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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 9

by Judy Carroll

  “Well now, Alarca,” he said, visibly pulling himself together and putting the unpleasant experience of the boy’s negative reaction behind him. “Let’s get this implant done so you can come on board the disc without my assistance. It may also make it easier for you to integrate the fact that you are one of us, and restore some of your understanding by raising your vibrational frequency to a higher octave. Come along, let’s go to the clinic.”

  Following along behind, it seemed to me that the disc had literally miles and miles of corridors. They were of a dark color, but as we moved along they automatically lit up. At one point Maris stopped to talk to another Elder, so I took the opportunity to feel the wall. It was soft and pliable, and pulsing slightly under my hand, almost as if it were alive, and in fact, when I tried prodding it with my finger, words telepathed into my mind: “Careful please! Not too hard!” I jumped in alarm, realizing that yes indeed, the whole huge disc was actually a living, sentient organism.

  Maris picked up on my thoughts. “Yes, Alarca, surely you remember that! The ‘Workshop’ is indeed sentient, and intimately linked with the essence of our being. It provides everything we need for our day-to-day living requirements. Try reaching it again.”

  I did and felt a most amazing sensation pass through my body. It was a feeling of being “mothered” and nurtured at a very deep level. My Teacher saw the look on my face and smiled gently.

  “Indeed, Alarca, you have missed that feeling, living in the human world, haven’t you?”

  “Well, of course my parents love me and care for me deeply, as I love and care for them,” I replied, “but this is different again. It is what I suppose living in a giant womb would be like. Yes, Maris, you are right — I have missed it badly, but until now, I have had no way of knowing what it was that I was missing. Oh, God, it’s good to be home!”

  Placing a gentle hand on my shoulder, Maris guided me into a very sterile-looking room with smooth white surfaces on the floor, walls and domed ceiling.

  It was rather strange in that there were no corners or angles anywhere — everything was rounded and molded, and “flowing.” In the center were half a dozen metal benches that made me think of operating tables, because they had some sort of apparatus under them that would allow them to be raised or lowered depending upon what was required. Strange equipment lined every wall, and computer screens flickered with weird symbols.

  Oh, my goodness, yes! I knew this room all right! How many countless hours had I spent in here, working on the humans we brought on board? Now it was my turn to have a procedure carried out on me.

  “Oh, well!” I thought to myself, “Here goes!”

  Hopping onto the nearest table, I lay back and closed my eyes, and soon found myself surrounded by a group of six workers.

  “Alarca, it’s good to see you again! Welcome aboard!”

  I immediately recognized the energy frequency of my good friend Entil, who had been with me when our disc crashed. He must have taken the easy way out and reincarnated back with our own people instead of taking Earth human form as I had done.

  “Hey, Entil!” I grinned. “What the heck are you doing back with the Realm? You should’ve been reborn as a human!”

  “What’s it like being an Earth human?” one of the other workers asked. “Coming up through the first three levels, I’ve been Pleiadian heaven knows how many times, and I’ve had several lives in the Sirius System and at least two Arcturian lives, but not a single one on Earth.”

  “It must be fun getting to eat all those different foods instead of just boring paste in tubes,” another piped up. “And riding on skateboards!” he added wistfully.

  “How do you know about those?” I asked, fascinated.

  “Through the TV monitors and implants of course!” he replied, completely amazed that I’d forgotten so much. “You know, the way we can pick up all the TV and radio stations on Planet Earth, and link into exactly what humans are experiencing through the biofeedback implants. Not that we can always understand the data that comes through, mind you. A lot of it is totally puzzling.”

  “Hey, Alarca,” said Entil, “I just had a thought. Maybe you can help us there. For example, what in the name of Oneness is the idea behind all this ‘sport stuff’ that Earth humans go on and on about endlessly? It seems to be a major part of their lives, but we can make neither head nor tail of it. We watch a puzzling thing called ‘football’ on the TV, and even more puzzling things called ‘cricket,’ and ‘golf,’ then we tune in to the biofeedback implants that some of the humans carry, and we almost get knocked head over heels with all the emotion pouring out of them. They seem to do these things for enjoyment, but their emotions aren’t happy ones. We don’t understand what or why it is. Do you know?”

  “Well, to tell you the honest truth,” I chuckled, “I don’t really understand all of that either, even though I live there, but I wouldn’t dare tell the humans that. The whole idea behind sport is to win, whether as an individual or as a team, depending upon what sport it is. Sport is competition, competing against another person or team to prove you are superior to them.”

  “But why?” another small worker wanted to know. “Why do you need to prove you are superior to another? If everyone worked together as we do, so much more could be achieved.”

  “It’s just the way Earth humans are,” I patiently explained. “Playing sport is what Earth humans call ‘fun’ and ‘relaxation,’ as opposed to work.”

  “But that’s not what the data from the biofeedback implants conveys to us,” she replied. “Through them we sense huge amounts of tension, aggression, stress and even anger and jealousy to the point of wanting to injure fellow beings. And it is nearly always just to get hold of that silly little ball thing,” she continued in total puzzlement.

