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Page 18

by Shannon Youngblood

  We pulled into the driveway of the house. All of the lights were on, and I knew I was going to have to tell the ladies about Gwen, but my first priority was Phoenix.

  I picked up her motionless body in my arms and cradled her against my chest, walking up the entry path. The door opened and both Mildred and Jenny stood there, faces crestfallen with the knowledge of tonight's activities.

  “She needs a bath, Mildred,” I told her.

  “Yes, Master,” she sniffled heading up the stairs to follow out my orders.

  “Where were you, brother?” Jenny’s eyes shot me a scathing look.

  “Not now, Jenny,” I mumbled heading up the stairs to Phoenix’s room.

  By the time I arrived, the bath was already half full and the smell of vanilla buttercream permeated the air. Mildred and Jenny helped me remove the soiled nightgown from Phoenix’s body. Fully clothed, I stepped into the hot water and sat down with her still bundled in my arms. I had no intentions of letting her go.

  “Grab me that washcloth, Jenny, please. I need to get the ash off of her face.”

  I doused the rag in hot water and gently ran it over Phoenix’s forehead and down her cheeks. The fact that she hadn’t come around yet was leaving me worried and frantic, and I could smell the fear radiating from my pores.

  “It’s time to wake up now, little bird,” I coaxed “I’ve got you, and I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”

  “She’s probably in shock, Zander. You’re going to have to let her come to on her own terms. Her mind will know when the time is right,” Jenny cooed, taking one of Phoenix’s arms in her hand and washing her with another rag.

  Mildred did the same to her legs and before the water could get cold, Phoenix’s body and hair were cleaned from the ash. I only wished cleaning her soul would be as easy.

  Towels were laid out from the bathtub to the bed and I stepped out and headed to lay her down and get out of my own sopping wet clothes. Once she was under her covers, I ran back to my room to change into dry boxers and came back immediately. I had no intentions of leaving her side.

  “We would like to stay as well, Master Zander,” Mildred spoke up.

  I nodded in agreeance before climbing under the blankets, my skin connecting with hers. Mildred and Jenny left to go fetch blankets and pillows and joined me in the room; Mildred in the chair next to us and Jenny on the floor. The only person missing was Gwen and it pained my heart not to see her here as well.

  I didn’t want to fall asleep, in case Phoenix woke up, but the day had been long and the subtle snores and heavy breathing coming from both Mildred and Jenny were almost hypnotizing. If Phoenix stirred I would feel her. I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me.

  “Zander?” A sleepy voice woke me from my dreamless night.

  “Phoenix,” I sat up, pulling her close to me, kissing her forehead. “Are you ok?”

  “What’s going on?” She asked, clearly confused.

  “What do you remember?” I asked.

  It took her a moment to blink a few times and let last night drop back into her memories, but I could tell the moment she did. Her body shook and she curled up into me.

  “I--I thought I was dreaming. Please, Zander, tell me it was just a dream?”

  With every word, she grew more frantic and by the time she had said dream, her voice was high and loud, waking both Mildred and Jenny.

  “Where is Gwen?” She screamed. “Where is she?”

  I pulled her in tight, wrapping my arms around her. I didn’t know what I could say to her. I had never been very well versed with showing emotions other than rage.

  Jenny and Mildred got up and rushed towards us, wrapping their arms around both Phoenix and me, creating a cocoon as Phoenix thrashed and screamed and cried. There was nothing any of us could say to take away the heart wrenching ache inside of her chest, but I would have if I could. If it were possible I would have taken her pain today and forever.

  “Listen to me Phoenix,” I said gently, rocking her back and forth. “I know this fucking hurts. I know you want to give up, but you can’t. I won’t allow it. Cry, scream, kick, punch, but don’t let this rob you of your sanity.”

  I turned her in my arms and grabbed her face in my hands, forcing her to look into my eyes.

  “You’re strong, my little bird.”

  She shook her head, “I’m not fucking strong enough!” She shouted.

