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Sweet Nothings

Page 5

by Baker, Tory

  Thank God she’s glistening wet, I need her more than ever before.

  “Look how pretty you are,” I say to her after tasting her. I climb between her legs, sit back on my legs, bringing her thighs over mine. She’s open and waiting, “Watch the two of us together Kinsley, watch as I make us one.”

  Taking my shaft in my hand, I coat the head of my cock with her juices. Fuck, she was right, she was made for me.

  Kinsley being impatient, moves her hips down, and takes my cock inside her tight as fuck pussy.

  “Oh God, you have to move, please,” she begs. Her wish is my command, she rocks her hips up to my thrusts. I place my forearms beside her head. We’re both looking deep into each other’s eyes, we move together, perfectly in sync with one another. I grind down when I’m all the way inside her, stimulating her clit each time. Kinsley’s hands fist my hair and fuck do I love that. The need she has to always touch me, it never stops, and I hope it never fucking will.

  Her heels dig into my lower back, feeling my spine tingle, knowing I’m about to come so deep inside Kinsley. I make sure she’s there before I ever get mine.

  “You’re going to come for me, aren’t you Kinsley?” I question her as I thrust harder each time.

  “Yes, oh God, Luke. I’m going to come,” she breathes.

  “Don’t you close your eyes Kinsley. I want them on mine when we come together,” I demand.

  Her eyes are locked on mine, our bodies working perfectly together, when her pussy tightens around my shaft, and I ram hard one last time into her as we both come.

  “I love you, Kinsley. Thank you for the best Valentine’s I could ever have,” I say kissing her forehead as I try to catch my breath.

  “You’re going to make me cry, Luke, I love you too, and I can’t wait to spend many more Valentine’s Days with you,” her eyes close and we bask in the moment.



  Saying goodbye to our weekend getaway was hard, no one called, emailed, or texted either of us. It was a dream, nothing but Luke and me.

  Now we’re back home, the weather is much cooler than what we had in Florida. Kate had no problems whatsoever while I was gone, it brings to home just how amazing she is as a manager. I really regret not promoting her sooner. That being said, I think we need to bring on one more part-time employee. It seems like our business is doubling overnight.

  I walk downstairs to finally relieve Kate, my mind made up. Luke is right, we do need hire more employees.

  “Hey stranger, did you and Luke have a good time?” She’s smiling brightly, but I can see the circles under her eyes.

  “Hey, we did. Thank you so much, now off you go and don’t come back until Tuesday,” I hug her and then send her off to the employee lounge to grab her stuff.

  Luke and I talked, we knew it would be hard these next few days, but we knew after our vacation it was only fair to give Kate a few days off, especially since she hit the ground running.

  Kate comes back out, apron off, purse on, and keys in hand saying, “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely, Luke and I both talked, he’s cutting back on his hours, he even volunteered to help if we get in a bind,” I tell her honestly.

  “Well even then, I have no plans, so if you need me, call me, and I’ll come in,” Kate says.

  “I know, and I love you for it, but get out of here. Get a pedicure, your hair done. Have the days off you deserve.”

  She leaves after my proclamation, I go about taking down the decorations for Valentine’s Day. The shop is going to look naked, much like it does after Christmas. I hate that I missed our signature drink, it was raspberry mocha latte with a hint of mint. Especially not seeing the customers’ faces when they take their first sip. But, I don’t regret my time away with Luke either.

  Once everything is down and put away for next year, I start closing down the coffee shop, the best thing I did was making the hours from seven o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon. I’ve toyed with the idea of extending the hours, but I’m not comfortable with it just yet.

  It doesn’t take very long to shut everything down, thank goodness for Kate. Everything is well stocked and ready for tomorrow.

  Jet lag is a real thing, even if we didn’t change time zones, I’m exhausted. Of course, that could be because neither Luke nor I barely slept. Both of us were constantly turning to one another all hours of the night.

  I head upstairs, grab my phone and see who’s staying where tonight. If I had it my way, I’d drive to his place. My bed may be just as big, but his bed is much more comfortable.



  It’s been a week of Kinsley and I going back and forth between places, something I hope to rectify and soon. I pick up the phone to make sure Mom is still coming this weekend.

  “Hello, my favorite son,” she says on the other end, I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Hey Mom, I’m your only son.”

  “You know what I mean, well, really you’re my favorite child,” she says next.

  “I’m your only child.”

  “I’m just stating the facts,” her laugh is infectious, something I haven’t heard in too long a time.

  “Are you ready to host the masses?” She asks. We’re hosting a get together here with Kinsley’s parents and my mom.

  “Yeah Mom, we’re all set. Kinsley’s parent are already making their way back. They’ll be staying at her place, you’re staying with Michelle, and Kinsley will be here with me,” I tell her.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with me staying with Michelle? I know you asked before, I just didn’t want to impose on you and Kinsley,” she says to me.

  “You stay wherever you want, we have room here, but if you’d rather stay with Michelle, it won’t hurt my feelings, promise,” I laugh, because it might actually be a better idea. There’s only so much noise I can muffle from Kinsley when she comes.