  “I know!” said another worker who up until now had been listening in silence. “Why don’t they give every sport player their own ball thing, then they wouldn’t have to fight each other over it? Surely ball things are not that expensive and rare. Why don’t you suggest that when you go back Alarca? That is a brilliant idea!”

  “Please, can you all just get on with giving me my implant?” I sighed, lying back, closing my eyes and giving the whole thing up as a bad job. “And remember,” I added, “it’s an interdimensional key implant I’m here for, not a biofeedback one. Knowing you lot I’ve probably been fitted out with half a dozen of those already!”

  “A lot of help you are,” said Entil, grabbing my head and holding it in a vice-like grip as a taller worker by the name of Zogar approached, wielding a formidable-looking needle of about eight inches in length with a crystal on the end corresponding in color to my Teacher’s feather and hatband.

  “Ow — ouch! That hurts! Pull it out! Pull it out!” I yelled in pain as the needle was plunged into the chakra point on my forehead, while amazingly strong hands held me down to keep me from moving.

  “It’s okay, Alarca — all done,” said Entil, patting me affectionately on the shoulder. “Just relax. There now, it wasn’t that bad, was it?”

  “Biological human bodies,” I replied, gritting my teeth, “register a hell of a lot more pain than gray containers!”

  “There, now, Alarca, see?” said Zogar in a cheerily placating voice. “This is where you are of such immense value to us. I didn’t know that! Did you know that, Entil? Or anyone else? No? See, I’ll bet even Maris didn’t know that. No, look, he didn’t either. Fancy that. See how we’re learning new things all the time?”

  “Oh, shut up!” I glared at him.

  I awoke the next morning safe and sound in bed, but with a clear memory of the night’s events. Just to be absolutely certain it hadn’t all been a dream I went straight away to check in the mirror. Sure enough, there it was: a small, crescent-shaped mark on my brow chakra, small enough to be unnoticeable unless you were specifically looking for it, but there nevertheless. I also clearly recalled Maris bringing me home and then waiting beside me until I fell asleep.r />
  It was still early, not quite 6:30, so I went back to bed to give myself a chance to think things through. Amazing as it all was, it certainly answered a lot of questions that had haunted me for so long. But now more questions arose in my mind. What was I supposed to do with this new-found awareness of who and what I was? And would I be able to live the rest of my life this way, virtually juggling a double identity, or would it clash too much with my day-to-day human life? Also, and this worried me more than anything, who in the name of heaven could I talk to about this? To keep it totally to myself would be very difficult, in fact almost impossible. It was just too big and would make me crazy in the end.

  I thought of how my family would take it if I spoke out about my dual identity. I loved my parents dearly, and I knew perfectly well that my love was fully reciprocated, but the idea of telling them such a thing did not feel right. Even if they could understand — it would cause them worry and concern, which was the last thing I wanted for them. Now I finally understood what Mara had meant when she spoke of my path not being easy, and the burden of responsibility weighing heavily upon me.

  Then a light went on in my head — Mara! Of course! She was the one to confide in. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this was why she’d been brought into my life. The whole thing had been carefully orchestrated, probably by Maris, who, in his greater wisdom knew I would never manage human life on my own, having no one with whom to share my deepest secret. The burden of the knowledge of my dual identity would be far too heavy to carry all on my own. I sent a silent message of thanks to him for bringing Mara into my life, and also for the timing of the revelation. With several weeks of school holidays ahead, I’d have the chance to adjust to my new situation.

  I also recalled him saying something about classes on the disc that I would have to attend. This made me think of a Greek boy in my class at school, who was also made to attend Greek School every Saturday morning. We all felt so sorry for him having to do this extra-curricular study on top of normal school work. Would I have to attend “Guardian School” on board the disc? Oh, God, no, not more school! Surely not! However, with enough on my mind for now, I put that worry firmly aside and instead turned my attention to Mara, and how to approach the subject of my ET identity with her.


  Chapter 11 Mara

  “Mara, can I please talk to you?” I called, as she looked up from the large pot she was stirring over the open fire. I put off my visit until late afternoon, when I knew Paco would not be there. He was busy earning holiday money by looking after some horses on a nearby property while their owners were away. For Paco this was the closest thing to heaven on Earth, as he’d been given permission to ride them as well as seeing to their feed and water. Horse riding was his very favorite pastime, so I knew he’d be well and truly occupied and out of the way.

  “Ali, come child, sit over here and make yourself comfortable,” she smiled, indicating a convenient log close to where she was working. “I hope you haven’t come to see Paco, because he isn’t here. He is off with his precious horses. Takes after his father, he does. My son had such a gift with horses. A real true Romany gift. He could work magic with them.”

  “No, Mara,” I reassured her, “it’s not Paco I came to see, but you. In fact that is why I’ve come now, so Paco wouldn’t be here. I need to talk to you on your own, in private. You see, it’s about Maris, the teacher in spirit that you told me about who would be contacting me soon. Well, he did, and it’s just amazing!”

  “Oh ho,” said Mara with a twinkle in her eye, “And what did he have to tell you, child?”

  “Oh, Mara! I hardly know where to begin!” Now that the time had come to share my secret, I really didn’t know where to start. It was all too much.