  “Yes. You. Are,” I punctuated each word. “You are the strongest person I have ever met, and you will get through this.”

  “I--I can’t Zander. I can’t do this,” she fell into my arms, her screams reduced to whimpers and sobbing.

  I didn’t know how long we stayed that way, minutes or hours, but when her tears subsided, I pulled her away from my body to look at her.

  She looked up and hollow empty eyes stared back at me.

  “I want to see her,” she said flatly.

  “Phoenix, I don’t think--”

  “I WANT TO SEE HER,” she cut me off, her voice demanding and hollow, unlike anything I had ever heard come from her before.

  I nodded. “Get dressed little bird. Let me make some calls.”

  With one last look, I left the room and headed to mine. At some point Mildred and Jenny had left and I could smell breakfast being prepared but I had no appetite for it, and I imagined neither would Phoenix.

  Grabbing my phone, I dialed Corbin’s number and laid out jeans and a t-shirt to wear. He filled me in on the clean-up of the third task and I thanked him before I hung up. The burned handmaid’s had been cut down and were currently in the ballroom waiting the High Masters instruction; waiting MY instruction. I dressed quickly and headed back to Phoenix’s room.

  She sat half on the bed, her jeans around her ankles, topless, her hair scattered and disheveled, staring off into space. I stepped out of the room and called for Jenny. When I went back in, she hadn’t moved.

  I crouched down in front of her and worked her jeans up her legs. She stood without instruction and let me pull them up and button them before sitting back down, and when I grabbed the t-shirt, she lifted her arms for me.

  “Jenny can you fix her hair, please?” I asked when she walked in.

  She nodded, fetching a brush and a comb and sat behind her, gently working out the tangles. Phoenix didn’t move a muscle while Jenny braided her long black hair and tied it off. She was just a shell and it broke my fucking heart.

  I held out my hand to her. I had to be strong. “Let’s go see Gwen.”

  Chapter 24


  The walk to the car and the drive to the community center was silent. I knew that everyone, including Claire, was waiting for me to speak, but I had no verbal words to give. My mind, on the other hand, was flooded with words and most of them were expletives and words of hatred.

  Never in my life had I wanted to kill someone as fiercely as I did today. I wanted to pluck out my father’s eyeballs, cut off his cock and feed it to him and set his entire body ablaze. The only thing that helped cool the raging fire inside of my body was the overwhelming grief that washed over me.

  My sister, my friend, my handmaid was gone, and I couldn’t stop it. I would have given up anything to not see her die such a horrible death. I would have taken her place in an instant. She was so young, so rich with life, and so positive about her circumstances. Something I strived to be, and something I didn’t think I could ever be now.

  When we pulled up, and I stepped out of the car, I doubled over. The smell of burning flesh still lingered in the crisp air, and the memories of last night flooded back in. Zander’s arms went around me.

  “We don’t have to do this,” he said.

  “I have to, Zander. I just--I have to.”

  I couldn’t even explain it to myself why I needed to see her, let alone him, but I knew I needed to.

  Very few people were around when we walked in and I assumed most of them were getting ready for the day. A few men came up to Zander to sh
ake his hand but he waved them off and concentrated on getting me to where I needed to go. I appreciated him more in this moment that I had ever before. He was such a good man, and I wished I had the words to say it.

  The ballroom smelled atrocious as bodies upon bodies laid on tables, covered from head to foot with white sheets. I didn’t know which one was Gwen so I looked up at Zander to point me in the right direction. With his hand at the small of my back he led me over to a table on the opposite side.

  “Do you want me to stay little bird?” He asked me.

  “Please,” Was all I could manage.

  He grabbed my hand and squeezed it as I approached. I couldn’t lift the sheet. If I saw the charred remains of my friends I knew I would lose it all over again. Instead, I put my hand on top of her and bent my head.

