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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 20

by Anna LaVerne

  “Will the message be sent to all of each kingdoms crystal rooms ? Like Median has one at every castle and palace.”

  “Yes, my Queen. I will show you.” He knew exactly what I wanted. Finley led me into the crystal room and pointed for me to cross the small bridge over the little moat.

  “The true Queen is the only one who can awaken the crystals. Once awake the monarchs will have a limited amount of time after hearing your message to respond.” I nodded at him to continue, “It is simple, you place your hands upon the crystal. Say your message and then say send to all. In the future you can specify who you want a message sent to.” Easy peasy.

  I placed my hands upon the crystal causing the crystal to glow a purple almost the same color as Tomilson's eyes.

  “I am High Queen Vera of Elmora. I have returned after being killed in the Human Realm. I was reborn and brought back to Elmora. I am currently in the Kingdom of Median. King Talon is headed our way with troops to attack. It is a threat I am ready to face. We need to restore balance to Elmora and to do so King Talon must be defeated” I paused, “send to all kingdoms.” After I removed my hands the crystal pulsed. Then went dark.

  “How long do you think I will have to wait for a reply?” I asked everyone staring at me.

  “I suspect you should get one any moment,” As soon as Finley answered the crystal pulsed blue and released a “ding”. I chuckled hoping it would say, 'You got mail.' Garrik laughed out loud behind me. He had heard my thoughts and being the only other realm walker here is is the only one who would get the joke. Finley might have if he weren't so old.

  I touched the blue crystal and heard King Rew's voice. “I am proud of you my daughter, High Queen Vera. I am sending one hundred scouts south tomorrow. I have also doubled the watch on the two gates near Tindril and the gate near Chicago. Prince Garrik I love you be safe and guard Queen Vera with your life.” I had tears in my eyes. I loved King Rew so much for his words and acceptance of me. It did not take long before the crystal pulsed blue again.

  “The Easterly Kingdom stands with you High Queen Vera, I will be sending two hundred scouts by bus through the Human Realm to the Little Rock gate. They will arrive at Castle Bluff in three days time.” Relief poured through me. I need to message Easterly to send the troops to the Saint Louis gate due to King Talon's troops at Little Rock. I placed my hands upon the crystal. “Thank you Kingdom of Easterly. Please send troops to the Saint Louis Gate. King Talon already has troops outside Little Rock. Send to Kingdom of Easterly”

  As soon as I finished the stone pulsed blue again. “The Kingdom of Yanu stands with you High Queen Vera, We are too far to help, but know we are on your side.”

  “That is a Dark Elf Kingdom full of islands in the pacific. It is a small kingdom, but due to location a good ally to have if any war moves to the sea.” I smiled my thanks to Echo for bringing us knowledge of the Dark Elves although I suspect Finley knows all the kingdoms as well.

  The crystal went blue again. “The Kingdom of Tog stands with you High Queen Vera. We will arrive at Castle Bluff within two weeks with three hundred warriors pledged to stand with you against King Talon.” I responded to give my thanks and then turned to Garrik before answering the next reply.

  “Do we have food, space, and supplies to support that number of troops in the valley ?” Garrik nodded.

  “If anymore pledge after Tog then they can go and help Tindril or guard the other gates. We could also use more guards at the Saint Paul and New Orleans gates. Although I don't see King Talon willing to enter gates so far away. It would do him no good to give us the time we would have to prepare with his entrance. In fact your message may speed his attack. We should go on high alert.”

  I touched the the pulsing blue crystal again and again. The next three to vow allegiance and support were all Dark Elf kingdom's Congo, Mim, and Mali. Following those were some more Light Elf Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Britainia according to Finley, is the one closest to my isle which is Ireland. Ireland in Elmora is neutral land of the High Queen and also the home to the Elven Council when I am not there to rule. So, for centuries the man who betrayed me had lived in my home. It made me sick to my stomach.

  “King Talon can not over power that many kingdoms supporting me, right?”

