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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 28

by Judy Carroll

  “What was it?” Asara asked. “I love jokes!”

  “Well,” I began, trying to recall the opening line, “it seems there were these two, umm, Earthlings, Pat and Mick, and ….”

  At that point I was rudely interrupted by Ashka’s elbow making hard and pointy contact with the side of my body. “Shhh! Tell us later — he’s back!”

  Sure enough, Maris was up on the podium, effectively silencing the auditorium with a meaningful glare from his huge, black eyes. Funny that, how one Guardian Elder can, with a single, sweeping glance, bring the entire Star Nations Council into line.

  “Now,” my venerable Teacher began, “we come to the crux of the problem we are facing. As you are all no doubt aware, Planet Earth, as beautiful as she is, is a planet of war, the basis of which is this fear and ego of which I spoke earlier.

  “Too many Earth humans still tend to be a fearful and ego-driven species — particularly among their leaders who, after all, are representative of the mass consciousness of whichever country they lead. It is this fear and ego that gives rise to all the contributing factors that result in chaos and divisiveness — microcosmically within family units, and macrocosmically in the many senseless wars that have ravaged this planet over the span of millennia. Fear and ego have caused greed, envy and jealousy, and the need to dominate and control — to impose one’s beliefs and culture onto others, whether they want it or not.

  “Why, they have even tried to dominate and control Nature herself! And this also causes them to experience fear and a deep sense of guilt when they come face to face with us, the Gardeners of the Earth. As a newly developed human species, Earthlings were entrusted with stewardship of their planet. They were charged with the responsibility of caretaking all other life-forms on their home world, but just look what they have done to their Mother Earth and her creatures! No wonder they dread our coming! This, my friends, is what we are up against.

  “This is precisely why we must let them see us as we are. If they can understand the Oneness of life and appreciate all living creatures as part of the whole, then the next step in their evolution is for them to be able to accept other human beings that look so different from themselves. Or vice versa, if they can accept us as part of the universal whole, maybe they will accept all the unique living creatures of Earth.

  “No offense to our Pleiadian, Altarian and other such inter-planetary representatives, but you do not look ‘strange’ enough to present the necessary challenge that is needed to push Earth humans past their fear barrier.” At this, Maris turned to the representatives of these groups with a small bow of apologetic acknowledgement, as a ripple of amusement passed through the audience.

  “Situated as they are on the very first rung of the Human Ladder, Earth humans play the very important role of being a bridge between the animal kingdom out of which they were developed, and the universal consciousness to which they are evolving. As such, it is a transitional phase in the process of evolution in which instinctive, primal fear must be overcome in order to make further progress up the evolutionary ladder. This primal fear may have been necessary in the earlier stages of their development, but unfortunately it has been retained too strongly. It has now been carried through their genetic makeup to become ‘cultural fear,’ which causes wariness and mistrust of anyone who is not of their own tribe or nation, religion, culture or planet.

  “To summarize, as caretakers of energy, we have been responsible for assisting the evolutionary process in Earth humans, which is in three stages. The first stage involved taking a biped mammal of the primate species of Planet Earth, and by advanced genetic engineering procedures the species known as Homo sapiens was developed. This first stage resulted in the refinement of the body — the physical aspect of Earth Man.

  “The second stage, involving further genetic input and adjustments, this time to refine the mind, the mental/emotional aspect, produced Homo sapiens sapiens.

  “Our present program, the third and final stage of our ongoing project with the Earthlings, which will result in the refinement of the spiritual aspect, involves still more genetic input and adjustment. Once this stage is completed, body, mind and spirit will unite as One, thus opening the way for cosmic consciousness to emerge.

  “Over the past 20 years or more, many of those they call ‘contactees’ have changed their perspective and after initial fear reactions, have been able to see past our physical shell and feel our energy and love. This is progress. On the other hand, we are flabbergasted that there are still so many who when they find themselves mysteriously transported on board an ‘alien spaceship,’ and surrounded by strange-looking, obviously non-Earthling humanoid beings such as ourselves, still cling to their limited third-dimensional reality as the only reality. Sadly, despite the effort of many who are in contact with us, the Controllers have kept the truth out of the media where the majority receive their news, and for too many we are labeled as bad, dangerous, wrong, or even demons, which confirms their ‘reality.’

  “Nonetheless, our people are presenting Earth humans with a very powerful test, or perhaps I should say a ‘learning experience.’ After all, it is only by learning to open up to, trust, and accept the differences in others that they will ever learn to trust and accept themselves. In learning to trust and accept self in this way, they will eventually attain what all of us here take for granted, that is, self realization, which in turn opens the door to cosmic or universal consciousness. But Earth humans must first let go of fear in order to trust — in other words, to become again as little children to enable them to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This, fellow citizens of the universe,” Maris concluded, nodding respectfully towards the Chairman of the Council, “is the project we are at present undertaking, and all constructive suggestions and ideas will be most gratefully accepted.