  “Gwen, I’m--I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. You deserved so much better in life. I promise, from this day forward, I will live my life to the fullest. I will love without reservation, and I will be the person you always wanted me to be. You’ll forever be my sister, and my friend. Until we meet again, sister. I love you.”

  The drive home was hard but I refrained from crying again. I didn‘t want to cry anymore, although I knew that I would. Zander, Mildred and Jenny had been so good to me over the past twenty-four hours and I wanted to show them my gratitude, but I was just so exhausted, and hurt, and angry.

  Once home, I told them I was going to take a nap and I headed up to my room. It felt empty without Gwen there. I had gotten so used to her snuggling in bed with me, it just didn’t feel right not having her there. I laid down and grabbed my stuffed phoenix, holding it tightly against my chest. It smelled like Gwen’s shampoo. The grief inside, exhausted me, and within moments I was asleep.

  When I awoke, the sun had already gone down and I couldn’t hear anything going on downstairs. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, my stomach grumbling for something to satisfy it. I didn’t really want to eat, but I knew I had to. Looking at the clock on my dresser, I saw it was three am. I had slept the rest of the afternoon and all night and hadn’t even realized it.

  I crept into the kitchen and opened the fridge; a pizza box stood front and center, taunting me. I grabbed it, much rougher than I anticipated and pulled it out. This was mine and Gwen’s pizza from last night, untouched. Sitting down at the bar, I opened it and took out a cold slice from my half.

  It tasted like a cardboard box in my mouth, bland and chewy, but I kept eating. I needed something in my stomach. When I finished my half, I picked up the box. No one in the house sans Gwen liked Hawaiian pizza. Jenny called it blasphemous and Mildred was allergic to pineapple, but I couldn’t make myself throw it away. I opened the fridge and put it back, a single tear falling as I closed the door.

  I should have gone back to bed, but I was wide awake, and didn’t relish another few hours of flaming nightmares. It was too cold for me to go outside and the television didn’t sound even the least bit amusing.

  I looked at the door to Zander’s office and contemplated going in. No one was allowed in there without permission and only when he was in there as well. I shrugged. At this point, I didn’t really care. Maybe a punishment would make me feel something other than rage or indifference. Maybe I would feel less numb.

  I opened the door and walked into the dark room. I had been in here so many times I felt like I knew where everything was, but it still took me a moment to find the light switch. I headed over to the liquor shelf and poured myself a glass of bourbon and choked it back. I wasn’t much into alcohol, but I did enjoy the effects of it when Zander permitted me some.

  A few minutes later I could already feel the dizzying effect in my head as I walked on shaky legs over to his desk. I chuckled to myself. Zander was kind of a slob in his personal space. Papers were strewn all over the desk and an overfilled ashtray sat in the corner. I didn’t know Zander smoked, I thought.

  Picking up the nearest paper to me, I began to read but quickly put it down when I didn’t find anything interesting. Something on the one underneath it though caught my eye.

  The Last Will and Testament of Mitchell Cunningham

  I skimmed through it but with all of the legal jargon, and the alcohol swimming in my brain, I didn’t understand a word. I was about to put it down when a word flew off the page at me.


  As I read, I could feel the document sobering me up, word by word. The anger I had felt last night was nothing compared to the wrath I felt down to my very core. Each sentence was a knife into my heart as I read the words over and over again.

  Zander Wulfric Cunningham, here to, for known as the heir to the estate, will be required to meet the following terms and conditions:

  I. The heir must show proof of viable bid and legitimate purchase of a slave formally approved and rendered acceptable for auction.

  II. Once the aforementioned slave is acquired, the heir must sustain a loving relationship with said slave for a predetermined period of time. Said relationship to be deemed loving through a series of tests administered by the governing body of The Faith.

  III. To ensure all terms are met by the heir, the slave will be required to complete the three pre-determined tasks as set by The Faith with no assistance from the heir.

  Only completion of these stipulations will result in the release of the estate of Mitchell Earl Cunningham to Zander Wulfric Cunningham. If these directives have not been met within a twelve month time frame, the estate and all of the belongings of Mitchell Earl Cunningham will be designated to The Faith and the active High Master.

