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Adulthood, postponement of, 54,
Dating, 13–18; after college, 138–140;
172, 208n46
college students use of term, 41,
African-American, students, experi-
198n22; comparison to calling, 18;
ence with hooking up, 66–68
comparison to hooking up, 46;
Age: at first intercourse, 2, 161; at first origin of the term date, 13,
marriage, 2, 22, 161, 172, 199n6
194n12; sexual intimacy and dat-
Alcohol: misperceptions of, 89; role
ing process, 164
in hookup script, 21, 30, 47,
Definition of the situation, 136,
63–64, 111–112, 166–168, 198n30,
208n35, 208n36
Double standard. See Sexual double Anderson, Elijah, 206n7
Animal House (movie), 51, 163
Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen, 54, 172, 199n7,
Eisenhart, Margaret, 33, 197n10,
202n27, 208n46
201n2, 202n24, 204n19
Emerging adulthood. See Adult-
Bailey, Beth, 12–17, 18–19, 170
hood, postponement of
Booty calls, 122–125, 205n25
Emotional attachment. See Love
Environment, 9; effect on sexual be-
Calling era, 12–13;
and comparison
havior, 199n2; and college cam-
to dating, 18, 173
pus, 51–59; college campus com-
Carpenter, Laura, 85, 193n33, 197n7,
pared to after graduation,
201n10, 201n12, 201n13, 204n16
150–154; importance of, 9, 185
Casual sex. See Sex
Ericksen, Julia, 200n1
Clinton, Bill, and Monica Lewinsky
scandal, 27
Facebook (Web site), 169
Clique, 61–70, 90
Fraternity: characteristics of mem-
College administrators, 22, 57–58,
bers, 32–33, 199n16; and dating
era, 14, 17; members’ participa-
College campus. See Environment
tion in hooking up, 61; students
Commuter students, 199n15
perceptions of, 81–82; and rape,
Coontz, Stephanie, 158
202n22; women’s involvement
Courtship, 14, 194n19
with members, 108–110, 113
Friends with benefits, 118–122, 125,
Martin, Patricia Yancey, 33, 199n16,
199n17, 201n6
Friendship group, 165. See also
Media, reports of hooking up, 2, 28
Mills, C. Wright, 191n12
Moffatt, Michael, 201n2, 202n21,
Gagnon, John H., 8, 197n16, 197n17
Gays, experience of students with
MySpace (Web site), 169
hooking up, 68–69
Going steady, 16. See also Dating Necking, 19, 159, 164, 181
Grease (movie), 17
Old School (movie), 150
Holland, Dorothy, 33, 197n10, 201n2,
One-night stand, 2, 29
201n6, 202n24, 204n19
Hooking up: choosing a partner,
Partying, 20, 63, 157
29–34; comparison to dating,
Peers: and dating, 15, 18; influence
46–49; definition, 24–29; era of,
on college campus, 72–74, 201n2;
20–23, 156–157; and location,
misperceptions of sexual behav-
34–36; origin of the term, 7,
ior of, 82–89, 162
196n1; outcomes of, 39–44; schol-