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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 250

by Theodore Daniels

  - Thanks, John. - Alix grabbed Alexander's hand, he grabbed the valve pockets uniform jacket. - It is necessary to feed the children, time has passed already enough. Sasha has been building bow lips several times.

  - Well, you said, Alix. - Svetlana laughed, sitting down on the bed. - "Cupid's bow line up." - She took from the hands of kiborgessy son, put the child to her breast, he smacked his lips in delight. - John, it is necessary to remember. Alix will be a wonderful mother, and now I am convinced.

  - Where shall I go. - Kiborgessa done without a smile, but John saw and Svetlana - she is happy and pleased. - Now we have to wait for delivery in Ashley. I suspect that she restrained herself, did not want to give birth to you before.

  - May be. - Svetlana passed into the hands of Alexander kiborgessy, she gently took the child, hugged her. - Now they sleep enough an hour or three. - She took from the hands of Shepard's daughter. - That will give birth to Ashley, you too, Alix, you have to think about the first-born.

  - I ... I think. - Sheepishly admitted kiborgessa. - And now I see that was right by asking about how to be only on the squadron. Here I feel at home ... and family.

  - I'm glad Alix. - Svetlana gave Mary in John's hands, convinced that the girl was asleep. Gently rising to his feet, he walked around the cabin kaperang. - I think, for the first day, we can break the regime. John...

  - Can disrupt, Light. You come, spend an evening ritual, and we go to bed. I think Alla agree with our choices. Day turned out very nice, intense and important. And the night will be the same ... person. - First mate said.

  - I'm sure of it. - Svetlana went to sankomnatu, a few minutes later returned, catching kiborgessu and John have a large bed. - Let's get some sleep. Alla said that in the early days is better to do without bathing. So if it does not indicate to do differently, fast forward first swimming tomorrow. And today, John, I think it would be better if Masha and Sasha spend the night with us in one bed. Alla is not against this, it is even very "pro". - Streltsov smiled.

  A few minutes - and Svetlana gently puts children on a naked belly John. She was convinced that this was necessary and was very happy to see the son and daughter settle down even more, because they hear the beating of his own father heart, feel his breath. Alix helped Svetlana lie down next to John and the children were in a "frame" between the parents, in complete safety. They are no longer threatened with the fall out of bed, they could equally be absolutely sure that mom and dad are now side by side, they are close.

  Making sure that Svetlana and John settled as convenient and they and the children, Alix turned off the upper ward light and spotlights dimmed to the minimum. There is no need to create the House of complete darkness - until it is not necessary. Parents need to see their children, not just feel them. Moving away from the big bed, kiborgessa sat down in the chair so that to keep the bed in sight and took over the flow of information going back to work.

  Svetlana was able to sleep well in the night - John did not wake her and woke up first, feeling that his son and daughter once again hungry. After feeding two babies at once, Streltsov, seeing as John himself carefully and cautiously happy with his son and daughter on the bed comfortable, calm down and quickly fell asleep. Alix parallelize the workload, all saw and Svetlana know - it will help at the right time and do everything as it should be, but now he and John coped well.

  Shepard pleased Svetlana - is that really there to hide particular, feared that the first night will be exhausting hard, because it was necessary to regularly feed the two children, but John managed to make it so that it almost does not tired and did not feel devastated, waking up in the morning at eight hours. Yes, she remembered that the first few weeks, and she and John almost completely exempt from duties, and they do not need to worry about anything other than the safety and health of children, but the three days it was impossible to extend the parking lot before leaving. She was awakened by what felt on his lips the lips of John, heard his breathing, felt his unique scent.

  - Good morning, my light! - John said quietly, when she opened her eyes. - Did you just look at these ocharovashek! - He looked down and Svetlana saw her children safely and soundly sleeping on her stomach, and her husband's chief friend. - Slept so much as half an hour and continue to sleep. Iron nerves of our children, of Light.