  I couldn’t stop the litany of tears as they streamed down my face. I was such an idiot. Zander didn’t care about me. He just wanted me for the money he would get from his father’s will.

  I didn’t know how long I sat there, holding the offending document between my fingers, but when the sun started to shine up over the horizon, I knew I needed to move. If Zander found me here I would be in trouble, and so would he.

  Without thinking, I dropped the paper and bolted out of the study, rushing up the stairs into my room. I pulled out a duffle bag from my closet and stuffed as much as I could into it. The last thing to go was my stuffed phoenix. I flew down the stairs and into the kitchen and grabbed what was left of the pizza and put it into a sealable bag and zipped up my duffle.

  I had no money, and nowhere to go, but I couldn’t and wouldn’t stay even one more minute in this house with that man. My heart ached as I shut the door on what could have been an amazing life.

  As midnight approached on the second day since I had left Zander’s house, I sat down to settle in for the night. I hadn’t made it very far and I knew I was still within the border of the community, but moving without being seen was a lot harder than it looked. I truly had no idea where I was in relation to Zander’s home, the community center or my father’s house, but it didn’t matter. I had to keep moving. Many times I had been close to being seen but was just able to escape without detection.

  I hadn’t eaten in over twelve hours and my lips were parched from the lack of water. I cursed myself for the umpteenth time that day for not waiting a day to prep my departure better, but I knew if I even saw Zanders face once I would lose it on him.

  I had found an open shed in the backyard of a house to bundle in for the night. The house was completely surrounded by trees and bushes. The lights in the home were off so I assumed the tenants were either asleep already or out for the night. Looking at the back of the house, a hose wrapped around a spigot and I thanked God for small miracles.

  I creeped my way up to the house and turned the nozzle just a bit so as not to make too much noise. The cool water felt good in my dry mouth and I drank until my belly felt water logged and my dehydration was gone. Once back in the shed, I pulled out a sweater and bundled up, using my duffle bag as a makeshift pillow.

  The sounds outside were peaceful and they lulled me into a blissful and dreamless sleep. It was too bad it didn’t last lon

  “Now what is this pretty little bitch slave doing in my shed?” A voice sounded, waking me from my slumber. I recognized him, but I didn’t know his name.

  Fear clutched at my chest and I sat up quickly.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, scooting away from him as he reached out to grab me but just barely missed. My back hit the wall and I knew I had reached the end of the line.

  “You’re Wayne’s little bitch. I’d recognize those tits anywhere,” he sneered, grabbing my hair and dragging me outside of my safe haven.

  This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t happening. Why couldn’t I just be left in peace?

  “No, no!” I shouted. “My Master is Zander. Please call him! He’ll come get me!”

  I didn’t want to go back to Zander’s house, but I definitely didn’t want to be anywhere near my father. I wouldn’t be able to control my mouth around him, and he would have gotten an ear full of my words and as many hits of my hands as I could before he probably raped and killed me. Maybe that was a better idea.

  “Oh, sorry little slave bitch. I don’t answer to the new High Master. Your father is my new High Master and I think I’ll call him instead,” He told me laughing, throwing me against the hose I had just used previously to quench my thirst.

  “I thought Master Zander had banished him?” I said, vaguely recalling the conversation Zander had with Mildred when they thought I was asleep. He was to be on house arrest I thought until he could pack up his belongings, get his affairs in order and get out of town. It was too good for him, but it wasn’t my call to make.

  “There are too many people who believe in the direction your father wants to take The Faith. Many of us stand behind him and will never let that bastard you call a Master rule over us. Now shut the fuck up before I make you shut your whore mouth.”

  The man wasn’t playing around as he grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number.

  “Wayne? Yes, it’s Nathan. You’ll never guess who I found sleeping in my shed…..Yes….Alright…. I’ll see you soon.”


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