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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 19

by Anna LaVerne

  “Prince Garrik is right. Over six hundred years ago our world was separated into kingdoms like Median. We had an Elven Council, but not a High Councilman. Instead our world was ruled by a High Queen. It was always the same soul reincarnated. This soul was chosen by the Goddess herself. When the Queen would fade out the Elven Council ruled until the soul was reborn, and in each cycle she would be reborn different. Dark Elf and Light Elf would alternate. The kingdom of origin would also alternate every time. The last incarnation was a Dark Elf Queen, named Vera.” The crowd gasped.

  “Queen Vera was crowned at only thirty years old. King Talon's father, King Ramsey, had managed to gain power with the council in rule. He did not like the arrival of a new Queen. There was a battle in which our High Queen went missing never to be seen again. Until the day Prince Garrik brought her here from the Human Realm,” The voices of the crowd began to go wild again. Prince Garrik held his hand in the air and with the booming voice of a King he shouted, “Quiet!”

  Finley continued, “The Queen had been taken to the Human Realm and tortured. I found her, I was her Royal Guard. Her ears had been cut off and her soul had been torn into tatters. She was dying. Her soul was in so many pieces that she would not be able to find a body to be reborn in before fading away into nothing. So, I cut a piece of my soul off binding it to hers. Holding the Queen together like glue. I knew one day she would be reborn an elven soul in a human body. When I heard rumor of Prince Garrik request to bring a human here that he believed to possess great magic. I knew who she was and granted his request. As she stayed here her true colors began to show through, as did her memories. She is more powerful than ever before. There was another gift I did not see coming. Matching flames. Previously she lived each incarnation without a true match only her guard for companion. This time she has found a flame in both Prince Garrik, and Prince Echo. Tonight I present to the world the High Queen of the Elmora, Queen Vera!”

  The crowd didn't cheer, instead there was thoughtful silence. Finally an Elf-man stepped forward and said, “I knew it all along. I was called here to defend her and I did not know why. I pledge myself to the High Queen Vera!” He dropped to the ground bowing. The rest of the room followed one by one by one. Prince Garrik, Prince Echo, Tomilson, and High Councilman Fin followed suit. All bowing to me, and it felt right. I was no longer a questioning girl with low self esteem I was a Queen. I had spent lifetimes as a lonely monarch. Now here I am ready to rule again, not lonely any more.

  That is when I spoke, “I want to thank you all for being here and recognizing my presence. It has been a hard road as my memories have gradually came back to me. I know it will be an adjustment for all. First order of business will be for birds to be sent out announcing my arrival. A calling to arms for those who wish to stand by my side. I will ride into battle against King Talon and restore the kingdoms to their original glory. Median and Elmora will be safe once again!” This time the crowd cheered, “For tonight we celebrate the Winter Solstice! Dance, drink, and be merry! There are many wrongs that need to be righted, but tonight is not that night! Enjoy!” My words were laced with persuasion encouraging them to forget their troubles for one night. With that I turned and headed up the stairs to the sitting room feeling every bit the Queen.

  I entered the sitting room at the top of the steps. I walked over and picked up a handful of raisins popping them in my mouth all at once. I waited impatiently for my men, a couple scouts, and Finley to step inside. I gestured for my men and Finley to take a seat as I still stood. I looked directly at Finley.

  “I remember you, you fucking snake!” Finley lost his composure and began to cry. My men looked at me with bewilderment.

  “Let me tell you what this savior of mine did! He abandoned me on the battlefield. Allowed me to be captured and imprisoned. He only came to me when I was dying because it went too far. Finley wanted me reborn but not until he had secured his position as High Councilman. You betrayed me to King Ramsey. How did they block my magic Finley? HOW?!” I demanded.

  “A Fae amulet. It was an amulet. It only had to be near you not on you to work.” I looked at him disgusted and hurt.

  “Why Finley? Why? We were friends, and lovers.”

  “I wanted more. I wanted the power you had, and I wanted a flame. I didn't want to be stuck to centuries alone with you before you chose to move on. I made a deal with King Ramsey. The agreement was that he would kill you and you would be reborn. I would move up through the council and be free to find a flame, but he went too far. He took you to the Human Realm to kill so you wouldn't be reborn here. I felt your torture through my bond and knew something was wrong. When I found you I was wracked with guilt. It went too far. I didn't want you gone forever. So I cut off part of my soul which aged my body and changed my hair. I could not bring you back to our realm, so you were left to float there until your rebirth. King Ramsey then went to war with the Fae and thousands of elven lives were lost. Over the centuries we continued to lose control over the Dark Elves. King Talon killed King Ramsey as he believed his father had become soft. When really King Ramsey had begun to see reason. Our kind can not re populate like humans. King Ramsey's kingdom had grown but his numbers had shrunk. I am so sorry Vera. I was never worthy of your love.”

  “I should kill you.” as I said the words Prince Echo stepped forward pulling his sword from his scabbard to do the deed. Finley didn't even flinch.

  “I deserve that much and more, but I am still of use to you.”

