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A Christmas Hero For The Bride: A Seven Brides of Christmas Novella

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by Princeton, Elizabeth

  I lay down on the bench like I did when I was twelve and ran away from my first foster home. I hear commotion in the park but I don’t pay attention to it. I’m cold, shivering, and hungry. I have flashbacks to when I was found here by Luke.

  Six years ago…

  I can’t believe I ran. I’m so stupid, but all the noise was taking me back home where my parents are, and I can’t stand it any longer. So, when everyone was asleep, I took my bookbag from school and stuffed it with clothes. I climbed out my window and didn’t look back. Now that I’m stuck in the park, I should’ve grabbed food. My feet and legs hurt, so I decided to take a little break on a park bench. I lay down just to rest my eyes for a few minutes and then I’ll keep going.

  I’m woken up by a very bright light in my face. I can see red and blue flashing lights and a shadow walking towards me. I sit up quickly but get dizzy so I can’t run fast enough before he gets to me.

  “Hey, little lady. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m a police officer, one of the good guys,” he says gently.

  I shake my head. “Police are not good people. My dad taught me that. They are out to hurt everyone, and the one time I wanted them to help they just left me there,” I say as the tears begin to fall. I need to stop them because only babies cry.

  “Well I’m sorry you didn’t have a good experience with other officers, but I can assure you I’m one of the good ones. My name is Luke Davis, what’s yours,” he asks wiping my tears.

  “Whisper,” I mumble. Waiting to get made fun of for my name like everyone else does.

  “What a unique name, Whisper. I like it, it’s different,” he says smiling.

  I sit there and stare at him, not sure what to say.

  “Well, Whisper, do you have anywhere to go tonight,” he asks me. All I can do is shake my head. “Well, how about you come with me to the station and we can call your parents. I’m sure they are worried about you,” he offers.

  I immediately start shaking my head. I don’t want him to call my parents, plus I don’t live with them so they can’t help me anyway. “No thank you, I’m okay out here,” I say on a shiver. It’s getting chilly and I only have a light jacket on.

  He looks at me for a minute. “Okay we won’t call your parents, but I need you to come with me to the station to get you warm while I figure out where you are going to stay tonight,” he says to me.

  I think for a minute before nodding. Being out here at night is scary when you’re alone. He smiles and stands back up. We walk back to his car, and I remember thinking that this was the safest I’ve ever felt with anyone.

  I’m brought out of my thoughts by someone shaking me awake. I look up and see a guy I’ve never seen before. You can tell he’s homeless with his dirty clothes and hair. Not to mention his smell.

  “Hey pretty girl, you looking for a good time tonight,” he asks, his breath hitting me square in the face. I have to force myself to remain calm and not vomit at the stench.

  “No thank you. I’m just waiting for my uh…boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend is just running a bit behind,” I say as I sit up and scoot down the bench away from him and slowly stand.

  He’s a lot faster as he grabs my arm, the one not covered by the long sleeve of my dress. He’s holding it so tight, I know it’s going to bruise tomorrow. “You honestly think that I’m going to believe some bullshit about a boyfriend when you were clearly sound asleep on that bench. Moaning for some man named Luke. Well Luke isn’t here, but I am, and I’m going to take what I want,” he spits as I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

  His other hand rips my sleeve as he throws me to the ground. The sidewalk cuts into my thighs and arms. He comes on top of me feeling me up. That’s when I hear my savior in the background.

  “Whisper! Where are you baby, please tell me you’re here,” he yells.

  I manage to get enough air in my lungs. “Luke, help! Help me, I’ve over by the benches,” I yell back.

  I’m not sure he heard me as the homeless man’s hands start to wander up my dress to my panties. All of a sudden, he’s gone. I sit up to see Luke beating his face in.

  “Luke, please stop. I need you, please Luke,” I beg.

  Something I said must’ve sunk in because he releases the guy and runs back over to me. He picks me up off the ground and takes me to his truck. He sits me in the passenger seat and looks at me.

  “Are you okay, babe? I’d never have forgiven myself if he hurt you in any way,” he says, tears in his eyes.

  “I’m okay Luke. You got there in time,” I say as I reach up and hold his face in my non-injured hand.

  He leans into my hand as the first tear falls. I wipe it away and lean in to kiss his cheek. I’m not sure what happened next, but his lips are on mine and we are kissing like one or both of us will disappear if we stop.

  Chapter 5


  I’m so thankful she’s okay. When I heard her yelling, it took ten years off my life. Then I saw that asshole on top of her, all I saw was red. I wanted to kill him for putting his hands on what’s mine and scaring her. I brought her to my truck and next thing I know we are kissing, and it was hands down the best kiss of my life.

  She goes to wrap her arms around my neck, winces, and whimpers like she’s in pain. I pull away from the kiss.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? I thought you said you were okay,” I ask while starting to look her body over. I pull her hands down, and that’s when I notice the huge bruise on her right wrist. “What the hell happened? I’m gonna kill him,” I angrily say as I start to walk back to where I left the guy.

  “Please don’t leave me, Luke, I’m scared,” she says on a sob.