  - They're fine, John! - Streltsov said softly. - Let's get up, you have to eat. And the exercise in the ward does not hurt. Not for them it will be no more than for us. Today, to get acquainted with our children come Yavik and Stanislav, you have the afternoon to be prepared for their arrival. Though I do not want to pack the kids in the "envelopes", but have to. - Svetlana stood cautiously, feeling increasingly confident. Yes, the birth was exhausting, but in the presence of John, with his constant support, as well as in the presence of kiborgessy she felt with each passing hour, as fatigue is reduced and return, and the strength and self-confidence.

  Before noon Svetlana twice more fed children, after each feeding people and kiborgessa an hour walking around the ward, carefully passing children to each other. May Mary and Alexander used to the fact that they live in a big family, even from the earliest days they feel in this family own.

  Included in the ward proteanina and XO cruiser Svetlana, John and Alix met in cots.

  - Yavik, Stanislav, meet. - Smiling, softly said Svetlana. - It's - Mary, and it is - Alexander. They are looking forward to your coming, we fed them recently, so they are well fed and contented. - Streltsov just radiated with happiness and peace.

  - They are beautiful. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - It is good that you have decided on this, Svetlana. Having children on board ships Squad - powerful evidence that we necessarily will win and we will have a long peaceful life. Hopefully ...

  - Yavik, Stanislav. - Svetlana smiled. - Over time, you too will be able to take them in his arms. Not now, later. Then they will be able not only to feel you, but also to see. Today they had a wonderful night, slept with us in bed. Alix can attest - they slept quietly, ate quickly and were all satisfied.

  - I confirm, friends. - I said kiborgessa came up to the crib. - This was a special night, but it went surprisingly easy.

  - We are glad. - Said the first mate of the cruiser. - Now I can tell colleagues that they confidently entered into our world, into our lives and into our family company officer. Thank you for the confidence of the commander.

  - You very much for your help, Stanislav. - Svetlana smiled, allowing Titov kiss her hand. - In a few weeks we will walk through the cruiser. In the meantime, we have to limit ourselves to the Chamber. Allah will not allow the violation of the regime.

  - That's why I did not come alone. - The ward accompanied Chakwas and Michelle went Selezeneva. - If so, and arrange visits to day, it is best to immediately to all particularly trusted. Hopefully ...

  - What are you, Alla! - Feigned displeasure waved her hands Streltsov. - That I do not have trusted our company officer physicians ?! Never in my life! - She nodded affably who came to doctors, already bent over the crib.

  - We go, commander. - Titov stood up, nodded briefly Strel'tsova. - The ship is preparing to fly. Everything is okay.

  - One of the most capacious and concise reports, which I heard from you, Stanislav. - Streltsov smiled. - Thank you. Command on.

  - There is. - XO left the room.

  - John ... There is talk. I would like to ask you about meeting outside sickbay. - Prostrekotal Yavik, moving away from the beds. - On many issues. And including Liara.

  - Well, Yaw. I think, in the evening I will have a few hours. Somewhere until nine at night. After six in the evening. - Said the first mate. Proteanin nodded, bowed and left the chamber Strel'tsova.

  Alla undertone explains something to his colleagues, Streltsov and Shepard decided not to interfere with doctors, went to the chair.

  - Well, that Stanislav and Yavik saw children, John. - Said Svetlana. - They will explain to our colleagues all the rest. And Karin and Chloe complement and testify that all the above - th
e truth. Yavik ...

  - He has, as always, a lot of information. And he wants to share it in time. - Shepard said. - I think ...

  - Is released, it can not be doubted. - Svetlana watched as the doctors examine the newborn, sharing obscure phrases. - Here is the first council in the lives of our children, John. It is good that we have so many good doctors who can be completely trusted.

  Waiting for the verdict of doctors was not long. Selezneva ceded the right announcement Karin and she with her usual thoroughness introduced parents with the main conclusions:

  - In general, your children ... surprisingly healthy. And their calm can only envy. - Chakwas said. - Michelle, as a therapist and a pediatrician, I think, would agree to certify that such children for doctors - a huge rarity. And we are very pleased to confirm our preliminary conclusion that the first day of your life your children, Svetlana and John, overcome with excellent results. No deviations we have found. You are to be congratulated on the birth and the first day of life is truly unique children.

  - Thank you. - Svetlana done without protocol "colleagues" and doctors - all three of them - it is very pleasant. - I am very glad that the children all right.