  “As long as you’re sure. I’ll call you when I make it into town, love you,” she says closing down the conversation.

  “Love you, see you soon,” we hang up, I put down the phone, and make my way to the front porch to wait on my woman.

  I know it’ll only be a matter of time until we’re living together, her side of the bathroom is littered with her woman stuff. I love waking up on the rare occurrence she’s not here and seeing how she’s left a stamp on my home.

  A throw blanket of hers is now on my couch, a few coffee mugs of hers are in my cabinets. Yeah, I love the fuck out of Kinsley.

  Speaking of Kinsley, she pulls into the driveway. She’s up and out of her car, running towards me. I can see nervousness written all over her face, I’m not sure if she’s happy to see me or if she has some news to share with me.

  “Luke,” she launches her body into mine. I steady my body and pick her up as she wraps her legs around my waist.

  “Hey baby,” I whisper out, her head is in the crook of my neck, where she breathes deeply, before getting down.

  “We have so much to do before this weekend. Is your house clean? Because mine is a mess, I kid you not for as little as we’re there. It’s bad, so bad. I’m taking tomorrow afternoon off to scrub it top to bottom,” her voice is almost frantic.

  “I have a cleaning lady that comes in every Friday, babe. But, if you picked up after yourself during the week, it wouldn’t be a pig sty,” I tease. We always joke about the state of her apartment, it’s just who she is, and I love her regardless.

  “On a serious note, do you need help this weekend, groceries or anything?” she asks.

  “It’s covered, already. I’m getting off around noon tomorrow to hit up the store. Anything particular you’d like?” I ask.

  “That wine you had, I don’t know what it’s called, the red. I would love some of that this weekend,” she almost moans for it. I make a mental note to keep it on hand. I would never tell her how much that certain wine is, she’d faint, and never allow me to buy it again. I don’t flaunt
my wealth, but there are certain things that I like.

  “Whatever you want, it’s yours,” and I mean that in more ways than one.

  “Gah, what did I ever do to land you in my life,” she asks.

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t know how you dealt with me for as long as you did, with all of my grumpiness.”

  “You weren’t ever grumpy, just in your own head,” I let her down, we walk inside the house.

  “I’m still thankful you got my head out of my ass, you know.”

  “It’s what I’m here for,” she replies with a wink.



  I clean my house with minutes to spare, it shouldn’t be a surprise if my place wasn’t clean. I mean my parents raised me, they know me through and through.

  Still, it’s a one bedroom, that means sheets need to be washed and the bathroom. Oh gee, Luke wasn’t kidding when he said if I picked up after myself it would be easier, too bad I’ll probably never learn how to do that.

  A knock on the door lets me know my time is up. I guess what’s done will have to be good enough.

  “Coming,” I say out loud as I make my way to the door. I’ve learned my lesson, my door is shut and locked.

  I open the door and not only are my parents on the other side, so is Luke. He’s in his casual clothes, looking handsome as ever.

  My parents wrap me up in a hug, laughter ensues, along with hugs and kisses.

  “Hey, you guys are here early,” I say.

  “Hello dear, no we’re on time. Please tell me you at least straightened up,” mom jokes.

  “Leave her alone, Ellie. She’s been busy. Come here, my girl.” I’ve always been a daddy’s little girl, he’s always stuck up for me over the silliest things, just to get my mom’s goat.

  “I see you picked up a handsome stranger along the way,” I say after our hugs are over.

  Walking to Luke, he brings me into the side of him, my hand over his heart, “Hey,” my voice still breathless every time he looks at me in that adoring way.

  “Hello beautiful,” he gives me a light peck on the lips. I want nothing more than to take the kiss deeper, but I know with my parents here, that won’t be happening.

  “Claude, look at the two of them. That is the sweetest thing I have seen. Well, except us of course,” her voice takes on a dreamy tone. They’ve been married for twenty-five years. I’ve seen the up, downs, ins, and outs a marriage can go through. Yet, they still soldier on.

  “I see them with my own eyes, Ellie,” My dad retorts.

  “I guess we should go inside and get you settled, are you sure you’ll be okay here?” I ask.

  “Of course, honey bunches. This place is bigger than the RV we have, it’ll be like we’re in a hotel, and the coffee shop downstairs has its perks too,” she winks.

  “I’ll go grab their luggage, be right back, baby,” Luke says giving me another peck to the lips. And then he’s headed down the stairs, I watch him until he disappears.

  “I really like Luke for you,” my mother states.

  “I’m glad, because I love him,” I respond.

  “Daddy, what about you? Do you like Luke?” I ask with my hopes up.

  “Honey, any man that can look at you the way he does, put up with your messy ways, and deal with your mother and me, he’s perfect for you,” dad nods his head.

  “I’m so excited you’re here this weekend, I really did miss y’all,” I bring them both in for a group hug.

  “We missed you too, but not enough to move home and settle down. Well, at least not yet. You give me some grand babies, then we’ll talk,” Luke takes that moment to come back in, hearing what mom said.

  “I’ll be working on that, well a ring first, then a baby, Mrs. Alexander,” he states.