  “He wouldn't have to. All he needs to do is take Median and kill you.” Prince Echo was the one to answer.

  “Don't you think that the other kingdoms will seek retribution?” I was taken aback that all of the kingdoms who are loyal would not want to seek retribution for my death.

  “They haven't even seen you yet, and if it is done like last time it will be more like you vanished. Most kingdoms value the health and safety of their elven kind above all other. They will retreat to their land and strengthen their walls to secure their safety.” I nodded. I did not like hearing that, but it is valid. I turn to Finley, “How many are alive that were involved in my torture?”

  “Four, you have recently met one of them. Langly. The other two are advisers for King Talon. Langly knows who you are so you can expect he has already convinced the rest. As far as I know they are still in possession of the Amulet. It will limit the gifts of anyone within it's range even the person holding it. Therefore if you find yourself in that situation you will need to rely on hand to hand combat and numbers around you.” Finley was hitting me with full honesty. I could feel it. His aged face standing out among the rest of the elves. I may be getting a soft spot for this weak man, as long as he keeps advising me with honesty.

  “What do you suggest I do?” I asked.

  “When battle comes enter the field surrounded. Don't leave anyone in your group. Train. You think your magic is limited to your own gifts and that of your flames, but it isn't. I am certain you are the most powerful incarnation yet. The most raw as well. You need to go train, I am confident that you will find you have elemental magic. Don't ask me how, because I do not know. It is just when I look down the string of my soul that is tied to you I can see so much more hidden.”

  I shook my head. “I do not have time to focus on any more secrets. I will try to train in other areas of magic today. Also, if you can look into me along our connection how did you “lose” me?”

  “I lost you until you were in a body. I knew the moment you were reborn.”

  “Why didn't you find me?”

  Finley fidgeted in his seat, “If anyone suspected who you were you would have been dead all over again. I had to flee to Median right after Langly had met you. They all know I was the one to save you now. My life is in danger every bit as yours.”

  “You will go into battle at my side. I give you a chance to earn my forgiveness. You can help me train. If you fail me and I survive then you will be stripped of everything and banished to the Human Realm as I was.” It felt harsh but fair.

  Finley nodded his agreement. “Now that these crystals are in use can anyone use them?” Finley nodded again.

  I turned to Sarah, “I need you to set shifts of eleven scouts to guard the crystal. Only allow Garrik, Echo, Tomilson, or myself to use it. All others must be turned away. There should be two guarding it at all times. If a message arrives please send for us immediately.”

  “Okay, now that I did my part it is Ayer's turn to take over. I am ready to go train magics. Tomilson, Finley, Sarah? Would you like to show me where the place to do that is?”

  “Tomilson, the lower hall might be the best place. Some of the extra stores and supplies have spilled over into it, but the majority of the space is still open and you will have the most privacy. I will join you all shortly” Garrik said.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  We left a different way from how we entered the war room. My insecurities had begun to speak to me. I am worrying about whether I am making a fool of myself or not. I feel like a Queen, but I do not know how a Queen should act. I am being a bossy lady with no clue what she is doing. I only want answers and revenge. I want revenge bad. I am hoping Finley is right that through my rebi
rth I had more than enough skills to end this war. Power is a scary thing. It feeds the ego and greed. I don't care to be all powerful. In this life all I want is for there to be peace in Elmora and to live out my life with my three men. I am fighting for the life I want. A life I never imagined I could have. I have the chance to end those who caused me the most pain and make the most of the rebirth I was given.

  My mind was reeling as we walked down a long narrow corridor until we came to another narrow staircase. I thought since we went so far down we would go up, but no we went down into the depths of the earth. The walls were damp from being within the mountain. Finally, we came to an opening that was hidden by a tapestry. Once again we traveled the back way. The corridor we entered was wide with giant arch ways and vaulted ceilings. At the center of each vaulting was a giant elf lantern light. I couldn't see the end of the hall because each light only lit up when we walked underneath it. The last light showed giant wooden doorways like in the throne room at Tindril. The doors were ajar, just enough that two people could walk in shoulder to shoulder.

