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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 8

by Judy Carroll

  “Oh, yes, please let me come on board!” I begged. “And no, I’ll be fine. I'm on holidays from school for the next few weeks, so that’ll make it easier!”

  “Right, then,” said Maris, standing up and straightening his long, black cape. “I’ll organize getting the implant done very soon. See you tonight, then.”

  True to his word, that night Maris again appeared in the corner of my room, indicating for me to follow him. Down the hallway and through the kitchen we went, with me having to almost run to keep up with his long strides — after all, being an Elder, he’s nearly eight feet tall. When we came to the door of the house, my jaw dropped in amazement as Maris passed straight through it without a backward glance.

  Figuring that, as a Guardian, I too would be able to do such a thing, I stepped forward… and walked straight into the unyielding wooden surface, giving myself an awful shock.

  “Come on, Alarca, stop dawdling about,” said Maris, sticking his head back in through the closed door. “The disc won’t wait all night for us. We have only a few minutes to get on board.”

  “It’s not my fault,” I grumbled. “I tried to go through after you but I can’t. I am in an Earth human body you know!” I added for good measure.

  “Oops, sorry!” he apologized. “I forgot. Hang on, I’ll give you a hand.”

  So saying, he touched the knob on the door, which opened with a soft click, and the next moment we were standing side by side in the back garden. Again he touched the knob, and the door closed behind us.

  I turned to him with a worried look. “Maris, what if my parents notice I’m gone, or that the door is unlocked?”

  His mouth did not move, and his face registered no physical expression, but his huge, black eyes danced with amusement as he replied, “It’s all right, Alarca. They will not know you are gone, and be assured that the door is firmly locked behind us.”

  Feeling confused and a bit scared, I followed along as he strode briskly down the garden path. Then I noticed something else very peculiar — a strong wind was blowing, but I could not feel it! My head was bursting with a million questions, but I didn’t know where to even start, so I just kept walking silently after him.

  He came to a halt about 50 yards from the house, stopping so suddenly that I almost walked into him.

  “We should see it any second now,” he said, then, “Ah, here it is!”

  I turned to look into the darkness, and there before us appeared a large “blob” of shining white light almost almond shaped, but more rounded. As my eyes adjusted, I could see different colored lights around the perimeter. It was not until we came closer that I could see that the “light” was actually a huge, metallic disc. In fact “huge” wasn’t the word for it — it was gigantic, but the weird thing was, it seemed to be parked quite comfortably in our back yard, which was large but certainly not as large as this disc appeared to be.

  Then I noticed the outline of two doorways on its side that were in the shape of an archway. One was very high, at least nine feet, and the other was much lower, at about the height of my waist, and this small one fitted inside the large one. As my Teacher stepped forward, both large and small doors slid upward in a smooth and silent movement, and it was as if the front of the disc melted to form a ramp. For a few seconds I was rooted to the spot in shock, and then had to run to catch up with him, feeling trepidation at the thought of following him in, but even deeper concern at being left out on my own.

  Passing through the open doorway into the disc, I found myself moving through a gooey substance of about 12 inches in thickness. It sparkled and shimmered with a pinkish-silver light that rippled like water but felt like jelly. It was a color I’d never seen before, and was so beautiful that I wished I could have stayed there looking at it all night. Closing my eyes and holding my breath as I walked through, the sensation was warm and tingly, and quite pleasant. Passing through it felt wet, but as I stepped out on the other side I found myself perfectly dry. And then I was filled with a feeling of incredible upliftment and joy — pure bliss such as I’d never experienced before — and with it came a sense of freshness, healing, renewal, and deep, boundless love.

  We then entered what appeared to be an office area in which there were a number of gray beings with the same large, dark eyes as Maris. Some of them were very short, about three feet in height, and some taller ones, up to about five feet. They were either sitting at desks, writing on “paper” that looked like canvas, with strange-looking “pens” that had a yellowish-white light coming out of where the nib should have been, or else interacting with a bank of computers which lined one wall. Still others were simply standing about communicating with each other telepathically, or in a strange form of speech that resembled the clicking sounds of dolphins, and one or two were eating something from what looked like toothpaste tubes. They all turned their heads in astonishment as we passed through, obviously surprised at seeing an Earth human in their midst.

  Then something suddenly occurred to me. “Maris!” I called, halting my Teacher in mid-stride. “Will you please explain something to me? Why am I in human form and not in a gray body? I am totally confused. Things are happening too quickly for me. I don’t understand, and I’m scared.”

  The determined, no-nonsense, work-to-be-done expression on my Teacher’s face softened. He walked back to where I was standing and placed a large hand on my shoulder. “Come, Alarca. We’ll go to my office, where we can communicate more privately.”

  So saying, he guided me through one of the many doorways leading out of the main office area, all of them being similar to the double doorway we had passed through to enter the disc, and into a quiet and very pleasant but sparsely furnished room.

