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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 251

by Theodore Daniels

  - Svetlana, I'm back. - John entered the ward. - How do you? - He went to the chair where she sat Streltsov, leaned over and kissed his wife's forehead and held her wish to stand. - No, the Light, do not strain. We all discussed on the commander hour. A day will fly. But before departure I'll be there with you.

  - I'm glad John. - Svetlana hugged main his friend's neck, attracted, kissed him on the lips. - I am very happy and satisfied. Sit down. - She pointed look at pootdal chair stood.

  - With pleasure, the Light. Do you nap?

  - Yes.

  - I want to ask you ... Do not force the transition, please.

  - I will try, John. - Streltsov said softly. - But I'm terribly yearned for a normal, everyday life for. And really I want to get back to it. I'm afraid that if I hesitate, my Masha and Sasha did not understand.

  - How all the same great sound - "Masha and Sasha." - John said, grinning.

  - It sounds good. - Agreed Streltsov. - Have you talked to Yavikom?

  - Yes...

  - John ... I've been thinking a lot ... I understand that pregnancy, labor, birth of children, their first day of life, changed me. And you expect me to explained the many changes that, as I'm sure you feel in me. - Svetlana gesture stopped Shepard intends either to argue, or to take the conversation a line under his control. - Do not, John. I really was not set up in the best way towards Liara ... What's there to talk too much - to all your women. Beloved and loving you women, no matter what race they belong to. I am quite frankly, very afraid, terrified of what might happen. I understand that my fear was of largely irrational, but ... It took place and as a result ... As a result, Liara is very damaged. And you're hurt. - Svetlana second gesture stopped John ready to burst objections flow. - I understand, John. All understand and therefore should apologize to you. I was afraid. I was afraid of a lot more than when killing the matriarch of mercenaries on the planet-dump. I was afraid of a lot more than ever before in his life. You are very dear to me, John. Highly. And I was afraid that you ... can choose someone else to me. Do not argue, I understand and know a lot. As you said Tali - "I'm supposed to nature." I know that now, after giving birth, after the children have passed the first day of his life, successfully overcome this critical time, I have to enter a lot in the frame. And because I will say this, John. Let Liara will link their destiny with another earthling. With another person. Here, I am sure and confident it will reach more and better. I'm still not ready to believe ... it is so, to enable the asari stand next to you. Do not misunderstand me, John, I do not forbid you to love her and know that she will not stop loving you. But the strengthening of communication with you ... I'm sure of it, for it will be a burden and a problem. She now works as the limit, and you, John, I believe it is well known that the closer it is to you, the more strength, energy and time, it will have to spend on maintenance of normativity union with you. If it were not for these areas of work, in which it already has achieved such great success, if these areas of work are not required to hold down the daily and even hourly - she would sure enough all - and forces, and senses and time and other resources, and to secure for themselves and for parents to stand by your side. But now, when she conducts many directions, strengthening the relationship with you, John, I know that for sure, it can overstrain. Her work is known to you the planet creates an additional burden. It will take months before it will be able to resign Advisor for Citadel Azariyskomu space safely. Every day after her return to Tess, this work will require of it more and more time and effort - it's the law, nothing can be done here. Yavik done what what said Liara gave a chance to see his dream come true. And not just to see - but also to understand, to feel, to realize. It's worth it, John. It will now be important to think about all this, to work for the future in this direction. It is, I am convinced, will not want to leave right now Tess. And because it would be better to have in order to stay at home parent planet more bases. Let one of the most significant reasons for this will be her introduction and strengthening of relationships with other Earthman. She was, I'm sure it will be able to do. So far ... so far that John, the future is such that expect a quick victory over the Reapers ... we can not. And Liara need experience of relationships with people, with earthlings, intimate experience now. Our job, John, does not allow currently attached to the same planet. In the near future we are coming more combat missions, and Liara ... let it get a little now than a lot - then, John. - Svetlana paused. intimate experience now. Our job, John, does not allow currently attached to the same planet. In the near future we are coming more combat missions, and Liara ... let it get a little now than a lot - then, John. - Svetlana paused. intimate experience now. Our job, John, does not allow currently attached to the same planet. In the near future we are coming more combat missions, and Liara ... let it get a little now than a lot - then, John. - Svetlana paused.