  Tomilson led us in. On the left there were crates of supplies and bags on top of bags of flour, grains, nuts, and oats along with several barrels of elf-wine. The room was massive. The storage didn't even take up a quarter of it. All and all it was roughly the size of a football field. A football field with an intricately tiled floor and vaulted painted ceiling. The far right wall was tall clear glass panels that ran from the floor all the way up. On the other side of the glass was the lake. Water was gently lapping against the bottom of the windows. If they were to break this room would flood completely. In awe I walked closer to get a better look. We are standing at the base of Castle Bluff. I turned to admire the room in greater detail. Behind all the supplies was a balcony that had sweeping stairs down one side.

  “This place... defies words. Every time I think I can't be any more amazed by Elmora she surprises me.” I said still taking in all the small perfect details.

  “Wait til' you remember or you see Castle Loch. It is your home after all and it puts all others to shame. If there is anything that resembles a city in Elmora that is it.”

  “Who lives there now?” I asked.

  “Not many, the Council and those close to them. There were more but the Fae came looking for you when the war started and ran everyone out. Very few have returned. It is more like a lost city now.”

  “I am excited to make it there. I will make it there. Now how will we test magic indoors? Where is the earth?”

  Tomilson walked over to the edge of the room where there were giant flower pots. Using brute strength he tipped them over one by one. “There is a small fountain with water from the lake over in the corner. It is used for knighthood, and we can start a fire anywhere with anything. It is safer here in a stone mountain than outside with the dry tree's”

  “Valid point love. Valid point.”

  “Let us work on your earth first. What can you do?”

  “Beyond making the ground rumble and smooth the walls of earth homes, nothing.”

  “You should be able to move mountains, my Queen.”

  I found my roots and drilled them into the ground and began to focus. I moved the dirt around with ease. Formed it into shapes and then ultimately stopping when it was a perfect circle.

  “I need my music,” I focus better with my music. Tomilson knows that and Finley will see it too. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stuck the ear buds in my ears. I turn it on shuffle. The music starts as I close my eyes, Adele “Skyfall” begins to caress my ears. Perfect. I stand for a moment letting the music wash through me gathering my energy with every word.

  “This is the end

  Hold your breath and count to ten

  Feel the earth move and then

  hear my heart burst again”

  The energy is vibrating through my body urging me to release it. I start moving the dirt around the room within the wind that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I could feel deeper and deeper into the earth. It is all around me begging to be manipulated.

  “For this is the end

  I've drowned and dreamt this moment

  So overdue I owe them

  Swept away I am stolen”

  I released the earth back to the ground and allowed myself to get swept up in the music, the emotion, and the elements. The wind lifted me off the ground as a small tornado swirled around me. My entire body was vibrating with power, it was glorious. The music began to pick up again taking my magic along with it. I will stand tall as the sky falls. I reached for the water in the fountain pulling it to me as my feet sat back upon the ground. The water came to me with ease. It flowed around me as if it belonged there defying gravity floating through the air. I expanded it out mixing it with my wards. The water coated my shields as the song was coming to an end. I had realized my power. I am dangerous. I need to end too. I need to stop. I slowly pulled the water back lifting my arm willing it to land in the fountain on the wall. The water did as it was told with a giant splash. Nothing graceful about that.

  I ripped the ear buds out of my head, “That was fucking amazing!” I swirled around and screamed. When I turned the wind spun with it. Magic was all around me. I am magic. I am a being of pure energy. When I finally stopped spinning there were four men and one girl staring at me like I was an alien not their Queen. Garrik had arrived. I stepped forward, there was still a slight wind that flowed through my tunic. They all took a step backwards. It hurt. I was their friend, their lover, their flame, and their Queen and they feared me. I turned and began to run. I didn't know where I was going because I didn't even know where I was.