  I look at her and she’s holding herself, shivering. I’m an asshole.

  After everything that she’s been through, and I can only think about hurting some douche. I need to be taking care of her.

  “I promise, princess, I’m not going anywhere. Why don’t I take you home, you need to get some sleep,” I say to her, helping her all the way into the truck.

  I run around the front and hop in. I start her up and start driving. I take her tiny hand in mine as I drive. I’ve never been so thankful that I have an automatic truck. I look over at her and she’s fallen asleep against the passenger window.

  When I told her I was taking her home, I was telling the truth, but she’s never going back to that apartment again. She’s coming home with me and she’s never leaving. I won’t let her. I pull into my driveway and I cut the engine.

  As much as I don’t want to, I let go of her hand and get out of the truck. I walk around the front and carefully open the door. I carry her into my house and into her old bedroom. I lay her in bed and walk to my room to get her something comfortable to sleep in. I grab some boxers and one of my APD t-shirts. I walk back into her room and carefully undress her. I try not to look at her body, but it’s extremely hard not to. I see a small circular scar on her collarbone and I can tell it’s from a bullet. I have a few of them myself, so I know what they look like. I slide my shirt and boxers on her body and walk back to my room.

  I’ve been in bed for about an hour, and I can’t sleep knowing she’s in the next room. She’s finally where she belongs. I look up when I hear my door open. I look up and she’s standing in my doorway.

  “What’s the matter, baby,” I ask as I look at her. She’s looking damn good in my clothes.

  “Nothing, I woke up and couldn’t remember where I was. Then I saw the old posters you bought me and immediately knew. Why didn’t you just take me home,” she asks as she walks over to my bed.

  “I did take you home baby. This will always be your home, it always has been,” I tell her.

  “Luke, can I lay in bed with you? I hate sleeping on my own, and with everything that happened today,” she trails off.

  I lift the blankets and try not to smile. She climbs in and comes straight to my chest and lays her head on it. I tuck the blankets back down and wrap my arm around her to hold her clos
e while running my fingers up and down her back.

  “Whisper, how did you get the scar on your collarbone,” I ask her, hoping she’ll tell me.

  She tenses for a moment, but I keep rubbing her back. She finally relaxes into my touch.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Luke. I’m here now, isn’t that all that matters? It’s part of my past that I’d like to forget,” she says.

  I roll over to where she’s on her back and I’m on top of her. I hold her face in my hands and lean down to lightly kiss her.

  “Whisper, I love you. I want to take care of you. Please let me do that. I know that scar is from a bullet. I’ve had more than my share in my line of work so I know what they look like. What happened baby,” I say as I lean down to kiss her again. I internally do a fist bump when she kisses me back.

  “Are you sure you want to know? You can’t un-hear it once it’s out,” she says to me.

  “Of course, I want to know everything about you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. That’s what loving someone means,” I tell her.

  Tears start to well up in her eyes, and I can already tell that I’m not going to like what is going to come out of her beautiful mouth. I lean down and kiss her again so she knows that whatever she says won’t change how I feel about her.

  “It’s okay baby. Just tell me when you’re ready,” I tell her as I roll back over and just hold her.

  “My dad shot me,” she whispers.

  What the fuck?!

  Chapter 6


  I really don’t want to tell him this story, but I guess he’s right. I’ve loved this man for about six years. He needs to know the truth about what happened to me after I left his house.

  “When I got taken from here, the caseworker and judge thought it would be okay for me to return to my parents’ house. Things were okay for a few weeks, then it all went to hell again. Dad started drinking, and mom started her drugs again. He started hitting me and her. One night, he got super drunk and had decided she was cheating on him with her dealer. I mean, she was, but I’m not sure how he found out. He always had a gun in the house for ‘protection’,” I use air quotes on the word ‘protection’.

  “He got really mad and kept drinking. Even drinking the mouthwash because it had alcohol in it. He went and grabbed the gun. I ran for my room, but before I could make it I heard a gunshot go off and felt the most unbearable pain I have ever felt. I fell to the ground, holding onto my shoulder. I’m lucky though, a centimeter to the left and I would’ve bled to death. They say it was because he was so drunk that he didn’t aim correctly. He aimed just fine when he emptied all but one bullet into my mom, and then put one in his head,” I shiver as I retell the story.

  “My god, Whisper, had I known that was going to happen, I would’ve fought to keep you. I loved you for the time you were here. At first, it was only as a protector, but when I saw you tonight, I instantly fell in love with the woman you are now. You have grown up, Whisper, and I can’t let you go. Please say you’ll stay with me forever,” he begs me, tears rolling down his face.

  “Hey, don’t cry Luke. Everything I’ve been through since I was taken from you has led me back to you. I love you too, I always have. I’m never leaving again, I can promise you that,” I say as I lean up and kiss him.

  He kisses me back gently at first, then grows more passionate the longer the kiss goes on. He rolls on top of me and cradles my face in his hands. I wrap my arms around his torso as his tongue seeks entrance into my mouth. I open for him and moan into his mouth. He tastes like cinnamon toothpaste and something uniquely him. I squeeze him harder as the kiss grows rougher.

