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Page 19

by Shannon Youngblood

  He hung up.

  “Daddy dearest is on his way over right now to make sure his little girl is alright,” Nathan mocked before grabbing my hair and pulling me through the sliding glass door of the house. “Why don’t we go ahead and get started without him?”

  He pulled me to my feet and grabbed me by the throat, smashing his lips to mine. His breath reeked of alcohol and bile and I imagined he was still drunk from the night before. When I didn’t kiss him back and tried to pull away, his fist connected with my stomach, throwing me backwards.

  He stood over me as I trembled and unbuttoned his jeans, but that’s as far as he went.

  “Do you know what you are?” He asked me. “You are an unborn thought, a plague on this world, a nothing. You don’t deserve to exist or walk amongst men. You are here to breed, to fuck, and to serve, and that is all you’re good for.

  I could feel the tears from his words as he kneeled down to look me in the face. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t heard these words from men like him before, but the way that he said them, the pure unadulterated hatred that shone in his eyes, truly scared the shit out of me. Not only did he live his words, he believed in them with all of his heart and soul.

  “You exist solely for the pleasure of men. As a woman, there are certain inalienable truths- the biggest of all, is that you are inferior. The world outside of these walls may believe in equality but they are wrong. My dog has more rights than you and he is nothing but a mutt, but he is male and superior to you.

  He picked me up and shook me before grabbing my arm and pulling me up the stairs. I tried desperately to keep up with him, but he was on a rampage and more than once I slammed my feet or knees on the stairs on the way up. He took me left to an open door and forced me to my knees to look at the scene in front of me.

  Britt, my friend from school and the one I tried to warn at the auction, was strung up from the ceiling, her toes barely touching the floor and she was sleeping, I hoped. Her body was covered with bruises, both old and new as well as deep slices from her neck to her ankles. Some of them were scabbed over and some of them still looked as fresh as an hour ago.

  “WHORE,” he screamed, and her eyelids fluttered open. “Did I say you could fucking sleep?”

  “No, Master,” she whimpered, struggling to keep her eyes open.

  “You see,” he said, turning towards me, “I haven’t let her sleep in three days. It’s not for a punishment or anything, I just like to see her squirm.

  This man was almost as bad as my father. They were like two peas in a fucking pod. Nathan let go of my hair and waltzed over to Britt, unchaining her from the ceiling and letting her drop to the floor.

  “Britt,” I called out, but I was too far away to catch her.

  “Her name is whore,” he looked back at me seething. “Worthless cunts like you don’t deserve names.”

  I crawled to her slumped over my body and checked on her. Her pulse was weak but thankfully still there. She was pale and thin, and her lips held almost no color.

  “When was the last time you fed her?” I gawked at him. I could see her ribcage with one obvious omission.

  He shrugged and laughed, “I think I gave her the bones to my ribs on Thursday night, but she may have lost them to the dog. Fucking weak and pathetic whore.”

  “You’re fucking psychotic,” I stood up, facing him. He was over a foot taller than me and probably about a hundred pounds more, but I didn’t care. “She’s going to die if you don’t take care of her!”

  He shrugged indifferently. “It wouldn’t be the first time a slut couldn’t keep up.”

  My vision turned red and I charged, catching him off guard for only a moment. He regained his footing and grabbed me by the hair, spinning me around and kicking at the back of knees to bring me down to mine. Nathan bent down and leaned into my ear.

  “You’re weak. Pathetic. I’m going to break you like I’ve done to so many before you. I don’t care who your Master is, or who your father is. You’re in my house now, and I make the rules.”

  I reached up and clawed at his face but he was too quick, and before I could try and fight, my hands were cuffed and I was attached to the same hook in the ceiling that Britt had just occupied.

  Nathan walked over to Britt and kicked her, rousing her from her sleep.

  “Go to bed, whore. You can sleep for as long as it takes to break your other whore friend. For your sake I hope it takes a long time.”