  I ran through a small door in the corner of the room down a narrow stone hallway. I was flying with speed. It would be hard for any of them to catch me. The elf lanterns lit as I came close and then off again after I had passed. I turned corner after corner until I ran into a very small door. It is locked. I pushed hard with the wind breaking the door off of its hinges. I was free on the jagged rocky coast of the brilliant blue lake. I never asked if the lake had a name. Everything deserves a name. Names are power. Vera means faith. Faith in myself? Faith in others? Or the faith others have in me? I paused looking out over the water.

  “Vera!” I heard someone yell down the hall. Echo. That was Echo not Garrik. Garrik should have came after me not Echo. I never expected Garrik to flinch after seeing me. I took off running over the rocks with more agility than my body had ever experienced. I felt when he came through the door and I took off out onto the water. I was running on water. I stopped when I was far enough out. It was cold. I could feel the freezing water as it splashed above my boots. The water didn't bother me. What bothered me are those who are supposed to love me beyond all yet showing fear of me the moment I felt like myself. The moment that I knew I was no longer pretending off of memories. The moment that I knew what I was. Energy. I didn't have any more questions of who I am. I know I had questioned myself before as I had glimpses of the Queen I was and the Queen I would become. Now I know there is so much more to being this Queen. The High Queen. I am set apart from all other elves some how and that is how it is meant to be.

  “Vera! Please!” I turned to see Echo standing on the edge of the water. It is too cold, I know he couldn't come out here to get me. I debate continuing my walk to the far side of the lake.

  I took in my big strong Prince Echo. His spirit was akin to mine. We are both fighters. I wasn't ready to go back. I didn't want to face the rest of them. Echo began to remove his tunic. I shook my head no it is too cold for him.

  “Stop!” I yelled over the wind and started my walk back to the shore.

  “Don't.” I yelled as I saw him unbuttoning his pants. I picked up speed and jogged across the water to my Echo. When I came within arms reach over the water he grabbed me pulling me into his warm embrace.

  “I would swim across a thousand frozen lakes before I let you run from me, my sweetling.” Echo's words caressed my body.

��Everyone is scared of me. I felt their fear. Before I knew it I was sobbing into his chest. I still felt every bit the magical Queen, but I hurt. My soul hurt. The ones who loved me hurt me. It is the cycle of my life.

  “Vera, they had never looked upon a Goddess before. You startled them”

  “I am not a Goddess, Echo. I am the High Queen.”

  “You are so much more, Vera. You are my Goddess and no amount of power will scare me away.”

  Echo carried me down hallway after hallway and up flight after flights of stairs. I still have no idea how he found his way back to our rooms. I am not sure if he even knew where he was going until he found a main hall. There were two guards stationed outside. They moved to let us in.

  Garrik, Tomilson, and Sarah were in there waiting. I buried my head into Echo's chest to hide my tear streaked face from them. I realize I may have all the power in the world, but I am fragile. I have been broken into a million pieces and glued back together again. I am still reforming. I am finding parts of myself the old me had forgotten about through the centuries. I need my men. I need them all in. At least right now I have Echo. Echo has yet to waiver.

  He carried me into the room set me down. I was still in shell shock. I was trying not to be a baby but emotions were warring inside my body. I needed to calm I just couldn't. I let out a wrecking sob and felt the entire Castle Bluff rumble.

  “You have to pull it in my sweet Goddess.” Echo whispered in my ear. “Cry, let it out the emotions but keep the magic here.” He had his massive hand opened over my belly. He is right. I nodded as the tears kept coming. He took me out of my clothing, I was numb to the experience only moving my body enough to assist him. He brought me a white satin night gown putting it over my head then lifted me carrying me a few feet to the bed. Laid me down and covered me up. Moments later I felt him climb into bed next to me to hold me tight. I cried and cried some more soaking the pillow and his shirt. I buried myself as deep as I could into his dark chest. I felt as if I was being hugged by the mountain itself it was comforting and safe. I cried my last tear while my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.


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