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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 252

by Theodore Daniels

  Several tens of minutes with your loved one. A lot or a little? For Svetlana - and a lot and a little. Simultaneously. She realizes that Shepard will not be able to stay in the room for a few more hours, after dinner, to which left nothing at all, he will go back to at least one and a half hours in the Hall of the Office of Operations. Because I wanted to let him go, so he went back to work - so he came back. He was waiting, he needs each and every one otryadovtsev. Of course, he is asked about his wife and children, congratulations on the birth of children. Until now, congratulations, because even passed only a few days ... It is claimed. From Titov had full contact - Both XO and Shepard has no special significance, Stanislav - the captain of the third rank, and he, John - only the captain, in fact - Lieutenant. We can say,

  Svetlana understands - in this case, the squad will fight. Because it is oriented normandovtsev and volgovtsev and Titov, and Anderson. And now with them will rise Shepard, who now just has that special protection should be - his wife and his young children. So what happened that - squad will fight and will to fight. Although in principle are not supposed to fight razvedkorablyam no charters in line, no protocols or standards. In such a war as this, any framework - deadly. And because otryadovtsy violate them, finding opportunities to put the Reapers and their henchmen unexpected and painful defeat.

  The ward nurse came in. She brought a tray with lunch. Alix did not interrupt the work - it has already agreed with John that will only connect in the most complex cases, requiring immediate response. Especially - when John in the House will not appear at this point. In the meantime, she continues to work on information flows.

  John laid out plates and cups, tabletop pulled closer to the bed, helped Svetlana take Half-upright position. Thankfully kissed Shepard, Svetlana began to eat, knowing that at any moment, John is ready to feed her with a spoon. She will, of course, it's nice, but now she wants to eat itself and John feels it does not prevent it. Just make sure that she ate until the end of all portions. Cook cruiser makes her a special menu, large portions, understand that the energy should be sufficient not only to itself, but the most important thing - the two young children.

  How does John manage to find such unique of organic? Here, for example, the same Liara. Who knew that it would be able to save them from starving to death two young asari are not perceived safe no other food besides breast milk? And Liara was able to save them, once again proving that there are no limits possibilities of intelligent beings. Yes, she's in danger, but she saved both young asari and became their godmother. They now even play it the office of the Adviser and Liara, playing with them, perfectly relaxed and well rested. It is possible that a year later she gives birth to a loved one of their own children, and once again shows that in order to become a mother, asari not have to wait to achieve trёhsotletnego age abroad. And Liara will be the mother of several asari. Will long before

  The feeling of satiety envelops Svetlana. Shepard tabletop moves from the bed, imprints on the lips of his wife a kiss down the headboard. Understands - now she needs to rest, because very soon there will come the time of feeding children. Several tens of minutes it can lie like that, quietly and steadily.

  John - close. Svetlana feels it has already set to work. That's how men - they can not idle. Without this, the living things they wither, hireyut turn into ruins. Few men would be able to match the demand for employment and John. And because Shepard does not feel the deadening influence of idleness - forced or conventional - still. And now and in the future, John will now have a great and important thing - his children. The son and daughter. It will educate their own example. Not just words. First of all - business.

  - I'm sorry, my Light. I have to go. - Shepard said shyly, leaning toward supine Svetlana. He tenderly kisses her on the lips - it feels dry his lips and understands that its main one is already set up to work. He leaves again. Yes, very soon will leave the squad outer road will run in front of the Citadel and winding - from the Reapers have to hide, as well as their accomplices - the road to the repeater, which krogan-commandos carefully depict breakdown of the propulsion system and the corresponding reconstruction efforts.

  Silently, short movement Svetlana holds a hand on the cheek of her husband and a friend to let him know what is waiting for his return. Always waiting. And wants only one thing - that he returned to it often and stayed with her longer. He returned alive. Either, but alive ...

  She will have to get used to feed the children alone. John is not always able to be there at that moment. Svetlana has no doubt that he would like to, but ... work does not involve much time to free circulation. It can be a few weeks she did not leave the sterile atmosphere of the House, even conditionally, rather conditionally sterile, but still constant and very safe for children, and John must act and work far beyond its borders. Because he - a man and a warrior. Without it, his colleagues will not manage. He needs them, and he knows it. Appreciate this feeling of necessity, usefulness, relevance.

  She accompanies John, leaving the door to the chamber of a long careful look. Very soon there will come the time of feeding. First, it will feed a daughter - a girl, she silently agreed with Shepard has priority here. And then - to feed the son. She knows - so she teaches her son to the fact that a woman needs extra protection, extra care. Affair teaches, promotes birth and strengthening of multi-faceted understanding of the son of this important moment of life. No, of course, if necessary, and Mary will show its strength and power, but - only if necessary.

  The girl smacked pretty - lots of milk and she is happy, enjoying. Charging for a long and complex life. Svetlana sat comfortably in bed, breathing calmed a little excited - too quickly over to the bed, bent too sharply, rushing to take out of the crib daughter. A bit tensed above the norm. Nothing, she soon adapts to stress, it took only a few days. A lot of things instead of a day.