  - Light, do not forget that you, too, must pass the inspection will be tomorrow, and the day after - examination. Just before flying away Squad. - I clarified Chakwas. Seleznyov nodded, confirming their agreement with the words of a colleague. - Whatever it was, you - and your mother's health is equally important. Do not try to dodge, it's useless.

  - I will not, I promise. - Svetlana spent physicians to door chamber, closed the flap, back to the chair. - Ugh. I was so worried, John. I'm glad that with his son and daughter, everything is normal.

  - I'm also very happy Light. - Shepard said.

  - Pobudesh with me? - Svetlana put his arm around John's shoulders, leaned against him. - I am a very long dreamed again like that hold you. Finally, I could.

  - Thank you, my light. - XO kissed his wife. - I'm sure you'll stay with.

  - Do not forget, at six o'clock in the evening you - commander's hour on the frigate. Titov is already preparing materials. - Svetlana reminded about this John quietly, without a shadow of displeasure or even more - stimulation. If it is decided to release John, so that he could devote more time and attention to service and work, then it should really do it. - And then, later - a meeting with Yavikom. Perhaps he, too, will come to the frigate.

  - Perhaps the World. - John pressed his wife to him, kissed her on the top of his head. - I'll come back to the cruiser immediately after talking to Yavikom. I promise.

  - I believe John.

  They sat down on the bed and looking at sleeping children, sat embracing several hours. When the time drew near to six o'clock in the evening, Svetlana Shepard helped to feed the children with her carried her babies in their beds, put a few minutes and looked at how they sleep. Svetlana smiled a faint smile, she liked, as in John awakened and strengthened with each passing hour special fatherly feeling and of particular relevance to children.

  - Go on, John. The shuttle waits and Anderson does not like to "commander hour" late. - Shepard Streltsov conducted to the door of the House, embraced and kissed him good-bye. - Come back.

  - I'll be back Light. - Shepard crossed the threshold of the House, a nod of greeting issued from his office Alla, he came out of sickbay. Soon he entered the hangar where the shuttle was waiting Titov. The officers were placed in the cabin, buckled and the boat started.

  - Congratulations, John. - The ladder Shepard met Anderson exchanged with his senior assistant to a firm handshake. - I am glad that you have such children. We all want to see them as soon as possible.

  - Here, David, Stanislav has vouchsafed. Light let him. - Said the captain.

  - Yes. - Confirmed the XO "Volga". - John and Amy - beautiful children. Almost in rhyme, but really, David. They are quiet, sleep a lot, they have a wonderful appetite and they are beautiful. - Titov entered the commander's cabin, sat down in the empty chair.

  - John, I already told everything Ashley. Doctors say that in a month and a half, and she gives birth. - Shepard, already had time to take his seat next to the commander's working table, went Kaidan. - She admires you and Svetlana and staff referred to it by Alix reviewing dozens of times, and always, as the finds in them something new and valuable for themselves.

  - Glad. Give her the best wishes, Kaidan. - Shepard got up, exchanged a firm handshake with the lieutenant. Alenko sat across from Shepard, as befits a deputy commander of the amphibious group. The cabin came Chakwas.

  - Colleagues, I can officially say that the children of John and Svetlana healthy and successfully overcome the first in many ways - the critical day of his life. Details I'll pass you on instrumentrony, but I must say - they will be only those that Svetlana and John give their consent. A few weeks later, somewhere five or six, - he explained the doctor - Svetlana promised to provide their children volgovtsam and then - normandovtsam. So - let's wait.

  - And while we wait - decide colleague, another big and important problem. The second queen rachni. - Anderson said, including from his instrumentrona large wall screens. - So, this plan ...

  Commanding hour really took exactly an hour. Anderson made a comprehensive report, which took fifteen minutes, forwarded to instrumentrony officers present at the meeting of multiple files, wait about ten minutes until they become familiar with their contents, and then gave a very short business discussion. Summing up, Anderson said that all agreed with Titov, continuing in this sortie to serve as commander of the cruiser.

  - Yavik, I ask in my cabin. - Having received tacit approval Commander Shepard left the cabin Anderson. - There will be more convenient for us to talk.