  - Well, Svetlana. - Shepard looked into the eyes of a friend a long, thoughtful look. - In many ways, you're right. Let Liara will find a life partner now, let her be happy with it today. - He straightened. Come sit next to the child and will be ready for bed. Now You can not enough sleep, the mother of my children.

  - And a married woman. - Svetlana grinned.

  Citadel. Svetlana and John with children. Before leaving Squad

  Shepard first night woke up again, almost felt that children were hungry. While Svetlana sat half-asleep on the bed, he managed to bring her daughter: she was always the first to get their milk - as John silently agreed with her friend. Then came the turn to get his son's milk. In the dark Svetlana was less milk, so she was not in danger at the same time to feed the children and feed them one by one, but the day the contrary sought to attach them to the breasts at the same time. As soon as they are filled, John attributed them to the crib, accompanied by a sleepy, but very grateful and tender gaze girlfriend.

  Returning to the bed, she kissed John Svetlana and helped her get comfortable, do not forget to lower the head restraint so that it is not spent half the night sitting up in bed. Svetlana fell asleep instantly, feeling the presence, tenderness and warmth of the main other. So quietly they began again to sleep together - Shepard obeyed the will and desire of his beloved.

  He cautiously thought that Seleznev not told them - either Svetlana nor him - chief: Do Svetlana retained the ability to become pregnant and give birth. Externally, apparently everything was still, John could not be found, no matter how trying, no indication that Svetlana can not never become a mother, but something in the depths of his soul persistently repeat, indicating - not be fooled, there is a problem and it will not go away.

  Maybe Alla wanted to just wait until the end of the quarantine, because then she promised to Svetlana hospital to conduct a full examination. Yes, it is necessary, Shepard knew. Young mother must pass this examination to obtain a visa for the final return to normal life. Is this life for Svetlana normal, that is associated with confidence in their abilities and in the future be many times the mother? - This question Shepard now was not the answer. And he was afraid to get the answer - too much evidence of the fact that the problem is not resolved and Svetlana risks will never feel the joy and happiness of the new motherhood. What is a friend to understand that she would never be a mother - John knew very well, of course, in so far as it was possible to understand how the man.

  Now Svetlana to get used to the feeding rhythm, the rhythm of childcare and probably pushed the heavy reflections on this topic in the depths of his consciousness. Yes, she enjoyed motherhood that was it needs right now, in these early days. Then ... then maybe all. It will inevitably want to really quickly revert to command cruiser crew to management, to take care of their volgovtsah. And, therefore, it will not do without finding an answer to this question - if she could once again become a mother? At least once ... For her to get an answer to this question is very important and it dozhmet Seleznev. Dozhmet. Alla no choice and no choice. But whether Svetlana received a response to this question, happy? Even Alla is not confident in a favorable positiv
e answer to this question, and in fact it is - a medical doctor, it is available a lot of that for obvious reasons, is not available in full to Svetlana. And if Allah today continues to stick to "theater" in the style of a line "all is well, beautiful marquise," maintains the enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the process of real girlfriends mother, then is not this line of the screen?

  Shepard could not help but think about it, I could not think of it purely positive. He saw - Svetlana exhausted much fuller and deeper than it could wear down the most real pregnancy, childbirth and the most real is the earnest care of children. This frazzled will not go away and now spends just Svetlana reserve resources of the body, which nature had prepared it in case of a birth of children. Hardly Svetlana able to use other resources, and these too are not infinite.