  Without a word she rose to her feet and walked away without so much as a backwards glance in my direction. I couldn’t blame her. She was probably too out of it to even realize what she was even doing. I hoped I could hold on for a long time. If I was going to die in this place, the least I could do was let Britt get a decent few hours of sleep for the sacrifice.

  He turned back to me, a sinister smile on his face as he pulled out a blade from his back pocket. There was nowhere for me to go and I had no idea what he planned to do with that knife, but if the state of Britt’s body was any indication, I knew I wasn’t going to like it.

  Grabbing my shirt by the bottom seam, he placed the blade just under it and swiped up, shredding it before my eyes. He cut the same pattern with my bra, exposing my breasts. Once he cut all of the fabric from the top half of my body, throwing the tattered pieces across the room, he looked down to my pants. I could see the lust in his eye and the drool on his lips.

  Nathan put the knife away and proceeded to unbutton my jeans, pulling them down and stepping back to admire my nakedness.

  “I wanted you as my whore the first time I saw you when you were just a young girl. You probably don’t remember, but your father used to invite me over for dinner once a month. The food was always shit, but after, when you went to bed, he always let me go into your room and watch you sleep. Jerking off to your tiny snores were always the highlights of my night.

  “You were always my favorite customer,” my father’s voice sounded from just outside the doorway.

  I was fucked now.

  Chapter 25


  “Hello, little flame,” he taunted. “We’ve been looking for you.”

  He walked over to me, and wrapped his fingers around my throat and squeezed. “There is no Zander to save you this time, and I intend on taking what was denied to me and is rightfully mine.”

  I tried to put on a brave face. I couldn’t let these two men break me like they wanted to. I was already too close to cracking, and if they completely shattered me, I wouldn’t be any better than the lifeless Britt sleeping in the other room.

  “She’s strong, Nathan, but I think between the two of us, we can show her who is the strongest in the room.

  I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle

  “Oh no you don’t, bitch,” Nathan yelled, slapping my face hard and forcing me to look up. “You’re going to watch as we decimate this body and then you’ll thank us.”

  Nathan walked over to a large tool chest on the far side of the room. He opened several drawers until he found what he was looking for; black electrical tape. He walked over, pulling off a strip and attached it to my right eyelid, sticking the other half on my forehead. He did the same with the left, and then blew into my eyes. They immediately watered, but I could not blink.

  “Much better,” my father grinned, grabbing my nipple and twisting, hard.

  A muffled cry escaped my lips, but I reigned it back in. I was not going to let these two men see how they were affecting me, at all costs.

  “I asked you a question the other night while your bitch burned. Do you remember what it was?” He asked me, malice and disgust lacing every word he spoke.

  Of course I remembered. That night was forever embedded into my brain, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that and I kept my lips sealed.

  “He asked you a fucking question, whore,” Nathan shouted, grabbing my other nipple and pulling just as hard.

  I remained silent.

  “I guess we’ll just ha
ve to find out for ourselves, Nathan,” my father smiled, walking around to the back of me. “But first, I want to play with this meat-bag and see how much she can really take.”

  That seemed to be all the permission Nathan was looking for as he punched me in the side, knocking the wind out of me. I gasped and struggled for breath as my father pressed his body against my back, his cock clad jeans pressing between the cheeks of my ass.

  “Has your Master ever taken your ass,” he hissed in my ear.

  “No,” I spat, not wanting another punch.

  “Good. I’ll get to take both of your virgin holes. I am a lucky father indeed.”

  His snide and disgusting remarks had me dry heaving, and both of them laughed at me.

  “Go to hell,” I shouted, spitting on Nathan. I knew I was going to regret that little act of defiance, but I had to keep fighting if I wanted to survive.

  Nathan wiped his face and plunged his hands down to my pussy. Using two fingers, he parted my lips and shoved his spit covered digits inside.

  “You whores are all the same. You resist and cry and beg us to stop despite how soaked your cunt gets; despite how you orgasm on our cocks like a cheap slut each time. Maybe ‘enjoy’ doesn’t quite cover the full scope of how you feel. Maybe a better word is fulfilled,” he droned on fingering my cunt while my father grabbed at and poked my ass with his own fingers.

