in a few months, returning to Tess she can put in front of the Citadel Council the question of whether he was appointed to a new Advisor Azariyskomu space. And she ... she wants to be close to the earthlings, close to the people there, where will start operation "Retribution". In our solar system - the parent system of humanity. Yes, up to this point is still very far away - at least a year, maybe - and a half or two. But this time will pass quickly and quietly, but because she herself is still in the best possible way to prepare for a completely independent operation of all four of his helpers, to give them the opportunity to express themselves by, conducting special activities. A few months on Ilos, a few months at Tess, then - a few months of the transition period associated with the beginning of the reform of the Citadel Council, even though it azariyskogo segment - and it will be able to arrive in the solar system.

  Come to see the start of "Operation Nemesis". Yes, now she knows, understands and understands that this confrontation will take at least six months, it would be the numerous losses, losses and casualties, but it will be the beginning of the end of the actual existence of the Reapers. That could not be many dead civilizations and races, they succeed, the current inhabitants of the galaxy, called the Milky Way people. There will then, of course, the inhabitants of the galaxy, new enemies, new enemies, new opponents. There are, certainly. But such an opponent as the Reapers - no more. Never. Reapers will remain only in the past. Only Memory. Only in the history of the plurality of current space race of the Galaxy who were able to realize the chance of survival and victory over the terrible, strong and very prepared and professional enemy.

  Yavika departure on the "Normandy" using the "Blade of Fury"

  A little less than two months - and Yavik arrived in the guest village, he said he got a call on the squadron. Everything has been prepared to address the issue of the second queen rachni. Without the participation of otryad
ovtsev this problem it would be difficult to solve because Yavik decided to return on board the "Normandy". As befits a warrior and commander, came to Yavik asari only when resolved all issues with their compatriots and colleagues, when given sufficient attention taels. As a little later realized Liara, he came before the flying away from Ilos, with flying away along the same lines of invisibility, now familiar and three asari.

  - Liara? - A little chirping voice proteanina forced younger T'Soni break from writing the next paragraph on the screen desktop instrumentrona. Turning around, she saw Advisor logged in proteanina half black room, stopped a few meters away from the table. Yavik Liara kept right to the secrecy of the work and therefore did not wanted to read typed on the screen, as well as texts on many readers screens.

  - Already? - Some confusion asked Liara. Proteanin nodded. - Sorry, Yavik.

  - Me too. - I nodded ancient warrior race. - But on pull from flying away - it is impossible. Troop waiting.

  Previously, he, too, disappeared, but Liara was sure that he was nowhere to Ilos does not fly away, and now the "Blade of Fury" was ready to deliver Yavika directly to the Citadel, where proteanin will go on board the frigate, cruiser and will be engaged in routine work. Not only research, but in the first place - the military.

  - I did not write a letter, Yavik. - Looking down, said Liara. - You yourself have seen a lot and be able to tell and otryadovtsam and John about everything that happened here ... - she paused. - A successful flight you.

  - Good. - To withstand short pause, he nodded proteanin, for a few seconds covering all four eyes. - Maybe you made the right decision. - He turned and stood at the door, he added. - I hope I'll see you or Tess, or in the solar system, Liara. See you.


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