  Masha saturate. Having laid the girl in a crib, Svetlana closed her blanket, a few minutes staring at her, making sure that my daughter is all right - she falls asleep, soothed.

  Now - all of Alexander. He gently takes the nipple lips and starts rather barely audible smack one's lips. He waited, slept all the time quietly. A true gentleman. Well, that's milk and it is enough that he did not go hungry. A few minutes - and he lets go of the nipple. Silently thank his mother happily. And even while his eyes did not open, Svetlana feels like he's asleep in her arms more when she gently carries it to the bed. A few minutes later, she is still in cots. He looks at children. They are sleeping. Calmly sleep. Probably dreaming. Now they, kids, no "envelopes", certainly not one cute female heart. They are free in their movements, because the range - all soft, everything is done so that they are not traumatized.

  Making sure that children all right, Svetlana slowly back to the bed. Yes, over time she's spending less time will be in the supine or half upright position, it is internal and is now poised to more than sit in a chair, but did prevail upon Alla? The head physician of the medical service of the cruiser is in its right - it is more visible and Svetlana just have to accept the fact that at least a week more than she would have to lie down and recline than polusidet and sit.

  As long as you can and read. Svetlana does not find in his commander's instrumentrone no new messages, but it is not alarming - they are now all ferried straight to instrumentron Stanislaus. With Alix she agreed that at any time have access to these new reports, but only if there is, in these reports will be something requiring its intervention. And while there is no such kiborgessa statue and froze in his chair. Another woman cyborg might scare and pretty - in the House remained pleasing to the eyes dim. But Svetlana was accustomed, and Alix is sitting in this position, which does not carry any threat - either external or internal.

  We have to wait the return of John. Polutorachasovka Stanislav and members of the change of the Hall Emergency Response - is sacred, it can not qualify for Svetlana.

  We'll have to take a reading yourself. While - reading. And then you can and take up knitting. Good support fingers
in shape such an occupation, and the kids will be new things. Not regular store industrial odyozhki and that done by the hands of their mothers. It keeps its unique warmth.

  Svetlana instrumentron extinguishes and takes from the shelf a big reader. Second run, leaked in the past. How many times did she allow herself to dream of the day when it will be here sitting alone near the crib and read. Read peacefully, freely, knowing that the children are healthy and well fed, that they - security. Yes, the crew and the team "Volga" is now preparing for a combat flight, there is a regular work on the ship's preparation for battle, to march. No wonder that there is a whole series of commands and statutory responses to them. The main thing is, of course, "The ship for battle and the campaign to make" and authorized the answer is "Ship to fight and march - ready!". Then answer the watch officer for the crew and the team all the thoughts of the "beach" on the stations of the colonies, "earth" will lose much of its value. Ahead - the road. Ahead - a hike. Ahead,

  Snooze and the more sleepy already less - adaptation strengthened, deepened, rooted. Shake, of course, a serious, but the result - beautiful. Two children. Now she is - not one. Next to her - a son and a daughter. They now all that is best in her and John. Now they both have something that will go beyond stapyatidesyatiletnego period of human life. John is approaching forty-year milestone, earlier it was considered dangerous to man limit. Now it is not yet a hundred years guaranteed life - a great achievement of human civilization. If earlier all tried to get the largest possible number of children in their youth, to achieve this same "limit of forty years", now available to women having children in the age of eighty.

  Overpopulation is overcome by the distribution of mankind according to the multitude of existing colonies and the number is constantly rising construction and emerging. Yes, the aliens are called locusts and plague humanity - but they themselves how to explore space? Just spread on it, but Russell. So it is possible, and we, the people - it is impossible? Humanity has come to more space here to stay, and the appearance in the depths of space is greater than the far reconnaissance cruiser "Volga" - further evidence of the irrepressible, unstoppable this parish. This distribution. We humans penetrate into space and space naturally penetrates us. For we are changing and with us changing the whole world around us.

  Ahead - a campaign ahead - flight ahead - a big decision and an important problem. Dilettante nothing to do near rachni. This race does not tolerate unprofessionalism not tolerate childish, immature. She is quite capable of becoming the nagging nightmare for reasonable galaxy of organic - no Reapers are needed. We have to learn this way. Cruelly, the hard way to learn the laws of the universe. The real universe, without leaf gilding, without embellishment. The harsh universe.

  And on the stage - the universe of the psyche. The one which is that of the reasonable of organic full power is only the world. Next to her, of course, are her sisters - Rila and Falera, behind them are already not a crowd - rows of new ex-yakshas Ardath, and now - telepathy and psionic. There is no limit knowledge, there is no limit to perfection. Soon telepaths become common in many races. Very soon. As it still is - the details right now to predict and even just try to say - is incredibly difficult, because too little data for precise judgments, but what telepaths came into the world of organic reasonable here to stay - it is a fact, not subject to any doubt.