  Chapter 31 Spiritual Evolution

  The wave of movement and whisperings which arose as Maris finished speaking stopped very smartly when the Chairman of the Council stepped slowly to the podium. Short, rotund and with a head as bald as a billiard ball, he was not a terribly prepossessing figure to behold physically, but the energy of all-encompassing love that emanated from his very presence was beyond words. Buddha-like was the only way to describe him, standing up there dressed in a very ordinary-looking brown robe.

  After a respectful acknowledgement towards Maris, his dark eyes turned slowly to take in the entire audience seated before him. As his gaze moved over us, it was as if each and every one present was bathed in a radiance of total love, peace and compassion, such was the strength, beauty and far-reaching energy of his auric field.

  No matter the physical appearance of our container, whether tall Earth human-looking Pleiadians or Altarians, large-eyed insectoid-looking Mantis people, our own Guardian species in our artificial or semi-artificial gray containers, or any of the many other varied galactic representatives present in the auditorium under his gaze, each of us felt totally loved, respected and accepted to the very core of our being.

  “My dear fellow citizens of the Star Nations,” he began, “I thank all of you for your patience in listening to the words of our Guardian brother Maris, who has gone to a great deal of trouble to explain the situation we are all facing in regard to Planet Earth. As Maris has pointed out, time for this planet and her people is running out, and the situation is becoming increasingly desperate. As he has also explained, it is the special work of the Guardians, known on Planet Earth as ‘Greys’ or ‘Zetas,’ to carry out this work with the human species of Earth, which is highly appropriate, as the Guardians’ appearance alone is a lesson and a challenge for Earth humans to deal with and will pave the way for Earthlings to accept those of you in the room who are even more exotic.

  Some chuckling could be heard, especially from some of our more unusual beings.

  “As Maris said, time and time again over the millennia we have pandered to Earthling fear, ego and prejudice by sending more human-looking ones to them
as teachers and messengers, but every attempt has failed. They have either perceived these teachers as ‘gods,’ or else put them to death — sometimes both!

  “To add to this unhappy situation, in almost every instance the perceived ‘gods,’ or at least their teachings and messages, have been used by Earth humans to separate, divide and elevate one culture, nation or belief system over all others. This in turn has created excuses for war on Planet Earth, with the adherents of one culture or belief system killing the adherents of another culture or belief system in the name of ‘their god.’ Such is the perverseness and duality of this Earthling species we are attempting to assist.”

  The look on Maris’s face at that moment said it all. For the first time I saw him as old and tired. Yes, his large eyes were still as black as my own, but there was infinite weariness in them as well, and his face was becoming more wrinkled around the mouth area.

  I really did not want him to let his cape fall open, not here in front of the entire Star Nations Council. But what could I do except send up a silent prayer to the Cosmos that he wouldn’t forget — that he would mindfully continue holding it around him. Then the Chairman was speaking again, and I quickly snapped to attention because it was our group he was addressing.

  “Would all the Guardian folk who are taking part in this project please come down to the front of the auditorium.”

  Poor Ashka looked aghast. “Oh, gee, do we have to? I hate getting up in front of crowds. Why does he want us to do that? You go Alarca; I’ll just stay put here.”

  “I’m not going down there without you.” So saying, I grabbed her hand and hauled her out of her seat, much to the amusement of everyone around us, several of whom started clapping as we moved forward, much to our embarrassment.

  As it turned out, there was quite a sizeable group of us, and the smaller workers were asked to come to the front, while the much taller Elders stood behind. This was the opportunity I needed — my prayer was answered. Naturally enough, each of us gravitated towards our own particular Teacher, and as it happened Ashka’s teacher Anarkis was standing right beside my teacher Maris. Being level sevens, Ashka and I were taller than the little workers, none of whom were more than a meter and a half in height, if that much. We slipped in behind them to stand in the middle, in front of the very tall level-eight Elders, some of whom exceeded two meters in height.

  In this way I was able to place myself directly in front of Maris, stepping back close to him and reaching behind to help him hold the edges of his cape closed. He knew what I was doing, for the next moment a wave of beautiful, loving energy wrapped around me like a protective mantle, and I felt his long, four-fingered hand placed gently on my shoulder in an unspoken gesture of gratitude.

  Ashka and Anarkis telepathically picked up on what was going on, and lent support by moving closer to us, as did the Elders Oris and Serapis as well as several of the younger workers, thus Maris was safely shielded from any possible embarrassment. With all of our minds thus linked in Oneness, a wave of warm, loving energy flowed over our whole group, causing our normally silver-colored auras to light up even brighter, radiating out across the entire auditorium, bathing everybody present in a soft, silvery glow. Obviously enjoying the sensation, the Buddha-like Chairman of the Council rose reluctantly to his feet. It was clear that he would really have liked to remain in such a peaceful, loving space a little longer, but there was still work to be done.

  “Earth humans truly don’t know what they are missing out on by distancing themselves through their fear, do they?” he commented with a twinkle in his eyes and a wink in our direction, which set off a ripple of amusement from the audience. “There’s nothing in the whole universe quite like a bit of combined energy from the Guardian Soul Group gathered in Oneness. Now,” he continued, “the reason I have asked our friends here to come forward is so that all of you know exactly who they are, and what they are doing, because every assistance must be given to them. This is a daunting task they have taken on, with full permission and in fact at the specific request of the Star Nations Council, so our fullest support and backing is required and must be given. They cannot do it on their own.