  “This right here is when you are serving your purpose,” my father stated. “When you think you might be worth something. When you can get even a slight facsimile of love. You all hate it but you know it is what you deserve. That is the kind of girl you are. You hate it but you need it. You don’t enjoy it, but you are completed by it.”

  “Not on your life,” I scoffed, trying in vain to get away from their prying fingers. How either of them, or anyone for that matter could believe what they were doing was a turn on was beyond me.

  “She’s got a mouth on her doesn’t she, Wayne,” Nathan laughed, adding another finger into me, stretching me out.

  “Maybe we should fill it with something to stop her incessant chattering?” He suggested.

  Nathan pulled his fingers out and headed back over to the tool chest, rifling through the drawers until he found what he was looking for. He turned around and smiled and my mouth dropped open.

  In his hand was a gag that could be easily fastened around my head, but what scared the hell out of me is what was attached to it. On the middle of the belt was a thick, six inch rubber cock.

  “I like to use this to train little slaves how to properly deep throat my cock without gagging. It takes some getting used to and you have to be very careful not to choke on your own spit, but I think this should shut you up nicely.

  I shut my mouth tight and refused to open it.

  “Haven’t you learned by now, cunt? If I want something open, it isn’t hard to make it happen.”

  Nathan reached over and pinched my nose, cutting off my air supply. It didn’t take long before I had to open my mouth to breathe and he took the opportunity to shove the phallic gag deep inside my mouth. It wasn’t as long as Zander’s cock, but it hit the back of my throat and didn’t move, continuously setting off my gag reflexes.

  I could feel my eyes tearing up as he strapped it tightly behind my head, giving it a few jerks as he did.

  “We’re going to fill all of your useless fucking holes, little flame. We’re going to fill you up with our cum and let it leak down your body. And when a puddle forms on the floor with his cum and mine, we will unhook you from the ceiling and make you lick it up. Do you know why?”

  I couldn’t talk even if I did have an answer to his degrading and humiliating question.

  “Because you’re a cum slut.” Nathan answered for me, “A useless and worthless cum whore. Your belly should be filled with spunk and nothing else.”

  My father picked me up by the waist and pulled my ass backwards, stretching the binds above me, before setting me down on a crate underneath my feet. It took all of my strength to keep myself balanced on the wooden box without falling forward, but it gave my father easy access to my pushed out bottom.

  I could feel his hands massaging my ass cheeks, spreading them wider and wider apart, exposing my holes to his hungry gaze, but I couldn’t focus on that. Nathan in front of me had pulled his blade back out and was running it along the curves of my breasts, causing me to tremble.

  “I just had this blade sharpened. It should cut through your skin like hot butter. I wanna see if your blood is as sweet as your mouth is, whore,” he whispered, pressing the smooth edge harder on my bare flesh.

  “Not too far Nathan. I want her to be awake for everything we give to her,” my father lightly scolded him.

  I watched him roll his eyes but only make a small cut. The red oozed out of my skin slowly as Nathans head came down to taste it. He shuddered as his lips made contact with my skin, and seconds later his pants were across the room his hand on his cock.

  “I want to fuck this whore, Wayne,” he muttered in between sucking at my blood and stroking himself.

  “You’ll have your chance, Nathan, but right now I’m going to claim this tight asshole.

  I listened as my father spit on his hand and cupped my hole, and I prayed he would be quick. He pierced my ring slowly and my eyes pulled against the tape holding them open. I whimpered as he inched his way in, and screamed around the gag when he was fully seated inside of me.

  I wanted death to claim me. I wanted the devil to come up through the floor, grab me by the hand and pull me down into the fiery depths of hell below. I wanted demons to burn and torture me; to make me bleed and beg for my freedom. I wanted anything that would pull me from this hell on earth I was living in.