  “Just take your time, Ali. Paco won’t be back for ages. Tell me, what does your teacher look like?”

  “He — he’s not human,” I stammered, not quite knowing what reaction to expect, but deciding on the spur of the moment to plunge in. “But — I’m not either! Mara, I’m one of them! The Guardians I mean, but I’m here in physical human form to carry out work, and now Maris wants me to work up there too, on the disc!”

  Now that the flood-gates were open, the words tumbled out of my mouth as I told her of everything that had taken place over the past two nights — the initial appearance of Maris in my room, the Russian boy, my reunion with old friends on board the disc, and my implant. Mara leaned forward to closely examine the mark on my forehead. “Tell me, Ali,” she enquired thoughtfully, “how do you feel about all this?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Confused I suppose, more than anything, but sad too. Mara, I didn’t want to come with Maris when he brought me back! I wanted to stay on the disc with the others, and now I feel so lost and lonely.”

  As I put into words what was inside, the pent-up emotion of the whole situation suddenly hit me, and I began to cry.

  “Oh, Mara, I feel as if I don’t belong here anymore! As a Guardian up there on the disc I know where my work lies, but down here I’m only a child! What is the good of me being here as a human? I felt it the most when we were visiting the boy in Russia. He was so frightened of Maris. He could only see him as a terrible ‘alien being’ who was there to hurt him, whereas I’d felt the love right from the beginning. It was so frustrating!

  “I felt bad that we were the ones to cause such fear in a human heart, but I also saw how our healing helped him. It’s like I’m being torn in two. I just want to go home to my own people!”

  Mara reached out to put her arms around me. “Hush little one. Don’t cry. You cannot stay on the disc. Your work is here, on this planet. You must learn from the Romany way. Why do you think we travel endlessly from place to place, never able to settle, always being moved on? We have no home on this planet either, but we have no choice, we must remain, so we adapt. This is the secret behind our continuing existence upon the Earth plane. We adapt easily and are not rigid and set in our ways. We fit in wherever we find ourselves and in this way we are at home, no matter where we are.

  “Do you not recall me telling you that you have chosen to carry a heavy burden, and that your way would not be easy? You cannot turn back now, you must go on. Listen and I will explain your role upon this planet in a way that will help you to understand why you have chosen to be here and why you must remain.

  “If, as sometimes happens, one of our people becomes lost in the forest, we light a fire to show them the way safely back to camp. Upon it we place fragrant herbs and pine cones so that the familiar scent will reach out to them to guide their footsteps homeward.

  “Once you reach a certain stage in your spiritual evolution, you also must light a guiding fire fueled with the wisdom which you have acquired throughout your many incarnations. It begins as a tiny spark of knowing deep within your heart, which over the span of many lives slowly ignites and glows with the warm light of your spirit. It is then fanned by the gentle breeze of trust, and made fragrant by the sweet perfume of love. It shines forth like a beacon-fire to light the way for those lost in the dark and shadowy forest of ignorance, giving them comfort, and helping and guiding their footsteps back onto the path of true knowledge.

  “You tell me of the sadness you feel, and the sense of being torn in two when you hear of the terrible fear humans experience in their encounters with the so-called aliens. You have been there, but because of your deeper understanding of the truth of the situation, have felt only the love. Who better than one such as you, to someday bridge the gap, the bottomless chasm of misunderstanding and misplaced fear? That, my child, is where much of your work lies.”

  “But Mara, how can I do this?” I cried. “How?”

  “Ali,” she answered gently, “you start right where you are now, by understanding clearly who and what you are, and learning to bridge the gap within yourself by balancing and harmonizing the two sides of your being, the Guardian and the human. Then one day you will be a healer and a teacher y
ourself, helping the humans to harmonize and balance their energies so that eventually they too will be able to take back spiritual responsibility for themselves by reconnecting with their own Higher Selves from which they have been separated through the Fall of Man.

  “Now you understand! You are a Guardian, a Spiritual Warrior, one of those whom the humans in their forgetfulness call ‘alien.’ That is what I meant when I told you we are old friends from way back, and why I have been prompted to teach you and restore your heritage to you. This is the sacred work our people have carried out upon the Earth Plane in ages past, and it is for this reason that you must conduct your life as a living example of love, harmony and balance. It is the only way the human children can truly learn — by following the example set by their ‘parents.’ This is our sacred duty.

  “The energies of the Earth humans must be raised from the vibration of fear and forgetfulness in which they have been trapped for so long, back to a state of love and deeper understanding, for that is the only path home for them. Like the prodigal son they have strayed far, but now it is time for them to turn their weary footsteps back to Oneness. In order for them to do this they must be re-aligned with the energy frequency of love, or that which they call ‘God.’ Remember me telling you how long we’ve waited for our Guardian family to return to the physical plane, and it has taken much patience and perseverance, but at last you are here.

  “This coming has been foretold by tribal people the world over! Have faith, my dear friend, all will be well! The time has now come to assist the human race of Earth to step from human-hood to Godhood — to restore their lost heritage to them by re-kindling the spark of divine consciousness within their hearts, which will enable them to reunite with the Great Oneness — their true home.”


  Chapter 12 Earth 101


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