  “Most of you I’m sure are aware of the rebel group that is opposing them. This group is not a member of the Star Nations, and is doing its best to stop the Guardians from carrying out their appointed task of transmutation and transformation of the human species of Earth. In fact, this tug-of-war situation has been going on almost from Day One of the project, when the Controllers first interrupted the process for their own purposes. However, strange as it may seem, this ‘opposition’ is necessary, and is the very reason why Earth humans have been given free will.

  “As we all know, evolution up the Human Ladder is all about choice — choosing between right and wrong, no matter which way these opposite polarities manifest within any given culture. Making right choices or wrong choices is what learning to apply free will and reasoning power is all about. Here I am speaking of reasoning power and free will as opposed to the purely instinctual drive of the animal kingdom. It is the greatest test to be faced on level one of the Human Ladder, for it is the very essence of what soul evolution is all about.

  “Forcing a soul to make right or wrong choices will not assist them on their evolutionary path, and options must be presented to make the whole thing valid. They must be provided with the opportunity to choose right over wrong, or vice versa. If there is no choice and no options, then evolution will not happen. A soul will remain trapped and guided solely by the instinctual behavior of the animal kingdom, which is a behavioral pattern not governed by reasoning power but rather by the law of survival — survival of the fittest. It is this ability to reason that goes beyond the mere survival instinct of animals, which is the essential difference between animal and human. This, my friends, is the role played by the Controllers — to provide negative options and choices for evolving Earth humans to take up or to reject.

  “However, important and essential as their role is in the evolutionary process, they are nevertheless making the Guardians’ job extremely hard to carry out. The problem on Planet Earth is the energy screens that have been set up around the planet and baited with fear and ego-inducing illusions to keep humans trapped in disempowering mindsets. These in turn are reinforced by Controller-inspired belief systems on the planet itself. The Controllers feed off human fear and ego, so it is in their best interests to stir these emotions up to the maximum to keep themselves strong and vital.

  “The only solution is for the Guardians to continue to help Earth humans look at and purge their inner fears — to bring them up to the surface in the controlled and therefore safe environment of a contact experience, where they can be more effectively dealt with. Thus, hopefully, the Controllers will eventually be overcome. This must be done, for it is now time for the human species of Earth to begin to awaken to the greater reality, so they may take their rightful place among us as a member culture of the Star Nations.

  “Now,” said the Chairman of the Council, turning his kindly gaze upon us, “I would really appreciate some comments from the Guardian workers — the ones who are ‘in the front lines,’ so to speak, dealing with frightened Earthlings on a nightly basis. I am interested to hear some ideas from all of you on how best to carry out your assignments in order to overcome the difficulties you are up against. Now who would like to speak?”

  Entil was the first to come forward with the issue of Earth human consciousness, or rather the lack of it. “One of the main accusations that people on Earth direct at us is that we force ourselves upon them and override their free will in the encounter experience, but no Earth human is ever forced into contact with us. Their higher self knows perfectly well when the next evolutionary step is ready to be made and what is required to initiate it. This higher self also knows what wonderful potential lies within, ready and waiting to emerge once fear and ego are overcome. They are not chosen, neither are they victims!

  “But,” he went
on, “such is the duality of Earth human nature that all this is forgotten within the hidden recesses of the subconscious mind soon after birth, so they perceive our intervention as ‘abduction.’ They forget that we simply initiate the necessary evolutionary changes and growth within their consciousness that will bring them to the point of freely choosing the right path. Even if they remember us as children, they tend to be forgetful of our existence as they mature, and this is so frustrating.”

  Quite a lot of discussion followed Entil’s words, but nobody could find much of a solution. As someone in the audience pointed out, with an eloquent shrug of the shoulders: “But this is where Earthlings are in their evolution, so we must work with what we have!”

  Then Ashka came forward, much to my surprise, since she didn’t even want to stand up here, but I guess she was moved to share her experience, as the conference seemed to be getting nowhere very fast. I did have to wonder if her Teacher Anarkis had given her a bit of a shove from behind, which would be quite typical of him.

  Displaying the color yellow of the solar plexus chakra on his hat band and feather, the lesson he is passing on to her is self empowerment, and sometimes we do need a bit of a push in the right direction to get this aspect of ourselves activated. Students automatically draw from their Teachers the particular color vibrations required for what they need to learn. Working with our Teachers in this way helps us achieve the necessary balance and harmony in our personal energy system, which in turn will enable us to eventually become Teachers ourselves.

  Stepping up to the podium, Ashka took a moment’s pause to prepare herself before commencing. She began by thanking the Chairman of the Council for giving us the opportunity to speak, then she went on. “As all of you are aware, a number of our people as well as some from other planetary cultures are at present incarnating in human form on Planet Earth.


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