  I heard the growl before I saw it and I looked up to see Zander, Corbin, Bella and a very weak looking Britt standing in the doorway. There was no green in Zander’s eyes, only a black and empty soul peered out of them as he ran forward towards Nathan.

  There was my devil; here to drag me to hell.

  Before I could even react, Zander was on top of Nathan, and in one swift motion, he pulled the blade out of his hand and ran it firmly across his stubbled neck. Nathan’s blood squirted out of the wound, coating my naked body.

  The cock in my ass pulled out quickly and my father pushed me forward, my feet landing on Nathan’s squirming body. I looked down to see him grabbing at his throat, trying to stop the ooze, but it was too late. Moments later, Nathan stopped moving and the devil claimed another soul.

  Zander and Corbin disappeared behind me as Bella rushed up to me. She removed the tape from my eyes and unlocked the gag from behind my head, and I coughed and sputtered, drawing in a deep breath.

  “Zander, don’t kill him!” I screeched, hoping I wasn’t too late.

  I couldn’t see the men, but I could hear the smile on my father’s face. “Do you hear that, Zander? She loves me. She’ll never let you hurt me.”

  “Get me down,” I pleaded and immediately someone’s hands reached up and released my binds.

  I massaged my wrists and turned to face the three men behind me. Zander had Wayne pressed up against the wall, his hand around his throat while Corbin held a gun to his stomach.

  “Tell them, little flame. Tell them how much you love your daddy,” he pleaded, utter fear shining out of his eyes.

  I stalked towards them, grabbing the discarded knife along the way. Something had overtaken my body, and I let it. I let the beast inside out and I was going to let him play. It wasn’t going to be pretty, but monsters rarely were.

  “Of course I love you Daddy,” I smiled, my voice not at all sounding like me. “I love when you put your hands on me,” I said, grabbing his hand and plunging the steel into his palm.

  He screamed, and jerked back causing the blade to slide through the gap in his fingers. He pulled his other hand away, fearful that I would do the same thing to the other, and I laughed.

  “I love when you kiss me,” I continued, run
ning the steely cold blade down his cheeks until it reached his lips.

  “Stick out your tongue, Daddy,” I sneered.

  He shook his head, blood flying everywhere from the deep cuts I made on his face. I waltzed over to the toolbox, almost immediately finding what I needed. A pair of pliers.

  “Stick out your fucking tongue!” I screamed at him. When he didn’t comply a second time, I put the blade between my teeth and plugged his nose, waiting for him to need a swig of oxygen.

  “Isn’t it ironic Daddy? Nathan tried to silence me by this very same method, but I want to hear you scream.

  As soon as his mouth opened, I stuck my fingers inside and carelessly grabbed his tongue between the plier’s teeth.

  “I love when you talk to me,” I said louder, and without warning I swiped the blade up and severed his tongue from his mouth.

  He did scream, spitting gobs of blood all over me, his eyes wide and frightened. He fell down to the ground on his knees and I threw the bit of his tongue out in front of him.

  “How do you like that, Daddy? How do you like being on your knees for a woman?” I wasn’t going to get an answer, but saying the words out loud was more freeing than anything I had ever experienced.

  “Do you know what else I love, Daddy?” I said, taking the sharp blade and lightly moving it down his torso, past his belly button and resting it just above his still exposed cock.

  “I love when you put your dick in me,” I leaned over whispering in his ear. He shook his head at me and screamed as I picked up his flaccid cock.

  “Phoenix that’s enough,” Zander whispered amongst the shrieks coming from my father. “This isn’t you.”

  My eyes blazed a hole through him, coaxing him to try and stop me, “This IS me, Zander. This is what HE made me,” I screamed, pointing the knife at my father’s face, “And I will say when it is fucking enough.”

  With one swoop, the knife came down and cut through my father’s cock like hot butter; just as Nathan said it would.

  The man who was responsible for my birth, the man who raised, me loved, me, enlightened me, tortured me and fucked me, fell over, his face getting whiter with every ounce of blood he lost.


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