  Unfortunately his words were true. I needed to know who else was with King Ramsey and if they are still alive. I needed to know if King Talon still had the amulet and how I can combat it. Most importantly I needed to know why I now have two flames and a guard. What is the Goddess playing at? Maybe it is time that I start to pray and try to listen to our creator. Why was I the soul chosen to be a lonely monarch century after century? There is so much more to the story of Queen Vera, and I will get answers. Then I will go into battle take King Talon's head from his shoulders and that of anyone who had any part in my torture. Finley's days are numbered.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  The next morning I woke first. We stayed up late last night talking with Finley. He had agreed to help me with everything. The biggest difference between now and then is I had a piece of his soul inside me. I could feel what he was feeling, and right now he is tired of living centuries in guilt. He did find his flame. I told him that I will have her brought to the castle in the morning, because he was no longer allowed to leave. I don't trust worms and Finley, my “savior,” is a worm.

  I had pulled myself out of Garrik's arms and ended up in the sitting room in my nightgown, with my sword in hand. I had brought my old human phone from Tindril. I turned on some music and put the headphones in. I tucked the phone into the hair band on my head. It took about four tries to feel secure. The music started to flow slowly it's Eminem, “Till I Collapse”. I felt my body going through the motions of drilling. The sword flowed through the air, my body tensing, moving, reveling in the sword play. The words then hit as I picked up pace.

  “'Cause sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak,

  And when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up,

  But you gotta search within you,

  And gotta find that inner strength,

  And just pull that shit out of you

  And get that motivation to not give up,

  And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna.”

  Sweat has begun to pour off my skin as I move with the music. I will not fall on my face and collapse. My eyes were closed, this was every bit as good as running. My mind was clear and I was taking control. I will no longer let anyone lead my life but me. I brought my sword down and felt it cling against another sword. It reverberate through my arm. Opening my eyes there stood Echo. Wearing his tan leather pants but nothing else. Broad shoulders and giant muscles displayed in full glory. He tipped his head and got into stance then we sparred. Music still poundin
g in my ears as I met him swing for swing.

  There was no circling of each other instead we moved in at the same time to attack with real swords. This deadly game was sexy. Everything about Echo battling me oozed sex. I wasn't weak and I wasn't going to let any man make choices for me. We needed more room I tossed a chair out of the way as Echo put his foot into the table pushing it over then we began again. I attacked. No longer was I going to be the one that waits for the move every time. I moved in on him feeling taller and larger than I was. I jumped to bring my sword down on his shoulder he side stepped me with ease. My attack didn't falter as I sprang from my crouched position on the floor. His sword hit mine hit for hit, I spun out and under his blade behind him and brought my sword back up. His sword arm reached behind him before he even fully turned. His other hand reached up grabbing my wrist. When I attempted to twist out of it he tightened his grip. His eyes were darkening in lust.

  It was hot so hot. Instead of trying to pull away again I launched myself up his big sweaty strong body. My sword still in my hand as I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. The song changed. Eminem is now playing “Lose yourself in the moment." I reached up and pulled the music from my ears to hear what Echo pulled away to say

  “Incredible. Last night you were a dream come true to me. This morning I pray my dream will never end,” He buried his head into my neck kissing me.

  “Ahem,” I rolled my eyes into the back of my head with the interruption.

  “Go away!” Echo bellowed from my neck as he pushed me into the wall.

  “You have a pretty big audience,” Tomilson, that was Tomilson's voice. I pushed Echo off of me as I slid to the floor with my sword. Looking around the room I saw all the chairs knocked over and the table moved. I also noticed two of our guards standing in the doorway looking uncomfortable. Garrik was next to Tomilson giving me another disapproving glare.

  “I was practicing and Echo joined in," I stuttered as I tried to straighten my nightgown. I turned to start picking up chairs. The guards by the door let out an audible gasp. Fuck. My night gown would show my scars on my back. I looked up at them and they turned bright red.

  “It is okay. I expect that response. We are fine here you can wait outside.” They both nodded and fought for who could get through the door quicker. Sarah wouldn't have had that reaction. I spoke up to say as much as I straightened the room and my men continued to stare.

  “I want Sarah to be my number one. She will sit with me when I am outside of my private quarters.” Garrik nodded and Tomilson added, “Good choice.”

  “So, is this what you will be doing instead of going for a run?” Garrik motioned to the room that was slowly coming back together.

  “It is all I could do right now. I don't know my way around Castle Bluff to run anywhere and you all would have lost your mind if I up and left while you slept.”

  “Wake one of us next time. We will take you to train somewhere safe that won't result in you destroying our sitting room.”

  I felt so powerful and alive fifteen minutes ago and now I am back to feeling like a little girl. The only part true about that statement was the little part. I was in no way just a girl. I told myself that as I moved on to the other topic that needed to be discussed.

  “I want to be there for all war planning. This is my war I need to be an active part in it, oh Finley will need to be in the meetings as well.” I finished trying to look as tall as I could.