  A large console with a chair in front of it took up one corner, and to the left was a computer, similar to those in the main office. Much to my amazement, this computer seemed to react as Maris entered the room. A distinct feeling of welcome emanated from it, and Maris reciprocated by going over and touching its screen with the palm of his hand. It was as if it were alive with sentient consciousness, greeting him on his return to the disc. I felt something… a thought… or was it an emotion… that reached out towards me also, gently touching the very edge of my mind. As this happened, a light began flickering on the computer screen that seemed somehow connected to this feeling that I was experiencing. Maris looked at the computer and then at me. “You see, Alarca! Your presence has been sorely missed by everyone on board. Here, come and sit down and we’ll talk.”

  At first I looked around in puzzlement because the only chair seemed to be the one behind the desk in which Maris was already sitting, but as soon as I thought of needing a chair, one formed from the wall as if by magic.

  “Oh, dear, you really have forgotten what it is to be a member of the Guardian consciousness, haven’t you!” he chuckled. “Don’t you remember how our computers have sentient consciousness that is linked directly into our minds and how the disc itself is tuned into our essence to provide everything we require? It’s all right,” he went on, amusement still glinting in his eyes, “sit down, the chair won’t disappear from under you. Or at least I hope not,” he added. “If it’s in a playful mood strange things can happen!

  “Now, Alarca, the fact that here in our higher energy frequency your conscious awareness is still expressing itself in Earth Human form tells me you have still not quite integrated the reality of who and what you truly are into the parameters of your mind. This is understandable, because up until this point in your present life you have only been able to consciously access a very limited amount of the full soul memory that is potentially available in your DNA. Now that fully awakened contact has been re-established between us, you will be able to download a greater expanse of soul consciousness which in turn will enable you to express yourself more easily as one of us. However, this does not mean that you cannot carry out certain duties — in fact, your being in Earth Human form is a distinct advantage in the work I have planned for toni

  “W-why, w-what sort of work do you want me to do?” I asked with some trepidation, not sure whether I felt excited or terrified at the prospect.

  “Well,” Maris sighed, “I really do need your help. For example, one of the jobs on my schedule is a visit to a young Russian boy who badly needs our healing, but every time I try to approach him, he becomes quite hysterical with fear. I suppose I could shape-shift and appear in Earth human or angelic form to reassure him, but really and truly, it’s time people started accepting us as we are. I thought perhaps if you came with me, dressed as you are as an Earthling, and showed him that you weren’t afraid of me, then he too will feel better about my presence. I’ve tried sending some of the little workers to him, but even they frighten him badly, and we must visit him, as he is very ill and in need of our help.”

  “B-but Russia?” I stammered, totally taken aback. “H-how can I go to Russia? It’s on the other side of the world! What will my parents think when they find me gone? Maris, I can’t!”

  “Alarca, Alarca, you are a Guardian! We’re on the disc! We’ll be there and back before you know it. Don’t you remember? The disc is also a time machine. We can visit the young boy in Russia, get you fitted out with your implant, and have you home safe and sound in bed before your parents even wake up, so don’t worry. Please trust me!”

  I couldn’t help sighing in frustration and bewilderment. I’d forgotten so much! Of course, we Guardians could do this.

  “Okay Maris,” I agreed, “anything you say. You’re the boss.”

  He reached over and patted me affectionately on the cheek.

  “Come on then, Alarca, we have work to do. Russia first, then your implant. Off we go!”


  Chapter 10 Assistant to Angels

  Maris led me out of his office by another door, and down a long, dark passageway with a bright light at the end.

  “Oh, no!” I cried in alarm, jumping back. “This is how people describe dying — going down a long, dark tunnel towards a bright light! I don’t want to die!”

  If he’d been in Earth human form, Maris would have rolled his eyes up to heaven, but being in a gray container he couldn’t manage that, so both hands raised in eloquent supplication had to suffice, underlined by a slow shaking of the head from side to side. “Alarca, Alarca, Alarca! You are not dying but simply moving from one dimension to another. Although come to think of it, that is really all that so-called ‘dying’ is. But no, you are not dying. Don’t be so silly.”

  By this time we’d reached the light at the end of the passage, and again I experienced the jelly-water sensation as we passed through, only this time it was about three feet in thickness. Of course! Now I remembered. That was what it felt like to move through dimensions. My goodness, Maris was right. I was silly! Fancy a Guardian forgetting something simple like that.

  In no time at all we stepped through the portal and found ourselves in a very small bedroom, containing even less furniture than Maris’s office. Directly in front of us was an old, old bed which had definitely seen better days: one corner was now propped up with a wooden crate where a leg had broken off. Another matching wooden crate served as a bedside table, and in the corner stood a shabby-looking chair with a torn and patched cushion, over which a couple of threadbare items of clothing were carelessly thrown. This, I guessed, was the only “wardrobe.”

  What struck me very forcibly as soon as it registered in my mind was the energy in the room. It was so heavy that without thinking I recoiled, stepping backwards onto poor Maris in the process. He grabbed hold to steady me, and immediately his beautiful, healing energy surrounded both of us like a mantle of protection. Then a huddled form on the bed stirred, and I found myself face to face with a blond-haired boy of about my own age — or perhaps he was older. It was hard to tell because he looked so ill and thin.