  “Oh pshh, none of that Mr. And Mrs. stuff, you can call us Ellie and Claude. Now, both of you shoo out of here. I haven’t had a shower this big in years. We’ll see you two tomorrow.” Mom hugs both of us.

  Dad gives me a hug and shakes Luke’s hand, then we set off for Luke’s place.



  We’re back at my place, we swung by Michelle’s so Kinsley could meet my mom. Kinsley didn’t want any awkward or stilted moments tomorrow with everyone here.

  My mom and Michelle hugged her like she was their child. Even Michelle said I snagged a great one and to not let her go. I agreed, then we said our goodbyes and headed home.

  With everything out of the way and most of the prep work done for tomorrow, food wise, Kinsley and I made our way to bed. Both of us tired, but needing one another with a fierceness.

  It’s not even about the sex most days, it’s about her presence. Not to say our sex isn’t off the charts, because it is. Kinsley and I are both insatiable for each other. Which is why when she asked me to join her in the shower, who was I to deny her request.

  I got to see my woman wet, naked, with bubbles cascading down her body, and I was the one to put them there.

  When her hands found my body, it was game over. I took her against the shower wall, just like I fantasized from the very beginning.

  Now we’re lying in bed, her head on my chest, ear to my heart, and me playing with her hair.

  “I think today was a success, don’t you?” she asks, not moving a muscle.

  “Absolutely, it was never a doubt in my mind that things would be bad. That was you jumping to conclusions,” I tease.

  “I know, I’m sorry I was such a mess worrying about everything the other day,” she lifts up her body, her hair hanging down, concealing the heavy sway of her breasts, fuck, what Kinsley does to me. When she moves a certain way, I get a glimpse of nipples, they’re pebbled, and my mouth is salivating for another taste of them.

  “Well if you really want to apologize, I can think of other ways to make that happen,” I wink.

  “Oh Mr. Drake, the things I’m going to do to you,” she chides.

  I’m flat on my back, she moves a leg over my hip, straddling me, and I know there will be no sleep happening tonight.

  No, my woman is feeling frisky, and who am I to deny her.



  Everyone is here, my parents and Luke’s mom. She invited Michelle to come along, but she was busy with her own kids today.

  Luke is beyond organized, he tried to make it like I was helping him last night with preparing the food, but really it was all him. It gave us minimal things to do this morning and ample time to lounge around until noon when he started the grill.

  Now Luke and my dad are shooting the shit while grilling, us girls are inside pulling out the sides and appetizers when my mom drops the question. You know the question, the question of all question.

  “So, when are you and Luke getting married,” I cough, trying to unclog my throat after biting into a carrot.

  “Mom,” I say with exasperation.

  “I’d like to know that as well, dear,” Bea says.

  “Well, we’ve talked about what kind of wedding we’d like, and how we’d raise our kids when we have them. But, we’re taking our time. When it happens, it happens. You two will be the first ones to know and well, Daddy of course too,” I respond.

  I escape after the questions continue, my dad will rescue me, and if not, I’ll hide out with Luke.

  “Daddy, Mom is being crazy,” both men look at me, laughing. “Luke, that goes for your mom too. You have difficult questions to answer to next. I’d hide if I were you,” my hands are flapping in the wind as I state the obvious, everyone knows what Bea and my mother will be doing next. If we wanted to elope there would be no chance in hell of that happening.

  “I bet you a hundred dollars, those two are in there planning a wedding, that we won’t even know about,” I say.

  “You’re probably right, your mom’s been planning your wedding since you were a little girl” daddy says.

  “Well, at least all the details will be out of the way,” Luke shrugs his shoulders.
  “Laugh it up, funny boy. We’ll see who will be wearing a velvet suit,” I laugh, as he visibly cringes.

  “No, I won’t. We’ll just go elope when they aren’t watching,” he murmurs into my ear.

  “I heard that, don’t be getting any ideas, just yet,” my dad states.

  I roll my eyes, “Is the food ready? Maybe if we eat, they can focus on something else.”

  “Yeah baby, it is. I love you, Kinsley,” Luke tells me.

  “I love you, but if you don’t rescue me if they gang up on me, I’m going to sleep on the couch,” I grunt.

  “I’ll smack your ass, you threaten me with that. You sleep in my arms, Kinsley.” I’m really glad dad went inside, the heat coming from Luke’s eyes tells me he means business.

  “Oh,” our gazes are locked, nothing could make us drift apart right now. That is until Bea says, “Yoo-hoo we’re ready to eat.”

  I faceplant in Luke’s chest, and he laughs as he takes the food off the grill.



  Kinsley doesn’t know part of the reason I asked to take her parents back to their RV this morning was because I wanted to ask both of them if I could have her hand in marriage. Kinsley has an old-fashioned soul, something I spotted the minute I met her.

  With their blessing, they sent me off so they could get on the road again.

  When I walked my mom to her car, I let her know that my next step is asking Kinsley to marry me, she patted my cheek much like she did when I was younger, “My sweet boy, I can’t wait for Kinsley to be a permanent fixture in our family. Now go ask her, and for God’s sake, give me some grandchildren to spoil rotten.”


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