  “Finley isn't trustworthy,” Tomilson said. Tom Tom wished he was the one who found me practicing in the sitting room so he could have been where Echo was. It was written all over his face. Tom Tom wanted me. I sent him an awkward but fun wink.

  “I know, but I set guards on his room last night and his flame will not be rooming with him. We did put him in a room without any secret doors right? Another benefit of me having a small part of his soul is I can tell if he lies.”

  A knock came at the door. Echo answered, and soon there were trays of food being delivered to our room. Donuts. I have been here months and this is the first elf version of the donut I had seen. I made sure my back was not visible to the staff who brought the food. As soon as they were out the door I was in my chair stuffing my face. Unfortunately there was not any coffee in Castle Bluff, but donut's were the next best thing. I knew this had to be Garrik's doing. I looked up at him with my mouth full of doughy sugary goodness and said “Thank you.” He smiled. It was obvious he was not going to stay long. Garrik sat with me while the other two Elf-men went to get dressed.

  “Things are going to change now. You will not get to stay in Median for ever.” I nodded knowing this, but I also knew I would be there often. My power of teleporting myself around the world guaranteed that.

  “I will be able to be with you frequently, Garrik. You are my husband after all, and while you are currently Prince and not King you will get to come on my travels with me. If you ever need to return I bring you back with a thought.” It all seemed to work out with ease in my head.

  “Did you know you have your own Castle? It is in Europe.” He said.

  “I remember being crowned in the Ireland area. So, yes I imagined I had one although the memory is fuzzy.”

  “We will have to travel there. You will also have to visit every kingdom's summer and winter castle's. That way in times of trouble you will be able to go to any of them as needed.” I nodded at him again.

  “Garrik, I haven't given a lot of thought to that yet. Right now my sole concern is fixing the kingdoms and righting the wrongs that were done against me. After that I will travel, and I will find a more conducive way to communicating than me traveling. You have taken indoor plumbing from the humans I am not sure why we can not also take some form of long distance communication as well? We may be able to find a way to get those dormant crystals working too. Something can be done,” I said with all seriousness.

  “Humans took indoor plumbing from us and the Fae. Castle Bluff has a crystal room as does Tindril. They have always been there, but I never knew how they were used or if they could be used without you to use them.” Garrik continued, “Let me get you dressed and we will have Finley brought to the war room. Which is directly below us, so you won't be traveling far.” He led me into our bedroom where we had a session of slow morning sex.

  I finally pulled myself out of our bed naked and went to put on clothing. In my wardrobe I had dark green wool pants and a white tunic that was long in the back and short in the front. The green pants fit like a glove. I put on a light undershirt that I tucked in before slipping into my white tunic. I put my belt around my hips with my sword. I loved it. The tunic was long and felt more like a dress at the same time giving me free access to my sword. It felt rather perfect for me. Garrik was watching me while dressing myself.

  “I would love some more outfits like these to be made. It is perfect Garrik. Thank you.” He shrugged.

  “I wish I could take credit for that one, but it is of Echo's design. He said that you would appreciate the look of a dress, but functionality for sword.” I love that Garrik was honest.

  We headed out into the sitting room where both Sir Tomilson and Echo were waiting with Sarah. They did exactly as I had asked and brought her to me.

  “Sarah! I am so glad they brought you. I want you to be my personal guard. In addition to my men that is.”

  She gave me a deep bow and said “It is my honor, my Queen.” I loved her. She is how I pictured myself had I not been born under the circumstances that I was.

  I nodded to her as Garrik went to the fireplace and pulled a lever. A super small hidden door turned inward. The men and Sarah had to duck to enter it. I barely was able to walk through without ducking and hitting my head. I figured we would be going down one story, it ended up more like six stories. I dreaded walking back up that many stairs when we were done, but then I guess I didn't HAVE to make the walk if I didn't want to.

  We entered a small room that opened into the Castle Bluff war room. It is almost i
dentical to the one in Tindril, albeit at least twice the size. In the back corner there was an arched doorway that opened to another room. In it was a very large uncut crystal sitting on a small round table surrounded by a moat of water.

  “The crystal room?” I sent to Garrik he returned a nod and then began greeting everyone who was in attendance. Rose, two scouts I had never seen before, and Finley.

  “Thank you all for coming here to discuss what is going on. I know birds were sent out to spread the message of my arrival. How do you think King Talon will respond?”

  “My Queen, my name is Ayer, I am the head scout of the Valley. If the prisoners we apprehended the other night are to be believed there is an army poised to enter Median at the Little Rock gate.” I nodded thanks then looked at Garrik.

  “Do you think it is true?”

  “Yes. I believe we can expect an army in the valley within three weeks time regardless of winter. We have sent for scouts to be sent from Tindril.”

  “Finley, is there a way I can send a message to all of the kingdoms. I know many are too far away to help at this time, but they should know prior to birds arriving that I am back.” I was hoping he would tell me how the crystal rooms worked.

  “Yes my Queen, you can do that with the Crystals. Many of the monarchs are old enough that they will know the sound of a message when it goes through.”


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