  His gaze lingered on me for a split second, then widened in horror at the sight of the tall, black-clad being who stood behind me. He began to scream, but the sound died in his throat as I felt something pass through me, directed towards him from Maris, who had paralyzed him to stop him moving or calling out, as he’d done to me on that first occasion of our meeting.

  “Alarca, please!” His voice rang in my head with urgency and desperation. “Talk to him. Try to get him to understand that I am only here to help, not to hurt him. I can’t get through to him.”

  Holding my hands out in as reassuring a gesture as I could, I slowly approached the boy. “It’s all right,” I said, speaking gently and smiling. “Please don’t be afraid. I promise he won’t hurt you. You are not very well, and we are here to help you. Look at me; I’m not afraid of him. I know he looks scary, but really, he won’t hurt you.”

  “W-who are you?” the boy cried in terror, his voice suddenly restored. “W-what is he? What does he want? He’s so horrible! Please make him go away!”

  With a shock I realized that I was understanding and speaking fluent Russian — at least that’s what I assumed the language to be, because that was where Maris had said we were going. Talk about “speaking in tongues”! Wow! I knew very well that the boy would not relax while Maris was present, so I turned to him and communicated telepathically: “Maris, can you please just go away, or at least make yourself invisible for a while. He is absolutely petrified of the way you look.”

  A flicker of deep, unspeakable sadness came into my Teacher’s eyes, and for a second I really thought he was going to cry. “All right,” he agreed, quickly mastering his emotions. “I’ll just shift my frequency up a notch or two so I’ll be here if you need me, but he won’t be able to see me.”

  The next second he was gone, and I experienced a flutter of fear. What if he left and didn’t come back? I’d be stuck here, unable to get home.

  “It’s all right, Alarca,” his voice telepathed in my mind. “I’m still here. I won’t leave you stranded. Just get on with the job.”

  “Look,” I said, turning my attention back to the boy. “There really is nothing to be afraid of. His name is Maris, and he belongs to a race of beings who are sort of like caretakers of the human race of Earth. He knows you’re sick and that you need help. He truly won’t hurt you, I promise. He is a good friend of mine, and if you could just let him help, you’ll soon be feeling much better.”

  “What are you then?” the boy wanted to know. “The way you just appeared in my room — are you a ghost? Or an angel?”

  “No,” I answered, “not an angel, just an assistant to the Angels, as my friend Maris is.”

  “But you’re different. You look human, he doesn’t! How come?”

  “Oh, God!” I thought to myself. “I don’t know the answer to this question either! Maris, help me!”

  The telepathic voice of my Teacher resonated in my mind with words of explanation, which I in turn conveyed to the boy: “We can take any form we want to, but we’re trying to get Earth humans used to the idea that they are not the only human beings inhabiting the universe. We are also trying to teach them that they should not be scared of someone just because they don’t look like what people down here think of as ‘beautiful.’”

  I then added my own words, hoping that Maris was listening: “You think that my friend looks horrible and frightening and ugly, but to me he looks fine. It isn’t what is on the outside of a person that counts, but rather what is on the inside, and inside he is kind and good! Do you understand what I am saying?”

  “Yes, I suppose so,” he answered, “but he still scares me.”

  “Please,” I said to him, “just let him come back, and try not to be scared. I’ll stay right here beside you, and if you can only look past his outer appearance you’ll see what I mean.”

  The next moment Maris appeared beside me. The boy shrank back, but I could see he was trying hard not to panic. Maris again communicated to me telepathically: “Tell him to lie back on the bed and to just relax. I'm going to place my hands on his ankles, so I can channel healing energy into
many different parts of his body at once. Ideally I should work on his throat area as well, but that will frighten him too much. Please, Alarca, explain to him what I’m going to do.”

  I conveyed his message, and the boy reluctantly obeyed, agreeing to cooperate as long as I stayed close by, holding his hand. He flinched in horror as Maris’s strange, four-fingered gray hands closed gently around his ankles, but I could both feel and see the healing energy begin to flow, though I was only in contact with it indirectly through his hand in mine. He soon relaxed, and after five minutes his cheeks were glowing with a far healthier color than before, and his breath, which had been rasping with difficulty, was now clearer and easier.

  “There now,” I said to him as Maris withdrew his hands, “doesn’t that feel better?”

  “Well, yes, it does,” he answered grudgingly, “but if he has to come back again, please will you come with him?”

  I squeezed his hand to reassure him, then stood up as Maris reached out to guide me back through the time/space portal which would return us safely to the disc.

  “Now do you see and understand what we are up against?” he said, shaking his head in frustration. “The Earth humans are so much in need of our help, caught up as they are in separation and divisiveness, and lagging behind in soul evolution, but approaching them is almost impossible! To their way of thinking outer appearance is everything, and in their eyes we are nothing but ugly monsters. They would much prefer to listen to some of the questionable entities of their own astral realm who often take on an outer appearance of ‘angelic beings,’ or ‘Spiritual Masters,’ and then proceed to interfere in areas where they have no business, and cause all sorts of problems! It is so frustrating.


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