  Yes, telepaths are not omnipotent. And even the world was unable to determine where is the beloved John ... John Dana Dana will seek will seek actively be looking for as much will to live. This is not just Svetlana sure - in this she is convinced. Because John - Faithful. He does not rush feelings and emotions so high orders and ranks just like that. If he loved - I loved it to stay. While she will not find her body - he did not calm down. The fact that he recognizes her body in any way, Svetlana had no reason to doubt - it has already well know John. And having found the body of beloved John unfold on the combat course and will seek out and destroy those who are deprived of it, John Shepard, happy to live next to a live Dana. It will destroy all who at least indirectly, and not only directly responsible for the disappearance of her. Destroy up to the end, so that the memory of them, and no one and nowhere to stay. They are guilty - and they are punished by the hand of John. Yes, Shepard has a clue - "Cerberus". And then he will destroy all who are involved in this organization. Even very indirect relationship. Destroy and question. Interrogate - and destroy.

  John - a. Alternatively it can not. Loyalty to him - an absolute concept. And those who are for him valuable and important - are under his absolute protection. Probably including Svetlana why not just loved John, but believed him, I realized that he was worthy to be the father of her children, and not just to be with her in the childless family. If she refused to become pregnant by John - he would not say a word, because for him it is a solution - the scope of the woman, her interests and her choice. He is convinced that he has the right to offer only. A woman will decide. Because it runs the risk is much greater. Svetlana remembers that Shepard told her he really wanted to have a sister. Then, later, through Astrorazvedku Streltsov I learned that John even after joining the ranks of the Alliance of videoconferencing systems for a long time been looking for orphanages brothers and sisters. He had a period when he did not believe that he is one, he had no one - no parents, no. It is painful and bitter it is to learn - Svetlana is keenly felt, even though she was from a large family where the next three generations lived Streltsov. They lived together side by side.

  Maybe meet her, John saw in Svetlana initially primarily a sister? Maybe he was so easily? May be. Or maybe not. John's relationship with Svetlana is not very like a brother to her sister's attitude and at the same time was very chaste. John did not rush her to the decision and this slowness, slow pace, willingness to wait very much liked Svetlana.

  Now she understands what has changed with the birth of children. Very different. Now she is able to give his much wanted, loved, mother children. Writing, knowing that she will not give one, next to John and he gives too much, and his son and daughter. Already, Svetlana knows what he will do between children special personal differences and at the same time will bring their very individual. Passed only the first day of life of children, and Svetlana confident and convinced that they - a bright future. Sasha and Masha will see not just life, a normal life, but also the work of the parents, will see and feel the attitude towards Svetlana and John other reasonable - and of organic and Synthetic. And they will learn to live not from books, not from textbooks but on the real rich and diverse examples.

  John has also changed. He becomes a father, he becomes fast, fully disclosed with so many important and pleasant for Svetlana sides, she wonders, marvels and falls in love with John deeper, more better, even stronger. He does not want to leave her and the children, even for a few minutes, and she gives him permission to do each time work and service, and each time they were silent, tacitly Understands that once could - he would return to her and to her children.

  If between the ships least occasionally, but will go to the shuttles, it will help John to combine work, family and service. Combine thoroughly and regulatory - Svetlana believes in this. And then, her relationship with Shepard is not in danger and can not threaten. It is also not weak and helpless, it is ready to protect the security of a family of the world from any dangers and threats. Two children gives her the strength for this readiness and more.

  - Svetlana, I have come. - John entered the room and immediately found himself next to the bed, sat up Svetlana hugging the shoulders and kissing her on the forehead, and then - in the mouth. The long sweet kiss said Strel'tsova everything else - polutorachasovka ended and now John will be by her side.

  - When? - Easy to pull away, Svetlana eyes scanned the face of the main other.

  - At six in the morning. Tomorrow. The shuttle is ready. We move to the repeater - then ... - Shepard did not specify the verbosity and loud parts.

  - Good. - Streltsov waited until John comes out of sankomnaty, sit down next
to her, lifted her podgolove bed, taking a long-awaited Half-upright position. - You'll be next to you?

  - I will. - Shepard says firmly and Svetlana lights on his face full happy smile. Her eyes radiant with sparkles, glitter in the dim reflections loose sequins spotlight. Yes, all this does not see Alix opens her eyes, she - a cyborg, and it is not available. But Svetlana is no need to be ashamed of as a natural reaction. She was glad, and is not going to hide it. I'm glad that John until the early morning will be by her side. Only to it. Yes, of course he will read on instrumentron received new messages, respond to most of them full-text, rather than formal replies - it differently does not want and can not. However, he will not look to Svetlana and read very many of them. He saves it protects against overloads. It seeks to ensure that as much time and effort she has paid the main thing - their children.

  Nature is wise and very much to her, Svetlana Strel'tsova, good. Alix kaperanga noticed that the skin of children has acquired a normal appearance and normal color, and that happened when Svetlana read. So I read out the contents of a large reader that nothing of the sort, and felt not noticed. Probably because it was the natural and legal and does not require any intervention on its part. So now that the son and daughter absolutely normal infants, which any Earthman in his life perevidel in the set, because in the Extranet, segment, placed under the control Kibertsentra solar system, pictures and video with young children are steadfast love and firmly occupy one of the first places in the Beauty of various ratings.


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