  And so the morning predotlёtnyh running days he felt Svetlana ranges. Yes, she was smiling, happy, seems to have been cheerful and calm, but John felt - she was tense and excited. It was a premonition of what he now, John Shepard will not be able to give it as much attention as the return to service. Returns with "Volga" on the "Normandy", will return to work on the frigate and landings. Svetlana knew that he could not sit on the board of the frigate. Can not.

  She made an effort, releasing him. It is the first time in his life was his mother, according to the canons it has the exclusive right to the care and attention of her husband and a friend, and then she has to let him go ... It's hard for her, but she does it, weakening itself. Forcing himself to exert more and more, realizing that to many it will have to cope myself. Yes, children have - a unique, quiet, healthy, without any problems, which quite often face their peers in many of the developed worlds humanity. And, nevertheless, Svetlana remained alone with many questions, the main one being for it is a question of its own future - whether it will be again, at least once the mother or the children will become for her last?

  Because in this day preflight John did everything to Svetlana received maximum attention, maximum of care, the maximum understanding. He tried to charge my friend all the positive that I could tell her. And she was grateful for this commitment and for these actions. Grateful quite sincerely.

  Only twice, just the amount - for three hours, John went on that day in the Hall of the Office of Operations of the cruiser, which held another discussion of the details of the forthcoming operation. Before lunch - half an hour and in the afternoon - a half hour. Shepard tried to three hours in line as much as possible with the time, when Svetlana was sleeping or napping between feedings. Of course, the presence of Alix, not to leave now permanently ward, some reassuring XO, and the opportunity to see their sobachatami at least on the screen helped Svetlana, but certainly this was Streltsov - it has always focused on the problems and issues rather than on what is granted calm and stability.

  The first "polutorachasovka" Shepard has given to understand - the way to the freighter, depicts a breakdown in the relay will take at least five days. Neither Anderson nor Titov did not want to risk the ship and crew Posse, and therefore do not even try to make a use of some direct ways to shrink in any significant way the transition to the rendezvous point. Svetlana realized this as soon as I saw John enters the room:

  - Let's go ... repeater ... for almost a week? - She asked, getting up from the bed.

  - Yes. - Shepard walked over and sat down on the mattress and looked at Svetlana, her arms around his shoulders. - Titov and Anderson did not want to risk the ships. Reapers constantly move their fleets, squadrons and units. It is difficult to predict which path will be completely safe in a few hours, but still pilots and navigators are trying to make a "grid". We can not disclose the contents of the freighter polumashinam and their henchmen. It should be as "Arallah" as soon as possible to take on board and move on this planet. - Saying this, he knew that Svetlana did not lag behind him, that it is now important for all the details of the operation - she really wants to go back to the real command and this is saturated with information from all sources available to it. Even your own husband is not for her an exception to the rule.

  - You're right. We must quickly take the freighter from the repeater. It is, of course, is already attracting attention. Alix is convinced that just about the Reapers and their henchmen stay interested in the details of this truck from the repeater and then "Arallahu" will have to take the fight. Gruzovoz built under the scheme of the ship-trap, he just looks so safe, but if there will be tightened zhnetsovskaya squadron ... No, I must certainly try to have time to pick up the "Arallah" and send a freighter in space krogan. - She paused. - You know, I really missed the Gryunt. I very much want to see him. He's so grown up and raised ... - she looked into the eyes of his chief friend. - He helped me a lot, John. And he was my adopted son. He left no doubt. - She repeated.

  - I have no doubt had in this World. - Shepard said.

  - I believe John. - Svetlana touched his lips to her left cheek Exec. - I believe. And so very much want, so we have time. This week will go to the place freighter drifting ... annoying me.

  - We will do everything to make it. - Shepard instrumentron included. - Look. This schedule shuttles plying between ships in the campaign.

  - Joe ... Is it true? Titov and Anderson went for it? - Examining table, Svetlana happy.

  - Yes. If we go a week, the connection between the ships to be reliable. - Shepard confirmed.

  - It's okay, John. So Yavik be able to visit and "Volga" and "Normandy" - Streltsov did not articulate that, and John can conveniently combine work on the frigate with the work on the cruiser, it's for both of them were granted.