  - Good. - Proteanin starpomovskuyu entered the cabin, tightly closed the door, turned on the instrumentron. - There are a few files, John. Check, and then I will give you the information directly.

  - Good. - Shepard activated his instrumentron, got a grasp. - So she will stay there for a few more weeks? - First mate did not mention aloud Liara by name. Yavik in agreement on the second covered all the four eyes:

  - Yes. We will give her a lot of information and will make sure to keep this information secret. - Said proteanin.

  Shepard nodded, knowing full well that behind these seemingly simple words. In that and Liara will do everything that it is available to avoid any threat of falling into captivity or indoctrination, he had no doubt. And now themselves Protheans connect and deliver extra protection for overload ... Again Liara is serious.

  - She can handle it, John. - If reading the thoughts of the interlocutor said quietly proteanin. How many times it was - Shepard was beginning to seriously believe that telepathy Protheans and indulged on a very scientific level. But Yavik never confirm or deny speculation captain.

  When you have finished reading the contents of the files, a few minutes Shepard contemplate their contents. Yavik XO did not hurry, I knew that now it is much more worried about Svetlana, and the children and has not yet fully entered into the rhythm of work and life.

  - Well, Yaw. Come on, passed me the information your way and then all at once and discuss. - Awakening from meditation, the captain looked at who was standing at the desktop ancient warrior race.

  - I agree. - XO proteanin took the wrist of his left hand. The transmission of information did not take long. - Now sit down, it's better comprehend sitting. Too much load will be in doing it standing up, John. - Yavik Shepard helped to sit down in a chair and waited until he closed his eyes by hand, can not cope with the first wave of awareness. - Good. Now let's detail and slowly go through each vision. - Prostrekotal Yavik.

  Shepard nodded. Protheans unearthed a lot of valuable data on rachni problem. The captain had no doubt that some of these data Yavik already clothed in digestible for earthlings and the Turian with salarians form handed to them at the individual, providing something for the collective use. Now he XO "Normandy" had access to the data - on the "Volga" did not proteanin hi
s ship this huge package of information.

  Several tens of minutes, they were discussing the collected information. Shepard wrote in instrumentrone relationship with the already approved work plan, making sure that a lot of information is never - is better now to have all the available information on the problem than to have no or have only part of the necessary data.

  - Everything, John. - Yavik rose from his chair, waited rise from his chair he said. - Now you are waiting for the shuttle to take on board the cruiser. Svetlana awaits. Go back there and the next day we leave the Citadel. I believe that very soon ... for Prothean standards, of course, we will be able to approach the deployment of the operation "Nemesis". - With XO Yavik entered the hangar frigate, cruiser and waited Shepard will board the boat. - I, too soon, maybe tomorrow night will be back on the "Volga", will continue to work on the information of the obelisks.

  - Lada, Yaw. - The captain allowed the driver to close the door and sat down in the chair.

  While Shepard was absent from the cruiser, Svetlana nap in a chair, accustoming himself to the fact that it is necessary to gradually return to normal, and the rhythm of life and work. Lying in bed and did not want to sleep. The nurse brought a tray with a bit of a snack, it was very tasty and nutritious. Alix, who was sitting in a chair nearby, was swallowed, it would seem, the work with the information flow, but Streltsov has clearly and fully knew that stillness and detachment limit kiborgessy second activity will be replaced if her or the children something happens bad. Kaperang well knew that Alix medkanalam tracks on her physical condition, the health of children and very clear control of the situation in the House and outside. The number of parameters that have been able to keep the attention of his kiborgessa,

  John, of course, changed. Me how to understand Streltsov, the better. He became a father, not just a father - dad. Yes, perhaps there is no way for men like that just to find the feeling of fatherhood, but here John was able to do much more than Svetlana could expect from him. He immediately behaved in such a way that Strel'tsova no reason left to doubt - he took the children completely under his wing, care and protection. And they took it. Yes, gone only a day with a small and seemingly too early to draw any far-reaching conclusions, but all the same, yet the first day gave a great deal to all - both children and Svetlana and John. Now next to them it was kiborgessa - a unique helper and protector, companion and sovetchitsa.


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