  He reaches down and begins to pull my shirt up and over my head, only breaking the kiss when need be, before attacking my mouth again. I reach down and grab the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head, wanting to feel his skin against mine. He pulls it off and comes back down where he’s lying on me, skin to skin. He’s warm and I’m loving the feel of his skin on mine.

  I rock my hips against him, needing the friction against my aching clit. He reaches down and massages one of my breasts. I moan and arch into his hand. He pinches and squeezes my nipple making it hard. His lips leave my mouth and make their way down my neck and to my other nipple. He licks and nips at it and I can’t help the loud moan that escapes me.

  “Fuck, Luke that feels so good. Please don’t stop,” I beg.

  His hand leaves my nipple and makes it way down my body until he hits the waistband of his boxers. He looks at me, I’m guessing waiting for permission. Nodding at him, he sinks his hands down into my/his boxers, finding my wet pussy. He slips his fingers through my slit and starts rubbing circles on my clit.

  “Mmm fuck, Luke. That feels so good,” I moan as his lips find my neck again.

  He starts rubbing faster while nibbling on my neck. Feeling the tension building, I hold onto Luke’s arms. My back arches and it’s like a rubber band snaps. My body convulses as I scream his name. I’m not sure what happened, but I’m in bliss.

  “Whisper,” he mumbles. “I want to make love to you, but after everything that happened tonight, I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” he says as he looks into my eyes.

  “Luke, I love you, please make me yours forever,” I beg, tears filling my eyes.

  He looks into my eyes, fighting with himself. His brain is telling him that he needs to hold back, but his body is telling him to take me. I can tell just by looking at him that he’s fighting with himself.

  After what seems like forever, he reaches down and takes my boxers off my body. I lean up and drag his own down as far as they will go, waiting for him to do them the rest of the way. He kicks them off and nestles himself between my legs again. Feeling his hardness, I tense. There’s no way that is going fit. I haven’t told him I’m a virgin, but I’m guessing he can read my thoughts.

  “I promise it will fit baby. So I have to ask, have you been with anyone else before?” he asks me. I shake my head no. “I’m caveman enough to admit that I love that,” he says as he thrusts fully inside me.

  I squeeze my eyes shut. Fuck that hurts. I can feel the tears run down my cheeks. Luke brings his hand up and wipes them away. “I’m so sorry baby, I just thought this was the best way. Rip it off like a band-aid ya know,” he says concerned. More tears are coming now, and he starts to pull out.

  “No, don’t please. The pain was intense at first, but it's pretty much gone now. I’m crying because I love you so much, and I never thought I’d ever have this. Never thought I’d meet the man of my dreams, and never did I once think that I’d ever see you again,” I say.

  Chapter 7


  Seeing her tears breaks my heart. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I figured if I just got it over with, it would be easier for her.

  “I love you so much Whisper. I’m never letting you go, I hope you’re okay with that,” I say as I start slowly pulling out and thrusting back in. I want to take this slow so I don’t hurt her any more than I already have.

  “I love you too, Luke. I don’t want you to ever let me go. I never want to be anywhere, but with you,” she says back.

  I start to thrust a bit harder and stronger, testing how she feels. When all she does is moan, I assume I’m good to go. Pulling out almost all the way, I thrust back into her hard. I keep going, but I can tell I’m not going to last long. Her pussy is squeezing my dick like a vise. Holding on and not letting go. I feel that familiar tingle at the base of my spine, but I don’t want to go without her again. By the sounds coming out of her, she’s not that far behind. I reach down and start rubbing circles on her clit again. Her hips are rocking against mine and she’s moaning and yelling my name.

  “Luke, oh god, I’m going to cum again! Oh shit, fuck,” she yells.

  I can’t hold off any longer, the way she’s yelling my name has me losing my shit. “Oh fuck, Whisper,” I yell as I cum inside her.

  * * *

  We are lying in
bed after the best sex I have ever had, and I’m holding her in my arms. She’s sleeping peacefully as I rub my hand up and down her back. I should be asleep, but I just can’t bring myself to lose any time with her. I want her to memorize everything about her, and I’m going to keep her here with me forever.

  Before I know it, it’s morning and my alarm blares, signaling time for me to get up and ready for work. I don’t want to, but I get up out of bed and head for the shower.

  I’m washing my body when I feel a cold breeze behind me. I smile to myself as I turn around. There stands Whisper, naked and wet in my shower. Her body is what wet dreams are made of. I reach out to pull her to me and kiss her deeply.

  “Good morning baby, I hope I didn’t wake you,” I say as I rub her backside and squeeze her ass.

  “Oh no, you didn’t wake me. I woke up because the bed felt too big and lonely without you in it,” she says.

  “I’m sorry, I sadly had to get up and get ready for work. I wish I could just stay here with you all day, but sadly the city of Atlanta doesn’t protect itself,” I say.

  “Are you still a patrol officer,” she asks.

  I forgot that the last time I saw her I was still a beat cop. I smile. “No, you’re looking at the youngest Chief of Police for the Atlanta Police Department,” I say with pride.


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