  - Of course good. And Alix can visit my mother often. It is also necessary, because she really decided to become a mother. Adams has attended to search for and procurement of materials. It looks like we may well be a few more AI on their autonomous self-propelled platforms. - John put his arm around Svetlana and she loved it - such "hugs" helped her come to terms with the fact that during the exhausting pregnancy with the attendant limitations actually stayed in the past.

  It remains only to find out definitively determine whether it has retained the ability to become pregnant in the future. But Allah ... It is impenetrable. And Chakwas Chloe is now ... Refuse to talk to her on the subject, flatly refused. All speak as one - that will pass inspection after a few weeks, just quarantine for children will end and there will be a lot clearer than it is now. And it took only two days. In the very best case for two days. For two days, instead of a lot.

  Well, that next to John. Alix sitting in favored by her chair, she closed her eyes completely, how can count inattentive observer, concentrated on work with the flow of information, but neither this immobility or closed eyes do not deceive any Svetlana nor John - kiborgessa is in full readiness for immediate action it monitors the status of the children, Svetlana state and status of all volgovtsev and normandovtsev. Had that - it will act quickly and efficiently. In another, it can not, can not and will not. Well, she's here. In the absence of John, for example, in the hour and a half, when he went to Titov Hall of Operations, they are very nice talk on various topics. As it is customary to define - and gossiped posekretnichat.

  Alix is unique - Svetlana rarely able to communicate with such interlocutor - kiborgessami not, of course, but women and girls - organics. She received training from her mother agentessy deep intelligence, knows how to be natural and normal and very much wants to be even more lively. In the same sense, as usual for a reasonable organics. And it is sure to become even more alive, because it is also decided in a very short time to become a mother.

  Svetlana remembers that Alix loves John. And remember that kiborgessa promised to make his firstborn internally very similar to Shepard. So we can assume that the newborn will be the father of AI. And, accordingly, will Alix husband. Let them become John Shepard - Svetlana will not mind. Perhaps this is the specificity of the relationship between intelligent Synthetic and organics - always be together and close at the same time to keep the freedom and autonomy of each other. Particular
the freedom and the special autonomy.

  If Alix became a member of Shepard Streltsov family, she has the right to get closer to John. Become more than Shepard's friend, to be his wife. Svetlana half asleep "rotated" the situation this way and that, and did not find any particular risk in the relationship between Shepard and Alix are very pleased that John often calls it not "Alix" and "Ali." And to bring a new artificial intelligence Alix will be easier not in the Hall of Information and in the real normal relationship with her relatives reasonable organics.

  Of course, in the upbringing of the new AI will take an active part became a grandmother Olivia, there's no doubt. Just as there is no doubt that the new AI absorbs all the best, what it will teach otryadovtsy - both people and turians and salarian and proteanin. This AI is special - it is born in a particular environment, in a special environment and will gain a special destiny. It is not necessary to take it directly into the hands of military weapons and become operational landing party frigate or a cruiser landing party. Newborn AI successfully be able to act, and without leaving the squadron because he obviously will not be the last - Alix, as befits a junior kiborgesse, one child will not stop.

  Yes, it turns out, had only started. No sooner had her commander razvedkreysera, successfully give birth two children - and there are already tested and repeatedly confirmed by information on the number of couples who have decided to have children in the near future. And nothing about that show and tell Alix during that memorable volgovtsam - and not only women and girls, by the way - workout in the gym cruiser - all legends walk the squadron. And talking about it - abound. Good Alix arrived, she was able to with-military men to find a common language, and female soldiers as expressed by the younger generation otryadovtsev, "zakontachila". Everything as it should be smart and beautiful kiborgesse, did. It is not to make an exception, all I get along, but to find an individual approach to each. Olivia, certainly pleased for her daughter. Alix did not limit myself the role of the nurse and housekeeper, she tried to be useful for everyone without exception volgovtsev.


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